Where No Jedi Has Gone Before (ST/SW) updated 8/17/07

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Where No Jedi Has Gone Before (ST/SW) updated 8/17/07

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

*Clears throat* This is a crossover between Star Wars and Star Trek. Any concrit and/or feedback would be appreciated. First part of a longer series and, if I get any feedback, one I'll continue.

Here we go!

He was dead. Of that much, he was certain.

James T. Kirk held up his hands, or at least the spiritual equivalent. They were translucent and had an odd bluish tinge to them. In a paradoxical way, he felt more alive than he ever had before.

He looked up just in time to see that Starfleet captain from the future. "Jean-Luc!" he yelled. "I'm not dead." A pause. "I can't be dead. I was supposed to die alone."

Just ahead, Jean-Luc Picard, captain of the late starship Enterprise, pulled a corpse out of a twisted metal framework. Kirk walked up to him and peered over his shoulder. No emotion was visible on his face as he stared into his own lifeless eyes.

Jean-Luc closed his eyes and made the sign of the cross. Merde. I'm sorry, Jim. I should have been able to defeat Soran and A tear ran down his cheek as he gathered up Jim's body. "I will see you get a proper burial. It's the least I can do." Jean-Luc began walking straight towards Jim, who was only mildly surprised when the captain passed right through him.

Jim shivered at the experience. "I don't like that."

"It's not so bad, once you get used to it."

Jim spun around and instantly shifted into a standard Starfleet defensive stance. After about half a second, he remembered his intangibility.

"Who are you?" he asked as he looked at the man. Like Jim, his body had a blue tinge to it and was translucent. Unlike Jim, who wore his Starfleet uniform, he wore a simple gray shirt, white pants and a brown robe. His face was partially obscured by a hood.

Jim walked up to him. "My name is James T. Kirk, late of the starship Enterprise. I ask again: who are you?"

The man pulled down the hood. "I am to be your guide into what comes next. It will be confusing and perhaps a little frightening, but I can assure you it will be worth it in the end." The man's blue eyes shone with amusement as he spoke the next words. "Consider it the true 'final frontier'."

Jim turned around slowly and looked up. By now Jean-Luc was halfway up the mountain. "A friend of mine once said that I can take death, and turn it into a fighting chance." He shrugged his shoulders. "I guess my chances were all used up." Jim looked at the man. "So, what force sent you here, the angels or the devils?"

A low chuckle escaped from the man's lips. "I wouldn't call all of them angels, but it is a force of the light that sent me." He walked up to Jim and, much to his surprise, placed a hand on Jim's shoulder. "You have done much good, James T. Kirk. It's now time for you to rest. Let the burden of saving the galaxy fall onto the next generation's shoulders."

For a second, he hesitated. Then a thought struck him. I'm dead. What good can come from hanging around this plane of existence when there's a new one just waiting? "All right, lead the way Mr. " He hesitated as a look of confusion swept his face. "By the way, what's your name?"

The man laughed. "I apologize." He bowed in a slightly exaggerated manner. "I am Obi-Wan Kenobi, but you can call me Ben."

Ben put his arm around Jim's shoulders as the two walked off into the light. "Oh, Ben?"


"Call me Jim."

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Last edited by RK_Striker_JK_5 on Fri Aug 17, 2007 11:49 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Tiberius »

Sounds interesting so far, I'd like to read more. The grammar is quite good, as is punctuation, and it seems quite well written for a fanfic.
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Captain Seafort
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Post by Captain Seafort »

An interesting approach to the Trek/Wars crossover. I'm looking forward to part two.
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Post by Monroe »

Looks good so far.
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Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Surprised no one bit my head off, here... ;)

Tiberius-Ah, thanks... I think I've never seen a need for fanfic to be any less well-written than pro work. In some instances-like the SW EU and fanfic-I find the fanfic to be about a billion times better than the profic. At least.

Captain Seafort-Thanks! It's coming.

Monroe-Thank you, too.

Word of warning... it takes place after ROTJ, and is heavily steeped in the Star Wars EU. I'll try and explain as I go. Next post should be... sometime this week.
Sionnach Glic
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Post by Sionnach Glic »

Seems interesting so far. I look forward to reading the rest of it. :)
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Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Rochey: Thanks!

Here we go!

Chapter One: Crossing the Barrier
Captain's log: Stardate 53010.3. With the end of the Dominion Incursion, Starfleet hopes that diplomatic relations might continue with the Romulans. We have been dispatched to retrieve Ambassador Spock so he might address the Federation Council on the current state of the Romulan Empire.

