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Lengthy bits of writing
Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 12:51 pm
by Bryan Moore
Has anyone in here ever written any fan-fiction of length? I've spent most of my school faculty meetings and various developmental days working on a pretty well developed outline to a story. If expanded, I could easily get 100+ pages, but then who has time like that =)
Re: Lengthy bits of writing
Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 1:00 pm
by Teaos
I have read a shit load of fanfiction but not in trek. Most of the stories are over 100k words and a few even over half a million words, considering the average page has about 800 words on it thats a quite a bit more than 100 pages.
Re: Lengthy bits of writing
Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 11:47 pm
by Tsukiyumi
The RPs here are the first real fan-fiction I've ever written. I usually only work on my own stuff.
Re: Lengthy bits of writing
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:00 am
by Teaos
Alpha mission for the Daystrom was pushing 300 pages.
Re: Lengthy bits of writing
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:04 am
by Tsukiyumi
Teaos wrote:Alpha mission for the Daystrom was pushing 300 pages.
Which is why I stayed the hell back until Beta.

Re: Lengthy bits of writing
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:14 am
by Mark
Was that intentional, or did you kind of lose control of that one?
Re: Lengthy bits of writing
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:24 am
by Tsukiyumi
From what I could tell, Alpha was a runaway train. A train full of Founders and rogue characters and other weirdness.
Re: Lengthy bits of writing
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:31 am
by Mikey
Yeah, it took a while to herd that thing back into the corral.
Re: Lengthy bits of writing
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:31 am
by Mark
So, par for the course when you turn members of the DITL forum loose, with all of our creative insanity, without restraint, then?
Re: Lengthy bits of writing
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:35 am
by Teaos
Several thing happened, the first thing happened after maybe a month of the Daystrom opening, we had a member who is no longer with us, who was a crap RPer, in three posts he introduced a Founder who was murdering people on the ship an a barrel full of nano bots that tried to take over the ship...
It took me a week to sort that out and after that I got pissed and burned out since it took quite a lot of work to set up, so I just pretty much stepped back and let it run its self for about 3-4 months as did Thorin. When we were away the plot line dsended into crap since it had no direction.
Blackstar who in my opinion was always the worst RPer out of us started supermanning his character, fighting like three people at once (that sort of thing alway pisses me off, normal people are not that amazing), had super secret ties to organised crime, attacked a senior officer and then through some f*cked up logic adopted a f*cking baby which he wanted to keep on ship.
Thats when the starbolt spin off happened, all that crazy sh*t went there and Daystrom calmed down somewhat. I came back from my break as did Throin, I closed down Alpha and got started on Beta.
The best thing you can say about Alpha is that we learned a lot, the members who had never RPed before got used to it and i learned how to run one.
Ironically the members who have never RPed before like Rochey, Mikey and Monroe seem to be the best at it.
I've done several of these in the past but my writting has always been average, I'm just kept around to organise things.
And Blackstar who had by far the most RP experience was the worst at it, always making super-character with advanced amazing personal items and always seemed to have his character in some sort of relationship and saving the day. We had 2 and a half flame wars in the Daystrom RP, each one of them caused by Blackstar not getting his way even though he was given a lot of slack. So thats part of the reason why I dislike Blackstar.
Re: Lengthy bits of writing
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:41 am
by Mark
No offense, but it almost sounds like it turned into a cartoon

Re: Lengthy bits of writing
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:43 am
by Teaos
No, cartoons are amusing, this was not.
Re: Lengthy bits of writing
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:58 am
by Mark
Teaos wrote:No, cartoons are amusing, this was not.
Point taken. I remember Blackstar telling me something about building a mobile emitter hirself, but I'm not sure how that was made possible. Quantum I guess

Re: Lengthy bits of writing
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:23 am
by Teaos
No that had a perfectlt resonable explanation.
You see Blackstars original character was originally from a different unvierese and came to our through an slipstream drive accedent.
This made his character more kowledgable than my guy in all thing subspace related even though my guy was a scientist.
He also brought a bunch of new tech with him from the other universe like a arm band that could talk and had a personality and basically stored all the infromation you could ever want in it.
As it turns out he was also somewhat of an engineer and had been working on a mobile emmiter in the other universe and was going to finish it here. So he was also a bettere engineer than our main engineer.
But when the captan tried to stop him from doing some of this stuff, well Blackstar didnt like thar so be broke through all the security on ship and broke into the captains quarters, making him a better security officer than our security guy.
And while on an away mission he managed to take out several aliens in a fight because being a Chakat he was just awesome in a fight, making him a better fighter than our security guys.
He also managed to out fly and shoot down about a dozen fighters in one of our shuttles because he was the most amazing pilot our Universe has ever seen
He also managed to hit on and try to hump everything on ship because he was just so randy all the time.
But that was made a lot easier because he was telepathic and emphatic.
So dont you worry Mark, there was a good explanation about why he was so awesome

Re: Lengthy bits of writing
Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:52 am
by Mark
Wow.....if I want to compete I should create a Kryptonian who wears red, blue, and yellow tights also sporting a red cape, huh? Oh, wait. I'm sure Chakats would have kryptonite claws????
Wow. So, what did he need all you guys for then?