The Rebellion Chronicles

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The Rebellion Chronicles

Post by SuperSaiyaMan12 »

Star Wars and Star Trek are both owned by Lucasfilms/arts and Paramount. I own nothing, though I wish I did.

Characters: Enterprise-E Crew, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Chewbacca, Mon Mothma, Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine, eventually Mara Jade
Ships: Riker x Troi, Han x Leia, Luke x Mara (eventually)
Timeframes: Pre-Nemesis, 2377, 3 ABY, after Hoth.

Prologue: It has been one year since the Dominion War had came to an end. The most destructive conflict in the Milky Way had left billions dead and many worlds destroyed. And now, the Federation, Klingons, and Romulans sought to rebuild what was lost. The Enterprise-Ewas dispatched to the Federation border to begin its long awaited exploration missions again...

Chapter 1: A War in a Galaxy Far, Far Away...
Hoth System
Four clamshell shaped ships glided through the blackness of space in a convoy formation-one after the other. Flying around them were four strange looking fighters with four engines and laser looking weapons on the wingtips. They had just made it through a asteroid field around a icy planet.

"The Imperial Fleet is now breaking off the long will these Galfories take to get their hyperspace coordinates punched in?" Wedge Antilles complained from the cockpit of his X-Wing fighter.

"Don't know commander," Wes Janson said as he put his X-Wing through a barrel roll. "Lets just hope that Vader keeps his ships around the planet though. I don't like getting turbolasered in the morning."

"Cut the chatter," Wedge ordered as he kept his hand on his X-Wing's joystick as proximity alarms from his R5 unit began blaring. "Sithspit, we've got incoming!"

At their six o'clock, the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer, Tyrant, was now chasing the convoy of Rebel Ships. The Tyrant was the first ship disabled by the Hoth Base's Ion Cannon, and had finally been able to get underway. Captain Lennox was scowling at how easily his ship was disabled by the Rebel's Ion Cannon.

"Sir, we'll be in firing range in three minutes," Lieutenant Cabbel told the captain.

"Good, power up all batteries, and launch all TIE Squadrons on my mark."

"Yes sir."

He folded his hands behind his back and watched out the transpiristeel window as the Rebel ships got closer and closer. His weathered face turned into a smile, he would make up for his earlier mistake by blasting these Rebel Scum off the face of the universe...
Federation Space
Captain's log Stardate 54000.1: We are exploring the very edge of Federation Space. The Enterprise is finally back to doing it's original mission, exploration, and I couldn't be more happier. The crew is adjusting well, and everything is running at peak efficiency...

Captain Picard stepped off the turbolift onto the Enterprise's bridge, giving a nod to the personnel as he walked over to the Captain's chair and sat down.

"So what has been discovered so far, Commander Data?"

"There is a binary star system on the brink of our sensor range, a supernova about to explode twenty lightyears away, and we've also found several veteron particles, indicating this area may experience wormholes on a daily basis."

"Interesting, anything else?"

"None yet..." Data started before he turned back to his station. "Thats strange, the particles are...gathering together..."

The turbolift chimed and Picard glanced up to see the Klingon Ambassador, Worf Rozhenko of the House of Martok. He gave a nod, happy to have his tactical officer back.

"Permission to return to station, Captain?"

"Permission granted. It is good to have you back, Mr. Worf," Picard said as the Klingon walked over to his station on the bridge.

Data began noticing strange readings of the veterons beginning to coalescate. "Captain, I think we may have a wormhole forming soon."

"On screen," Picard ordered as the viewscreen turned on, and a tear in space time began opening...and a hole formed, beginning to suck things into it.

The swirling tunnel through space began to emit a strong gravitational pull, which began to pull the Enterprise in. Data's forehead began furrowing when he tried to get the ship out of the gravitational pull.

"Sir...thrusters are having trouble compensating for this gravitational eddy," Data said as he tried to increase the power, but it was if the ship was caught in a powerful tractor beam.

The entire ship shook as another pull from the wormhole hit them. "Get us out of here! Full impulse!" Picard ordered.

The Enterprise slowly turned in the opposite direction and the impulse engines flared bright red. Yet not even their immense push from the engines could free the ship from the newly formed gravity well wormhole.

"We need to go to warp!" Riker said as several computer panels started exploding in a shower of sparks from the strain of fighting the eddies.

