"WhiteSpace, Part II"
Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 7:57 am
Since the story is getting rather long, I thought it would be best if I split it into two parts.
Part I
ONE MOMENT, Varthikes was immersed in a watery world, the pressure of a great amount of water all around him. He continued diving, one eye on the shadow of the boat resting on the surface; the other intent on an area of the sea below it. The area looked just like any other area. But, hidden down there was a portal to another world in another time and Universe. He spotted the aqua-probe that Doctor Mirlleeta had deployed. If he had any doubt whether he was swimming in the right direction, it was now gone. He swept his wings and legs back, now moving forward with renewed confidence. He would go through to Pern, find Remiphing and Amity, and return to Draconia.
As he picked up speed, he saw the aqua-probe being drawn in as if it had been grabbed by an invisible claw. He felt that invisible claw grab hold of him as well. He stopped moving his legs and wings to find himself being pulled in. The probe disappeared in a flash of white. A moment later, he, too, was swallowed up by white...
Now, as soon as his vision cleared, he found himself surrounded by darkness and warm air blew around his wet scales. He was falling! At once, he opened his wings and pumped them to control his descent. Fortunate was it that he had not allowed Audwin to go, he reflected as he leveled out. Now that he had the air currents beneath his wings, he took a better look at his new surroundings. It was not complete darkness, he discovered. He found stars and two moons shining above him.
He lowered his eyes, now glowing in the night, to the land. He was flying over a plain and scattered forests. To his right, mountains; to his left, an ocean. Where on Pern was he?
He flew onward, flying just low enough to see through to the forest floor, and soon came to a river flowing toward the ocean. On the other side of the river, a small chain of mountains rose. Volcanoes, he corrected, as he saw the two broken peaks. He beat his wings, climbing above the lower peaks. He rode the currents over them.
The mountains suddenly pulled back from his view. Resting at the base of the mountains, he spotted a Human settlement-a settlement similar to Hatching. For a fearful moment, Varthikes wondered if perhaps he was sent to a different world other than Pern. But, then, on a nearby ridge, he saw eyes glowing in the night that unmistakably belonged to Pernese dragons.
He made out four sets of eyes turning up toward him. The action was immediately followed by a choir of bugles. Who flies here? they asked.
Varthikes lifted his right wing and began his spiral descent to join them. Greetings, he answered with a responding bellow. I am Varthikes.
Varthikes? one of them echoed.
Varthikes threw his wings in a braking downstroke and set down on the ridge with his Pernese counterparts. Present was a bronze about the same size as him, a smaller bronze-whose color seemed to be fading with age-a brown that was about equal in size to the smaller bronze, and a green that was the smallest of them all. And, there was a man with the green-her rider, he presumed-from whom he sensed a great deal of confusion. The one who had echoed his name was the brown.
That is not a dragon name, the smaller bronze said, tilting his head in puzzlement. And, you are a strange dragon. What queen hatched you?
I am not of this world, Varthikes explained, as he struggled to identify these dragons. What are your names?
The dragons each introduced themselves in turn. The larger bronze was Mnementh, the smaller was Tiroth, the brown was Esoth, and the green was Sarath.
May I ask your name? he asked the man, who suddenly realized that he was staring at Varthikes' strange form.
L'for, he answered hesitantly.
Greetings, L'for. Varthikes bowed his head respectfully to him.
You are from the same world as Remiphing and Amity, Esoth noted once the introductions were done.
I am! he responded, barely able to contain his excitement for having located the two girls. They are here?
Amity is down there with E'war my rider. Esoth turned his head down toward the settlement.
Varthikes followed his eyes. Five Humans were emerging from one of the buildings-the one leading them a child. Uncle Varth? he heard a familiar thought-voice ask his name.
Amity! Varthikes trumpeted joyfully as he sprung from the ridge. He opened his wings and dove toward them.
Several minutes had passed since the dragons had reacted to Gaderath's disappearance. F'lar and E'war had been seated in a couple of chairs that were in the room, each been given a cup of soothing klah. "T'lion and Gaderath are now believed to be on the world from which young Amity has come?" Aivas inquired.
"It is most likely," E'war answered with a nod.
Robinton turned his eyes on Amity. "How did you know what it was their dragons were sensing?"
Amity looked back at him. The Master's expression looked reprimanding, but a feel of his mind revealed that he was merely curious. Still, she hesitated in her answer. "It's okay, Amity," E'war said encouraging. She turned to see both dragonriders looking at her-F'lar with a confused expression. "You can tell them," E'war added.
"Tell us what?" F'lar asked.
"Young Amity here," Robinton told him, "knew that your dragons couldn't sense Gaderath anymore. She knew before you said anything about it."
Taking a deep breath, she told them what she had told E'war back at the Weyr. Just as she finished, a choir of bugles sounded. There was a moment of silence, while the dragonriders listened to a voice only they could hear. Amity's attention was on them. Robinton waited, managing to hold fast his patience as he endured the suspense. A tad bit jealous that this girl from another world was able to sense what was happening.
"What is happening?" Aivas inquired.
