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Joke challenge
Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 12:00 pm
by Graham Kennedy
Okay, after watching Generations... the challenge is to come up with a joke that has the punchline...
"The clown can stay, but the Ferengi in the gorilla suit has to leave!"
1) The joke must make sense
2) The joke should be funny!
I have tried for ages to think up a joke for this, but I've never succeeded. Anybody think they can do it?
Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2007 11:45 pm
by Foxbat
You have been trying for ages?
Get a life man! Set up a Star Trek fan site; do SOMETHING in exchange for the oxygen you are consuming please!

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 1:22 am
by Graham Kennedy
A Star Trek fan site, you say? Why, I just might give that a go...
Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2007 2:15 am
by Bryan Moore
I'll be thinking about this at work tonight, non stop.
Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 6:40 pm
by Mikey
OK, here goes...
A Ferengi merchant and his Nausican bodyguard walk into a restaurant. Distracted by a scantily-clad female, the Ferengi bumps into a Klingon who is engaged in a dish of banana cream pie, and knocks him face-first into the pie. The Klingon produces his bat'leth and swiftly decapitates both the merchant and his henchman, and places the Ferengi's head on top of the Nausican's now-vacated neck.
The maitre d'hotel comes running at the commotion, yelling, "No fighting!" The Klingon turns to him and says, "Are you giving me orders,
The maitre d' decides that discretion is the better part of valor - and that cowardice is the better part of discretion. Looking at the whipped-cream-covered face of the Klingon and then at the Ferengi-headed Nausican corpse, he says, "OK, OK... the clown can stay, but the Ferengi inthe gorilla suit has got to go."
I should have warned you it would be a shaggy
targ story.

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 3:02 am
by Monroe
That did make sense. Not sure about funny though, knowing the punchline kind of makes it hard to tell if a joke would be funny or not.
Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 3:09 am
by Mikey
Yeah, that kind of puts a fly in the ointment, but at least it's a real joke.