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The Daystrom bunch

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 1:11 am
by Mikey
Would anybody mind pasting the bios of the staff serving aboard the Daystrom here? It would be a help to me to have the ship's crew here, separate from the crew on board the other ships. Once they're all up, I'll draw up condensed roster. I'll start:

Captain M'karn "Mikey" W'trisk
CO, USS Daystrom
race: Andorian
age: 50 yrs.
specs: 5'9"; 172 lbs. (approx. 78 kg); skin: blue; hair: white

background: somewhat of a troubled youth - minor legal brushes - but turned around in time to attend Starfleet Academy and graduate in top third of class. One five-year deep-space exploration tour on the Niagara-class USS Makamaka'ole out of the Academy as an ensign assigned to conn, followed by a three-year tour as Lt. j.g. as a junior tactical officer on the New Orleans-class USS Stilwell on picket/escort/patrol duty. Loyal and respectful of the chain of command, but can be a hothead... tries to control himself with meditation and traditional Andorian version of pankration.

Following the battle with the Neutronium Brotherhood, Mikey served as the XO of the Nebula-class USS Gage for three years, and then as captain of his old ships the Stilwell (2 years) and the Makamaka'ole (5 years) before being awarded command of the Daystrom. Upon becoming a captain, Mikey received an unexpected message from his father; it simply said, "I'm proud." After this subconscious dambusting, Mikey's ruthless pragmatism mellowed somewhat in favor of a more reflective mentality. This change has since been mitigated by his father's accidental death occurring before Mikey could visit home.

Re: The Daystrom bunch

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 1:13 am
by Mark
Name: Dr. Watson Holmes
Rank: Lieutenant Commander
Current Posting: Chief Medical Officer / USS Daystrom
Age: 52
Race: Human
Height: 5'11
Weight: 170lbs
Hair Color: Brown, shot with grey
Eye Color: Blue
Birthplace: Boston, Mass.


Watson Holmes was named after one of his mother's favorite characters from literature, Dr. Watson, sidekick to the legendary detective Sherlock Holmes (her last name, coincedentally). He was born in Boston, to a single mother and as an only child, and grew up never knowing nor really caring who his father was, and his mother refused to speak about the subject. Watson was always rather anti-social and rather aloof as a child, preferring to spend time either with adults, mostly his mothers colleuges, (she was a practicing doctor at Mass. General) or by himself. Early on, he demonstrated that he had a photographic memory and could instantly recall anything he had ever seen, read, heard, or even thought. He was taken for an IQ test and tested at 198 on his first try. A second test was then administered as the Doctor administering the test was sure that there was some kind of mistake. On the second test Watson scored a 201, stunning everyone involved, then just as quickly offending everybody present by calling them a bunch of morons.

Watson made the descision to practice medicine early on, to "raise the bar" as he put it, citing that most people died from their doctors being "idiots". Starfleet approached him while he studying at Stanford at 16 years of age, and invited him to apply to the acadamy, where he proptly told them to go get stuffed. A year later, he recanted and graciously informed Starfleet, that he would consider joining their orginaztion for the chance at a real challange.

Watson's acadamy days were filled with arguments, debauchery, practical jokes, toga parties, heavy drinking, and only a bare minimum of studying. He had the dual honor of graduating first in his class academicely and as the cadet with THE MOST demerits on his record to ever be graduated from the Academy. After moving on to Starfleet Medical, it was much the same, with a notable exception during his first year residency. It seems the guest lecturer had posted a holographic display of an uncureable virus for study. Holmes walked in halfway through the class, thought it was a homework assignment, and promptly found a cure to the uncureable virus, flabbergasting Starfleet Medical. When asked how he came up with the idea he looked around with scorn and disbelief and informed them that "if you weren't such a big bunch of putzes, it would have been obvious." After graduating from Starfleet Medical, again first in his class and again one step away from getting dismissed, he was assigned as a junior physician aboard USS Lexington. Six weeks later he was transferred to USS Hood, followed by USS Potemkin, USS Kenya, USS Grisson, and finally finding acceptence on board the USS Galaxy. (three gueses why he kept getting transferred) He was still serving on board Galaxy when the Dominion War broke out. He was assigned to a ground force defending a captured Ketricel White depot (which they were attempting to study and determine if it could be converted to some kind of weapon against the Jem'Hadar), when the Jem'Hadar counter-attacked. Holmes was critically injured suffering a plasma shock to his left leg, yet kept fighting to pull his patients out one at a time. After pulling out, Holmes was sent back to Earth where the doctors at Starfleet Medical prepaired to remove the damaged leg. Holmes refused, even once he realized that his leg had suffered muscle death, and had severe on-going pain from nerve damage. Holmes insisted on having the leg deadened against the pain, and chose instead to walk with a cane. He served for the next 20 years on various Starbases and Outposts, until a "disagreement" (which involved a polysynthetic adhiseve beamed onto her office chair) with the head of Starfleet Medical, a Captain Beverly Crusher, resulting in his immediete dismissal from his post on Risa, and transfer to the USS Daystrom as CMO.


