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SW FLEET RP - Character set up

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 3:19 pm
by Reliant121
This can be moved later, but i thought i'd get the ball rolling. If one of our Kennedy's decides to create a separate forum, this can be moved.

Re: SW FLEET RP - Character set up

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 4:08 pm
by Reliant121

Temmra Saanto
5ft 6
typical grey skin
Thin build
Home Planet: Cato Neimodia
Current base of operations: Coruscant

Temmra Saanto is a short and relatively typical Neimodian hailing from one of the three purse worlds under Neimodian dominion. Like many Neimodian's, his associations were originally with the Trade Federation. He was a high ranking semi-independent merchant banker, holding his own (significant) financial assets in various bank accounts, while maintaining a high position of authority within the Trade Federation echelons when it was under the command of the fully formed Trade Federation Directorate. When the non-Neimodian members were assassinated, He somewhat dropped off the Radar. Nute Gunray mainly remained oblivious to Temmra's disappearance, but Rune Haako certainly kept a note of it.
Saanto returned to the Trade Federation on Geonosis not long before the opening battles of the Clone wars. A large argument occured between Saanto and Haako. Not long after, Saanto left Geonosis, hoping to completely abandon the Trade Federation and its CIS allies. This presented him with a unique position. Since he had not officially resigned from his position, he still had some influence within the CIS lower ranks. Immediately, he retreated to Coruscant in his largest ship, the Azure Horizon. There he endeavoured to restart his old and ailing freight company, and to work for the larger banks there. Using a small portion of money from one of his various accounts, he bought all the equipment he required for his Venture.
Now, as well as the merchant and banker he is, he often operates as an Informer to either side, of course using background methods when dealing with the CIS. He has weaved a peculiar web of information sources, and uses them extremely efficiently. he owns a large apartment in the senate district on Coruscant, as well as a small depot for his freight company. He works as a part time banker in a large banking company on Coruscant.
His attire is very typical of Neimodian's, a large deep purple cloak with red silk patterns sewn into it complimented by a heavy black hat, similar to that worn by Rune Haako. His only personal armament is a standard SoroSuub ELG-3A blaster pistol.


We have an MC18 Light Freighter for personal use. Now that our Friendly Neimodian is hunted by the CIS, as well as mistrusted by republicans, Travelling in discrete ships is a wise idea. I'm rounding up to 24 metres. +24m

An Armed model of Sheathipede Transport shuttle. This is the more luxurious transport, for important personnel. Armed for protection, of course. +20m

For a larger ship, we'll have an MC30. The model used in the Galactic Civil war was the type c, so we could probably say this was the type a or type b. it doesnt give an exact length, but I reckon 300 meters should be okay? +300m

Now for my assets that are external property. I'm going for 4 Simiyar-class Light freighter to be used by traders under my dominion. +105m (rounded, all inclusive.)

I'ma gonna have a PL-90 Luxury Air speeder to look nice and posh in the skies of Coruscant. That should be ample.

Am i going overboard? or is that a good set up?

Re: SW FLEET RP - Character set up

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 6:42 pm
by Mikey
Captain Mal Rossak, Tzavah Squadron
human; 5'8"; 180 lbs.; age 32 SY.
brown hair, green eyes

Rossak is a survivor of the mercenary Sabaoth Squadron, much feared until defeated by the combined forces of the pirate Nym and the Jedi at Karthakk, and then obliterated by the Republic forces at Geonosis. At the Battle of Karthakk, a good portion of the Sabaoth Squadron felt that their contract was voided when the trihexalon facility was destroyed, as well as feeling betrayed by (and thus free from obligation to) Count Dooku; in addition, many non-human members of the Squadron were beginning to feel uncomfortable with the new direction of galactic government. After the battle of Karthakk this faction broke away and never travelled to Geonosis with Captain Toth, instead moving on to make their own way and renaming themselves "Tzavah Squadron." Although they are mercenaries, this small group will fulfill other types of contracts: skip tracing or bounty hunting; escort/convoy duties; bodyguarding and transporting VIP's; etc. They live by the motto "No job too small - no fee too high."

The fleet:
1x Sabaoth Destroyer, "cap ship turrets" modified for 4x turbolasers, 2x heavy turbolasers - the Abednego:
2x turreted heavy turbolasers
4x turreted turbolasers
2x light turbolaser batteries
3x point-defense heavy laser cannon batteries
11x heavy anti-starfighter laser turrets
- Only part of a wing remains on board. Currently embarked are 2 squadrons of Sabaoth Defenders
2x Sabaoth Frigates, 36x heavy laser cannon + 6 turbolasers in 3 dual batteries - the Shadrach and the Meshach
1x Theta-class shuttle - the Uriel
5 (stolen) Droch-class boarding craft
and one Rian-327 airspeeder - stealth helps when you're transporting a VIP. ;)

While uniformity isn't really common among mercs, many of the Tzavah Squadron will be found to wear a combat jumpsuit or protective vest while on duty, and commonly equip themselves with the N'Gant-Zarvel 9118 carbine and a vibroblade of some sort. Rossak himself carries a DT-57, a Model Q4 hold-out, and a vibrodagger as well as secreting a 434 in his airspeeder, and possibly one or two in other places.