"I'm glad I'm not the only one wondering that," Robinton commented, glancing favorably at the AI's monitor. He looked back at Amity in time to see her eyebrows rise and her face split in a huge grin.
"What did Mnementh say?" F'lar quizzed her.
"Varthikes!" she exclaimed instantly. At once, she rushed out of the room, barely able to get the door open fast enough, and raced down the hall.
F'lar and E'war exchanged incredulous looks. "That's incredible," the former commented just before the two stood to follow the young girl.
"Excuse us, Aivas," Robinton said apologetically before going after the three of them.
"What's the matter?" D'ram asked as they rushed past him. "Who's this Varthikes?"
"It might be easier to show you," Amity heard F'lar tell him as she emerged from the building into the night.
As soon as she was clear, she looked up toward where the dragons were. She recognized the golden eyes turning toward her. "Uncle Varth?"
Amity! came the response, accompanied by a joyful bugle. The dragon with the golden eyes launched himself from the ridge and dove toward them. Amity returned the joyful cries.
"By Faranth," D'ram was heard mumbling. "How on Pern was a dragon like that hatched?"
"I'd be willing to bet a good vintage of Benden wine that that dragon didn't hatch on Pern," Robinton told him. "And, that it has something to do with that contraption F'lar brought in."
Whatever D'ram was about to say in response was lost in the wind caused by Varthikes' backwinging. All five of them raised an arm to protect their eyes from the wind and dust while the Draconian set down. As soon as she lowered her arm, Amity rushed forward.
Varthikes lowered his head to her level, allowing her to hug his nose. Varthikes, his eyelids drooping, crooned and sent a warm wave of affection to wash over her. Most delighted am I to find you, dear Amity. He pulled back, and Amity released him. His eyes glowing in the night now met hers. Where is Remiphing?
"She's at the Weyr," she answered. Pointing back at F'lar and E'war, she added, "They said she wasn't allowed to leave there."
Varthikes lifted his head slightly, turning his eyes toward the dragonriders. Honorable Weyrleader F'lar, friend E'war, he bowed his head respectfully, much joy is it to see you both again.
"You as well, Varthikes," F'lar said. "Is Audwin here with you?"
He is not. For reasons which are complicated. He turned his attention to the two older Humans and asked their names. Upon hearing the Draconian's thought-voice, both turned surprised expressions to F'lar and E'war. The latter explained and proceeded to introduce them to Varthikes, whose head shot up in his own surprise. Then, bowing his great head once again, he said, Truly honored am I to meet you both, honorable Master Robinton, honorable D'ram.
"Likewise," Robinton replied.
At that point, the dragons up on the ridge bugled the arrival of another. Varthikes craned his head, turning his left eye to see the arriving gold dragon. Riding the gold's shoulders was the figure of a woman.
What are you doing here? the woman demanded him. Varthikes had a pretty good idea who these two were, even if he hadn't sensed the answer in the minds of the men.
Most honored greetings, most honorable Weyrwoman Lessa, most honorable Ramoth, he said, bowing his head respectfully to the pair as the dragon landed. Ramoth didn't seem as big as he remembered, he reflected. For that matter, neither did Mnementh. Of course, the fact that he was now a full-grown adult might have something to do with it. Last time he was here, he had still been an adolescent.
Ramoth helped her rider from her shoulders. Now on her feet, Lessa approached them. I am here to rescue her-Varthikes turned her head slightly to indicate Amity-and Remiphing.
"You're lucky that you didn't come here during the day," Lessa said in a reprimanding tone.
You are correct, Varthikes said with a nod. He now spoke so that the men heard him as well. I knew not that I would emerge into this world where I did. Or when I would.
"Speaking of which," E'war spoke up, "you wouldn't happen to have seen a young bronze and a rider on your way through, have you?"
I did not, the Draconian replied in puzzlement.
"You're talking about Gaderath?" Lessa asked him. "All the dragons have just sensed their...disappearance. What was he and T'lion doing?"
E'war told her and Varthikes what he had told F'lar earlier.
"And, they went through it?"
The pull which the anomaly produces became significantly stronger when I went through. If such happened the same here, Gaderath was likely unprepared and got pulled through at the same time as I did.
"So, he and his rider are now on your world?" Lessa asked him.
Varthikes sensed that she already knew the answer, but was seeking confirmation. That is correct. They are safe, and would be informed by my friends to come back through as soon as possible. The anomaly, however, is now behaving in a very unpredictable manner. We, therefore, must move quickly. Amity, onto my shoulders. Varthikes positioned his forearm to allow the young girl to step up. She did so and was lifted to his shoulders. In which direction is Eastern Weyr? he inquired the riders.
"Esoth and I will lead you," E'war said stepping forward.
"Before you go..." F'lar signaled for them to wait. "We have something for you to take back to your world." F'lar reentered the building, followed by Robinton and D'ram. He and D'ram returned a moment later, Robinton having stayed behind to deliver a report to Aivas. In F'lar's hands, Varthikes saw a very familiar device.
An aqua-probe? he asked, tilting his head in confusion.
"You and Audwin forgot this last time."
