Myself and Seafort both agree that this rule:Judging: Points out of 100 for each post, teams consist of 3 members so total score for each team will be 300 points total.
Mikey will be judging on use of logic, use of evidence, ability to counter, and ability to make your position clear/rhetoric. Don't waste your word count by discussing your opponents' techniques, because it won't help you - rather, spend your time supporting your points and defeating the opposing ones. Grammar is important only inasmuch as he can understand what you are trying to say; likewise spelling.
Barring unforeseeable circumstances the results will be posted 48 hours after the last post. Any formal complaints by one team about the other (ie posts to long, dubious references) must be made with in 24 hours of the debate. The points for each post will be made public to assure no corruption on the judges part.
No comments or criticism are to be made in the debate thread during the debate by anyone apart from the Judges and the team Captains, comments should be kept to official business. Any queries can be made in the debate prep thread.
Rules: Alternating turns. 1000 word limit per post, 1500 words for the openers and closers of each team. This word count includes outside quotes and references. All information you wish to include in your post must be posted in your post. You cannot give a link and expect people to read it. It is up to the judges whether they accept these as fact so be careful from where you get them from.
For this debate Seaforts affirmative team are the first to post.
Images: Limited to 3 per post.
Speaking order ect is decided upon by the team.
Canon only. This only includes the 5 series and 10 movies as shown on TV or the theater.
The replying post must be made with in 24 hours of the last post. Since the person designated to go at any given time (ie Opener, 2nd, Closer) is up to the team, if the person designated to post cannot for some reason post in time, the captain of that team may make the post in their position. They will suffer a 50 point penalty for this though. Or they can pass on the turn, they will not suffer the penalty but nor will they gain any points at all.
Should be changed.The replying post must be made with in 24 hours of the last post. Since the person designated to go at any given time (ie Opener, 2nd, Closer) is up to the team, if the person designated to post cannot for some reason post in time, the captain of that team may make the post in their position. They will suffer a 50 point penalty for this though. Or they can pass on the turn, they will not suffer the penalty but nor will they gain any points at all.
I suggest something like:
The replying post needs to be made with in 48 hours of the previous post. If a member cannot for some reason post they need to give notice as soon as possible but no latter than 36 hours after the post they are supposed to reply to. At this point an addition 24 hours may be granted by either the oppositon captain or one of the judges.
If it looks like the member will still not post the team captain must post with in the given time. If the captain posts in place of the team member the team will suffer a 25 point penalty, if neither the captain or member posts and the captain does not officially pass on the turn they suffer a 50 point penalty and the opposition can then post.
Basically you have 48 hours to post or 72 if you ask for more time.
I left in the smaller 25 point penalty because I fell it is an unfair advantage for a team captain to post multiple times.
I cant think of any other rules needed. Feel free to suggest any new rules or tweak the old ones. Seafort will probably want to re-write the above rule to make it more clear.