Dr. Holmes is rude, crude, sarcastic, often disrespectful, occasionally insubordinent, and generally an over all pain in the a$$. He has recieved complaints of harassment, sexual harassment, disrespect to a superior, and failure to report for duty on his service record. The same superiors that reprimanded him however, have listed numerous commendations his record for courage under fire, medical innovation, surgical skills, diagnostic deduction, and trauma care. Patients that every other doctor around have deemed unsaveable are alive today as a testement to the skill of Dr. Watson Holmes.


Holmes is an average looking caucasion male, with a slight bostonian accent. We wears a trimmed moustach and beard, which, along with his hair are shot with grey. He walks around with a gleam of mischief in his eye, and a sarcastic grin on his face. His most noticable feature however, is his strong limp due to his left leg, and his ever present cane (of which he has several) which he must use to get around.

Re: The Daystrom bunch

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 1:17 am
by Blackstar the Chakat
See ya!

Re: The Daystrom bunch

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 1:22 am
by Mikey
Lt. Amy Sternson (OC)
Role: chief of Science Dept., USS Daystrom
Bio: Her first assignment fresh out of the academy was the Daystrom, including serving in the Tholian slaver investigation and the assault on the Neutronium Brotherhood. The youngest of 5 shildren all girls she is glad to be out of her older sisters shadow. She majored in theoretical propulsion at the academy finishing in the top 5 of her class.

Re: The Daystrom bunch

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 12:43 pm
by Reliant121
Name: Darel Ge'haan, Male, 34
Rank: Ensign, Race: Cardassian
Born: Lakarian City, Cardassia Prime
Previous occupations: Cardassian Military, Obsidian order
Rank: lieutenant Cmdr. (if you dont mind ;))
Position: operations officer

Darel is a somewhat cheery character, similar in Many respects to the famous Elim Garak, Although no-where near as well connected. He had a short but adventurous career in the Obsidian ordr before he was discharged for medical Reasons. A cure for the medical problem has now been discovered and He is fit for duty. He entered starfleet just before the war started. He obviously suffered much scrutiny but he pulled through. His true helmsman ability came out when the Helmsman of the USS Glorious, One of the older Miranda class ships, was killed in a battle with a Galor class cruiser. He took the helm and managed to evade the Galor's phaser blasts long enough for a timely rescue by the IKV Hah'Kugh. Since then he has taken his career choice down the helmsman route. He was assigned as a standby On the Daystrome. When the unfortunate incident wth Blackstar occured, Of which he insists He has no position on, He took over as the full time helmsman.
Following the recent battle with the Neutroniuam brotherhood, Darel transfered to the operations station. he served a very short stint aboard the Starship Kagero (NCC 71254), he returned to the Daystrom as the operations officer.

Psychological and other notes:

Darel has proven a Positive and friendly character, if a little manipulative in his words. His cheery personality has sometimes come across as a little too much but He is intelligent and is a valuable asset to the crew

Re: The Daystrom bunch

Posted: Thu Aug 14, 2008 8:34 pm
by Monroe
Tac Ops of Daystrom Akira- Lieutiant Leo Moncano
Species: Human
Age: 29
Mars born human he ended up in last place of his class at Starfleet. However was given a chance by the departing Captain Fletcher, after three previous assignments, to the TacOps station onboard the Daystrom. He performed okay enough for the Captain to keep him before transfering off.

Re: The Daystrom bunch

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2008 4:48 pm
by shran
Kasper Nijhoff
Aged 390 historically wise
biological age§: ±18 years

position± boatswain/petty officer

Bio: born of rich parents from the Eastern coalition while being born with autism, variant asperger, he was one nasty child, not reacting to any stimuli for a long time. At age 17, he was put in a cryosattelite, with his drug plug rebuilt to interface with his brain synapses to keep him in artificial coma. Due to his syndrome, he is somewhat obsolete as a carrier of knowledge and raw mathematical power, because computers outrun him. Recently, he was discovered by the USS Daystrom in a cryosattelite, well into Tholian space, having been adrift in interstellar space for several years. it is unknow as of now how he wound up there.