"That would be inadvisable sir," Data said, looking up from his station as another computer blew. "If we tried to use warp with the pull, the Enteprise will be pulled apart."

Picard frowned as another pull shaked the ship. "...pull into the wormhole."

"What, sir?" Riker asked in shock.

"Our ship will be pulled out from under us if we try to escape. We have to enter the wormhole to save the ship and everyone on board," Picard replied solemnly.

"Yes sir, pulling into the wormhole's pull," Data said as he used the thrusters to manuver the ships bow facing the wormhole and they slowly let themselves be pulled in....
Hoth System
Wedge gritted his teeth pulling his X-Wing into a steep dive, dodging the laser fire from several TIE Fighters. When the Tyrant appeared at the convoy's six o'clock, the four fighters of Rogue Squadron futily tried to hold off the swarm of TIEs that were launched. He glanced back to see how the transports were fairing.

All four transports were desperately firing back at the looming Imperial-class Star Destroyer. The red bolts of plasma slammed into the shields of the much larger ship and barely caused any damage or drain on the systems. Wedge winced, those type of ships never were meant to face something like an Imperial-class Star Destroyer.

GR-75 Galiforee transports were ninty meter long cargo and troop ships, able to contain 15,000 metric tons of cargo in it's clamshaped hull. However their shields, armor, weapons, and propulsion were lacking. Armed with only four double, fire linked laser cannons, they might as well be shooting a beebee gun at an elephant for all their weapons did to the looming Tyrant.

The Tyrant's forward battery turned and began firing at the much smaller ships. Green bolts of plasma shot out of the turbolaser cannons, barely missing the transports. They tried returning fire but the shields of the behemouth absorbed the fire from the Galiforee's. The targetting systems compensated for the formation speed the transports were taking, and the turbolasers fired. Green bolts slammed into the closest transport, easilly making the shields buckle. The GR-75 bobbed as another bolt slammed into it, destroying the engines in a massive fireball.

"We have disabled one of the Rebel Transports, sir," Lieutenant Cabbel informed Captain Lennox on the Tyrant's bridge.

"Nicely done, now we have to tractor the traitors in," Lennox said as the tractor beam emitters near the 200 meter long hangar bay activated, pulling the 90 meter long GR-75 in.

Wedge swore, seeing the predicament that the transport was in. He jerked sideways on the stick, making his X-Wing flip and avoid a TIE Fighter that had a target lock on him. He then dove on its six, linked all his lasers and fired right at the TIE Fighter's ion engines. The bolts of plasma hit dead on, and the TIE exploded into a fireball.

"Wes, Tycho, Zev, we have to make a run at the Star Destroyer!"

"Commander, are you nuts?" Wes asked.

"We have to at least get the Humbarine out of that tractor beam," Wedge said as he did a barrel roll. "Target the sensor domes, we'll be able to blind their targeting!"

"Yes sir!" the three other Rogues said at the same time, guiding their fighters towards the behemouth.

The lead transport had managed to make its hyperspace jump, followed by the next. The third one was too busy dodging fire for its crew to even punch in the hyperspace coordinates. A smile appeared on Lennox's face, he'd at least be able to capture two Rebel ships.

"Sir," Lennox looked down to the men at the bridge's controls, specifically the tactical officer. "There's a surge of veteron particles from the aft side of the ship, around 2000 km out."

"What? Bring it on screen," Lennox ordered as a viewscreen was lowered down in front of the transpiristeel window. It flashed on, and showed a wormhole starting to form. "Just tell the science officers to scan it. We have rebels to..."

"Something's coming out of it sir! By the energy's a ship!"

"What?" Lennox asked as a nearly 700 meter long ship with clean lines, a oval disk-shaped bow that had a slim middle that connected to two red and blue nacelles. "Scan that ship! I want to know who or what they are!"

From the cockpit of his X-Wing, Wedge witnessed the strange ship appear. He didn't know what it was, or who it was, but it sure as hell didn't look Imperial or Rebel, not even the old Republic or CIS cruisers had such fine lines.

'I might be taking a gamble...' Wedge thought as he punched in some commands while putting his fighter into another loop to avoid a barrage of turbolaser. 'But we need all the help can get...' "Arfive, open up a channel to that ship," his ArFive unit squeeled in response. "I don't care Arfive, just do it! We need all the help we can get." His droid complied, leaving a annoyed blurp on the translator screen. "This is Commander Wedge Antilles of the Rebel Alliance to unknown ship, we are requesting assistance. I repeat, we are requesting assistance!"