Jean-Luc Picard, captain of the USS Enterprise, stood at attention in transporter room three as a column of energy appeared on the transporter platform, coalescing into a humanoid form.

Ambassador Spock waited a moment before stepping down from the platform and stood in front of the good captain. He noted that Spock's face seemed to carry a few more wrinkles since last they met, and his shoulders were more rounded. Still, the venerable Vulcan carried himself with a quiet dignity that few could match.

He walked up to Picard and held up his hand. "Peace and long life." he said, spreading his fingers in the traditional Vulcan salute.

Picard nodded and returned the gesture. "Live long and prosper."

Spock nodded. "It is good to see you again, Captain. It's been," he paused as he calculated the time, "eight years, nine months since we last saw each other."

Picard smiled, as the two left the transporter room. "How is Romulus?" he asked, curious about the current situation behind the Neutral Zone.

Spock's right eyebrow arched. "The populace threw its full support behind the war once the Dominion's 'plans' were leaked. It also led to approximately 98.72% of the citizens getting involved in issues they might not have." Spock let out a breath. "The war has possibly done more good for the Romulans than bad. Illogical, but true."

Picard sobered at the news as a Bolian lieutenant walked by. "War is the least logical course of action, but sometimes the most necessary." They entered a turbo lift. "Deck eleven," Picard stated.

Picard and Spock continued their talk as the car rose. "We have Ambassador Worf with us. Perhaps you two can-" Before Picard could continue, the turbo lift shuddered and bucked around them. Their vision dimmed, as if the lights inside the car shorted out for a moment. Picard tapped his combadge. "Bridge, what just happened?"
Commander William Riker looked up from the bridge's main science station. "We're not sure, Captain. The ship dropped out of warp, and then everyone's vision went fuzzy for a moment. Frankly, I'm not sure what happened."

He glanced up at ops, currently occupied by ship's second officer Lieutenant Commander Data. The pale-skinned android looked over and shrugged. "At the moment, I have no idea what is going on, sir." He turned back to his console and inputted several commands. "Sensors are coming back online now."

Riker looked up at the main viewer. "Helm, check the position of the stars against our maps. Let's see where we are."

The main viewer changed from a shot of space in front of the Enterprise to a three-dimensional picture of local space. Various maps of star clusters and sectors flashed on the other as the computer tried to match up where they were. After a few minutes, the computer spoke. "Unable to identify location."

Data turned back to Riker and smiled. "Well, we are explorers. It appears we can now do quite a bit."

Riker scowled and turned back to the science station. "Get to work on finding out what happened."

Data nodded turned back to his console. "Aye, sir."

The turbolift door opened and Picard and Spock walked out. "Report," the captain said.

Riker stepped back as Picard walked up to him. "We don't have any real answers, Captain. One moment we were going along at warp seven, and the next our visions dim and our sensors went offline."

Spock's right eyebrow arched as he recalled an old memory. "I am afraid, Commander Riker, that that is often the case." He walked over to the station and leaned forward.

The first officer immediately felt a bit small and inadequate being in the proximity of such a legend. It quickly passed as the half-Vulcan's hands flew over the console, checking readings and sensor logs. "Mister Data, I am going to perform a quantum analysis. Would you assist me?"

The pale-skinned android cocked his cranium to the side and scratched his head. "I would be happy to, but for what purpose?"

Before Spock could answer, a crewmember from behind spoke up. "Captain, we have an unidentified ship entering sensor range."

Picard turned to the source of the voice, an Andorian tactical officer by the name of Tirsek. "Can you identify it?"

Tirsek shook her head as she checked the tactical readouts. "I can't, sir. It doesn't match any known configuration in our database." She looked up and let out a sigh. "Sorry, Captain."

Picard waved her off and walked over to his chair. He sat down and looked up at the main viewer. "Let's put this new arrival onscreen." The image changed from space to a small but growing disk. "Magnify." The disk grew into a larger one, and details were now evident.

Two triangular prongs stuck out of the forward section and a large sensor dish jutted from the port dorsal surface. Picard's trained eyes also picked out an obvious weapon emplacement at the top.

Tirsek spoke up. "Sir, we are being hailed Audio only."

The captain nodded. "Put it through."

A male's voice came through. "Ah, this is Han Solo of the Millennium Falcon. Are you people lost?"

Picard's eyebrow arched in a most Vulcan-like fashion. "Ah I believe so." he unconsciously stood and walked to the viewscreen. "My name is Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the Federation starship Enterprise. Can you please tell us our location?"

