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"WhiteSpace" - sequel to "Misplaced Dragon&qu

Posted: Sat Mar 08, 2008 8:25 pm
by Varthikes
A follow-up on my previous crossover story, set eleven years after "Misplaced Dragon". I'm posting this as I'm writing it and should have at least a chapter up per week.



TASK FORCE of six vessels swam through a white sky, closing the distance that lay between them and the portal to the other space. Red patterns pulsated over the vessels and the skin rippled, pushing them forward through their white realm. Through the neural link with the vessel's exterior optics, the Supreme Commander observed their progress. They were here to conduct an experiment on this portal. If successful, the alien space beyond would be made more acceptable to them and allow them to conquer that realm.

A fleet of twelve vessels were coming into view now, blocking their path to the portal with their weapon limbs extended in an offensive posture. The Liberals, the Commander thought with disdain. A faction of their government who had made their opinions clearly known regarding this test.

"Communication from the opposing fleet," announced the officer in charge of communications, speaking in a series of clicks of varying intensity.

"We will not allow this proceeding. This test will make our own realm toxic to us just as the other is."

"Remove from our path," the Commander ordered. "We must conquer to survive. This test will allow our surviving that realm and allow the conquering of it."

"Not certain of that. We stay here and refuse the allowance of this test-with force, if necessary."

"Remove from our path," the Commander ordered again, this time more firmly. "We will use force to allow this test. Remove now!" To the officer in charge of weapons, the Commander said, "Extend weapon limbs."

"Communication severed," the communications officer reported.

The task force closed on the fleet until they were within weapons range. Then, without further warning or threat from either force, the vessels opened fire


It was night watch on the outpost established to monitor the White Space portal discovered over ten years ago by the UES Frontier. Ensign George Hardbush sat back in his seat at one of the sensor control stations, rubbing at his eyes and yawning. His assignment here had grown old in record time. Every night was the same: report to work, sit down at this station, and watch a swirling white anomaly out there. What was the point of this, he always asked himself about every five minutes. Nothing ever happened. Nothing's ever likely to happen.

As if that was the key thought, alarms started going off. Hardbush snapped his attention back to the console and sat forward. Activity was increasing within the anomaly. It was swirling faster and fluctuating in size, enlarging and shrinking at random intervals. Concentration of Tachyon-B particles were increasing.

"Sensor control," came the voice of the night watch commander over intercom, "we're reading activity coming from the rift. Can you confirm?"

The ensign activated the intercom on his end and reported what he was seeing.


MITY CLUNG to Siphlen as the young Draconian queen swept back her wings, pushing them both through the water. Siphlen surfaced regularly to allow the Human to refresh the air in her lungs. Behind them, an older Draconian juvenile pursued, quickly closing the distance. Remiphing is gaining on us, Siphlen, Amity warned her after glancing behind them.

In response, Siphlen executed a sharp turn to her left, curving back toward the shore. We will lose her, she said confidently.

The pursuing juvenile stayed with them. Siphlen tried to shake her loose, but without success. The older and bigger Remiphing soon caught up with her, despite the other's confidence, and reached out with her clawed hands to Siphlen. Tag! Remiphing exclaimed in triumph. Amity let go of Siphlen and Remiphing swooped in to take her place.

Similar chases were taking place around that area of the sea. Young Draconian chased each other in the water, half of them carrying a Human child on their shoulders. One Draconian would tag another and receive the Human he or she carried. It was game that Amity and Siphlen's clutchmates came up with six years ago, and it was now a popular activity when Draconians younglings met their Human counterparts in the water.

So, Remiphing now carried Amity, and Siphlen went after a fellow clutchmate with another Human youngling. Remiphing surfaced and both took a breath. They surfaced while facing the shore, allowing Amity to see another Draconian fly in from the Range with a burden on his back. The Instruction Master on the shore with her Human counterpart exchanged a greeting with the new arrival just as Amity identified him and who was on his back.

Varthikes is here with Vruthes! Amity exclaimed joyfully. Let's go meet them!

