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Gamma mission sign in
Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 1:45 am
by Blackstar the Chakat
Post your bios, you know the drill
Re: Gamma mission sign in
Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 3:19 am
by Monroe
First Officer of <Name> Intrepid Commander Boush Munro
Species: Breen
Age 45
Promoted during last mission from security crewmen. Formed a close alliance with Commander Rochey. Killed a fellow crew man during first mission onboard the Daystorm, was investigated but cleared of all charges. Given a verbal warning from the captain. Few weeks later took command of the ground forces that led the bloody charge in what would be known as "Night of the Red Mountain". Commadore Ford took most of the credit publically but people in the know credited Munro with the act. As a result he was promotted from Lieutiant to Lieutiant Commander. Several years later he recieved a promotion to Commander and transfered to an Intrepid class under is old comrade M'Real.
Tac Ops of Daystrom Akira- Lieutiant Leo Moncano
Species: Human
Age: 29
Mars born human he ended up in last place of his class at Starfleet. However was given a chance by the departing Captain Fletcher, after three previous assignments, to the TacOps station onboard the Daystrom. He performed okay enough for the Captain to keep him before transfering off.
Re: Gamma mission sign in
Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 3:46 am
by Mark
Name: Mark (knight)*
Rank: Lieutenant
Current Posting: Tactical and Security Chief / USS Paladin
Age: 26
Race: Human
Height: 6'0 feet
Weight: 200 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
At 5 years old, Mark was orphaned when an unexplained warp core breach on board the USS Plaito killed both of his parents, who were serving aboard her as officers at the time. He was rescued from the exploding ship by Lt Cmdr T'llar, the Vulcan Operations Officer and ships 2nd officer, who as a result of rescuing him suffered irrepairable damage to her inner ear, effectively ending her deep space career. Mark, having no surviving family at all, was "adopted" by T'llar (who had been very close with Mark's father, Cmdr Steven Knight, the Plaito's first officer, whom she attended the acadamy with), and brought back to Vulcan to be raised with her husband and other children. T'llar and her husband Sturek (who was an instructor with the Vulcan Science Acadamy), not knowing what else to do felt it logical to raise the human child in traditional Vulcan ways hence distinguishing him by his first name only. Early on, while Mark excelled at his schooling, earning grades equel to and sometimes exceeding his classmates, he was continually tormented by the Vulcan children, who would find ways to provoke him and get him to throw the first punch, therefore justifying there physical abuse. At age 13, after a particular nasty episode with an older Vulcan boy forcing a mind meld on Mark, Sturek took him to a master of Pan, an obscure form of Vulcan martial arts. Mark excelled beyond Sturek and Master Turon's expectations, quickly earning the level of Sha'dar 4th level, as well as learning the correct application of the Vulcan Nerve Pinch (almost impossible for a human to do). At age 17, he applied for early enterence into Starfleet Adadamy and was accepted. Again Mark excelled in his classes, quickly becoming one of the Acadamy's rising stars, until an unfortunate event in his 3rd year at the Acadamy, when he was involved in a brawl with four 4th year cadets. The lead cadet admitted to starting the fight and was expelled, with the other three and Mark recieveing a permanant reprimand on there record and being forced to begin the year over again. Upon graduating, Mark was given his first assignment, to the USS Intrepid, as a relief bridge officer. After 2 years he was promoted to Ltjg, and transferred to tactical and security as deputy chief. Unfortunatetly, around that time, one of the ships senior officers began making unwanted sexual advances, and upon completetion of his second tour on Intrepid and promotion to Lieutenant, he requested an immediete transfer off the ship. He has been posted at spacestation DS9 for the past two months awaiting transfer to the new taskforce preparing to enter the Gamma Quadrant.
Lt Mark is a curious cross between reserved and shy, and outgoing and emotional. Growing up on Vulcan taught him to repress his emotions, but he's only partially successful. His emotions after a while tend to give way in a torrential flood resulting in sometimes unwarrented emotional outbursts. He his highly intelligent, and WOULD have graduated the acadamy with top honors, but for the black mark he recieved. His Vulcan martial arts training has made him somewhat more philisocphical and introspective than most humans his age, but his exposure to humans and human emotions tends to make him uncomfrotable in most social situations.
Mark is handsome caucasian male who is utterly clueless how attractive he actually is. Due to his Vulcan upbringing, he is meticulous about his grooming and appearnce, because not doing so would be illogical. Due to growing up on the planet Vulcan with it's thin air and high g enviornment, Mark is much stronger, faster, and has greater endurance than most other humans, but doesn't even come close to matching a Vulcan in that regard. When he joined the acadamy, it was noted that his PSI was low, even for a human, likely resulting from a telepathing assault suffered in his youth. As such it is rather difficult to reach or decect him telepathically, and cause him excruciating pain to do so.