He dove for the sensor dome again as he transmitted, firing off a proton torpedo. The warhead screamed as it hit the armored dome, and the explosion that followed and Wedge pulled up. However, the dome was still in tact, with a large black spot on it. Gritting his teeth, he pulled in for another pass.
Enterprise-E Bridge
Picard looked around. Some smoke was wafting up from the broken computers, and the lights were dimmed slightly. He looked around to see his bridge crew, no one was worse for wear, it seemed.

"This is Captain Picard to all decks, report," Picard ordered after tapping onto the in-ship radio. Various damage reports came in, nothing major, as well as minor injuries. The lights flickered back onto their usual brightness. "Commander Data, whats the status of the wormhole?"

"Its...shrinking at an alarming rate sir. It'll be closed again in the next thirty seconds..."

Picard nodded, he wanted to set back right away, but the explorer in him couldn't help but wonder where they were. But with each second wasted, the path to home was going away...

"Sir, we're getting a transmission..." Data said.

"This...Commander Wedge...of the Rebel Vessel...requesting...assistance...I...we are...assistance...!"

"Clean that up," Picard ordered as Data did so.

"This is Commander Wedge Antilles of the Rebel Alliance to unknown ship, we are requesting assistance. I repeat, we are requesting assistance! Please respond!"

"Data, where is the source of this transmission?"

"According to the signal, it's coming from a small, shielded one man craft."

"On screen," Picard ordered as the viewscreen turned on. There he saw the small craft dodging and weeving, making...attack runs on a much larger gray ship that was shaped like a mile long arrow head. "Zoom out."

There were several other fighters that looked like...bow ties, flying around trying to shoot the four other fighters that looked like flying X's. Zooming out further saw a small, around 90-100 meter long clamshape ship being tractored into the mile long arrow head ship's hangar bay.

"Open a channel to the fighter," Picard ordered and Data did so. "...this is Captain Jean-luc Picard of the Federation Starship Enterprise."

"...about time you responded! I've been dodging turbolaser fire and TIE's for long enough!" came Wedge's voice. "Look, can you help us out, please! There's no way just four X-Wings can stand up against a Imperial-class Star Destroyer!"

Picard frowned. "Sir, we have only ten seconds to reenter the wormhole..." Data informed him.

At the back of Picard's mind...the cry for help was getting to him. "Data, send a probe back through the wormhole to inform Starfleet of the situation," he ordered, and Data nodded. "All stations, red alert."

"Sir?" Riker asked surprised. "We're going to help?"

Picard nodded as a red light bathed the bridge....

To be continued...
Author's Note: this story is a response basically for the Star Wars/Star Trek crossover on the main website. Now, while very well written...I found it incredibly...biased. I mean...the E-E destroying hundreds of ISD's on its own, while practically suffering no to minor damage is very unbelievable in my mind.

Now before you say it, that since Star Wars still uses lasers thus won't work against the Federation's navigational deflectors, I got news for you-that only applies to Star Trek Lasers, not lasers of a different universe. Star Wars lasers aren't really that-they are blasts of tibanna gas, plasma, that have a lot of power behind them. I'm not going to use the 200 gigaton calculation...but I mean... Imperial-class Star Destroyer is capable of destroying an entire world all the way down to the mantle in a Base Delta Zero operation, which is a massive Orbital Bombardment. So...I'd think they'd cause quite a deal of damage to Star Trek shields and armor.

Now, for reference, this is how my system works:

The Sovereign-class is about equal to Imperial II-class Star Destroyers in terms of firepower, speed, and endurance, as well as the MC80/a Star Cruiser of the Rebel Alliance.

The Galaxy-class (even though it's not going to be used) is about equal to the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer and MC80 Star Cruiser.

The Ambassador-class is about equal to the Victory II-class Star Destroyer/Venator-class Star Destroyer.

The Excelsior-class is equal to the Dreadnaught Heavy Cruiser.