Varthikes searched his memory. He vaguely remembered Audwin saying something about one aqua-probe still being on Pern. I will then take it, he said even as he was thinking how he was going to accomplish that. Amity needed her hands to hold on. The probe was too small for him to hold securely in his own clawed hands. Then, he remembered how his sister Sarkiphing said she had brought back the first probe. He lowered his head to the man's level and opened his mouth. Only in my mouth can I hold it until we are on the other side of the anomaly, he explained. When the probe was in, Varthikes closed his mouth and pulled back. He maneuvered his tongue until the device was securely underneath.
If you are done, would you please move aside so I can land? asked a dragon's thought-voice tartly.
Varthikes turned an eye up to see a brown circling above him, waiting for a spot to land. My apologies. Then, to Amity, Hold tight. I am launching now.
Complying, Amity braced herself as Varthikes leaned back and launched into the air. As he ascended, Esoth set down and helped his rider aboard. Then, he was aloft and led Varthikes northeastward.
As Audwin had asked-ordered, more like-John told the Nebari what was happening with the anomaly, albeit grudgingly. Although, Aeryn also wanted to know what was just happening. That made it a little easier. Spock stood by, adding a detail here-and-there, which presented John with an awkward feeling that he did his best to suppress. He was just explaining the anomaly's recent activity. "Just before you arrived, I spoke to Pilot. While this anomaly," he waved his hand toward the sea, "was doin' whatever the hell it was doin', Moya had her senses on the area of space we appeared in. She's detected activity there, as well."
"The Enterprise had detected that as well. It would seem to indicate that these anomalies are indeed linked, not only the White Space Portal, but to each other," Spock noted, cocking an eyebrow. "Fascinating."
"Right." John looked at him for a moment, a slight grin on his face. But, the Human/Vulcan hybrid, being deep in thought, didn't see the grin. Instead, he turned to walk away. John turned back to the Nebari. Specifically, he looked at their leader-Hirlis, whom he found staring at him and Aeryn.
"Does that mean you knew you were deliberately flying into that gravity field?" Hirlis asked, brow furled in bafflement.
"That's correct," Aeryn answered with a quick nod.
"You see, we were trying to lure you in. But, the field got too strong, and we got sucked in with you. Like Admiral Johnson said, we're both stuck in this alternate future universe along with Star Trek, Babylon 5, Roswell Grays," he glanced back at the new-arrivals, who were talking to Audwin and one of this world's dragons, "and now, Pern apparently." He turned back to the Nebari.
"You should not have gave chase to us," Hirlis said.
"You think we were just gonna let you brain-neuter us?" John couldn't resist the disbelieving grin.
"You and the others aboard that Leviathan are too dangerous. Wherever you go, you leave a trail of death and destruction."
"Hey! A month ago, we saved your asses from a war between the Peacekeepers and the Scarrans. I know you guys think you're tough and powerful after having defeated the Zelbinion a hundred cycles ago. But, come on, you can't possibly believe you would've survived the same encounter with a fleet of Scarran Dreadnoughts!"
Hirlis appeared to think about that for a moment. "Further death and destruction must be avoided."
"Then, I suggest you find some other way to promote peace. The way you're doin' it is only gonna cause more. And, I, for one, have had my brain frelled up more times in the last four years than I care to count." With that, John left and moved to join Audwin and the Draconian with the two from Pern.
"Well, it's obvious that I'm no longer on Pern," T'lion accepted, glancing at Sage Rothel. Audwin had spent the last several minutes explaining to the young dragonrider where he and his dragon were and how they got there. "But, still..." He shook his head in wonderment. "Another world. In another time. When did you say this was? Several thousand Turns back?"
"I'd estimate around four thousand."
T'lion continued shaking his head. "Aivas told us that the original colonists came to Pern only twenty-five hundred Turns ago."
"I appreciate the enormity this situation must be to you," Audwin said sympathetically.
"But, we can go back, right?"
"Theoretically, yes. But, the door you came through needs to be open. Right now, according to our equipment, it closed shortly after you appeared."
"So, we're stuck here?" Audwin didn't need Draconian telepathy to see that T'lion feared the answer to his question.
"Unfortunately, yes," answered a new voice frankly. "The cruel truth is, we are for the moment." All four, Human and dragon alike, turned their attentions toward the source of the voice. Approaching from the dismantled Command Post was John Crichton. Glancing at Audwin, he asked, "Who're our delegates from Pern?"
Audwin proceeded to introduce man and dragon to Crichton and vice versa. "He and others are in the same situation as you two-stuck in a different time and place."
"When will this door open again?" T'lion asked.
"We don't know. It's behaving unpredictably now."
"I think Spock might be working on something," Crichton told Audwin. "His mind seemed preoccupied last time I saw him. Like he was thinking hard about something."
Audwin looked around for the pointy-eared man.
He is at the new Command Post with Admiral Kirk, talking to Commander Farcorn, Sage Rothel told them. Audwin looked up at the cliff-top.