We will check first with Master Resphon and Master Takamura,
Remiphing told her, starting for the shore.

Remiphing quickly reached the beach and waded up the bank toward the Masters. The Draconian was lying across the sand on her belly while the Human sat back in a lawn chair in shorts and bikini. Resphon saw the approaching younglings first and turned her attention to them while alerting her Human companion.

Amity wishes to meet Varthikes and Vruthes at Hatching, Remiphing told the Masters.

Resphon and Genisa exchanged a private thought. After a moment, they turned back to the young ones. You both may do so, Resphon finally answered with a nod.

"And, ask Vruthes if he would like to join us," Genisa added. Remiphing and Amity both acknowledged before the young Draconian leaped into flight.


Varthikes soared over the rolling grasslands along the coast of Sunrise Sea, beating his wings gently to maintain his speed and altitude. He flew at a steady but careful pace while balancing young Vruthes on his back. The youngling held on, his talons securely gripping his vir's tough scales. Although, the youngling's wings were big enough now for flight, they were not big enough to carry him from the Range to the Human colony. So, Varthikes carried him on his back between the wings.

He craned his head back to look at him, small against his back. Vruthes was looking intently over his vir's shoulder at the ground passing beneath them, eyes wide with amazement. You are well, Vruthes? Varthikes asked him kindly with a loving croon.

Vruthes met Varthikes' eyes. He answered with a wave of delight from his mind and a joyful chirp. Varthikes sent a wave of affection back to him and returned his attention to his course. It was discovered nearly a cycle ago that Vruthes was unable to speak with a thought-voice due to a defect in the area of his brain involved with telepathy. He was still able to communicate vocally and with emotions, but his thought-voice would never be heard. The defect was likely the result of the stress he endured as a pre-hatchling with his egg being cracked prematurely. It was with the help of the Malcons that Vruthes survived at all.

In the past cycle since The Circle's decision to allow the colony to be permanent, Hatching had begun to increase in size, both in territory and population, which was now made up of three kinds of intelligent life from Beyond. The structures were beginning to flow around the forest to the west. The fields that provided the population with plant food had been moved to the east of the forest, where they had more room to make the fields bigger and better able to provide for the colony's growing population. He was quickly coming upon those fields now, the bipeds working in them like a colony of insects.

Something else on the ground caught his attention, on the coast of the sea. Another Draconian was there-his former master, Resphon-with a Human queen. In the water, he saw Human and Draconian younglings playing. Master Resphon lifted her head toward him and uttered a greeting.

Varthikes returned her bugle, echoed by Vruthes' higher-pitched voice, and continued on to the colony. He flew over the recently-planted fields, the eastern forest, and finally arrived at Hatching. The Human colony had changed very little over the past eleven cycles, despite the fact that half of it was destroyed five cycles ago by renegade Draconians.

Guardians were still assigned to monitor the going-ons of the colony and perform the mind-scans of those visiting. One was in the landing field while the other was undoubtedly patrolling the skies somewhere nearby. The one in the field looked up at his arrival and the two exchanged greeting bugles as Varthikes began to spiral to a landing. Vruthes instinctively gripped tighter to keep from falling off as his father backwinged to break his descent and bring his hindlegs to the ground. Once on all fours, he crouched forward and held his front-right leg in as gentle a slope as he could manage to allow Vruthes, with his smaller wings spread for balance, to climb down.

The youngling was soon safely on the ground. He folded his wings and leaned against his vir's now-straightened forearm with love and trust deluging from his young mind. Varthikes tilted his head toward the youngling and responded in kind, holding a comforting wing forward over him and caressing the other's snout.

Joyful greetings, Varthikes. Hi, Vruthes! came a familiar thought-voice. Parent and offspring refocused their attention on the Human queen approaching with a squirming bundle in her arms. Drake, Varthikes identified, now a cycle and a half from birthing.

Most joyous greetings, friend Ilka, Varthikes replied in a delighted tone with a bow of his head. How is young Drake? He lifted a forefoot to start toward Ilka, but she motioned for him to stay where he was.

