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Star Wars Sign-In
Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 11:37 pm
by Monroe
Alright like I said I'll be online as under MSN messenger or koren1124 under yahoo monday June 30th as long as possible if you need help with Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds. I'll try to point you in the right direction. We may also use X-Wing Alliance since it takes place in space often.
Even if you don't want to play we'll still have normal RP here. So please sign in
We'll be RPing an Imperial army division tasked with retaking a world that the rebel alliance is trying to get their hands on some Clone War era Droids to bolster their armies. The Empire cannot allow this of course. You're welcomed to bring in new races if you'd like long as they're realistic I've got no problem with it. There are 20 million sentient races in Star Wars not everyone has been named by the EU

likewise with planets.
The time will take place around the period of Empire Strikes Back on the Star Destroyer Aetos Tagma.
Brigadier General Koren Fodakan (My old SWG character

Age 32
Koren has kind of a reverse Han Solo story, a Corellian having started off as a pilot for hire then joining the Empire he made his way to the 181st TIE Interceptor Squadron. He served with Captain Thrawn briefly which earned him contacts needed to gain control of a small Ubiquitor division, The Phantom Legion (my play time in Star Wars Galaxies). After roughtly two years he was tranfered out of patroling the Hydian Way, promotted to General, and given this task.
Koren was something of a playboy in his earlier years before meeting his wife Meaura DeMare, a prisoner he had brain washed into loving him-- how sweet. Since then he's settled down, and now only rarely cheats on her

Unlike many of his contemporaries he is not xenophobic or speciest and has counted some of the very few Imperial loyalist Bothans among others as his friends.
Koren is abut 5'10 175 pounds. Usually has a goatie that's brown like the rest of his hair. He's a great pilot but has a fondness of roasting things with his flame thrower.
Re: Star Wars Sign-In
Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 11:42 pm
by Sionnach Glic
What sort of high-ranking positions are open here?
If we have any armour units with us, can I take command of them?
Re: Star Wars Sign-In
Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 11:47 pm
by Monroe
Anything Brigadier General and lower. Keep in mind though Star Wars has many more ranks than Real life. I'll see if I can find a list.
Since you would be in charge of armored battallions of a division a Generalship would work or a High Colonel or Colonel (an example of the many more ranks Star Wars has). I'm pretty open to things but considering we'll be controlling armies you don't really want to be a Corporal unless you don't intend on using Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds.
Also Dark Side Users are -okay- long as their power is very limited. Since this is a smaller operation of just one division we're talking people that are under Jerec's chain of command or lower. Like they could be good at defelcting blasters, or at telekenisis but not both. The Emperor's Dark Side Cult and the Inquisition were both far beneath him in powers.
Re: Star Wars Sign-In
Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 11:49 pm
by Monroe
Ah glad I found this on my fav list from like 4 years ago:
Oh we're Army by the way. But we do use Stormtroopers so it would be possible to be a Storm Trooper rank.
Re: Star Wars Sign-In
Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 12:41 am
by Mikey
I don't have, and am not getting, Galactic Battlegrounds. I suppose that means I'd be relegated to a non-command position, but what exactly would that entail? NCO, or just a regular (but obviously a PC, so extra-special

) grunt? Perhaps a stormtrooper cpl or sgt, or a pilot or tanker under Rochey?
If a stormtrooper non-com is an option, what sort of world are we unleashing hell upon? If the environment calls for it, I wouldn't mind one of the specialized types - snowtroopers or bike scouts, or some such.
Re: Star Wars Sign-In
Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 12:47 am
by Monroe
A Stormtrooper is fine. We're going against a rebellious system. So it'll have a desert world, a Earth-like world, and a frozen wasteland of a world, and a few dead asteroid like world / moons.
A Standard Storm Trooper would probably allow you to have the most playability on all three of the objective planets plus their moons and dead worlds.
Re: Star Wars Sign-In
Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 1:48 am
by Mikey
I'll try to do a bit of research and put something together.
Re: Star Wars Sign-In
Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 12:50 pm
by stitch626
You do know that the "armor" (though I haven't seen it provide much protection) is not the person. You can be a stormtrooper and simply switch you clothing depending on the planet.
I would seriously doubt that the Empire would waste resorces by having troops that can only fight on frozen wastelands.
Re: Star Wars Sign-In
Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 3:02 pm
by Monroe
stitch626 wrote:You do know that the "armor" (though I haven't seen it provide much protection) is not the person. You can be a stormtrooper and simply switch you clothing depending on the planet.
I would seriously doubt that the Empire would waste resorces by having troops that can only fight on frozen wastelands.
They actually do have troops specially trained to fight in frozen wastelands. The Blizzard force for example. But you're probably right most Storm Troopers aren't as specialized.
Re: Star Wars Sign-In
Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 3:06 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Since you would be in charge of armored battallions of a division a Generalship would work or a High Colonel or Colonel (an example of the many more ranks Star Wars has). I'm pretty open to things but considering we'll be controlling armies you don't really want to be a Corporal unless you don't intend on using Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds.
I'll go for High Colonel, simply 'cause it sounds snappy, and take command of the armoured units, then.
*goes off to look up Imperial armour*
Re: Star Wars Sign-In
Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 3:36 pm
by Monroe
Rochey wrote:Since you would be in charge of armored battallions of a division a Generalship would work or a High Colonel or Colonel (an example of the many more ranks Star Wars has). I'm pretty open to things but considering we'll be controlling armies you don't really want to be a Corporal unless you don't intend on using Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds.
I'll go for High Colonel, simply 'cause it sounds snappy, and take command of the armoured units, then.
*goes off to look up Imperial armour*
Alright. Be sure to make up a bio.
Re: Star Wars Sign-In
Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 4:40 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Will do.
So where do we stand on numbers? Wookieepedia is a bit lacking in details on a the amount of troops a division would have. It indicates 40,000 as standard for a New Republic division, but also notes that Imperial divisions were re-organised into battlegroups, which typicaly have around 15,000 personel, with only 10,000 front line troops in total. Given the amount of hostiles we're going up against, we're going to be rather outgunned.
Re: Star Wars Sign-In
Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 5:04 pm
by Mikey
As far as the bike scout troops, arctic troops, etc.; I know that the armor is merely armor. However, it stands to reason that the wearers of that armor are specially trained for the environments/skills that would demand that particular armor.
On that note, I'm considering whether or not to pursue this; I am not well-versed at all in the EU.
Re: Star Wars Sign-In
Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 7:06 pm
by Monroe
Mikey wrote:As far as the bike scout troops, arctic troops, etc.; I know that the armor is merely armor. However, it stands to reason that the wearers of that armor are specially trained for the environments/skills that would demand that particular armor.
On that note, I'm considering whether or not to pursue this; I am not well-versed at all in the EU.
I'm not versed in Star Trek compared to the rest of the forum members and I participate in the Trek RPs

I just have to look up what a ship looks like every time its mentioned

We're dealing with a fictional world home of a fictional race so you could get by with just Movie knowledge.
Far as the Divisions of the armies that's a good question Rochey I didn't really think of their size. Maybe its a joint operation by infantry, armored, air. So you'd have the 40,000 infantry, 40,000 armored personel, and all the TIEs that a Star Destroyer and few escort ships can bring into the battle. Which is very understaffed but its not suppose to be easy

Re: Star Wars Sign-In
Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 7:10 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Ah, so it's more like a grouping of different divisions?