With the dragons' help, the three Humans reached the top. Meanwhile, Takamura had gone with Aeryn and the Nebari to find a suitable path to the top via foot or skiff. The Command Post was now back on-line, and Farcorn had gotten on the com-link to Command-and-Control.
"What's going on?" Audwin asked as he, John, and T'lion approached Spock. Kirk stood back and was speaking on his com-link, probably with someone on his ship. If Audwin had eyes in the back of his head, he would have seen T'lion gawking at the pointed ears. The rider also tried his best not to let his eyes wander to the Malcons manning the Command Post.
"I have asked Commander Farcorn for the comparison readings between the White Space Portal and the anomalies," Spock answered. "The Enterprise and Moya both detected activity from the anomaly near the system's seventh planet during our recent experience with the one here. I must compare those readings with the readings acquired during the last activity, both here and near the seventh planet. The Enterprise will transmit their latest readings. Mr. Crichton, the readings your vessel took may also be helpful."
"I'll speak with Pilot," John said with a nod.
"How will this help us?" Audwin asked.
"We already know that these anomalies are related to the White Space Portal, which Admiral Johnson mentioned. That these anomalies started just as increased activity was detected from the Portal."
"What's he talking about?" a confused T'lion asked Audwin.
Audwin turned back to him. "You know that door you and Gaderath came through between Pern and Draconia? There are others out there," he waved his hand toward the sky, "that lead elsewhere. The ones John and Kirk and Spock came through. There's also another one-a really big one-that leads to some place totally different. All of these other doors are related to it."
"Not only related, but linked, at least with each other," Spock amended. "They all open at the same time. It is possible that we may be able to predict when the doors will open again."
T'lion merely shrugged, still not certain he understood. "If you say so."
Remiphing had been just as delighted to see Varthikes as Amity had been. When she saw him flying over the Weyr with Esoth and heard his trumpeted greeting, she immediately rose to her hindlegs, spread her wings upward, and bugled a joyous response.
We must go quickly, Remiphing, he had told her. Unsure am I of how long the anomaly will remain open.
So, Remiphing launched herself into the air and ascended to join him.
Now, Remiphing and Varthikes, with Amity still on his shoulders, flew side-by-side. Light from the two moons, one now directly above them with the other rising in the east behind them, shone down on them, casting twin shadows on the ground below. As they flew, Remiphing told Varthikes about her efforts to find the anomaly earlier that sunrise. Esoth and I searched the area, she said. I am certain that it was the right area we were searching.
Likely is it that the anomaly was not active at the time, Varthikes explained. Not since you and Amity disappeared has there been activity from the anomaly until I came through. Hopefully, it will remain active long enough for us to return to Draconia, and to allow Gaderath and T'lion to return here.
They arrived in the sky above the clearing where Varthikes had found himself falling toward when the whiteness had cleared. He instructed Remiphing to fly in an ascending circular pattern, starting at the canopy level of the surrounding forests. Varthikes did likewise, circling just above the young queen and in the opposite direction.
Time passed as they continued their ascent with each circle. After several rounds, Varthikes began to get concerned. A glance over to Remiphing told him she was, too. Maybe the anomaly had already closed, and the three of them were now trapped on Pern. Gaderath and T'lion would also be likewise on Draconia. Well, at least those two were safe from Thread. He felt Amity on his shoulders falling asleep. Remiphing, too, was getting tired.
I still feel not the pull of the anomaly, Remiphing told him wearily.
Neither do I, Varthikes replied in a worried tone. We will return to the Weyr. You and Amity will rest. I will return and continue searching.
They did so. On returning to the Weyr, he found the Weyrleaders of both Benden and Eastern waiting for his return-or, rather, the return of T'lion and Gaderath. Varthikes landed, which woke Amity up, and helped the young Human down while telling the leaders about his failure to locate the anomaly. "Are we back on Draconia?" she asked sleepily.
I am afraid we are not, Varthikes answered. He told her to go with Remiphing and rest. As Talina led the girls away, he turned back to T'gellan, F'lar, and Lessa. I will return and continue feeling for the anomaly's return.
"You need to rest, too," Lessa told him.
Varthikes shook his head as he had seen Humans do to indicate negativity. For longer periods am I able to continue without sleep. Beneficial would it be, too, if a Pernese dragon would return with me. To provide quicker communication with the Weyr when the anomaly reappears.
Now, it was T'gellan's turn to shake his head. "Our riders do require sleep, and we don't usually send out dragons without their riders."
Hardly are these circumstances usual. In the field below may the pair rest while I search the skies above them. I will wake them should I find anything.
"They would be in danger from the felines!" Lessa objected.
I will keep watch over them from the nocturnal predators. On that you have my promise by the nesting sands upon which I had been hatched! Varthikes' tone now took on a degree of urgency. I realize that what I am asking is an inconvenience to both dragon and Human! It is, however, necessary!
The Weyrleaders conferred among themselves for a moment. "Very well," T'gellan finally said, turning back to the Draconian. "We will send a pair with you. You will be responsible for their safety." The man said the last sentence with such firmness than he ever expected to use with a dragon.
I understand, he assured him.