"Growing!" Ilka answered with a small laugh. "And, look what he can do now!" She stopped several Human paces from Varthikes and lowered little Drake to the ground, positioning him on his feet. Immediately, he knew what she was going to show him and became filled with delight, his tail describing narrow sweeps across the ground. He found extraordinary pleasure in watching Human younglings' development-just as if they were Draconian younglings. "Go to Uncle Varth, Drake," the young child's mother encouraged him. "Show him what you can do."

Varthikes reached out with his mind to guide the youngling just as Ilka withdrew her hands. Vruthes stepped forward and positioned himself so that he could see with both eyes the younger Human start forward on two, unsteady little legs. Varthikes, crooning encouragingly, lowered his head to Drake's level. You are doing well, young one, he said to him in the gentlest tone he could manage.

The young Human, with his little arms held in front of him, would take a step or two, stop for a moment to steady his balance, then proceed another step or two. His mind was locked unwavering on his goal of reaching Varthikes on his two legs. All the while, his toothless mouth hung open in the widest smile possible and Varthikes sensed blooming triumph from him.

He was about halfway between his mother and Varthikes when he lost his balance and fell on his behind. With a sympathetic laugh, Ilka started forward to help her son, but Drake was already struggling to return to his feet. Vruthes quickly stepped forward to put his nose under Drake's left arm to help him up. The child put both arms on his Draconian counterpart's snout and pulled himself to his feet. While Drake continued his journey toward Varthikes, Ilka came to stand beside the young Draconian and gratefully patted his shoulder, which only came to her hip. Vruthes looked up to meet her eyes, felt her gratitude, and cheeped happily. Ilka's smile widened and she returned her eyes to Drake, who had just reached Varthikes' waiting snout.

Ilka cheered aloud for her son while Varthikes congratulated him through telepathy. Drake was elated at the applause that was awarded him and proceeded to slap Varthikes with his little hands in enthusiasm. To the much bigger Varthikes, the slaps on his tough scales were akin to a light pat on a Human. Drake turned and started toward Vruthes. The Draconian youngling encouraged him with an ecstatic whistle.

Varthikes turned his eyes to Ilka. Where is Audwin this sunrise? he asked her.

"He went to the space station to meet with the other ambassadors," Ilka answered. "He should be back this evening."

A joyous scream drew their attention back to the younglings. Drake had reached Vruthes. Again, Ilka cheered aloud to her son's success. Each standing to their full height on all feet, Drake came to the other's elbow and knee. But, Vruthes had lowered to his belly, coming eye-to-eye with his Human counterpart. Just like he did to Varthikes, Drake began slapping Vruthes' shoulder in his triumph. Be gentle with him, Vruthes, Varthikes cautioned his stripling. He is much smaller and more fragile than you. Vruthes was bringing his snout around and, heeding his vir's warning, proceeded to nudge Drake lightly in the stomach and under his arms. As a result, the young Human laughed and retaliated with more slaps at the invading snout.

Joyful greetings, Uncle Varth! exclaimed another familiar, joyful thought-voice, accompanied by a tenor bugle. Adults and younglings of both species looked up to see another Draconian-older than Vruthes, younger than Varthikes-with Amity on her shoulders.

Varthikes returned Remiphing's bugle and Amity's greeting. Vruthes let out a greeting chirp and Drake waved both arms excitedly at his sister, his toothless mouth wide with joy. Amity repeated her greeting to Vruthes vocally and, utilizing her developing telepathy, to her younger brother.

Varthikes sensed the telepathic connection Amity made with Drake. Your telepathy developing well, young Amity? Varthikes asked her while Remiphing landed.

Amity replied positively. Remiphing had reached the ground then and leaned to her right so her passenger could dismount more easily. That they were both wet suggested that they had been among the younglings swimming in the sea when Varthikes flew over. I can speak to other Humans now, Amity told him. When she spoke, she did so without moving her lips. It's a little hard, though. I have to really try.

Continue practicing,
Varthikes advised her. It is possible that speaking telepathically will become easier as you develop.

