Star Trek: Sovereign
Posted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 9:47 am
Here is the rewrite for my fanfiction
*Captain Jack Gore (Captain)
*Captain Elizabeth Richards (Chief Medical Officer)
*Commander Laura Bates (Executive Officer)
*Lieutenant Colonel Katelyn Vale (Head of MACO contingent)
*Lieutenant Commander Miguel Diaz (Chief Science Officer)
*Lieutenant Commander Tiras Deval (Chief Engineer)
*Lieutenant Commander Padraig Daniels (Tactical Officer)
*Lieutenant Kell Perim (Operations Officer)
*Lieutenant Jim Peart (Chief of Security)
*Lieutenant Falon Wriede (Deputy Chief of Security)
*Ensign Kiska LoMar (Flight Control Officer)
*Chief Petty Officer Chuck Sonnenberg (Engineer)
Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards
Drydock 145
Stardate 59398.5
It had been 15 months since the Sovereign started repairs. It had also been 15 months since the Borg invaded the Alpha and Beta Quadrant powers. The Sovereign was moderately damaged in a fight with the Borg over Alpha Centauri III. The Sovereign had destroyed Cube 6C49-8361 but the drones beamed over and started slaughtering the crew. The chief engineer had flooded the entire ship with plasma killing everyone inside. Two weeks after the invasion, Captain Jack Gore petitioned to have the Sovereign restored to pristine condition. In his petition, he stated that he would select the crew and captain the ship himself after repairs were completed. One of the first pressing tasks that came with repairing the Sovereign was removing the plasma that filled the ships interiors After the arduous task of trying to manually open the magnetically sealed airlocks Chief Petty Officer Chuck Sonnenberg decide by just detonated photon grenades at all the airlocks and venting the ship's atmosphere. The Sovereign was getting some last minute maintenance work done. Most of the crew had arrived, but there were several personnel Captain Gore had to pick up from other places.
As the gray haired Canadian looked over several resumes, he found the resume of one Lieutenant Colonel Katelyn "Kaylee" Vale. She had admirable service record and had fought in several battles in the Dominion War. He read several reports by her former superior officers and decided that he'd found his security chief. The MACOs had been brought back during the Federation-Cardassian War to combat Cardassian ground forces. Now, he only had four more positions to fill. His mind suddenly flashed back to the Dominion War to his command of the Prometheus-class USS Daedalus NCC-75201 during the Battle of the Romulan Neutral Zone, in which he was attacked by three Jem'Hadar Battlecruisers while patrolling the Neutral Zone, but aided by five Norexan-class Warbirds several minutes into the battle. "Captain". Gore muttered, "Huh?" "Here are the status reports on the new sensor suite", reported his Alpha Shift Science Officer Miguel Diaz. Gore was somewhat startled from his daze, but replied, "Thanks for the update. How much longer until we bring the warp engines online Cmdr. Diaz?" Diaz replied, "They'll be ready to go in 30 minutes after we reinforce the nacelle pylons with the new chromoceramic ablative armor". "Good, our first destination is Starbase 12 where we will pick up our XO and Security Chief. The Alpha Shift Flight Control has just arrived along with the Chief Engineer. Our second destination will be Xarantine where we will pick up our CMO", said Captain Gore. Diaz replied, "That's great sir, then we can begin what we're supposed to do: exploration". "Actually, our first assignment is to patrol the border between the Romulan Star Empire and Imperial State. There is lots of criminal activity there and we suspect that several pirate bases are located there", replied Gore.