The Miranda-class is about equal to a CR90 Corellian Corvette (think Tantive IV if you don't know the ship)
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Post by Aaron »

In before the lock! Dude, the transports took off without having a jump already plotted in the navicomputer? These guys were on a notice to move that was so short they had the evac going in a few hours but they didn't have pre-plotted jumps? The rebels didn't make it that far by being careless.
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Post by SuperSaiyaMan12 »

Cpl Kendall wrote:In before the lock! Dude, the transports took off without having a jump already plotted in the navicomputer? These guys were on a notice to move that was so short they had the evac going in a few hours but they didn't have pre-plotted jumps? The rebels didn't make it that far by being careless.
Why would this be locked? Its a fanfiction forum and this is fanfiction.
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Post by Aaron »

SuperSaiyaMan12 wrote: Why would this be locked? Its a fanfiction forum and this is fanfiction.
There's a ban on VS threads. Not sure if it applies to fanfiction or not though.
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Post by SuperSaiyaMan12 »

Cpl Kendall wrote:
SuperSaiyaMan12 wrote: Why would this be locked? Its a fanfiction forum and this is fanfiction.
There's a ban on VS threads. Not sure if it applies to fanfiction or not though.
Its not a vs. Its a crossover with the E-E assisting the Rebellion.
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Post by Aaron »

*shrug* We'll see, if I'm wrong I'll happily admit to it.

How about the points on the navicomputers though?
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Post by SuperSaiyaMan12 »

Cpl Kendall wrote:*shrug* We'll see, if I'm wrong I'll happily admit to it.

How about the points on the navicomputers though?
This is like the last parts of the evac from Hoth. Most of the Star Destroyers were still occupied or still out of it from the ion cannon, and new hyperspace coordinates were going in because the Fleet was changing locations. Hence why the navicomputers were still calculating for the jump.
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Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

For the record, Kendall, I put up the beginnings of a ST/SW crossover a bit back and it was never locked.
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Post by Aaron »

SuperSaiyaMan12 wrote: This is like the last parts of the evac from Hoth. Most of the Star Destroyers were still occupied or still out of it from the ion cannon, and new hyperspace coordinates were going in because the Fleet was changing locations. Hence why the navicomputers were still calculating for the jump.
Uh yeah and they don't have a pre-programed jump to empty space because? They obviously had an RV point setup, however a pre-programed jump would allow a quick escape and throw off pursuit as they will jump to the RV from the first one.
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Post by Aaron »

RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:For the record, Kendall, I put up the beginnings of a ST/SW crossover a bit back and it was never locked.
Ok, happy to be proven wrong.
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Post by SuperSaiyaMan12 »

Cpl Kendall wrote:
SuperSaiyaMan12 wrote: This is like the last parts of the evac from Hoth. Most of the Star Destroyers were still occupied or still out of it from the ion cannon, and new hyperspace coordinates were going in because the Fleet was changing locations. Hence why the navicomputers were still calculating for the jump.
Uh yeah and they don't have a pre-programed jump to empty space because? They obviously had an RV point setup, however a pre-programed jump would allow a quick escape and throw off pursuit as they will jump to the RV from the first one.
And it's also just to have the Enterprise being able to save some of the Rebels. I'm afraid I did 'Plot Induced Stupidity' for this.
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Post by Aaron »

SuperSaiyaMan12 wrote: And it's also just to have the Enterprise being able to save some of the Rebels. I'm afraid I did 'Plot Induced Stupidity' for this.
Fair enough, it's a staple in fiction.
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Post by Mikey »

Yeah, since a pre-plotted route is more of a "should have" than an "I have evidence that they did," I don't have a problem with bus-driving that point in order to move the plot. And I don't think this qualifies as VS. so much as "crossover;" I for one am interested to see where it goes.
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Post by Sionnach Glic »

I'm interested in reading more, though I guess that depends on whether Graham's rule applies strictly to debates, or extends to sci-fi.

I could have sworn I saw a ST/SW crossover story that Graham stopped on this forum, though I may be thinking of somewhere else. *shrug*
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Post by SuperSaiyaMan12 »

Rochey wrote:I'm interested in reading more, though I guess that depends on whether Graham's rule applies strictly to debates, or extends to sci-fi.

I could have sworn I saw a ST/SW crossover story that Graham stopped on this forum, though I may be thinking of somewhere else. *shrug*
There is one on the main site, called 'Portal'. I found it...unbelievable frankly. Well written...but everything Star Wars seemed to be either downplayed, no well researched, etc.
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