Romulans....what were they doing?

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Romulans....what were they doing?

Post by Mark »

Has anybody else ever wondered what the Romulans were up to during their isolationist period? I've heard speculation that they were building up for an invasion that never took place because someone else took power, that they were involved in a civil war, or were fighting a war on another front. Anybody have any other ideas or some insight? (Cannon or not, it's still fun to speculate)
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Re: Romulans....what were they doing?

Post by Graham Kennedy »

My bet is civil disturbance, possibly an economic or societal collapse, maybe an all out civil war.
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Re: Romulans....what were they doing?

Post by Deepcrush »

I always thought it was that the UFP and KE were so quick to arms that the RSE didn't feel it was worth the risk of futher war. They have fought both the UFP and the KE so many times and yet come out with nothing to show for it. Sometimes its good to take a seat and think things over for a while and deal with your problems at home.
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Re: Romulans....what were they doing?

Post by Mikey »

Agreed. A civil disturbance, coup d'etat, or something similar that was unsuccesful could have easily given rise to the Ta'Shiar and their carte blanche that we saw TNG+.
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Re: Romulans....what were they doing?

Post by KuvahMagh »

The Romulans have rarely made the first move militarily, even when they do they are quick to hide again. Its entirely possible that while Diplomatically and Militarily they were isolationist that their Covert Operations were very much underway, undermining the Feds, Klingons & their friendship. Some support for this may be gained from early TNG episodes where they mentioned some what recent tensions/conflicts between the two powers.
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Re: Romulans....what were they doing?

Post by stitch626 »

They were probably designing ships that 1) weren't taken from the klingons, or 2) has an uber weapon, but just that weapon.
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Re: Romulans....what were they doing?

Post by Mikey »

KuvahMagh wrote:The Romulans have rarely made the first move militarily, even when they do they are quick to hide again. Its entirely possible that while Diplomatically and Militarily they were isolationist that their Covert Operations were very much underway, undermining the Feds, Klingons & their friendship. Some support for this may be gained from early TNG episodes where they mentioned some what recent tensions/conflicts between the two powers.
One would think, then, that the crew of the TNG hero ship wouldn't be as jaw-droppingly shocked to see a Romulan.
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Re: Romulans....what were they doing?

Post by KuvahMagh »

Mikey wrote:
KuvahMagh wrote:The Romulans have rarely made the first move militarily, even when they do they are quick to hide again. Its entirely possible that while Diplomatically and Militarily they were isolationist that their Covert Operations were very much underway, undermining the Feds, Klingons & their friendship. Some support for this may be gained from early TNG episodes where they mentioned some what recent tensions/conflicts between the two powers.
One would think, then, that the crew of the TNG hero ship wouldn't be as jaw-droppingly shocked to see a Romulan.
Possibly but I'm reminded of the Romulan Spy in Data's Day, she had the crew, Federation, Starfleet all tricked into thinking she was a Vulcan, considering that they originate from the same species its possible they used agents disguised as Vulcans. Or they could just add a bunch of forehead gunk, call it a random species and no one would question it.
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Re: Romulans....what were they doing?

Post by Mark »

I've always been of the opinion that they were involved in some military action with some other "neighbor". More than anything, I think that would explain their actions. They couldn't spare the resources on our neutrel zone anymore, so the sent undercover spies to warn them if we planned anything. But the Federation is so predictable. They could leave their bordar abandoned, and with us there, it would be safe, because we just don't invade. It would explain their developing there own "military identity" (breaking away from what they bought from the Klingons) and their attitudes. You have to admit, Romulans seen in TOS and TNG acted markedly different. Plus, now they are all caught up technologically with the Federation and the Klingons, so a conflict also would have forced them to play "catch up"

At least that's my opinion :teacher:
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Re: Romulans....what were they doing?

Post by Tsukiyumi »

Maybe that's what happened to the Gorn?
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Re: Romulans....what were they doing?

Post by Deepcrush »

Only the UFP is strong enough to do so but they won't. The KE is in craptastic shape. The CU is a potmark in the AQ. The RSE is free to do whatever it wants inside of its own borders. As to their government I think the whole matter may be better off for them. Now the people really have a chance to choose their own futures.
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Re: Romulans....what were they doing?

Post by stitch626 »

I know what the Romulans were doing...
They were breeding tribbles so they could genetically engineer them toi be super intellagent and have them infiltrait the Federation! :)
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Re: Romulans....what were they doing?

Post by Nutso »

Designing their snappy new clothing. Also planning what to do after Khitomer. Making a fleet of space eating Warbirds. Not making other kinds of ships. Oppressing the Remans. Making long, painstakingly detailed plans that never come to fruition due to high Senate overturn rates. Doing away with their mighty plasma torpedo, rather than improving on the design.
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Re: Romulans....what were they doing?

Post by Tsukiyumi »

Nutso wrote:...Doing away with their mighty plasma torpedo, rather than improving on the design.
Yeah, you'd think that if any ship could field a few of those properly, it'd be the D'Deridex.

On the other hand, the Cardassians were stated to use something called "plasma torpedoes" on the ODP's, so maybe those green torpedoes we saw the Warbirds firing were some modern plasma torpedo type.
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Re: Romulans....what were they doing?

Post by Deepcrush »

Didn't the Romulans want to put 5000 plasma torps on Bajors moon?
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