"Sir, the Conn officer and chief engineer have arrived. They are ready to take their posts, said Chief Petty Officer Chuck Sonnenberg. Chuck Sonnenberg had wanted to be an officer, but do to political reasons (Chuck's father calling Riker a womanizing shit licker) he wasn't able to be an officer; however he was able to enlist. He took his job with pride and went up the ranks easily. "Thanks, Mr. Sonnenberg...and by the way, your will end in 30 seconds", replied Gore. Gore got out of his chair went to the bridge the Conn officer and chief engineer. "Welcome onboard the USS Sovereign, I'm Captain Jack Gore. Do any of you have questions?" Lieutenant Kell Perim asked, "We resigned from Starfleet, why are even here again?" Gore replied, "Starfleet needs experienced personnel so we reinstated you people with the recall clause, and anyways, did you not read the fine print about the recall clause when you signed the paperwork?" Perim responded, "Oh, I didn't notice that". Lieutenant Jim Peart face palmed because he ignored the fine print as did the newly promoted Lieutenant Commander Padraig Daniels. The crew took their stations in a dutiful manner. "Sir, everything is ready, we are clear to launch." said Lt. Cmdr. Diaz. "Good. Lt. Perim, take us out, one quarter impulse", ordered Gore. "Yes sir", Perim responded. The Sovereign's impulse engines brightened and the ship began moving out of the semblance of duranium and tritanium that had surrounded it for 15 months.
400,000 kilometers out, Gore ordered, "Set a course for Starbase 12, Warp 9.9". "Aye sir, Starbase at Warp 9.9", responded Perim. The ship jumped into warp, and began moving at 6,436,000,000 kilometers/sec towards Starbase 12. In engineering, CPO Sonnenberg was monitoring the Warp Core output to make sure it the output doesn't fluctuate too much. "Keep the plasma in the primary power transfer conduits below 56,000,000 million degrees or they'll rupture. We are operating at an output greater than anything else produced on a Sovereign-class Explorer. We are currently at an output of 25.5 billion Gigawatts. Even though that's 50 percent maximum output, we still have to constantly monitor it". Chuck was glad that after the Sovereign's chief engineer was aboard, he'd be heading back to Utopia Planitia. He was disdainful of working on a starship after being stuck on USS Voyager for seven years. He had been working at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards since he'd gotten back.
The USS Sovereign had been practically rebuilt in terms of repairs. The most of the interior of the ship had been burned severely, the plasma conduits were in completely destroyed, and all major systems needed replacing. In fifteen months, the Sovereign underwent a complete refit and repair. The Sovereign received new sensors like those aboard the Vesta-class, a new computer core, a warp core with a much greater output with an EPS grid designed to handle the increased output. The phasers were a newer version of the Type XII Phasers usually found on the Sovereign and Prometheus-class ships. The quantum torpedo turret was also upgraded to be able to fire six torpedoes per second. It was also outfitted with a much more powerful regenerative shield generator and new chromoceramic ablative armor. This had taken all of thirteen months, two weeks, and six days. Before the Sovereign, Gore had been in command of the Galaxy-class USS Dauntless NCC-71879 and had done several amazing mission including bringing refugees from the Pegasus Galaxy to the Milky Way and covering their escape from Tsuchinkth, the dominant power of the Pegasus Galaxy.
Lieutenant Falon Wriede had been one of the crew aboard the USS Enterprise-E until after the Tezwa Incident in mid 2379, he had transferred off the ship, but was requested to serve aboard the Sovereign by Captain Gore. As he monitored the operations console, he began reading through the interstellar database. He was reading about the Scimitar, and read several rumors. One of them was that the Scimitar was a Dominion warship that was captured by the Romulans and refitted. The USS Defiant NCC-74205 had recently confirmed that rumor when a Scimitar-type ship had been discovered defending the home world of the Founders. The only Scimitars in the Alpha/Beta Quadrants were those owned by both Romulan Empires: The Romulan Star Empire and Imperial Romulan State. He thought to himself, "This is very interesting to read, very interesting." Wriede thought to himself about how and when the Romulans stole the Scimitar. He then just assumed that it was taken after the Romulans had stolen after they joined the war.
Starbase 12
Several hours later, the Sovereign arrived at Starbase 12 to pick up the XO and Security Chief. Gore and the senior staff went to Transporter Room 1 to greet the new senior staff members. From Starbase 12, two people materialized on the transporter pad. One was a woman with auburn hair and emerald eyes in a MACO duty uniform, the other had short black hair and grey eyes in a standard Starfleet uniform. "Greetings, welcome aboard the USS Sovereign. I am the commanding officer of this starship, Captain Jack Gore. "This crew will unpack your stuff and you can begin your shifts tomorrow at 0700. Both women were glad to have some time to them and to get their bearings on where stuff was onboard the Sovereign.