Re: SW FLEET RP - Character set up

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2009 11:17 pm
by Deepcrush
Baron Drotus Corinous
Human, 40, 6'2, 210 lbs, Brown hair w/ short thick beard.

Like many of the nobles of his world. He's a CO of a squadron of starships protecting local trade routes. Crewed by those loyal to his house and paid for out of his own pocket. Loyal to the Republic, he has taken a new direction. Though he once commanded over a dozen ships, he owns only two of them. A pair of Dreadnaught class cruisers. With these and two squadrons of Y-wing starfighters. Corinous has made the choice to leave his home system and move out in search of great glory and money. Collecting bounty and reward from the Republic Judicial Service is a thought of as both honorable and glorious back home. Should he return in greater standing then when he left, his seed will be of great value.

The BDC squadron.
Two modified Dreadnaught class cruisers. 24 twin seated Y-Wing starfighters. Four Kappa class shuttles.

Re: SW FLEET RP - Character set up

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 3:23 am
by Lt. Staplic
Tesra Yeror
Black Hair, blue eyes, thin athletic build.

Tesra was initiated into the Jedi Order before he was two years old. He grew up in the temple with the other younglings gettng guidence from the masters of the art. When he was old enough he took an apprentice ship with a gifted Jedi who's job it was to protect Galactic Senetors from pirates and other outlaws roaming the Galaxy. It took a few months but he prooved his worth to learn the secrets of making his own lightsaber. He chose a blue crystal, with a hand-and-a-half hilt which suited his fighting style. After a few years in apprentice ship he passed the Trials and became a Jedi Knight. He was assigned to fight piracy and crime in the Galaxy. Using a few favor's he'd earned over the years from several senators, Tesra was able to raise a well equiped little fleet to aid him in is mission.


1x Acclamator Assult Ship with a SPHA laser in the ventral hanger bay as oppossed to the quad turbolaser cannon.

3x CR90 Corvette Each with 2 dual turbo lasers + two mounted forward turbo lasers and upgraded to 8 anti-fighter laser cannons.

Comes with:
150 ARC-170 fighters
5 LAAT's
and a D-7 Starfighter (Jedi Starfighter)

Re: SW FLEET RP - Character set up

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 11:11 am
by Tsukiyumi
Oan Zerro

Species: Human
Height: 5'11
Weight: 190
Age: 25
Homeworld: Malastare


Born on the high-gravity mid-rim world of Malastare, Oan Zerro's parents were poor laborers, unprepared to raise a child. A local black-marketeer named Feris Gred generously purchased the infant boy, and raised him as his own. Unbeknownst to his parents, Gred's Sullustan partner, Aril Hujaan, had sensed the infant Zerro's latent Force potential, and suggested the adoption as a long-term investment. This strategy paid off, as the young boy won several long-odds podraces by the age of twelve, and had become an expert pilot, managing to evade Republic forces on several lucrative smuggling runs by fourteen.

When Gred was finally arrested on Corellia, the 17-year old Zerro barely escaped custody himself, and set out to make his own fortunes with Hujaan at his side. She concealed her knowledge of his talents, and her own untrained Force abilities for years, finally revealing her limited knowledge during Zerro's most daring raid ever; the capture of his new flagship.

Over the years, Zerro had raided many Republic convoys, but eventually developed a strong dislike of the Inter-Galactic Banking Clan, and the Trade Federation, choosing to raid their ships even when better Republic targets were available. Finally, he learned of an IGBC Munificent-class vessel transporting thousands of tons of valuable metals to Geonosis, and devised a dangerous, but ultimately successful plan to capture the vessel, and maroon its crew on an uninhabited world. He recruited all of his past associates for the mission, and has used them to create his own pirate fleet.

Now, with the credits gained by selling the metal on Nar Shaddaa, he has purchased two new gunships, crewed by trusted associates, and upgraded his old ship, as well as the Yacht co-owned by he and his on-again-off-again lover, Coral. They intend to use their new fortune to expand their operations, and carve out their own little empire on the outer fringes of the galaxy.


Oan is a brash, sometimes utterly reckless pirate, who prefers to fight rather than run, if he thinks he has a chance of winning. His nature as a force-sensitive has gotten him out of innumerable scrapes unharmed, though sometimes at the expense of his partners' lives. He often says there are only three things he can't abide: abuse of women and children, extortion, and slavery. As a result, he only targets corporations, or planetary governments, and has been known to aid civilians under attack by other pirates. He is widely known among criminal circles as a rogue, and is rightly distrusted by many in the underworld. However, he has made many friends in the legitimate world, and among the many former slaves he has freed. A large portion of his current crews are former slaves who are completely loyal to him.