"In the meantime," Lessa said to her mate, "we should get back to our Weyr."
More to come...
Part I
ONE MOMENT, Varthikes was immersed in a watery world, the pressure of a great amount of water all around him. He continued diving, one eye on the shadow of the boat resting on the surface; the other intent on an area of the sea below it. The area looked just like any other area. But, hidden down there was a portal to another world in another time and Universe. He spotted the aqua-probe that Doctor Mirlleeta had deployed. If he had any doubt whether he was swimming in the right direction, it was now gone. He swept his wings and legs back, now moving forward with renewed confidence. He would go through to Pern, find Remiphing and Amity, and return to Draconia.
As he picked up speed, he saw the aqua-probe being drawn in as if it had been grabbed by an invisible claw. He felt that invisible claw grab hold of him as well. He stopped moving his legs and wings to find himself being pulled in. The probe disappeared in a flash of white. A moment later, he, too, was swallowed up by white...
Now, as soon as his vision cleared, he found himself surrounded by darkness and warm air blew around his wet scales. He was falling! At once, he opened his wings and pumped them to control his descent. Fortunate was it that he had not allowed Audwin to go, he reflected as he leveled out. Now that he had the air currents beneath his wings, he took a better look at his new surroundings. It was not complete darkness, he discovered. He found stars and two moons shining above him.
He lowered his eyes, now glowing in the night, to the land. He was flying over a plain and scattered forests. To his right, mountains; to his left, an ocean. Where on Pern was he?
He flew onward, flying just low enough to see through to the forest floor, and soon came to a river flowing toward the ocean. On the other side of the river, a small chain of mountains rose. Volcanoes, he corrected, as he saw the two broken peaks. He beat his wings, climbing above the lower peaks. He rode the currents over them.
The mountains suddenly pulled back from his view. Resting at the base of the mountains, he spotted a Human settlement-a settlement similar to Hatching. For a fearful moment, Varthikes wondered if perhaps he was sent to a different world other than Pern. But, then, on a nearby ridge, he saw eyes glowing in the night that unmistakably belonged to Pernese dragons.
He made out four sets of eyes turning up toward him. The action was immediately followed by a choir of bugles. Who flies here? they asked.
Varthikes lifted his right wing and began his spiral descent to join them. Greetings, he answered with a responding bellow. I am Varthikes.
Varthikes? one of them echoed.
Varthikes threw his wings in a braking downstroke and set down on the ridge with his Pernese counterparts. Present was a bronze about the same size as him, a smaller bronze-whose color seemed to be fading with age-a brown that was about equal in size to the smaller bronze, and a green that was the smallest of them all. And, there was a man with the green-her rider, he presumed-from whom he sensed a great deal of confusion. The one who had echoed his name was the brown.
That is not a dragon name, the smaller bronze said, tilting his head in puzzlement. And, you are a strange dragon. What queen hatched you?
I am not of this world, Varthikes explained, as he struggled to identify these dragons. What are your names?
The dragons each introduced themselves in turn. The larger bronze was Mnementh, the smaller was Tiroth, the brown was Esoth, and the green was Sarath.
May I ask your name? he asked the man, who suddenly realized that he was staring at Varthikes' strange form.
L'for, he answered hesitantly.
Greetings, L'for. Varthikes bowed his head respectfully to him.
You are from the same world as Remiphing and Amity, Esoth noted once the introductions were done.
I am! he responded, barely able to contain his excitement for having located the two girls. They are here?
Amity is down there with E'war my rider. Esoth turned his head down toward the settlement.
Varthikes followed his eyes. Five Humans were emerging from one of the buildings-the one leading them a child. Uncle Varth? he heard a familiar thought-voice ask his name.
Amity! Varthikes trumpeted joyfully as he sprung from the ridge. He opened his wings and dove toward them.
Several minutes had passed since the dragons had reacted to Gaderath's disappearance. F'lar and E'war had been seated in a couple of chairs that were in the room, each been given a cup of soothing klah. "T'lion and Gaderath are now believed to be on the world from which young Amity has come?" Aivas inquired.
"It is most likely," E'war answered with a nod.
Robinton turned his eyes on Amity. "How did you know what it was their dragons were sensing?"
Amity looked back at him. The Master's expression looked reprimanding, but a feel of his mind revealed that he was merely curious. Still, she hesitated in her answer. "It's okay, Amity," E'war said encouraging. She turned to see both dragonriders looking at her-F'lar with a confused expression. "You can tell them," E'war added.
"Tell us what?" F'lar asked.
"Young Amity here," Robinton told him, "knew that your dragons couldn't sense Gaderath anymore. She knew before you said anything about it."
Taking a deep breath, she told them what she had told E'war back at the Weyr. Just as she finished, a choir of bugles sounded. There was a moment of silence, while the dragonriders listened to a voice only they could hear. Amity's attention was on them. Robinton waited, managing to hold fast his patience as he endured the suspense. A tad bit jealous that this girl from another world was able to sense what was happening.
"What is happening?" Aivas inquired.