*Captain Jack Gore (Captain)
*Captain Elizabeth Richards (Chief Medical Officer)
*Commander Laura Bates (Executive Officer)
*Lieutenant Colonel Katelyn Vale (Head of MACO contingent)
*Lieutenant Commander Miguel Diaz (Chief Science Officer)
*Lieutenant Commander Tiras Deval (Chief Engineer)
*Lieutenant Commander Padraig Daniels (Tactical Officer)
*Lieutenant Kell Perim (Operations Officer)
*Lieutenant Jim Peart (Chief of Security)
*Lieutenant Falon Wriede (Deputy Chief of Security)
*Ensign Kiska LoMar (Flight Control Officer)
*Chief Petty Officer Chuck Sonnenberg (Engineer)
Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards
Drydock 145
Stardate 59398.5
It had been 15 months since the Sovereign started repairs. It had also been 15 months since the Borg invaded the Alpha and Beta Quadrant powers. The Sovereign was moderately damaged in a fight with the Borg over Alpha Centauri III. The Sovereign had destroyed Cube 6C49-8361 but the drones beamed over and started slaughtering the crew. The chief engineer had flooded the entire ship with plasma killing everyone inside. Two weeks after the invasion, Captain Jack Gore petitioned to have the Sovereign restored to pristine condition. In his petition, he stated that he would select the crew and captain the ship himself after repairs were completed. One of the first pressing tasks that came with repairing the Sovereign was removing the plasma that filled the ships interiors After the arduous task of trying to manually open the magnetically sealed airlocks Chief Petty Officer Chuck Sonnenberg decide by just detonated photon grenades at all the airlocks and venting the ship's atmosphere. The Sovereign was getting some last minute maintenance work done. Most of the crew had arrived, but there were several personnel Captain Gore had to pick up from other places.
As the gray haired Canadian looked over several resumes, he found the resume of one Lieutenant Colonel Katelyn "Kaylee" Vale. She had admirable service record and had fought in several battles in the Dominion War. He read several reports by her former superior officers and decided that he'd found his security chief. The MACOs had been brought back during the Federation-Cardassian War to combat Cardassian ground forces. Now, he only had four more positions to fill. His mind suddenly flashed back to the Dominion War to his command of the Prometheus-class USS Daedalus NCC-75201 during the Battle of the Romulan Neutral Zone, in which he was attacked by three Jem'Hadar Battlecruisers while patrolling the Neutral Zone, but aided by five Norexan-class Warbirds several minutes into the battle. "Captain". Gore muttered, "Huh?" "Here are the status reports on the new sensor suite", reported his Alpha Shift Science Officer Miguel Diaz. Gore was somewhat startled from his daze, but replied, "Thanks for the update. How much longer until we bring the warp engines online Cmdr. Diaz?" Diaz replied, "They'll be ready to go in 30 minutes after we reinforce the nacelle pylons with the new chromoceramic ablative armor". "Good, our first destination is Starbase 12 where we will pick up our XO and Security Chief. The Alpha Shift Flight Control has just arrived along with the Chief Engineer. Our second destination will be Xarantine where we will pick up our CMO", said Captain Gore. Diaz replied, "That's great sir, then we can begin what we're supposed to do: exploration". "Actually, our first assignment is to patrol the border between the Romulan Star Empire and Imperial State. There is lots of criminal activity there and we suspect that several pirate bases are located there", replied Gore.