A short laugh came over. "Heh, that's a good one." There was a short pause before, "Wait, you really don't know?"

The turbolift doors opened, allowing an fairly imposing Klingon to exit. He wore black pants, a tunic and a robe laden with medals. Ambassador Worf walked over to Picard and bowed his head. "I apologize for the delay, Captain. I was doing my calisthenics when it happened."

Picard nodded in understanding, then addressed Han Solo again. "I'm afraid not, Captain Solo. It appears we've accidentally crossed a large expanse of space in little time, throwing us into uncharted space. We'd appreciate any help."
Han's eyes looked over the strange ship as it came into view. He had to admit, there were some fine lines to it. "It looks like she's moving, even while standing still," he muttered.

Next to him, Chewie nodded. ]I would give anything to look at that thing's engines.]

Han leaned forward and toggled the com switch. "Captain, you're near the Yavin System. My brother runs the Jedi Academy on the fourth moon of the gas giant. If you'd like, I can escort you there."

Chewie looked over at Han, but he waved him off. "Don't worry, pal. I've got a good feeling about this."

Picard thought for a moment before speaking. "We'd be happy to take you up on your offer, Captain Solo. Picard out."

Tirsek closed the channel and spoke. "Captain, I think I know where this Solo fellow is talking about. There's a star system about two light years out. And sensors not only indicate a gas giant but one with several moons."

The captain organized his thoughts before speaking. "Mister Data, continue the quantum scan and coordinate with Ambassador Spock. I want a report by the time we hit this Yavin System." He stood up and turned to Worf. "Ambassador, we may need you once we get there."

Worf nodded. "I am at your disposal, Captain."

The captain nodded and smiled, patting him on the forearm. "Thank you, old friend." He turned to helm and spoke. "Set course for the Yavin System, warp seven."

The Enterprise's bow rose and the impulse engines fired, sending the Sovereign-class battle cruiser forward and past the Millennium Falcon. The comparatively tiny CEC YT-1300 freighter pirouetted on its axis and followed behind.

The twin nacelles of the Enterprise flashed, creating a warp field and sending the ship hurtling forward at 656 times the speed of light. The Falcon followed and, with a flash of light, entered hyperspace.
Captain's log: Stardate 53015.7. The Enterprise is now in orbit around the fourth moon of a gas giant. Hopefully we might be able to contact someone in authority there. Meanwhile, Commander Data and Ambassador Spock have a theory on what has happened to us.

Lieutenant Commander Data stood at the head of the conference room table with a rather odd smile on his face. Picard, Riker, Worf, Spock, Tirsek, Chief Engineer Geordi La Forge and Councilor Deanna Troi sat at the conference table and waited for Data to begin.

"I believe Ambassador Spock and I have figured out what has happened," he stated. "We have crossed over into an alternate reality through a tear in the space/time continuum. Our warp engines use continuum distortion propulsion, so the Enterprise was able to punch through fairly easily."

Worf massaged his forehead and sank down into his chair. "Not again " he muttered.

Data looked up and over at the ambassador and gave him a sad smile. "I am afraid so, Ambassador. Fortunately, we should not be jumping realities."

Worf let out a breath. "For that, I am eternally grateful." A sudden thought crossed his mind. "Wait, what are we doing here? Shouldn't we head back before the hole closes?" he asked, gesturing to the transparent aluminum viewport behind.

Spock turned and looked over at the agitated Klingon. "The rift sealed immediately after we crossed over, Ambassador. It is entirely logical to assume that our warp engines will be more than sufficient to reopen it."

Data nodded in agreement. Worf shrugged, not entirely convinced but willing to wait.

Picard spoke up. "I also think this is an unprecedented opportunity for exploration. Think about it-we're in another universe. And we have a fairly reliable means of getting back to Federation space."

He slammed his hands on the table and pushed up into a vertical position. "Commander Tirsek, contact this Jedi Academy and see if they'd allow us to beam a small landing party down."

Tirsek nodded. "Yes, sir."

Before she left, Riker called out. "And Tirsek, see if you can find out what a 'Jedi' is."
Jedi Master Luke Skywalker stood out on the landing field, blue eyes cast up at the sky. The gas giant of Yavin Prime dominated the sky, but if he used the Force to enhance his eyesight, he could just make out a small sliver of silver against the predominantly blue sky.

Han and Chewie stood by him as well as a student of his, Tenel Ka Djo. She looked up slightly at Luke. "Master, may I ask why I am here?"

Luke kept his eyes on the ship but spoke to Tenel Ka. "You're a princess, Tenel Ka, and you've probably got more training in this sort of thing than most of us."