I will,
Amity acknowledged. Then, gesturing to Vruthes, she asked Varth, this time speaking also with mouth, "Can Vruthes come and play water tag with us?"

Vruthes may. Then, as Varthikes turned toward the two youngest members of their group, he added, If he wishes. Vruthes and Drake had resumed their playful nudge-slap exchange, the latter screaming with delight.

When Amity asked him, Vruthes responded with an uncertain whine, tilting back-and-forth between the queens and young Drake. Drake discovered that Vruthes had stopped nudging him and slapped the other's head to get his attention. Vruthes returned with a nudge in Drake's ribs, then turned his golden eyes on Amity and, with a resigned chirp, tilted his head toward her brother.

"You want to stay with Drake?" Amity asked to confirm.

Vruthes executed a Human-like nod. Then, rising to all fours, the young Draconian strode up to Amity, his head coming to her chest. His golden eyes locked on her blue. From the young mind flowed heart-warming appreciation. Amity smiled back and reached out to rub the scaly nose. Then, Vruthes went over to Remiphing and rubbed noses with her before returning to Drake's side.

You know where we'll be if you change your mind, Amity told him. She remounted the young queen standing beside her.

As they ascended into the air, Varthikes turned to Ilka. I am ready to be your lab dragon, he told her dryly. A few months ago, when they discovered Vruthes' disability, Ilka had begun examining Draconian physiology using Varthikes as a model. So they wouldn't have to keep relying on the calaquim mineral for wounds or illnesses. So, smiling in response to Varthikes' comment, she ushered the Draconian adult toward the infirmary.


The communications console beeped once, alerting its operator. Junior Lieutenant McPherson scanned his board. The console beeped again. Twice this time. A signal? His fingers played the board, attempting to determine the source. Two more beeps. He saw the origin of the signal-from a monitoring beacon in the sea they were overlooking. "Commander Farcorn, I'm getting a signal."

The commander came to stand behind him. "From where? What's it say?"

McPherson told him, and Farcorn saw the readings on the screen before them. "We're getting some kind of sensor readings."

"Uh, oh " Farcorn muttered grimly.

"Is it bad?"

"It could be. Send these readings to Doctor Mirlleeta, and contact Ambassador McClance on Orbital Guardian."

"Yes, sir." McPherson went to work.


Far above Hatching, a wheel-shaped space station rotated in its orbit. The Orbital Guardian, with several dozen defense platforms and a dozen starships from three different races, watched the starry sky above Draconia.

Ambassador Audwin McClance sat on a long side of a rectangular table in the station's briefing room. Admiral Mark Johnson, the station commander and representative of the Earth Union, sat beside him while Ambassador S'Ret of the Malcon Empire and Ambassador Berilsk of the Octavian Republic occupied the seats across from them.

"So, each race still agrees to contribute at least four ships at a time in the defense of Draconia?" Audwin asked, looking around at the other three.

"The Earth Union is still upholding their end," Mark told him. "No report has reached me of any thought of cutting that number down. At least not yet."

"Good to hear that." Audwin recalled how the Union had become lax in their original agreement to protect Draconia. Then the Draconia Treaty was re-organized, making the Drac System neutral space protected by the three space-faring races now represented in this room.

"The Malcon Empire is still in agreement," S'Ret replied.

"As is the Octavian Republic," Berilsk said delicately, slowly nodding his amphibious head. The gill slits in his cheeks pulsed as they processed the air molecules to make them compatible with his lungs. "The Republic is sending starships to relieve those starships that are already here. Those starships that are here now will wait until the relief group has arrived before returning to the Republic."

"Thank you, Ambassadors," Audwin said with a slight bow of his head. Berilsk returned the bow. "Grand Overseer Enthem will be pleased."

At that point, the intercom sounded. Mark activated the nearest com-switch and identified himself. "Admiral," came the voice of the officer in charge of station communications, "we are receiving a message from the colony. Commander Farcorn is wishing to speak to Ambassador McClance."

Upon hearing his name, Audwin gave the voice on the intercom speaker his full attention.