"I'm glad I'm not the only one wondering that," Robinton commented, glancing favorably at the AI's monitor. He looked back at Amity in time to see her eyebrows rise and her face split in a huge grin.
"What did Mnementh say?" F'lar quizzed her.
"Varthikes!" she exclaimed instantly. At once, she rushed out of the room, barely able to get the door open fast enough, and raced down the hall.
F'lar and E'war exchanged incredulous looks. "That's incredible," the former commented just before the two stood to follow the young girl.
"Excuse us, Aivas," Robinton said apologetically before going after the three of them.
"What's the matter?" D'ram asked as they rushed past him. "Who's this Varthikes?"
"It might be easier to show you," Amity heard F'lar tell him as she emerged from the building into the night.
As soon as she was clear, she looked up toward where the dragons were. She recognized the golden eyes turning toward her. "Uncle Varth?"
Amity! came the response, accompanied by a joyful bugle. The dragon with the golden eyes launched himself from the ridge and dove toward them. Amity returned the joyful cries.
"By Faranth," D'ram was heard mumbling. "How on Pern was a dragon like that hatched?"
"I'd be willing to bet a good vintage of Benden wine that that dragon didn't hatch on Pern," Robinton told him. "And, that it has something to do with that contraption F'lar brought in."
Whatever D'ram was about to say in response was lost in the wind caused by Varthikes' backwinging. All five of them raised an arm to protect their eyes from the wind and dust while the Draconian set down. As soon as she lowered her arm, Amity rushed forward.
Varthikes lowered his head to her level, allowing her to hug his nose. Varthikes, his eyelids drooping, crooned and sent a warm wave of affection to wash over her. Most delighted am I to find you, dear Amity. He pulled back, and Amity released him. His eyes glowing in the night now met hers. Where is Remiphing?
"She's at the Weyr," she answered. Pointing back at F'lar and E'war, she added, "They said she wasn't allowed to leave there."
Varthikes lifted his head slightly, turning his eyes toward the dragonriders. Honorable Weyrleader F'lar, friend E'war, he bowed his head respectfully, much joy is it to see you both again.
"You as well, Varthikes," F'lar said. "Is Audwin here with you?"
He is not. For reasons which are complicated. He turned his attention to the two older Humans and asked their names. Upon hearing the Draconian's thought-voice, both turned surprised expressions to F'lar and E'war. The latter explained and proceeded to introduce them to Varthikes, whose head shot up in his own surprise. Then, bowing his great head once again, he said, Truly honored am I to meet you both, honorable Master Robinton, honorable D'ram.
"Likewise," Robinton replied.
At that point, the dragons up on the ridge bugled the arrival of another. Varthikes craned his head, turning his left eye to see the arriving gold dragon. Riding the gold's shoulders was the figure of a woman.
What are you doing here? the woman demanded him. Varthikes had a pretty good idea who these two were, even if he hadn't sensed the answer in the minds of the men.
Most honored greetings, most honorable Weyrwoman Lessa, most honorable Ramoth, he said, bowing his head respectfully to the pair as the dragon landed. Ramoth didn't seem as big as he remembered, he reflected. For that matter, neither did Mnementh. Of course, the fact that he was now a full-grown adult might have something to do with it. Last time he was here, he had still been an adolescent.
Ramoth helped her rider from her shoulders. Now on her feet, Lessa approached them. I am here to rescue her-Varthikes turned her head slightly to indicate Amity-and Remiphing.
"You're lucky that you didn't come here during the day," Lessa said in a reprimanding tone.
You are correct, Varthikes said with a nod. He now spoke so that the men heard him as well. I knew not that I would emerge into this world where I did. Or when I would.
"Speaking of which," E'war spoke up, "you wouldn't happen to have seen a young bronze and a rider on your way through, have you?"
I did not, the Draconian replied in puzzlement.
"You're talking about Gaderath?" Lessa asked him. "All the dragons have just sensed their...disappearance. What was he and T'lion doing?"
E'war told her and Varthikes what he had told F'lar earlier.
"And, they went through it?"
The pull which the anomaly produces became significantly stronger when I went through. If such happened the same here, Gaderath was likely unprepared and got pulled through at the same time as I did.
"So, he and his rider are now on your world?" Lessa asked him.
Varthikes sensed that she already knew the answer, but was seeking confirmation. That is correct. They are safe, and would be informed by my friends to come back through as soon as possible. The anomaly, however, is now behaving in a very unpredictable manner. We, therefore, must move quickly. Amity, onto my shoulders. Varthikes positioned his forearm to allow the young girl to step up. She did so and was lifted to his shoulders. In which direction is Eastern Weyr? he inquired the riders.
"Esoth and I will lead you," E'war said stepping forward.
"Before you go..." F'lar signaled for them to wait. "We have something for you to take back to your world." F'lar reentered the building, followed by Robinton and D'ram. He and D'ram returned a moment later, Robinton having stayed behind to deliver a report to Aivas. In F'lar's hands, Varthikes saw a very familiar device.
An aqua-probe? he asked, tilting his head in confusion.
"You and Audwin forgot this last time."