Re: Gamma mission sign in
Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 4:37 am
by Mark
What do you guys think? My first time.
Re: Gamma mission sign in
Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 4:39 am
by Mikey
Nice: well detailed, his traits are explained, we get a good feel for the character. But what branch is he in? Science, ops, what? And which ship is he going to be on?
Re: Gamma mission sign in
Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 7:02 pm
by shran
Kasper Nijhoff
Aged 390 historically wise
biological age§: ±18 years
position± boatswain/petty officer
Bio: born of rich parents from the Eastern coalition while being born with autism, variant asperger, he was one nasty child, not reacting to any stimuli for a long time. At age 17, he was put in a cryosattelite, with his drug plug rebuilt to interface with his brain synapses to keep him in artificial coma. Due to his syndrome, he is somewhat obsolete as a carrier of knowledge and raw mathematical power, because computers outrun him. Recently, he was discovered by the USS Daystrom in a cryosattelite, well into Tholian space, having been adrift in interstellar space for several years. it is unknow as of now how he wound up there.
Soon after the beta mission of the Daystrom he was awoken by a team of the nearby station, using the data gathered from observations made by dr. Sarin Taal during his stay on the daystrom. Still somewhat stoic to his surroundings, the team decided to use his drug plug as his window on the world.
First attempts with regular hormones were unsuccesful, due to the different wiring of his brain relative to non-autistic humans.
As soon as his neural pathways were studied thoroughly, the medical team was able to recalibrate the hormones used, but attempts at social contact remained difficult, though he could function in his holographic recreation of the enviroment he was likely to have lived in.
Further surgery on his drug plug to interface directly with the brain through both chemical and electrical pulses proved to be succesful. It turned out he was ´normal´ inside his head, but had difficulties processing what impulses from the outer world came in and giving an output signal.
- Report by dr. Sarin Taal, alias Darkomen -
When I was first contacted by the bridge crew of the USS Daystrom I had no idea this was even possible. At some point in a reguar mission I got a call from the ops department that they found a cryosattelite from the Sol system, almost 300 years old, which contained a boy which was still intact. You can imagine how ridiculous it sounded, but we were used to that, considering we already had a 1st officer which was a tholian as part of an exchange program and a feline-like centaur creature from another reality that quite much shaped most of my EMH assistant.
Initial studies of the body showed he was about 18 years old in terms of his physical age. Perhaps he was exactly 18 years old when he was put in cryostasis, as test results from his intestines showed some remains of a lot of fat and sugar and other ingredients common ingredients in birthday cakes of that time.
The second interesting discovery were his neural pathways and the level of development of his brains. Although not extinct, there are still people with psychic disorders which have their origins in the arrangement of their neurl pathways. This was an example: This boy was, or rather is, autistic. Considering autism can be divided into various sub-syndromes, I decided to dive a little deeper into his mind.
To find out what specific kind of autism this boy had, I had to raise his level of conciousness a little bit. A frozen body is interesting to study, but considering it has to be kept at the same temperature all the time and I didn't want to wear an enviromental suit constantly, I decided to place the body in one of the 2 holodecks, to simulate a slightly milder enviroment, while keeping him in a comateuse state. He would still be braindead, but I could see how his brain was wired and how it responded to pulses, in order to diagnose him further.
The conclusion was that he was/is indeed autistic, with a rather 'light' syndrome, called Asperger. First used in the 1980's by a researcher called Lorna Wing, she named it after an Austrian doctor which first 'discovered' patients in his clinic with similar synptoms.
Further details about asperger can be found in another report elaborating on Asperger.
- end of medical report -
With the Daystrom being the place he was awoken, it became his new home and he decided to stay there, as he had nowhere else to go. On that ship, he was taught by more or less the entire crew how to be ´human´ again, which is an ongoing process, which will probably never finish completely. also, he had to relearn his linguistics, as he had Dutch as his first language. Nowadays, he can speak federation English with little difficulty.
The next problem arose: burocracy. Considering he was declared dead by the local authorities well over 300 years ago, and he was alive and well walking around on the ship, some paperwork had to be solved. Luckily, the crew had many connections which solved the problem over time. Alongside of his very existence, his presence on the ship was posing a slight problem as well. Technically, he was a civilian, with no educational knowledge to speak of (whatever knowledge was present was outdated by 300 years) and not a momber of the crew.
To settle this matter, captain Fletcher decided to enlist him as a crewman, and he would follow starfleet academy classes via the holodeck, with his drug plug interfacing with the public part of the central computer, so he could update his knowledge to the 24th century. So far, no problems have occurred using this method.
Re: Gamma mission sign in
Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 7:23 pm
by Reliant121
Hoping of course i get the position as the Warbird's commander, i'll post this up.