"He's listening, Niel Tsiecough," Mark answered, turning to watch the Draconian Ambassador.

"I am connecting the transmission to your com-speaker," the Malcon officer informed them. "Stand by."

A moment later, a different voice came through the speaker. Audwin recognized it as belonging to the officer in charge of the colony's Command-and-Control center. "Ambassador McClance?"

Audwin sensed the concern in the commander's voice. "I'm here, Commander Farcorn," he replied. "What's the matter?"

"Do you remember what happened to you eleven years ago? You and Varthikes were transported to that other world? Place?"

Audwin saw Mark cock his eyebrows quizzically. "I remember," he said. Indeed, he remembered the incident. He and Varthikes had been enjoying a swim in Sunrise Sea when they were inexplicably pulled into some kind of anomaly. An anomaly of which they could feel the effects but could not actually see. They had found themselves on another world-one that did not exist except in a series of books that they both enjoyed reading. "What about it?"

"The monitoring beacon we set up there just began broadcasting a signal. We sent the readings to Doctor Mirlleeta for confirmation, but I can tell you right now: the readings look familiar."

"I'll be right down. McClance out." Audwin signaled for Mark to sever the link.

"I'm coming with you," Mark said when he switched off the com-link. He rose to his feet with Audwin, the other two ambassadors following suit.

"I am assuming that the meeting is over?" S'Ret asked.

Mark looked as if he had just remembered what they had been doing before the interruption. "Right. Meeting adjourned."

Malcon and Octavian bowed their heads in turn and left the room. Then, Mark turned to Audwin and gestured for him to proceed after the other ambassadors while he brought up the rear.

More coming...

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 2:29 am
by Varthikes

ILVERY THREADS fell from the sky. They plummeted hungrily toward the world below to eat up all the green that covered it. That is, they would had it not been for the flights of bronze, brown, blue, and green, flying in arrow formations, maneuvering to scorch the ancient menace before it delivered its destruction.

Below the flights flew a wing of gold, who were unable to produce the flame, lest they become sterile. Instead, their riders were armed with flamethrowers to sear the Threads that the others above them missed. Just above the queen dragons, a small, lone white darted to-and-fro to catch a stray clump of Thread with his flame.

There, Ruth! Jaxom alerted the white dragon, eying a clump falling to their right.

I see it! the dragon replied as he started banking. No sooner had Ruth adjusted his course, however, that the clump suddenly altered its course. It no longer fell groundward, but cruised along in the sky with them and disappeared in a bright flash of white. In his surprise, Ruth threw his wings forward. Had it not been for his riding straps, Jaxom knew he would have been plunging to the ground.

But, that was only a subtle thought at the moment. Jaxom's mind was more focused on trying to make sense of what he had just seen. "In the name of Faranth!" he exclaimed. Then, he felt his skin being pulled, like some invisible force was trying to suck it off his bones. Ruth's hover gradually turned to a backwing.

I am being pulled forward, Jaxom! the white dragon cried even as he put more thrust in his wings and pushed away.

Warn everyone to stay clear of this area, Jaxom said as Ruth flew to resume his Thread-charring.


The blue-green world already filled the main viewscreen. And, the immense space dock orbiting the planet was just beginning to. Admiral James Kirk watched as they entered orbit with Starbase One around the seventh planet of the Berengaria System. A very special planet in the Federation. Not only is it the location of the first Starfleet outpost, but also the home of a very unique lifeform. One that has been talked about in stories on Earth for centuries.

The original surveyors from United Earth Starfleet-the Enterprise under Captain Jonathan Archer's command-and the original colonists had been wary at first about setting up a colony on a world with such creatures. But, it was determined that the "dragons," as they were called, took little interest in the colonists. So long as they weren't provoked.

"Sir," Uhura's voice called to him, shaking him out of his deliberations, "we're getting a signal from Starbase One."

"On screen, Commander," Kirk instructed the communications officer without turning his eyes from the screen. Now, they'll find out why they were called out of their shakedown cruise.

A second later, the screen flickered to replace the image of the planet and the orbiting starbase with that of a graying-haired admiral. "Admiral Kirk, thanks for coming. This is Admiral Stewart."