Varthikes searched his memory. He vaguely remembered Audwin saying something about one aqua-probe still being on Pern. I will then take it, he said even as he was thinking how he was going to accomplish that. Amity needed her hands to hold on. The probe was too small for him to hold securely in his own clawed hands. Then, he remembered how his sister Sarkiphing said she had brought back the first probe. He lowered his head to the man's level and opened his mouth. Only in my mouth can I hold it until we are on the other side of the anomaly, he explained. When the probe was in, Varthikes closed his mouth and pulled back. He maneuvered his tongue until the device was securely underneath.
If you are done, would you please move aside so I can land? asked a dragon's thought-voice tartly.
Varthikes turned an eye up to see a brown circling above him, waiting for a spot to land. My apologies. Then, to Amity, Hold tight. I am launching now.
Complying, Amity braced herself as Varthikes leaned back and launched into the air. As he ascended, Esoth set down and helped his rider aboard. Then, he was aloft and led Varthikes northeastward.
As Audwin had asked-ordered, more like-John told the Nebari what was happening with the anomaly, albeit grudgingly. Although, Aeryn also wanted to know what was just happening. That made it a little easier. Spock stood by, adding a detail here-and-there, which presented John with an awkward feeling that he did his best to suppress. He was just explaining the anomaly's recent activity. "Just before you arrived, I spoke to Pilot. While this anomaly," he waved his hand toward the sea, "was doin' whatever the hell it was doin', Moya had her senses on the area of space we appeared in. She's detected activity there, as well."
"The Enterprise had detected that as well. It would seem to indicate that these anomalies are indeed linked, not only the White Space Portal, but to each other," Spock noted, cocking an eyebrow. "Fascinating."
"Right." John looked at him for a moment, a slight grin on his face. But, the Human/Vulcan hybrid, being deep in thought, didn't see the grin. Instead, he turned to walk away. John turned back to the Nebari. Specifically, he looked at their leader-Hirlis, whom he found staring at him and Aeryn.
"Does that mean you knew you were deliberately flying into that gravity field?" Hirlis asked, brow furled in bafflement.
"That's correct," Aeryn answered with a quick nod.
"You see, we were trying to lure you in. But, the field got too strong, and we got sucked in with you. Like Admiral Johnson said, we're both stuck in this alternate future universe along with Star Trek, Babylon 5, Roswell Grays," he glanced back at the new-arrivals, who were talking to Audwin and one of this world's dragons, "and now, Pern apparently." He turned back to the Nebari.
"You should not have gave chase to us," Hirlis said.
"You think we were just gonna let you brain-neuter us?" John couldn't resist the disbelieving grin.
"You and the others aboard that Leviathan are too dangerous. Wherever you go, you leave a trail of death and destruction."
"Hey! A month ago, we saved your asses from a war between the Peacekeepers and the Scarrans. I know you guys think you're tough and powerful after having defeated the Zelbinion a hundred cycles ago. But, come on, you can't possibly believe you would've survived the same encounter with a fleet of Scarran Dreadnoughts!"
Hirlis appeared to think about that for a moment. "Further death and destruction must be avoided."
"Then, I suggest you find some other way to promote peace. The way you're doin' it is only gonna cause more. And, I, for one, have had my brain frelled up more times in the last four years than I care to count." With that, John left and moved to join Audwin and the Draconian with the two from Pern.
"Well, it's obvious that I'm no longer on Pern," T'lion accepted, glancing at Sage Rothel. Audwin had spent the last several minutes explaining to the young dragonrider where he and his dragon were and how they got there. "But, still..." He shook his head in wonderment. "Another world. In another time. When did you say this was? Several thousand Turns back?"
"I'd estimate around four thousand."
T'lion continued shaking his head. "Aivas told us that the original colonists came to Pern only twenty-five hundred Turns ago."
"I appreciate the enormity this situation must be to you," Audwin said sympathetically.
"But, we can go back, right?"
"Theoretically, yes. But, the door you came through needs to be open. Right now, according to our equipment, it closed shortly after you appeared."
"So, we're stuck here?" Audwin didn't need Draconian telepathy to see that T'lion feared the answer to his question.
"Unfortunately, yes," answered a new voice frankly. "The cruel truth is, we are for the moment." All four, Human and dragon alike, turned their attentions toward the source of the voice. Approaching from the dismantled Command Post was John Crichton. Glancing at Audwin, he asked, "Who're our delegates from Pern?"
Audwin proceeded to introduce man and dragon to Crichton and vice versa. "He and others are in the same situation as you two-stuck in a different time and place."
"When will this door open again?" T'lion asked.
"We don't know. It's behaving unpredictably now."
"I think Spock might be working on something," Crichton told Audwin. "His mind seemed preoccupied last time I saw him. Like he was thinking hard about something."
Audwin looked around for the pointy-eared man.
He is at the new Command Post with Admiral Kirk, talking to Commander Farcorn, Sage Rothel told them. Audwin looked up at the cliff-top.
With the dragons' help, the three Humans reached the top. Meanwhile, Takamura had gone with Aeryn and the Nebari to find a suitable path to the top via foot or skiff. The Command Post was now back on-line, and Farcorn had gotten on the com-link to Command-and-Control.
