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So who liked the Star Wars prequels?

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 6:09 am
by I Am Spartacus
I hated them all. The absurd plots, weak dialogue, poor character development, etc.

You have Anakin Skywalker turn to the dark side because he had a bad dream? Didn't someone think of just getting him a teddy bear and a nightlight? And you don't go from being a troubled young man to the right hand of a genocidal dictator in just a few days.

"It's because I love you."
"No, it's because I love you!"

Enough said about the dialogue.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 6:51 am
by Varthikes
I thought they were alright. Certainly weren't as good as the original three. I liked the story they were telling, loved the battle sequences, but, like you said, a lot of the dialogue was weak. And, there were moments that were just a complete waste of time--like 3PO's ordeal during the Battle of Geonosis in AOTC. It was sort of funny the first time, but after that I find myself forcing a laugh.

But, I did love the fall of the Jedi and the rise of Darth Vader in ROTS. That moment was probably the best, in my opinion, of the latest three.

As for Jar Jar Binks... Ok. I'm going to be truthful here. I actually did not mind him. I try not to judge people based on the sound of their voice, but on what they do and the condition of their heart.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 6:54 am
by DarkOmen
Episode I: 4/10
Episode II: 6/10
Episode III: 9/10

Episode III was fantastic... it was an emotional rollercoaster too. The scene at the end where obiwan is pouring out his heart to anakin is heart wrenching.

the other two had their perks... Darth maul, podracing, the start of the clone wars, jango... but they had alot of room for improvement.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 9:00 am
by I Am Spartacus
Episode III was horrid! You have jedi that can detect subtle emotional changes in someone's psyche like fear and hatred, yet they can't detect a conspiracy involving millions of people?

And like I said, Anakin turns over to the dark side because of a bad dream he has? Why didn't someone just give him a teddy bear and a nightlight?

And, after we've firmly established that his fear of losing Padme is his rationale for moving to the dark side, he tries to kill her, rendering the entire plot pointless.

Finally, Padme dies, of a broken heart. Is there anything that could cure this dastardly disease once and for all?


The worst part of it all is that it took Palpatine as much time to convince Anakin to join the dark side as it did you to read my post.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 9:58 am
by Cyd
Generally I think Star Wars overrated (not bad though). The main story of the prequels is weak, they could have made Anakin suffer more lose. They also could have made Darth Maul return; Dooku was fairly boring.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 10:35 am
by Sionnach Glic
The original three films will always be the best SW films, no competition.

The Phantom Menace.
In a word, crap. From annoying Anikan to annoying comic relied Jar Jar.
It had some redeeming features though, Darth Maul was pretty cool, the space battle was good, we get to see Palpatines first carefull steps to power and who can forget the first glimpses of Coruscant?

Attack of the Clones.
This wasn't actually too bad, most people tend to mark it down due to the horrific romance scenes.
If you get rid of that the film is pretty decent though. We have the attempted assasination of Padme, a hover car chase throughout the city which ends in the assasin getting assasinated, we get to see the army on Kamino and the Jango/Obi-Wan fight was pretty good. The arena scene was pretty cool and the battle was spectacular. Also we got to see Yoda in action, which was great.

Revenge of the Sith.
Brilliant film, the novel explains stuff like Anikans fall a lot better but thats only a small complaint.
The space battle was spctacular, if a bit short on capship action. Then we have the Grievous and Kenobi fight in the middle of a battlefield. We learn a bit about Palpatine and hints of his past. The destruction of the Jedi order was done brilliantly. And the battle on Mustafar was perfect.

The prequals aren't as bad as everyone makes them out to be. They are nowhere near the original trilogy, but are still pretty good.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 12:34 pm
by Teaos
I really enjoyed III and enjoyed II. The first I never liked. Jarjar annoyed me from the first time I saw him and that kid couldnt act to save himself.

I suppose the fact that I have never been a HUGE fan and into the culture of the films makes me less likly to be pissed off at the stuff Sparticus mentioned.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 2:03 pm
by Mikey
I have to say I enjoyed them all, compared to watching some other type of film entirely. However,, to judge them strictly in their own milieu, I found the same problems as with any other prequel(s): storylines, dialogue, character developments, etc., all have to be contrived to mesh with what has gone before (errr... will go ahead?)

I thought Lucas did a fair job with this, probably because the storylines had all been worked out before any production at all, but this contrivance still can't be helped as far as the screenplay, the dialogue, etc.

P.S. I am terrified of the same thing happening to ST XI...

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 2:57 pm
by Captain Seafort
The Phantom Menace was pretty 'meh', Anakin and Jar Jar were both pretty irritating, and the climax struck me as Deus-Ex-Machina. Cool podracing and battle scenes though.

Attack of the Clones was a lot better - the Kenobi sub-plot especially. I didn't find the Anakin-Padme stuff too bad, albeit somewhat flat, and cringe inducing at times but what teenagers in love aren't? The stuff between them during the battle was a lot better than the stuff on Naboo, which I usually fast-forward through when I'm watching it. The Battle of Geonosis has to count as one of the best ground combat sequences in all sci-fi, and the lightsabre duels were excellent.

Revenge of the Sith was by far the best of the bunch - good battle scenes at the start and part-way through, and the plot seemed good and tight. More cringeworthy but believable Anakin-Padme stuff. Anakin's fall seemed a touch sudden, but the reasoning behind it was realistic, and well executed. Overall, Christison was mediocre at playing Anakin, but extremely effective as Vader.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 3:13 pm
by Teaos
The battle at the start of 3 and end of 2 were both great. The acting wasn't great in places and they seemed to add things to appeal to certain groups.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 4:21 pm
by Sionnach Glic
A lot of people seem to over react with regards to the Anikan/Padme scenes. Yeah, the dialogue was painfull at times, bu have you ever heard two teenagers trying to charm each other? Its positively painfull to watch. In my opinion, while the AOTC love scenes were painfull to watch, its not that far from realistic.
Anyway, thats why we have a 'skip scene' button on DVDs. :wink:

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 9:19 pm
by I Am Spartacus
Wow. No offence, guys, but you have no taste whatsoever if you think III was good.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 9:26 pm
by Captain Seafort
I Am Spartacus wrote:Wow. No offence, guys, but you have no taste whatsoever if you think III was good.
No offence, Spartacus, but you have no taste whatsoever if you think III was bad.

Each to their own.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 10:02 pm
by Monroe
My complaint about the prequels was the amount of retcons needed to get the canon back on track. Lucas needed to talk to the authors more I thought prior to them releasing stories about Boba Fett. They screwed up Boba Fett's background especially. I also wanted Jar Jar to die.

To me Star Wars is the Expanded Universe, I used to get into arguments all the time when I played Star Wars Galaxies with other RPers on the expanded universe but frankly the movies themselves aren't all that good its the immersion that the universe has. I like Star Trek for similiar reasons and Dune as well. Its nice to see a Sci-Fi universe with so much depth.

From 1 million BBY to 137 ABY the Star Wars universe has thousands of unique characters, and awesome storylines. The Galactic Civil War was just one of them.

I can't think of another Sci-Fi out there that has so many books-games-comic books-movies-and other medias that are considered canon.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 10:40 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Lucas owns the series, if he wants to give the EU the finger I have no arguments there. Aside from a few exeptions most of it was crap.
He did put the Juggernaughts into Ep III though.