The Hapan princess blanched. "But Master, I have rejected most of the teachings of my grandmother and the royal court!"

Luke thought about the machinations and, in some cases, literally cutthroat politics of the Hapan court. "Then you are an even better choice than I thought." He turned to Han. "So, when are they coming down?"

His old friend shrugged and checked his wrist chrono. "Their captain said they'd be coming down in about five minutes." He turned to Chewie. "You got a comlink?"

The large Wookiee unclipped a small communicator from his baldric and handed it over to the roguish man. He held it up to his mouth and thumbed it on. "Enterprise, this is Han Solo. You planning on joining the welcome party anytime soon?"
On the Enterprise, Picard couldn't help but smile. "We'll be down shortly, Captain Solo." He turned to his handpicked landing party. Ambassadors Spock and Worf and Commander Data were there in transporter room three. Riker had protested, but the Captain felt that it was more appropriate for him to go down.

The quartet stepped up onto the platform and readied themselves. "Coordinates are locked in, sir."

Picard nodded. "Energize." Each one was engulfed in a column of energy as their molecules were disassembled, converted to energy and reassembled on the moon's surface. When Picard's vision cleared, he saw three humans and one large humanoid.

All had their mouths open and eyes wide in shock. "How the hell did you do that?" the older human half-yelled.

Spock stepped forward and spread his fingers out in the Vulcan salute. "I apologize for our abrupt appearance. My name is-"

He was interrupted by Luke, who stepped forward. "Ambassador Spock, right?" He held up his right hand and spread out his fingers down the middle in an imitation of Spock's gesture. "I am Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. I welcome you to Yavin IV."

Spock's eyebrow arched. "Fascinating." He then motioned to Picard, Data and Worf. "This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Lieutenant Commander Data and Ambassador Worf. We are representatives of the United Federation of Planets."

Luke nodded and motioned to his own party. "You already know Han and Chewie."

Han half-smiled and waved while Chewie bared his fangs and roared a greeting. [Welcome!] He soon focused his brown eyes on Worf. The Klingon bared his own fangs and let a growl rumble forth from his throat.

Luke motioned to the fourth member of his welcoming committee. "And this is Tenel Ka, princess and heir to the Hapes Consortium."

Tenel Ka stepped forward, her flame-red hair trailing behind. "I greet you."

Worf glanced at her, clad in lizard-skin armor and with a missing left forearm and thought, She is a warrior born.

Spock looked into Luke's blue eyes, while Luke lightly probed Spock through the Force. His mental discipline is immense.

The ambassador's green eyes focused on Luke. "Master Skywalker, we have determined that the Enterprise has crossed into another universe."

Chewie's mouth dropped at that and he growled. [Really? How powerful are those engines of yours?]

Han shrugged. "Probably not as powerful as the Falcon's, old buddy."

Spock's jaw worked for a bit before turning back to Luke. "Among my species, there is a technique known as the Vulcan mind meld. It can be intense and personal, but it also allows the transfer of a great deal of information over a short period of time. Would that be acceptable?"

Luke mulled Spock's words over before nodding.

The Vulcan raised his right hand, spread his fingers out and placed his hand on Luke's face. "My mind to your mind, your thoughts to my thoughts "

Tenel Ka gasped as she felt both Luke and Spock's mind becoming one entity.

Luke breathed out. "The needs of the many "

Spock finished. "Outweigh the needs the Force?"

Luke struggled to articulate. "The Jedi the Sith balance must be kept Sarek?"

Spock nodded, and his glassy eyes focused. "And Anakin " Words, images and feeling crossed the mental bridge between the two men until

Spock broke off the link. He shook his head while Data stepped forward. "Are you all right, Ambassador?"

Spock turned and let the faintest ghost of a smile cross his lips. "I am fine, Commander." He straightened his robes and looked over. "It was obviously the will of the Force that we arrive here."

Luke shook his head, sending his short blond hair swishing about. "No, Mister Spock. It was only logical the tear in the space/time continuum happen so near a gravity well"

Worf looked up at Chewie. "Did he talk like that before the mind meld?"

The big Wookiee shrugged, not sure what to make of it either. [Did Spock talk about the Force before?]

Luke stepped back motioned to the Jedi Temple. "I'll contact Leia. I'm sure she'll want to meet you and possibly open up negotiations."

Spock nodded, then turned his head around to Picard. "Luke's sister is Chief of State for the New Republic."

Picard tapped his combadge. "Bridge, this is the captain. We have made successful first contact." In a lower voice, he asked Spock. "Are you all right?"