Soon after the beta mission of the Daystrom he was awoken by a team of the nearby station, using the data gathered from observations made by dr. Sarin Taal during his stay on the daystrom. Still somewhat stoic to his surroundings, the team decided to use his drug plug as his window on the world.
First attempts with regular hormones were unsuccesful, due to the different wiring of his brain relative to non-autistic humans.
As soon as his neural pathways were studied thoroughly, the medical team was able to recalibrate the hormones used, but attempts at social contact remained difficult, though he could function in his holographic recreation of the enviroment he was likely to have lived in.
Further surgery on his drug plug to interface directly with the brain through both chemical and electrical pulses proved to be succesful. It turned out he was ´normal´ inside his head, but had difficulties processing what impulses from the outer world came in and giving an output signal.

- Report by dr. Sarin Taal, alias Darkomen -

When I was first contacted by the bridge crew of the USS Daystrom I had no idea this was even possible. At some point in a reguar mission I got a call from the ops department that they found a cryosattelite from the Sol system, almost 300 years old, which contained a boy which was still intact. You can imagine how ridiculous it sounded, but we were used to that, considering we already had a 1st officer which was a tholian as part of an exchange program and a feline-like centaur creature from another reality that quite much shaped most of my EMH assistant.

Initial studies of the body showed he was about 18 years old in terms of his physical age. Perhaps he was exactly 18 years old when he was put in cryostasis, as test results from his intestines showed some remains of a lot of fat and sugar and other ingredients common ingredients in birthday cakes of that time.
The second interesting discovery were his neural pathways and the level of development of his brains. Although not extinct, there are still people with psychic disorders which have their origins in the arrangement of their neurl pathways. This was an example: This boy was, or rather is, autistic. Considering autism can be divided into various sub-syndromes, I decided to dive a little deeper into his mind.
To find out what specific kind of autism this boy had, I had to raise his level of conciousness a little bit. A frozen body is interesting to study, but considering it has to be kept at the same temperature all the time and I didn't want to wear an enviromental suit constantly, I decided to place the body in one of the 2 holodecks, to simulate a slightly milder enviroment, while keeping him in a comateuse state. He would still be braindead, but I could see how his brain was wired and how it responded to pulses, in order to diagnose him further.
The conclusion was that he was/is indeed autistic, with a rather 'light' syndrome, called Asperger. First used in the 1980's by a researcher called Lorna Wing, she named it after an Austrian doctor which first 'discovered' patients in his clinic with similar synptoms.
Further details about asperger can be found in another report elaborating on Asperger.

- end of medical report -

With the Daystrom being the place he was awoken, it became his new home and he decided to stay there, as he had nowhere else to go. On that ship, he was taught by more or less the entire crew how to be ´human´ again, which is an ongoing process, which will probably never finish completely. also, he had to relearn his linguistics, as he had Dutch as his first language. Nowadays, he can speak federation English with little difficulty.

The next problem arose: burocracy. Considering he was declared dead by the local authorities well over 300 years ago, and he was alive and well walking around on the ship, some paperwork had to be solved. Luckily, the crew had many connections which solved the problem over time. Alongside of his very existence, his presence on the ship was posing a slight problem as well. Technically, he was a civilian, with no educational knowledge to speak of (whatever knowledge was present was outdated by 300 years) and not a momber of the crew.
To settle this matter, captain Fletcher decided to enlist him as a crewman, and he would follow starfleet academy classes via the holodeck, with his drug plug interfacing with the public part of the central computer, so he could update his knowledge to the 24th century. So far, no problems have occurred using this method.

Re: The Daystrom bunch

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 1:21 pm
by Thorin
Jonathan Hewer
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Date of Birth: 17th June 2351
Rank: Commander
Role: Daystrom's XO

Family: father died in Cardassian war as a lieutenant, mother lives on earth with her grandchildren and daughters in law. Jonathan's 26 year old brother, Ryan, is currently a 4th year cadet undertaking field experience as an assistant doctor on the USS Pegasus, a Nova class ship. He joined the academy later, like Jonathan, after first going to university and gaining a degree in biochemistry. Jonathan's 28 year old brother, Liam, is the Daystrom's chief engineer, a Lieutenant who was promoted to his position after the previous chief engineer, Lieutenant Commander Seafort, took up assignment in Starfleet's research and development department.

Bio (Jonathan's): graduated university with a masters in theoretical physics in 2372. Graduated the academy in 2376 with distinctions in astrophysics and tactical analysis. After graduation, Jonathan had a two year stint onboard the USS Exeter as a tactical relief officer as an ensign. In 2378/79, he attended advanced tactical training, and was promoted to the rank of lieutenant J.G. upon graduating. Had served upon the USS Daystrom for 11 months before the Tholian incidents, and was then promoted to lieutenant. He served upon the Daystrom for a further 2 years before being offered the tactical position on the USS Sovereign. In 2384 he was promoted to lieutenant commander and offered the XO position on board a Nova Class, but declined, and served for a further 3 years on board the USS Sovereign. In 2387 he was again offered an XO position, on board a Steamrunner Class, accordingly with a promotion to commander. He this time accepted, and served for two years as the Steamrunner's XO. In 2389 he was contacted by his middle-brother, then lieutenant junior grade and assistant chief engineer of the USS Daystrom, notifying him of an opening coming up as the Daystrom's XO, and urged him to apply. Jonathan decided to take his brother's advice and was assigned as the Daystrom's second in command, under Captain La Forge. Captain La Forge was soon after, in 2390, offered the captaincy of the Galaxy Class USS Challenger and accepted. Captain W'Trisk was then offered the USS Daystrom and accepted.