Commander D'Tyra
Age: 144 (getting on a tad)
Height: 5" 11'
Hair: grey, still with some black tints in though
Eyes: bluey grey
Commander D'Tyra is the calm, quiet almost sage-like commander of the Romulan contingent assisting the investigations with the Federation/Klingon strike force. Known thoughout the star empire for her rational, tactical thinking ability, and surprising profieciency with blade weaponry, She was chosen for this mission for her capability and actions she performed during the dominion war.
D'Tyra was born in teh capital city of Romulus, and entered into the military from an early age. She has never had a lover, never had any other devotion than to her duty and the empire. She can be regarded as quite a cold, heartless and dark by some, but it hides a generally well meaning personality. She is not afraid to act as ships councellor, in the abscence of commissioned ones. The only major problem that the Romulan navy has noted is she has a tendency to make heavy modification to each ship she commands to get the job done. She is also highly independant of the cloaking device, not using it to its effective end.
Re: Gamma mission sign in
Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 3:13 am
by Sonic Glitch
Capt. Mathew Lewis USS Yet-to-be-named Nebula Class
Class of 2370--Double majored in Stellar Cartography and History
Served for 6months on Enterprise-D in Stellar Cartography department. After Destruction of E-D decided to transfer to tactical (he felt his strengths lead him more in that direction than the sciences). Returned to Starfleet Acaemy for Advanced Tactical Training, graduated with honors. Did some work with Starfleet Intelligence prior to and during the Dominion War. While there became aware of existence of Section 31 and the group headed by Commander Elias Vaughn which works against 31 the best they can. Returned to Enterprise-E after incident in the Briar Patch. Served on E-E for up until the "Nemesis" incident. Requested a transfer due to..."personality conflicts" with Commander Madden. Became first officer of Sabre-Class USS Katana in 2380. Took command of Katana after Captain Ruhalter was killed in battle with the Neutronium Brotherhood. It was he and his crew who developed the tactic which was successfully used to take down the Brotherhoods Orbital Defence Platforms.
Following the battle he was re-assigned to Starfleet Intelligence as Sector Chief for the Tholian Border. His task was to clean house and repair the intelligence screw-ups which had lead to the Brotherhood Debacle. He served in that post for 5 years before finally receiving (after multiple requests) starship duty in the exploration branch of Starfleet.
He was assigned to the Yet-to-be-named Nebula Class vessel where he served as chief Tactical Officer/Executive Officer for four years. After a one year tour as First Officer he was permanently assigned to the Yet-to-be-named Nebula has her Captain where he has served since. He has finally achieved his goal of commanding a starship on an exploratory mission.
Re: Gamma mission sign in
Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 4:20 am
by Sonic Glitch
Does that seem like an effective bio for the good Commander/Section Chief/Captain? I tried to fill in the intervening years as best I could.
Re: Gamma mission sign in
Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 8:35 am
by Reliant121
Simple, clear concise. fits well.
Re: Gamma mission sign in
Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 1:18 pm
by Sionnach Glic
If I remember correctly, Mark is taking Tactical on the battleship.
Re: Gamma mission sign in
Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 2:03 pm
by Mikey
All I know is Monroe better perform above his almost-drop-out potential. We have ways... and I don't have to get my hands dirty - I have a bos'n now! Go Shran!
Re: Gamma mission sign in
Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 8:24 pm
by Blackstar the Chakat
Name: M'Real
Rank: Commander
Position: XO of the USS Pegasus
Species: Caitian
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Orphaned at a young age M'Real was adopted by Admiral Norington. She entered Starfleet academy at a relatively young age, she was trained as a fighter pilot and graduated top of her class, however in an unusual turn of events she was not the top pilot in her class, the honor going to her adoptive sister, Blackstar. During their first mission as graduates out of the academy a combat accident resulted in M'Real suffering severe injuries and spending a long time recovering. Feeling her reflexes were shot she transferred to Starfleet Intelligence preforming a large amount of 'milk-run' missions until an investigation aboard the Daystrom led her down another path. A combination of several factors, such as her frustration with her mother interfering with her assignments, led her to transfer to Daystrom's flight division, and finished construction on a new prototype shuttle that had been started by her sister before shi left the Daystrom.
After the battle with the Neutronium Brotherhood M'Real was transferred along with the prototype shuttle dubbed Shadow Fox to Utopia Planitia Ship Yards for further studies of the shuttle's abilities. Many of the shuttle's major design elements have been incorporated into current next-generation design plans, however the Shadow Fox remained unique. The Shadow Fox was used for several missions requiring small teams of operatives. The Shadow Fox was officially assigned to Commander M'Real.
Recently M'Real was assigned to be the first officer of a new Nova-class ship, the USS Pegasus NCC-82121. Although the Shadow Fox was intended to be carried aboard the Pegasus after a quick refit, which among other things would've modified the ship's shuttlebays to accomedate the larger shuttle. However the refit was delayed due to the sudden reassignment to the Gamma quadrent fleet, resulting in the Shadow Fox and it's crew being assigned to the Daystrom.