"How may the Enterprise be of assistance, Admiral Stewart?"

"Our sensors have begun to pick up confusing readings from just beyond the system. I'm sending you the exact coordinates. We would like you to investigate."

"Coordinates received, sir," Sulu told him from the helm station.

Kirk nodded his acknowledgment. "Understood," he told the other admiral. "We'll be on our way immediately. We'll contact you as soon as we have identified the source of your confusion."

"My appreciation. Stewart out."

The screen flicked back to the image of the planet and the starbase.

"Take us to those coordinates, Mister Sulu."


John Crichton pushed the transport's engines as hard as he could in a sharp ascent. Hard enough that in another time and place, he might have worried that the engines would fly free of the ship. At the moment, though, he didn't have to give much thought to that possibility. The latest situation had already laid claim to most of his mind.

They had arrived at the Commerce Planet below to find the planet in chaos. At first, John didn't think much of it. Having spent the last four years in this galaxy, strange had become the norm. Although, Chiana seemed quieter and more wary than usual. Then, they saw a party of her gray folk and realized the planet had been infected with the Nebari's contagion. They didn't need any further convincing after that to get the hell off that planet as fast as possible.

"Can't you go any faster?" demanded a voice that sounded too deep for the diminutive body of its owner. The disposed Dominar who had recently been invited back to Hynaria by his formerly traitorous cousin to retake his leadership.

"We're already going faster than we can, Sparky," John told the Hynarian without taking his eyes off the viewports displaying the copper, whale-like form of Moya among a field of stars. Their living ship rapidly grew bigger in the image as the distance between them vanished.

"Pilot, are there any other ships coming at us yet?" Chiana asked.

"Moya still doesn't sense any," Pilot replied over the com. "You are still too far for the docking web to lock on."

"Be ready to starburst as soon as we're in," John advised. "I want to put as much distance as possible between us and these brain-neuters."

They arrived in Moya's hangar bay and the three of them were descending-John and Chiana were descending, Rygel merely cruised out on his throne sled-the transport's boarding ladder. They had just reached the deck when the ship lurched violently beneath them.

"Frell!" Chiana cursed behind him as he found himself crashing to the deck, knocking the air out of him.

"What the hell was that?" John wanted to know as he picked himself off the deck. Around them, yellow lights blinked in alarm. "Pilot, Moya knows where she's going, right?" he asked, recalling the time their living ship, in seeking to prove her worthiness to them all, went into starburst before she was ready. Got herself stuck in another dimension in the process.

"John," came Aeryn's deep voice over the com, "that wasn't starburst. We were hit."

"We were hit?" Chiana echoed.

"What the yotz are you talking about?" Rygel demanded. "I thought Pilot said there were no ships approaching!"

"Apparently, the Nebari were able to mask their approach," Aeryn explained.

"They've disabled Moya's ability to starburst," Pilot reported.

"We're coming up there," John said. By then, he and Chiana were both back on their feet. They broke in a run for Command.

More to come...

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 8:28 pm
by Varthikes

MITY SHUT her eyes against the sand that Remiphing stirred up with her wings. And she clung to the queen's neck as the Draconian juvenile touched down on the sandy beach. The landing wasn't has hard as it would have been had she landed on rock, but it still made Amity's teeth clatter.

She remained on the dragon's shoulders as she strode up to join Master Resphon and Mrs. Takamura. Both masters had turned their attention to them on their arrival. Joyful returnings, Remiphing, Amity, the Draconian master said by way of greeting.

Joyful returnings, Master Resphon, both replied in unison.

"Vruthes wanted to stay with my brother," Amity told them. "He might join us later, though."

"Mrs. Takamura!" Masters!

All four of them turned to the two kings running up from the water toward them. Thomas Moore and Enthrate. Eight-year-old Thomas, with blond hair, was one of the newer colonists, having arrived with his parents only a year ago. Enthrate, though, Amity had known as a friend since her first visit to Bare Peak Range seven years ago.