Lieutenant Liam Hewer: Jonathan's middle-brother, the USS Daystrom's chief engineer

Re: The Daystrom bunch

Posted: Thu Aug 21, 2008 1:41 am
by Mikey
USS-Daystrom NCC-77127

Ship: Akira class heavy cruiser version 3.66

Length : 464.43 m
Beam : 316.67 m
Height : 87.43 m
Decks : 19

Mass : 3,055,000 tons
Crew : 475 (evac 4500)

3 x Type XII phaser arrays, total output 40,000 TeraWatts
15 x Pulse fire quantum torpedo tube with 1200 rounds and photon torpedo replicator

Regenerative shield system, total capacity 3,825,745 TeraJoules
Heavy Duranium/Tritanium Double hull plus 7.2 cm ablative armour.
High level Structural Integrity Field

Normal Cruise : 8.0
Maximum Cruise : 9.63
Maximum Rated : 9.9 for 12 hours.

Beam Firepower : 800
Torpedo Firepower : 10,125
Weapon Range and Accuracy : 1350
Shield Strength : 1417
Hull Armour : 1480
Speed : 1601
Combat Manoeuvrability : 2256
Overall: 3636

Deck 1: Main Bridge
Deck 2: Main Engineering
Deck 3: Main Engineering, Armoury 1
Deck 4: Main Engineering, Holodeck 1
Deck 5: Security Offices, Armoury 2
Deck 6: Transporter Room 1, Sickbay
Deck 7: Science Labs/Offices Transporter Room 2
Deck 8: Crew Quarters, Mess Hall
Deck 9: Crew Quarters, Holodeck 2
Deck 10: Shuttle Bay (fore + aft), Armoury 3
Deck 11: Shuttle Bay (fore + aft)
Deck 12: Officer's Quarters, Computer Core
Deck 13: Transporter Room 3, Holodeck 3
Deck 14: Emergency Bridge, Secondary Computer Core, Armoury 4
Deck 15: Crew Quarters
Deck 16: Cargo Storage (inc. anti-/matter)
Deck 17: Cargo Bays
Deck 18: Deflector Control
Deck 19: Cargo Bays

Type 9 Shuttle Craft: 7
Falcon Class Fighters: 21
Type 7 Cargo Shuttles: 5
Danube Class Runabout: 3
Prototype Shuttle: 1
ACV (Argo Class Vehicle): 3

Prototype class

Type: Short Range Explorer

Unit Run: 1 - experimental

Commisioned: 2379-present

Dimensions: Length: 41.5 m
Beam: 24.5 m
Height: 9.8 m
Decks: 2
Crew: 2 (evac 150)

Armament: 2 x pulse phaser cannons, total output 4700 TeraWatts
3 x Type VIII phaser arrays, total output 4500 TeraWatts
Standard probe/photon launcher with 25 rounds

Defense systems: Standard shield system, total capacity 159,520 TJ
Standard duranium/tritanium single hull
Standard SIF

Warp Speeds:
Normal cruise: 5
Maximum cruise: 6
Maximum rated: 8 for 9 hours

Beam firepower: 184
Torpedo firepower: 125
Weapon range and accuracy: 190
Shield strength: 59.081
Hull/armor: 50
Speed: 535
Combat maneuverability: 22900
Overall strength index: 184

Falcon class

Type: Light fighter

Unit Run: 12,548 built in total. 3,958 have been lost in all. This class remains in service.

Commisioned: 2379-present

Dimensions: Length: 12 M
Beam: 9 M
Height: 4 M
Decks: 1

Crew: 1

Armament: 2 Light pulse phasers, total output 1,100 Terra Watts
2 micro photon torpedoe tubes with 12 rounds

Defence Systems: Standard shield system, total capacity 51,500 Terra Joules
Light Duranium/Tritanium Single hull
Low level Structural Integrity Field

Warp Speeds: Normal cruise: 3.5
Maximum cruise: 4
Maximum rated: 4.23 for 3.5 hours

Diplomatic capability: None

Expected hull life: 15 years

Beam firepower: 22
Torpedo firepower: 20
Weapons range and acuracy: 12
Shield strength: 21
Hull armour: 3
Speed: 130
Combat maneuverability: 20,000