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Morning rant on ST 11

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 1:10 pm
by Capt. Jethro
I may be going out on a limb with this and it may have already been discussed.

From what I've been hearing ST 11 will involve time travel. Not that this is new to the ST universe. With this in mind so far we know that 'The Shat' will not be in the movie. Bummer if you ask me. But since the movie involves time travel why could they not have Kirk in a cameo. For example if Kirk has been injured in the past and did not become a legend why not show him in a scene where he is kind of like Boothby working on a ranch (if they have one) at Star Fleet Academy. Some sort of interaction between him and the older Spock (Nimoy) would be interesting.

Cheers everyone!

Re: Morning rant on ST 11

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 1:17 pm
by Aaron
Capt. Jethro wrote:I may be going out on a limb with this and it may have already been discussed.

From what I've been hearing ST 11 will involve time travel. Not that this is new to the ST universe. With this in mind so far we know that 'The Shat' will not be in the movie. Bummer if you ask me. But since the movie involves time travel why could they not have Kirk in a cameo. For example if Kirk has been injured in the past and did not become a legend why not show him in a scene where he is kind of like Boothby working on a ranch (if they have one) at Star Fleet Academy. Some sort of interaction between him and the older Spock (Nimoy) would be interesting.

Cheers everyone!
Didn't Shatner burn his bridges with Abrams over this? I recall an interview where Shatner claimed to be working with Abrams to see how he could fit in but it feel through. Honestly I'm glad he's not and I'd prefer Nimoy to miss out as well. ST is only going to survive if they reinvent the franchise and time travel is probably the most abused portion of that universe. We already know that the existing fans are not enough to keep it alive in it's current form and I really don't see how fanservice is going to bring in new viewers. Seriously, what is Nimoy known widely for but Spock?

Re: Morning rant on ST 11

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 1:28 pm
by Teaos
I'm with Kendall, stop rehashing the old guys and move on, why not Shatter? Why not the rest of the crew? Or dont you want the Russian in it? Or the Gay guy? or the Black woman?

How about we get Riker in a cameo, he's been in almost everything else.

Re: Morning rant on ST 11

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:01 pm
by Capt. Jethro
Both of you make good points, but I wasn't aware of the fallout between Shatner and Abrams. But if they need to break away from the original cast then why did they cast Nimoy? You would think that Abrams could do a complete reboot or write something about their first mission together.

Re: Morning rant on ST 11

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:04 pm
by Nutso
Guess Nimoy is there to pass the the past. :roll:

Kirk passed the torch to Picard. Spock will pass the torch to...past Spock?

Re: Morning rant on ST 11

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:12 pm
by Aaron
Capt. Jethro wrote:Both of you make good points, but I wasn't aware of the fallout between Shatner and Abrams. But if they need to break away from the original cast then why did they cast Nimoy? You would think that Abrams could do a complete reboot or write something about their first mission together.
I think I answered that with my "fanservice" comment. There's really no other reason to cast him, other than to bring in the fanboys (the kind of people who would watch a two hour movie of a turd if it had a SF emblem). The guy is 77 years old and the last time I heard him speak he sounded like he was on the verge of death.

That said, I've heard it claimed that Nimoy doesn't get involved in a Trek production unless he thinks it's good. Apperently he turned down Generations, so this might be a good sign. But my distrust of Trek has crossed over into the "it'll suck" as a default. I'll certainly give it a fair shake when we see some trailers and more info but I'm not getting my hopes up.

Re: Morning rant on ST 11

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:26 pm
by Teaos
From what I heard he turned down Generations becaus he was going to have a bit part, this time he is the main guy.

Re: Morning rant on ST 11

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:30 pm
by Mikey
The problem is that there was resolution at the end of DS9 and VOY. ST films are always based on/drawn from the TV franchises, and there was nowhere to go from one any longer.

Re: Morning rant on ST 11

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:32 pm
by Teaos
But thats the great chance they have/had.

Do something totally new, in the "future" and if its a hit you can use it as a pilot.

Re: Morning rant on ST 11

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:35 pm
by Mikey
I agree with you, Teaos. I wasn't saying that it's what should be done, I was saying is it happens to be how things are done. I personally would love to see a film which is the premier of a new franchise.

Re: Morning rant on ST 11

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:42 pm
by Aaron
Mikey wrote:I agree with you, Teaos. I wasn't saying that it's what should be done, I was saying is it happens to be how things are done. I personally would love to see a film which is the premier of a new franchise.
Indeed, the only sci-fi series that comes to mind that did that was Stargate. I want to say Battlestar Galactica as well but I can't remember if it came out as a TV movie or in theatre first.

Re: Morning rant on ST 11

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:46 pm
by Mikey
Stargate was the only one I thought of... I thought oBSG was a TV pilot first.

Re: Morning rant on ST 11

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:47 pm
by Teaos
I cant recall any sci-fi that started as a movie but other genras have, M*A*S*H comes to mind.

Re: Morning rant on ST 11

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2008 2:57 pm
by Aaron
Mikey wrote:Stargate was the only one I thought of... I thought oBSG was a TV pilot first.
According to Wikipedia :roll: Saga of a Star World aired in Canada in theatres before the show aired but not in the US until after it started. Which is what I thought happened, I remember my father saying he saw it in theatre.

Re: Morning rant on ST 11

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2008 8:54 pm
by Graham Kennedy
Cpl Kendall wrote:That said, I've heard it claimed that Nimoy doesn't get involved in a Trek production unless he thinks it's good.
I have one thing to say about that.

Leonard Nimoy was in Star Trek V.