Name: Nova(rough translation of hir Caitian name: M'Kraktarkaana[the first two k's are silent])
Rank: NCO
Position: Mission Specialist/Shadow Fox captain
Species: Chakat/Caitian hybrid
Age: 10
Gender: Hermaphrodite
The daughter of Starfleet Captain M'Real and freighter Captain Blackstar, Nova was with hir mother for much of hir early life, moving in with hir father for a short period while M'Real performed some dangerous missions. Shi made several upgrades to the Shadow Fox afterwards, including the replacement of it's original nacelles with something more similar to a Type-11 shuttle or a Danube-Class runabout increasing it's speed. Despite only being 10 earth years of age shi is very intelligent, however shi lacks the wisdom brought about from experience.
Shi is also a unique hybrid of the Caitian and Chakat species, resulting in hir being a biped equivalent of a Chakat having duel-genders, and having many of the same redundondant organs, and having the same appetite as a result. Shi also has their strong immune system, empathic ability, supirior vision and hearing. However hir coloration is a light brown common to Caitians, making most people assume shi's simply a larger then average Caitian child. Shi often lets people refer to hir by female pronouns rather then forcing them to use hermaphrodite pronouns, as shi often leans towards hir female side in many aspects of hir personality. Nova often wears hir long hair in ponytail to keep it out of hir way. Shi can often be found working on the Shadow Fox, as shi seems to consider it 'home' as opposed to whatever quarter's shi's assigned. As the Shadow Fox is a large part of hir life shi has formed a sentimental attachement to it.
Hir official status is as a NCO, and is assigned as crew of the Shadow Fox. As the Shadow Fox is too big to fit in the Pegasus' main shuttlebay the Shadow Fox and Nova have been assigned as mission specialists to the Daystrom and will be using the Fox's advanced sensor array, transporter, and combat systems in the upcoming mission.
Re: Gamma mission sign in
Posted: Sun Aug 10, 2008 11:40 pm
by Mikey
Umm... part of the definition of "species" is that two different ones can't procreate. You even used that fact in the Beta mission.
And if the Shadow Fox is now private property, it will not be housed in any bay on the Daystrom.
Captain M'karn "Mikey" W'trisk
CO, USS Daystrom
race: Andorian
age: 50 yrs.
specs: 5'9"; 172 lbs. (approx. 78 kg); skin: blue; hair: white
background: somewhat of a troubled youth - minor legal brushes - but turned around in time to attend Starfleet Academy and graduate in top third of class. One five-year deep-space exploration tour on the Niagara-class Makamaka'ole out of the Academy as an ensign assigned to conn, followed by a three-year tour as Lt. j.g. as a junior tactical officer on the New Orleans-class USS Stilwell on picket/escort/patrol duty. Loyal and respectful of the chain of command, but can be a hothead... tries to control himself with meditation and traditional Andorian version of pankration.
Following the battle with the Neutronium Brotherhood, Mikey served as the XO of the Nebula-class USS Gage for three years, and then as captain of his old ships the Stilwell(2 years) and the Makamaka'ole(5 years) before being awarded command of the Daystrom. Upon becoming a captain, Mikey received an unexpected message from his father; it simply said, "I'm proud." After this subconscious dambusting, Mikey's ruthless pragmatism mellowed somewhat in favor of a more reflective mentality. This change has since been mitigated by his father's accidental death occurring before Mikey could visit home.
Re: Gamma mission sign in
Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 12:33 am
by Blackstar the Chakat
Mikey wrote:Umm... part of the definition of "species" is that two different ones can't procreate. You even used that fact in the Beta mission.
We've seen dozens of cross-species breeding, Human-Vulcan, Human-Klingon, Human-Betazoid, Klingon-Klingon/Human, Human-Ocampa(alternate timeline but still), Human-Human/Klingon...has anyone else noticed the massive amount of humans breeding with other species? Worf and Jadzia, a Klingon and Trill respectivly had plans to cross breed, with Bashir saying something about some sort of therapy making it possible for Jadzia and Worf to have children working despite the odds. So as far as I can figure, with the 'therapy' Bashir used cross-species breeding is possible, however the ability to get pregnant without this 'therapy' would be absolute zero(or so low it might as well be zero). Or we just go "Quantum"
And if the Shadow Fox is now private property, it will not be housed in any bay on the Daystrom.
Well, I'm sure I can change that if you're that adamant about it, however didn't we carry, I think it was Metler's, personal ship in the Alpha topic? If not the two options I can think of is that A)The Shadow Fox is given a temporary Starfleet commission or B) After the shipyards finished studying the Shadow Fox M'Real continued using it as her personal vessel, and as she was the only officer in Starfleet who totally understood how to repair and operate it no one has objected to it.