"We found something!"

Genisa sat up as the two boys strode up to them. Thomas held out a hand to them, showing a long silvery-colored worm lying coiled across his open palm.

What is it that you have found? Resphon asked.

"I've never seen worms like that around here," Genisa commented. "How did you find it, Thomas?"

"Enthrate found 'em," the Human boy answered, turning to his companion.

I saw them floating in the water, the young Draconian king explained. This, he pointed his snout at the one in Thomas' hand, then looked back at the adults, and a lot more. Just floating.

It is dead,
Remiphing commented.

"And, they're kinda squishy," Thomas added.

Genisa stretched out a hand to pick it up. Amity watched as she held it up to her eyes to examine it closely. She pinched the worms lightly, noticing the organism's body expand and contract as pressure was applied and relieved.

"I'll take them to the science lab," Genisa finally said. "Doctor Mirlleeta might want to see them."

Are we allowed to go with you, Master Takamura? Enthrate asked, meeting Genisa's eyes as the teacher stood up.

Genisa paused and looked to Resphon. Enthrate followed with his eyes. You may indeed go with Master Takamura and that which you and young Thomas have discovered, Resphon told him while her Human counterpart slipped on the shirt that she had draped over the back of her chair.

Enthrate acknowledged his master gratefully and started off after Genisa, walking beside Thomas. "Do you wanna fly, or are you gonna walk?" the young Human asked his friend.

I would fly, but I cannot carry both you and Master Takamura, Enthrate answered. I will walk with you.


The boarding hatch opened, descending slowly to the ground, and allowed the mid-day summer sunlight to pour in. While he waited for the hatch to finish its descent, Audwin looked out at the scene of the colony that was revealed in the process.

Directly ahead of him was the infirmary and science lab, in front of which Varthikes was parked. His friend held his head up high while Ilka stood between his forearms with a stethoscope to the Draconian's chest. In the graveled street nearby, their respective sons wrestled. Vruthes nudged Drake in the torso while the latter fought back by swinging his arms at the former, crying out excitedly all the while.

The guardians met Audwin and Mark as they descended the boarding ramp. Joyful greetings, honorable Ambassador McClance, honorable Admiral Johnson, they each said, bowing their heads respectfully.

"Joyful greetings, Vanthres, Riphking," Audwin replied, returning the bow to each in turn. The admiral imitated Audwin as they continued in the direction of Ilka and Varthikes. Ilka was just stepping out from between the Draconian's forearms and up to a nearby desk where an Octavian doctor worked on something. The children paused in their wrestling as they saw Audwin and Mark approach.

"Dada!" Drake cried out joyfully, stretching his little arms toward his father. Vruthes chirped a greeting of his own. Audwin waved back at them both.

Joyful greetings, friend Audwin, friend Mark, Varthikes greeted them as they closed.

"Joyful greetings, friend Varth," Audwin replied.

"Playing lab dragon today, huh?" Mark asked with a slight chuckle.

"What're you putting him through this time, Ilka?" Audwin asked in playfully condescending tone.

Ilka smiled at the joke. "We-we're going to examine his respiratory system," she answered. "Doctor Dritiskan," she gestured to the Octavian, who was still busy over a microscope at the desk, "is pre-preparing a nanoprobe. We We're going to send it down his trachea."

Audwin immediately cocked his eyebrows in surprise. He turned to the admiral and found that he, too, responded likewise to Ilka's unexpected answer. Audwin turned to Varthikes. "You agreed to that?"

"The procedure is perfectly safe, I assure you," Doctor Dritiskan told them all.

I was at first unsettled by the thought of having a tiny machine fly down my throat. But, I have become oddly fascinated with seeing the insides of me. Varthikes glanced toward the two computer terminals sitting on the desk with the microscope.

Audwin was about to reply, but his attention was drawn to the crunching of gravel by heavy taloned feet. He turned to find Vruthes walking up to him, Drake walking on unsteady feet beside him with one hand holding onto a scaly foreleg. "You and Drake seem to be having fun," he told Vruthes as he rubbed the young Draconian's cheek. The youngling simply closed his eyes in pleasure and crooned in response to the rubbing, putting the weight of his head against Audwin's hand and sending warm feelings of love and gratitude to wash over him.