"Sir, the Conn officer and chief engineer have arrived. They are ready to take their posts, said Chief Petty Officer Chuck Sonnenberg. Chuck Sonnenberg had wanted to be an officer, but do to political reasons (Chuck's father calling Riker a womanizing shit licker) he wasn't able to be an officer; however he was able to enlist. He took his job with pride and went up the ranks easily. "Thanks, Mr. Sonnenberg...and by the way, your will end in 30 seconds", replied Gore. Gore got out of his chair went to the bridge the Conn officer and chief engineer. "Welcome onboard the USS Sovereign, I'm Captain Jack Gore. Do any of you have questions?" Lieutenant Kell Perim asked, "We resigned from Starfleet, why are even here again?" Gore replied, "Starfleet needs experienced personnel so we reinstated you people with the recall clause, and anyways, did you not read the fine print about the recall clause when you signed the paperwork?" Perim responded, "Oh, I didn't notice that". Lieutenant Jim Peart face palmed because he ignored the fine print as did the newly promoted Lieutenant Commander Padraig Daniels. The crew took their stations in a dutiful manner. "Sir, everything is ready, we are clear to launch." said Lt. Cmdr. Diaz. "Good. Lt. Perim, take us out, one quarter impulse", ordered Gore. "Yes sir", Perim responded. The Sovereign's impulse engines brightened and the ship began moving out of the semblance of duranium and tritanium that had surrounded it for 15 months.
400,000 kilometers out, Gore ordered, "Set a course for Starbase 12, Warp 9.9". "Aye sir, Starbase at Warp 9.9", responded Perim. The ship jumped into warp, and began moving at 6,436,000,000 kilometers/sec towards Starbase 12. In engineering, CPO Sonnenberg was monitoring the Warp Core output to make sure it the output doesn't fluctuate too much. "Keep the plasma in the primary power transfer conduits below 56,000,000 million degrees or they'll rupture. We are operating at an output greater than anything else produced on a Sovereign-class Explorer. We are currently at an output of 25.5 billion Gigawatts. Even though that's 50 percent maximum output, we still have to constantly monitor it". Chuck was glad that after the Sovereign's chief engineer was aboard, he'd be heading back to Utopia Planitia. He was disdainful of working on a starship after being stuck on USS Voyager for seven years. He had been working at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards since he'd gotten back.
The USS Sovereign had been practically rebuilt in terms of repairs. The most of the interior of the ship had been burned severely, the plasma conduits were in completely destroyed, and all major systems needed replacing. In fifteen months, the Sovereign underwent a complete refit and repair. The Sovereign received new sensors like those aboard the Vesta-class, a new computer core, a warp core with a much greater output with an EPS grid designed to handle the increased output. The phasers were a newer version of the Type XII Phasers usually found on the Sovereign and Prometheus-class ships. The quantum torpedo turret was also upgraded to be able to fire six torpedoes per second. It was also outfitted with a much more powerful regenerative shield generator and new chromoceramic ablative armor. This had taken all of thirteen months, two weeks, and six days. Before the Sovereign, Gore had been in command of the Galaxy-class USS Dauntless NCC-71879 and had done several amazing mission including bringing refugees from the Pegasus Galaxy to the Milky Way and covering their escape from Tsuchinkth, the dominant power of the Pegasus Galaxy.
Lieutenant Falon Wriede had been one of the crew aboard the USS Enterprise-E until after the Tezwa Incident in mid 2379, he had transferred off the ship, but was requested to serve aboard the Sovereign by Captain Gore. As he monitored the operations console, he began reading through the interstellar database. He was reading about the Scimitar, and read several rumors. One of them was that the Scimitar was a Dominion warship that was captured by the Romulans and refitted. The USS Defiant NCC-74205 had recently confirmed that rumor when a Scimitar-type ship had been discovered defending the home world of the Founders. The only Scimitars in the Alpha/Beta Quadrants were those owned by both Romulan Empires: The Romulan Star Empire and Imperial Romulan State. He thought to himself, "This is very interesting to read, very interesting." Wriede thought to himself about how and when the Romulans stole the Scimitar. He then just assumed that it was taken after the Romulans had stolen after they joined the war.
Starbase 12
Several hours later, the Sovereign arrived at Starbase 12 to pick up the XO and Security Chief. Gore and the senior staff went to Transporter Room 1 to greet the new senior staff members. From Starbase 12, two people materialized on the transporter pad. One was a woman with auburn hair and emerald eyes in a MACO duty uniform, the other had short black hair and grey eyes in a standard Starfleet uniform. "Greetings, welcome aboard the USS Sovereign. I am the commanding officer of this starship, Captain Jack Gore. "This crew will unpack your stuff and you can begin your shifts tomorrow at 0700. Both women were glad to have some time to them and to get their bearings on where stuff was onboard the Sovereign.