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Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 10:58 pm
by SuperSaiyaMan12
Affiliation : Cardassian
Type : Battleship
Unit Run: 12 commissioned, 6 lost
Commissioned : 2372 - present
Dimensions : Length : 1000 m
Beam : 432 m
Height : 256 m
Decks : 40
Mass : 16,687,00010 metric tons (estimated)
Crew : 2500, 15,000 land troops, 60 tanks
Armament : 10 x High Power phaser bank (equivalent to class X)
16 x Medium power spiral wave disrupters
6 x Model 3 Quantam torpedo tube with 400 rounds
1 x Model 2 Photon torpedo tube with 120 rounds
2 x Model 3 Quantam torpedo tube with 200 rounds
Defence Systems : Standard shield system,
Cardassian Equivalent of Ablative Armor
Standard level Structural Integrity Field
Warp Speeds
(TNG scale) : Normal Cruise : 8
Maximum Cruise : 9
Maximum Rated : 9.98 for 8 hours.

Strength Indices :
(Galaxy class = 1,000) Beam Firepower : 2650
Torpedo Firepower : 523
Weapon Range and Accuracy : 1000
Shield Strength : 1000
Hull Armour : 1220
Speed : 1052
Combat Manoeuvrability : 1,940
Overall Strength Index : 1485.451
Diplomatic Capability : Approximately equivalent to Starfleet Grade 3
Expected Hull Life : 100
Refit Cycle : Minor : 1 year
Standard : 2 years
Major : 20 years


The Dukat-class initiative, started by Gul Dukat himself when he became leader of the Cardassian Government started a project to truly compete with other Alpha Quadrant designs like the Federation's Galaxy-class and Sovereign-class, Klingon Vorcha-class and Negh'var-class, and Romulan D'Deridex-class ships so the Cardassian Union could achieve its power standing it had before the Federation-Cardassian and Klingon-Cardassian Wars. Designs for this battleship ranged from a scaled up Galor to a slightly larger Keldon, ultimately the design was for a boulbous triangle design to optimize fire and warp efficiency.

The Cardassian Prime Shipyards began constructing the Dukat-class under heavy pressure by the new provincial Government and Gul Dukat himself. Every once and a while, the famous Gul came off the front lines of his own private war against the Klingons and inspected the construction himself. Taking a full year for the first ship of its class, the Dukat rolled off the Cardassian Shipyards among a small flotilla of Galors and Keldons. Its first major action was taken against both the Klingons and Maquis, who were surprised that the Cardassians could even field a ship that large and powerful. It's trial under fire came to a head when it was personally responsible for destroying or crippling three Vorcha-class Heavy Cruisers in the Battle of Mintoara, while recieving light to medium damage itself.

When Dukat pledged the Cardassian Union to the Dominion, already two more Dukats were being constructed in Drydocks around Cardassian Prime. Thanks to Dominion Shipbuilding, at least 12 vessels were completed for and during the Dominion War which ripped the Alpha Quadrant apart. Against Federation designs, like the war refit Galaxy-class, it proved again exemplary, able to hold its own against the Federation's version of the Battleship. Yet despite this, six of the first total ships were destroyed in the course of the war.

During Damar's Rebellion, one acted like his Flagship, destroying many Dominion ships on its own before it was recaptured by Loyalist Forces, who were unwilling to destroy such a powerful vessel. With the Battle of Cardassia, all six remaining ships turned on their Dominion Masters, and were instrumental in bashing a hole through Dominion Lines and forcing the aggressors back to Cardassian Prime itself. With the war ended, it is unknown what will happen to the remaining ships.


Re: Dukat-class

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 12:34 am
by Mikey
Wow. Far more ambitious than anythign we've seen from the Cardies before, in terms of scale. I like the fact that it can serve as an assault platform, which makes sense for the Cardassians, but the spiral wave disruptor was always seen as a singular or dual primary armament, wasn't it?

Re: Dukat-class

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 12:40 am
by SuperSaiyaMan12
Mikey wrote:Wow. Far more ambitious than anythign we've seen from the Cardies before, in terms of scale. I like the fact that it can serve as an assault platform, which makes sense for the Cardassians, but the spiral wave disruptor was always seen as a singular or dual primary armament, wasn't it?
I didn't know for sure, so I made it the secondary armanent.

Of all the races in Star Trek, the Cardies SHOULD have made something like this in canon. THeir ships fricking look like they can, recolored Grey, be part of a Galactic Empire fleet.

Re: Dukat-class

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 12:46 am
by Mikey
And, they are the only major power mentioned to have mechanized infantry a/o IFC's. However, the knock has always been that they're resource-poor. Was this instated with Dominion subsidies?

Re: Dukat-class

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 12:50 am
by SuperSaiyaMan12
Mikey wrote:And, they are the only major power mentioned to have mechanized infantry a/o IFC's. However, the knock has always been that they're resource-poor. Was this instated with Dominion subsidies?
A lot of resources did come from the Dominion through Dukat's private talks, they also 'borrowed' from the Gorn and Tholians.

Re: Dukat-class

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 3:23 am
by Mark
I kind of like it. Perhaps the torps are a bit weak, but otherwise I like it.

Re: Dukat-class

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 7:16 am
by Deepcrush
Its not bad. I could see one of these working as part of a wolf pack. Galors normally travel in groups of three but if you add one of these to the pack you get a nice boost in ability. I also like the small number of them over all. The cardis lack the means to mass produce these.

PS, keep the torp rating down. The CU wasn't known for its torp abilities.

Re: Dukat-class

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 8:29 am
by Teaos
Does the CU have Quantum torpedoes?

Re: Dukat-class

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 8:41 am
by Deepcrush
No, only the UFP has them so far. Too add, the UFP is also the only fleet with rapid fire TP's. Most every other race uses single or short burst modes. When it comes to TLs, the UFP is years upon years ahead.

Re: Dukat-class

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 9:16 am
by Tsukiyumi
Teaos wrote:Does the CU have Quantum torpedoes?
The Cardassian Dreadnought from VOY had them.

Re: Dukat-class

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 2:32 pm
by Mikey
It had torps?

Re: Dukat-class

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 2:34 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Are you sure they were Q-torps?

Re: Dukat-class

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 4:16 pm
by Graham Kennedy
CHAKOTAY: The Dreadnought's quantum torpedoes could be modified to be compatible with our launchers.
JANEWAY: What about it's engine components?
TORRES: Easily converted to Starfleet specs. We'll have spare parts for years.

Re: Dukat-class

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 7:55 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Since when did the Cardies have Qtorps? :wtf:

Re: Dukat-class

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 7:59 pm
by Deepcrush
Maybe they were stolen, maybe it was a goof...