Spock nodded. "Yes, Captain. The mind meld was unusually intense due to Master Skywalker's powers. I found it quite fascinating."
Across the field, Han checked up on Luke. "You okay?"

Luke's eyes focused on his brother-in-law. "Yeah, Han. It was just strange."

The scoundrel outwardly accepted Luke's statement, although Luke could still feel concern radiating off his best friend. "Well, don't get all logical on me, okay? I don't want you sounding like an astromech."

A smile tugged at the corner of Luke's mouth, but he kept a serious expression in the end.
Riker looked up from a datapad on his chair's armrest and responded. "Well, that's good." He paused for a moment. "When can we expect your return?"

Picard paused for a moment and turned to the quartet. "One moment, Number One." The good captain cleared his throat, attracting Han, Chewie, Tenel Ka and Luke. "Would any of you like a tour of the ship?"

Chewie let out a roar and ran over to Picard. [Yes, Captain! I do wish for a tour!] The Wookiee's brown eyes were wide, and he jumped up and down like a cub in the nursery tree.

Tenel Ka let a ghost of a smile cross her lips. "Ah, aha. I also wish to take a tour of the ship."

Han and Luke exchanged a glance. "We gonna let them have all the fun?" Han asked, smirking.

A big smile crossed Luke's mouth. "It might be neat."

They all walked over to the away team's position. Picard straightened himself. "Bridge, we will be having four guests."

Han stood next to Data, eyes looking up at the sky. "Will this hurt?"

Data patted him on the shoulder. "I assure you, Captain, you will not feel a thing."

Han turned to him and opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, a silvery cloud descended over his eyes. When it lifted a half-second later, Han found himself standing in a room on an elevated pedestal.

Worf, Spock, Picard and Data calmly stepped off. "That was our transporter. It converts matter to-" Picard stopped talking when he noticed none of the new arrivals moving.

He turned back and saw Luke waving his hand about and flexing it. "That was incredible."

Han's hands patted his midsection and he mumbled, "Kidneys check. Lungs " He took in a deep lungful of air, "check." He blinked and focused on Data. "I can see." His shoulders sagged in relief. "I'm all here!" He stepped down and walked over to the transporter chief. "Hey, kid. How can I get one of these for my ship?"

Picard raised his hand as if warding off some evil. "Ah, Captain Solo? What about the tour?"

Han half-turned and waved him off. "Oh, I'll catch up." he turned back and poked at the console. "Wow, those three bars?"

Picard and Luke exchanged a glance, and Luke spoke up. "Han, Chewie might need a translator, and what about the Enterprise's engines?"

Han stood back up. "I'm coming, kid." Before he left, the former smuggler turned to the transporter chief and pointed. "I'll be back, though."

You heard me, Jim. The
Enterprise is in my reality. It crashed through something."

James T. Kirk let out a metaphorical sigh and grabbed Obi-Wan Kenobi by his ethereal shoulders, spinning the Jedi Master around to face him. "They crossed into your dimension? Is that good?"

Ben shrugged. "See for yourself." He waved his hand, and a small window into the world of the living opened up.

Jim's jaw dropped as he watched the
Enterprise fly through the tear in space and meet up with the Falcon. "Not the best-maintained ship, is it?" he quipped.

Ben shot him a dirty look as the images ended. "I think we know who's responsible."

The former captain nodded. Both spirits turned and shouted, "Q!"

A flash of light heralded the arrival of the sometimes malevolent godlike being. "And what do you two pieces of consciousness want?" Q asked.

Jim motioned to the window. "Care explaining?"

Q shrugged. "Sorry, boys, but I've got an alibi this time."

Ben's mustache twitched and he folded his arms over his chest. "Fight with the missus?"

Q scowled. "Stop reading my mind! You're lucky I don't-"

Jim interrupted him, "-smite us or something. We know!"

The trickster waved Jim off. "Oh, why don't you go talk another malfunctioning computer or pretender god into suicide?"

Jim rubbed his chin in thought. "Got an hour, Q?"


Please read and review. :)
Last edited by RK_Striker_JK_5 on Thu Aug 23, 2007 2:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
Lieutenant jg
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Post by Tiberius »

Nice little technique for Chewie's speech, although you spelled "counsellor" wrong. :p

A little confusing on the sudden appearance of Q, but other than that, a very good continuation of the story. I'm looking forward to more!
Go and read my fan fic "The Hansen Diaries"! And leave comments!
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Post by Daniel »

Thats amazing
If/When you finish it you should try and get it published
Daniel Clark
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