NOTE: I havent drawn the thing yet, i'm having a little trouble making a it proportional with the fighter bay :NOTE
Type: Light fleet carrier/Patrol coordination carrier
Typical position: center of fleet
Sub-variants: Hussar-A, Hussar-B
Unit run - 9 Hussar-A, 3 Hussar-B
Hussar A
CVL-01 TAS Hussar
CVL-02 TAS Stradiot
CVL-03 TAS Hobelar
CVL-04 TAS Dragoon
CVL-05 TAS Cataphract
CVL-06 TAS Kalmyk
CVL-07 TAS Mamluk
CVL-08 TAS Sipahi
CVL-09 TAS Cossack
CVL-10 TAS Lancer
CVL-11 TAS Uhlan
CVL-12 TAS Cuirassier
The Hussar class carriers represent a pinnacle movement in Terran design philosophy, one that will breed a plethora of new designs in the coming years: Carrier warfare. Before the advent of the Hussar and the other first generation carriers, purpose built carrier ships didnt really exist. Cruisers, battleships or other major warships would carry a small battalion for defense against hostile carriers, as well as a screen of destroyers that would protect them. Only recently did Terran advisers take note of the other races, who all maintained a huge fleet of carriers. They always had the edge on Terrans with fighter and subship combat, part of the reason many Terran large scale ships have stupidly large amounts of point defense weaponry. So the solution was to initiate the "New Initiative".
The new initiative was a series of modernizations across the fleet, some at headquarter and personnel level, some at the shipyard contractors and some in the fleet itself. The most notable addition to the fleet were three class of carrier: the Hussar Light carrier, the Andromeda class fleet carrier and the sevastapol class assault carrier; each one designed for a different purpose as will be explained in further threads.
The Hussar, being a light carrier, was given a brief of being capable of carrying 30-50 fighters aboard, and enough speed to keep up with Light cruisers. The rest, was really up to the designers. The AMC (Alliance Military Commission) had no experience with what would be needed, and drafted in advisers from both the Nishari stellar guard and the Danarian military. The production is the Hussar. She can carry a standard compliment of 40 fighters and bombers (normally 5 x 6 unit fighter squadrons, 2 x 4 unit bomber squadrons and a single multi-purpose dropship). Her armament consists of 4 x 76 millimeter PPC twin turrets, as well as a total of 10 x twin Anti-fighter laser cannons.
The new wave of Hussar-B class carriers has one singular improvement, a more advanced sensor system mounted in an expanded nose section, to assist in command and control operations for the fighters. In the limited combat situations the Hussar classes have been in, they have both performed excellently, certainly making both the Nishari and the Danarian's turn heads toward this ship.
Hussar Class light carrier
- Reliant121
- 3 Star Admiral
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- Joined: Thu Jul 26, 2007 5:00 pm
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