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New Star Trek Series

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 6:12 pm
by Lt. Staplic
I know the Chakat had a thread like this before he left but I thought I'd redo it.

What are some ideas of some new series' for the Star Trek franchise. There's been talk of a remake of TOS, or in another thread on here even TNG. Or maybe something new, from a different perspective.

I was also thinking that maybe we could as a group actually start to fill out the most popular idea with a crew, ship, basic mission (ie. Explorer, patroling the neutral zone, ect.), and all the other stuff that the show would need.

Re: New Star Trek Series

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 6:20 pm
by Mikey
We had talked about this at length. The issue I have is that a new franchise would have to distance itself enough from all pre-existing 'Trek, to the point where it would be all but unrecognizable as a 'Trek franchise.

Re: New Star Trek Series

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 6:25 pm
by katefan
I would love to see a story about a ship that would take place between Star Treks I & VI. It would be a small ship, like a destroyer, and would involve a crew dealing with pirates, Orion slavers, and the seedy side of the Federation as this small and plucky crew attempt to maintain a little law and order. Honestly, I think the series would probably not be very popular as that era of 'Trek is one that no one is much interested in reading, I think. But for myself I would enjoy reading an era of 'Trek without holodecks or magical replicators.

Re: New Star Trek Series

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 6:35 pm
by Lt. Staplic
Mikey wrote:We had talked about this at length. The issue I have is that a new franchise would have to distance itself enough from all pre-existing 'Trek, to the point where it would be all but unrecognizable as a 'Trek franchise.
Why would it have to distance itself?
katefan wrote:I would love to see a story about a ship that would take place between Star Treks I & VI. It would be a small ship, like a destroyer, and would involve a crew dealing with pirates, Orion slavers, and the seedy side of the Federation as this small and plucky crew attempt to maintain a little law and order. Honestly, I think the series would probably not be very popular as that era of 'Trek is one that no one is much interested in reading, I think. But for myself I would enjoy reading an era of 'Trek without holodecks or magical replicators.
that's not a bad idea, I wouldn't mind watching that either.

as for me, I had an idea a while ago to base a new series around 2410 and have it take place in a new Galaxy. we would discover another Wormhole (stable) in Fed space that only allows transport once every x years, and the Feds send a convoy of ships through the wormhole to explore the otherside. On top of that we could play off the angle that the Federation and Romulans are in a cold war/War time phase. This would give us the ability to do show-by-show eps, eps in the new Galaxy where they could be facing off aginst Romulans who sneaked in, and going back into Starfleet Command where we see them using the new info gathered by our Fleet and making decisions as to what to do with the romulan threat.

Re: New Star Trek Series

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 7:31 pm
by Mikey
Lt. Staplic wrote:Why would it have to distance itself?
Look at the track history. Early (S1 - 2) TNG was a TOS rehash, and it was bad. DS9 was an original concept, and it was good. Voyager was TOS Redux a la DQ, and it was dismal. ENT was TOS minus 200 years, and it was dismal-ler.

Something like Katefan's idea might work, because it's a step away from the "best of the best, exploring weird stuff" formula.

Re: New Star Trek Series

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 7:42 pm
by Graham Kennedy
I had the idea of going forward to the year 2500 or so. Have the major powers in the galaxy - the Alpha quadrant allies, Dominion, Borg, etc - in an uneasy truce after a century of cold war. They decide to create a joint mission to explore other galaxies, hoping it will be both a symbol of peace and a way to expand outwards instead of facing off against one another. A big ship with transwarp drive and a crew drawn from all of the major powers, travelling to Andromeda and other galaxies.

Hey! My 4,000th post! Woo hoo!

Re: New Star Trek Series

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 7:48 pm
by Mark
I would go with Star Trek: Section 31 for drama and action.

Or take Trek in a lighter direction, with a ship from the Frankenstein fleet crewed with a load of third rate officers and screw ups. It could be an adventure/comedy

Or a CSI style Trek show.......Star Trek: Security or something

Re: New Star Trek Series

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 9:07 pm
by Graham Kennedy
I actually think you could do a really good Dominion war story set on a Frankenstein fleet ship crewed by - well not incompetents as such. But Starfleet must graduate tens of thousands of people a year, and we only ever see the top 0.1% if them in action. So crewed by those who are competent but comprise the bottom 0.1% instead.

If such a ship and crew found themselves on protection duty in some isolated and unimportant system, and found themselves facing a Jem'Hadar bug... that's a damn good premise for a story.

Re: New Star Trek Series

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 9:32 pm
by Lt. Staplic
okay, that makes sence as to the distancing thing, but I don't think it would have to go that far out that it becomes un-treklike.

Re: New Star Trek Series

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 1:21 am
by Mark
We all kicked around that Frankenstein Fleet idea once before, as I recall. Too bad nobody wants to run with it as a short story. Actually, it's not a bad idea. One which I might actually take up the challange on one day.

Re: New Star Trek Series

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 1:47 am
by kostmayer
Bit late for it now, but I'd have loved to see a series, or a couple of films, set aboard the Excelsior under Captain Sulu. Its my favourite era of Trek, and I'd have loved to have seem more of Sulu in command of his own ship.

Re: New Star Trek Series

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 2:58 am
by Teaos
Pants off Fridays!

Re: New Star Trek Series

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 2:17 pm
by Mikey
Actually, I like GK's idea. It would be different enough from the "super-crew" idea of previous 'Trek, but still set in a familiar milieu.

Re: New Star Trek Series

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 3:40 pm
by stitch626
I would still love to see more of the time between the E-B and the E-D.
We could see the first Constellation launched. The first Ambassador.
However, we couldn't have idiots writing it (ie, without paying attention to detail). Otherwise it would be another ENT.

Re: New Star Trek Series

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 4:01 pm
by Capt. Jethro
Well if anything is gonna be written then the writers should use draw upon the fan base for continuity. Ex Astris and DITL groups come to mind. :wink:

I personally would like to see ENT be completely erased and the founding of Star Fleet being based upon the Daedalus class similar to the Star Fleet Year One book. Other books I would have like to have seen on the small screen are the Excalibur (New Frontier) books and the Vanguard series.