The Staplic Star Trek Universe
Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 8:07 pm
Okay, I decided to do this topic since I have a bunch of ships up in another thread, and they just keep comming.
I'll move over the ships I haven't modified since posting them after this, but here I thought I'd list most of the major tech changes betwen my ST and cannon ST.
*Edit: The ship rankings will be off slightly because of the following information. The torpedo firepower will be lower than it should be as will the warp, however they will be a good general reference point for the stregnth of my ships.
I developed a new warp scale, wich to fit better with cannon trek I describe as comming forth with the discovery of a new warp plane or a new way to warp the space around the ship. The new formula is:
V/c = WF ^ (log8760)
This will put a vessel moving at WF = 10 with a speed of 1 Light Year Per Hour (LYPH)
Although I can't pin it down in Cannon Trek here an Isoton is 10,800 TJ in stregnth
Photon Torpedo: Cannon + 25 Isotons
Quantom Torpedo: Cannon + 52.3 Isotons
Transphasic Torpedo: Cannon (unknown)
Teslic Torpedo: Uses a Quantom torpedo with a Magneton/Anti Magneton pre-detonator to create an EM rift that can destablize ship board power systems if the torpedoe is close enough. 48.3 Isotons
Alpha-Class (A-Class): In essence a Teslic Torpedo with Transphasic technology incorperated. 52.925 Isotons
Delta-Class (D-Class): Still working on this Torpedo, just know it's really really powerful and isn't carried by exploration/science vessels. It's going to start screwing up some fundimental stuff around your ship. 85.7 Isotons.
Those are the only major changes. I'll now start transferring over ships and updating them.
*EDIT: Because I've been getting into the politcal changes in the Galaxy during the turn of the century, I thought I'd post my own Galactic Map:

I'm not sure how clear the numbering will be but if you can see it here's the run down:
1. United Federation of Planets (UFP)
2. Bajoran-Cardassian Union (BCU)
3. Romulan Star Empire (RSE)
4. Klingon Empire (KE)
5. Disscuss Domain (DD)*
6. Jacorn Confederation (JC)
7. Kazon Imperium (KI)*
8. Deltic Union (DU)*
9. Voth
10. Borg
11. Dominion (D)
here's a close up on the major powers of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, same numbering system:

EDIT 2* Here's a list of current known ships in the Federation and their status by 2400's in my universe:
Akira - Explorere/Light Cruiser
Ambassador - Decommissioned
Centaur Type - Decommissioned
Constellation - Decommissioned
Constitution - Decommissioned
Constitution Refit - Decommissioned
Curry Type - Decommissioned
Daedalus - Decommissioned
Defiant - Escourt/Med. Cruiser
Excelsior - Decommissioned
Galaxy - Currently being phased out in favor of Continental Class and other ships
Intrepid - Explorer
Miranda - Decommissioned
Nebula - Currently being phased out with the Galaxy
New Orleans - Decommissioned
Narway - Explorer
Nova - Science Vessel/Explorer
Oberth - Decommissioned
Olympic - Decommissioned
Prometheus - Explorer/Light Cruiser
Saber - Explorer/Light Cruiser
Sovereign - Battle Cruiser
Soyuz - Decommissioned
Steamrunner - Explorer
Yeager Type - Use is dwindling
I'll move over the ships I haven't modified since posting them after this, but here I thought I'd list most of the major tech changes betwen my ST and cannon ST.
*Edit: The ship rankings will be off slightly because of the following information. The torpedo firepower will be lower than it should be as will the warp, however they will be a good general reference point for the stregnth of my ships.
I developed a new warp scale, wich to fit better with cannon trek I describe as comming forth with the discovery of a new warp plane or a new way to warp the space around the ship. The new formula is:
V/c = WF ^ (log8760)
This will put a vessel moving at WF = 10 with a speed of 1 Light Year Per Hour (LYPH)
Although I can't pin it down in Cannon Trek here an Isoton is 10,800 TJ in stregnth
Photon Torpedo: Cannon + 25 Isotons
Quantom Torpedo: Cannon + 52.3 Isotons
Transphasic Torpedo: Cannon (unknown)
Teslic Torpedo: Uses a Quantom torpedo with a Magneton/Anti Magneton pre-detonator to create an EM rift that can destablize ship board power systems if the torpedoe is close enough. 48.3 Isotons
Alpha-Class (A-Class): In essence a Teslic Torpedo with Transphasic technology incorperated. 52.925 Isotons
Delta-Class (D-Class): Still working on this Torpedo, just know it's really really powerful and isn't carried by exploration/science vessels. It's going to start screwing up some fundimental stuff around your ship. 85.7 Isotons.
Those are the only major changes. I'll now start transferring over ships and updating them.
*EDIT: Because I've been getting into the politcal changes in the Galaxy during the turn of the century, I thought I'd post my own Galactic Map:

I'm not sure how clear the numbering will be but if you can see it here's the run down:
1. United Federation of Planets (UFP)
2. Bajoran-Cardassian Union (BCU)
3. Romulan Star Empire (RSE)
4. Klingon Empire (KE)
5. Disscuss Domain (DD)*
6. Jacorn Confederation (JC)
7. Kazon Imperium (KI)*
8. Deltic Union (DU)*
9. Voth
10. Borg
11. Dominion (D)
here's a close up on the major powers of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants, same numbering system:

EDIT 2* Here's a list of current known ships in the Federation and their status by 2400's in my universe:
Akira - Explorere/Light Cruiser
Ambassador - Decommissioned
Centaur Type - Decommissioned
Constellation - Decommissioned
Constitution - Decommissioned
Constitution Refit - Decommissioned
Curry Type - Decommissioned
Daedalus - Decommissioned
Defiant - Escourt/Med. Cruiser
Excelsior - Decommissioned
Galaxy - Currently being phased out in favor of Continental Class and other ships
Intrepid - Explorer
Miranda - Decommissioned
Nebula - Currently being phased out with the Galaxy
New Orleans - Decommissioned
Narway - Explorer
Nova - Science Vessel/Explorer
Oberth - Decommissioned
Olympic - Decommissioned
Prometheus - Explorer/Light Cruiser
Saber - Explorer/Light Cruiser
Sovereign - Battle Cruiser
Soyuz - Decommissioned
Steamrunner - Explorer
Yeager Type - Use is dwindling