"What's going on?" Audwin asked as he, John, and T'lion approached Spock. Kirk stood back and was speaking on his com-link, probably with someone on his ship. If Audwin had eyes in the back of his head, he would have seen T'lion gawking at the pointed ears. The rider also tried his best not to let his eyes wander to the Malcons manning the Command Post.
"I have asked Commander Farcorn for the comparison readings between the White Space Portal and the anomalies," Spock answered. "The Enterprise and Moya both detected activity from the anomaly near the system's seventh planet during our recent experience with the one here. I must compare those readings with the readings acquired during the last activity, both here and near the seventh planet. The Enterprise will transmit their latest readings. Mr. Crichton, the readings your vessel took may also be helpful."
"I'll speak with Pilot," John said with a nod.
"How will this help us?" Audwin asked.
"We already know that these anomalies are related to the White Space Portal, which Admiral Johnson mentioned. That these anomalies started just as increased activity was detected from the Portal."
"What's he talking about?" a confused T'lion asked Audwin.
Audwin turned back to him. "You know that door you and Gaderath came through between Pern and Draconia? There are others out there," he waved his hand toward the sky, "that lead elsewhere. The ones John and Kirk and Spock came through. There's also another one-a really big one-that leads to some place totally different. All of these other doors are related to it."
"Not only related, but linked, at least with each other," Spock amended. "They all open at the same time. It is possible that we may be able to predict when the doors will open again."
T'lion merely shrugged, still not certain he understood. "If you say so."
Remiphing had been just as delighted to see Varthikes as Amity had been. When she saw him flying over the Weyr with Esoth and heard his trumpeted greeting, she immediately rose to her hindlegs, spread her wings upward, and bugled a joyous response.
We must go quickly, Remiphing, he had told her. Unsure am I of how long the anomaly will remain open.
So, Remiphing launched herself into the air and ascended to join him.
Now, Remiphing and Varthikes, with Amity still on his shoulders, flew side-by-side. Light from the two moons, one now directly above them with the other rising in the east behind them, shone down on them, casting twin shadows on the ground below. As they flew, Remiphing told Varthikes about her efforts to find the anomaly earlier that sunrise. Esoth and I searched the area, she said. I am certain that it was the right area we were searching.
Likely is it that the anomaly was not active at the time, Varthikes explained. Not since you and Amity disappeared has there been activity from the anomaly until I came through. Hopefully, it will remain active long enough for us to return to Draconia, and to allow Gaderath and T'lion to return here.
They arrived in the sky above the clearing where Varthikes had found himself falling toward when the whiteness had cleared. He instructed Remiphing to fly in an ascending circular pattern, starting at the canopy level of the surrounding forests. Varthikes did likewise, circling just above the young queen and in the opposite direction.
Time passed as they continued their ascent with each circle. After several rounds, Varthikes began to get concerned. A glance over to Remiphing told him she was, too. Maybe the anomaly had already closed, and the three of them were now trapped on Pern. Gaderath and T'lion would also be likewise on Draconia. Well, at least those two were safe from Thread. He felt Amity on his shoulders falling asleep. Remiphing, too, was getting tired.
I still feel not the pull of the anomaly, Remiphing told him wearily.
Neither do I, Varthikes replied in a worried tone. We will return to the Weyr. You and Amity will rest. I will return and continue searching.
They did so. On returning to the Weyr, he found the Weyrleaders of both Benden and Eastern waiting for his return-or, rather, the return of T'lion and Gaderath. Varthikes landed, which woke Amity up, and helped the young Human down while telling the leaders about his failure to locate the anomaly. "Are we back on Draconia?" she asked sleepily.
I am afraid we are not, Varthikes answered. He told her to go with Remiphing and rest. As Talina led the girls away, he turned back to T'gellan, F'lar, and Lessa. I will return and continue feeling for the anomaly's return.
"You need to rest, too," Lessa told him.
Varthikes shook his head as he had seen Humans do to indicate negativity. For longer periods am I able to continue without sleep. Beneficial would it be, too, if a Pernese dragon would return with me. To provide quicker communication with the Weyr when the anomaly reappears.
Now, it was T'gellan's turn to shake his head. "Our riders do require sleep, and we don't usually send out dragons without their riders."
Hardly are these circumstances usual. In the field below may the pair rest while I search the skies above them. I will wake them should I find anything.
"They would be in danger from the felines!" Lessa objected.
I will keep watch over them from the nocturnal predators. On that you have my promise by the nesting sands upon which I had been hatched! Varthikes' tone now took on a degree of urgency. I realize that what I am asking is an inconvenience to both dragon and Human! It is, however, necessary!
The Weyrleaders conferred among themselves for a moment. "Very well," T'gellan finally said, turning back to the Draconian. "We will send a pair with you. You will be responsible for their safety." The man said the last sentence with such firmness than he ever expected to use with a dragon.
I understand, he assured him.
"In the meantime," Lessa said to her mate, "we should get back to our Weyr."
More to come...