Equipment and Ships

Oan's personal weaponry varies, but his most commonly used weapons are the DC-15S blaster carbine rifle, the RT-97C heavy blaster rifle for longer range engagements, a WESTAR-34 blaster pistol, and various types of thermal detonators; though his most often used weapons are twin DC-15s sidearm blaster pistols.

His new fleet is a bit mismatched, but powerful and versatile. The YV-666 freighter he "inherited" from Feris Gred, now piloted by Hujaan, serves as an attack ship against lighter targets, along with Coral's Yacht, and Hujaan's personal ship, a YT-1760 light freighter; after recent upgrades, all are quite formidable for their size. The two gunships bought with the bounty of his latest mission are anti-fighter escorts to Zerro's new flagship: the captured Munificent-class warship he has renamed the Zerro Tolerance.

In addition, the ship carries the surviving 26 vulture droids of those it was equipped with, and a few hundred battle droids, now under Oan's command.

He also has access to a pair of personal vehicles: Coral's black-and-silver XJ-2 airspeeder, and his personal charcoal gray Flitknot speeder, which Oan won in a game of Sabacc.

Re: SW FLEET RP - Character set up

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 7:20 am
by Deepcrush
Name - Nadis Solk Dausol
Race - Human
Height - 6'1
Weight - 230lbs
Age - 37
POB - Cargo Transport Long for Light.

Interdictor Class Cruiser.
48 Y-Wing Starfighters. (Replaced the old SIth fighters)
10 Assult Shuttles. (Each one is just a breaching ship with quad-laser cannons)

I figured this leaves me with a lot of credit left over. SO, I'd like to work in some upgrades to the Interdictor so long as Reliant doesn't mind.

Re: SW FLEET RP - Character set up

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 8:41 am
by Reliant121
Go ahead (:

Re: SW FLEET RP - Character set up

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 6:47 am
by Deepcrush
Deepcrush wrote:Craft.
Interdictor Class Cruiser.
48 Y-Wing Starfighters. (Replaced the old SIth fighters)
10 Assult Shuttles. (Each one is just a breaching ship with quad-laser cannons)
Interdictor Class Cruiser
Standard Armament
20 Quad-Laser cannons, 5 dual-medium Turbolaser batteries, 2 Ion Cannons, 1 tractor beam generator with three batteries (emitters), 4 Gravity well projectors, 6 point defense laser batteries (anti-missle weapons) and 4 turbo laser batteries.

Upgraded Armament
20 Quad-Laser cannons, 1 tractor beam generator with three batteries (emitters), 4 Gravity well projectors, 6 point defense laser batteries (anti-missle weapons) and 12 dual turbo laser batteries (6 dorsal midship, 6 ventral midship).

Reliant, check these upgrades and see if they are fair to your views please.

Re: SW FLEET RP - Character set up

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 2:14 pm
by Reliant121
I see no issue with that, but since the main guns are moving position its going to be quite a big structural change, something to bear in mind.

Re: SW FLEET RP - Character set up

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 5:06 pm
by Deepcrush
I thought about that. Though with those big ION guns being removed it left the midship open. By moving the main turbolasers there. They now have a fire arc where I can fire all guns ahead, port and starboard. Three points of fire where every heavy gun I have can focus on a single target.

The biggest change will be the lack of guns on the sides of the ship. Though that should help with the armor since it wont have a bunch of soft points on it. Making hits that come from my flanks will be far less effective.

Re: SW FLEET RP - Character set up

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 7:22 am
by Deepcrush
Oh, by the way I'm taking two of the Interdictors.

Re: SW FLEET RP - Character set up

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 3:12 pm
by Reliant121
All seems fine to me :)

Re: SW FLEET RP - Character set up

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 5:31 pm
by Deepcrush
Awsome, in that case I'm set to go!

Re: SW FLEET RP - Character set up

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 10:36 pm
by SuperSaiyaMan12
Name: Captain Naruto Izumo
Height: 5'11" 205 lbs
Hair/Eye color: Spiky Blonde with blue eyes
Age: 22

Naruto was born on Coruscant. His father was killed on the outer rim fighting pirates in the Judicial forces. Enlisting when he turned 16, he quickly rose through the ranks, becoming captain aboard the Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser, the Republican Dream. They were put on pirate hunting duty with a small task force.

The Fleet:
1x Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser

Weapons and equipment:
Naruto usually carries several daggers on his person, used as personal throwing weapons. Not only that, he has a DL-44 pistol and carries an E-11 Rifle. To increase his survivability, he uses a portable shield unit.