Then, Audwin felt a small hand on his leg and looked down to find Drake looking back up at him. Audwin bent to pick his son up in his arms. He held him while he turned back to address Varthikes, who had been watching the whole exchange between him and their respective children.

"By the way, Varth, Mark and I had just been summoned from Orbital Guardian by Command and Control. They say they've begun picking up activity in Sunrise Sea. From the beacon we left there eleven cycles ago."

The anomaly through which we fell to Pern? Varthikes asked after a moment recalling the incident.

"That's my thought," Audwin replied with a nod. "We were on our way over there now for more information. Just thought to inform you."

My appreciation, the dragon said with a nod of his own. I will wait here as Ilka's lab dragon while you two gather more information.

Audwin lowered his eyes to Vruthes, who looked up and returned the stare. After a moment's thought, Audwin put Drake down on Vruthes' shoulders. The young dragon followed the action intently with an inquisitive chirp. The puzzled expression that appeared on Drake's face-wide eyes, lips forming an "O"-when Audwin released him forced a laugh from the adults in the area, including a deep, rumbling laugh from Varthikes. The Octavian, though, merely spread her lips and dropped her lower jaw in a smile.

Junior dragonrider, he said jokingly to his old Draconian friend.

With smiles still on their faces, Audwin and Mark continued toward Administration. They were just about to turn a corner toward the building's main entrance when he spotted Genisa and two boys-one shirtless Human, one Draconian-coming up the street from the sea. Genisa looked like she had something in her right hand. "Genisa," he called to her. "Have you or the children found or felt anything unusual in the water?"

"We have!" the Human boy exclaimed.

We certainly have! echoed the thought-voice of the young Draconian.

Audwin recognized the Human boy, but didn't recall his name. The Draconian, however, was Enthrate-clutched by Varthikes' parents.

Genisa was soon close enough to show Audwin and Mark what she had in her hand-one silver-colored worm. They were quite long-five times the length of Genisa's hand, coiled to fit in her palm.

"Looks like Thread?" he mumbled.

"I'm sorry?" Genisa asked.

"Um Where did you guys find these?" Audwin asked the children.

As one, Human and Draconian turned to one another and traded uncertain expressions, the Human shrugging. They turned back to Audwin. In the sea where we were swimming, Enthrate replied, unsure if that was the answer for which Audwin was looking. He didn't know how else to answer.

"They were nowhere near the area where that anomaly was eleven years ago," Genisa told him. "Why? Do you know about these worms?"

Audwin glanced back down at the silvery-gray things. "I'm just getting this weird feeling. That these things are from Pern."

"Pern?" Mark asked, speaking for the first time since they met Genisa on the road.

Audwin looked up at the admiral. "The fictional world Varthikes and I found ourselves transported to eleven years ago through an anomaly in the water."

Mark furled his brow as he tried to recall something. "Yes," he said at length, "I remember the record now."

Audwin turned back to the teacher. "Commander Farcorn informed me that they've started to pick up activity from that area again. I would like you and Master Resphon to call in all the children from the water. Just to be safe."

Genisa nodded. She turned to the children and handed the worm to the Human boy. "Here, Thomas. You and Enthrate deliver this to Doctor Mirlleeta. When you've done that, come back to the beach."

"Yes, Mrs. Takamura," Thomas acknowledged as he took the worm in his hand. "Come on, Enthrate." The two of them walked pass Audwin and Mark toward the science lab while Genisa turned to head back the way she came. The ambassador and admiral were left to complete their journey to Administration.

They finally arrived in Command-and-Control. Governor Takamura and Commander Farcorn turned on their entrance from where they stood behind one of the com-stations. "Any changes to the readings?" Audwin asked as he and the admiral came to join them.

"There was a spike in the readings just as you were coming down," Farcorn told him. "The anomaly isn't in the exact same spot as last time."

"Not in the same spot?" Mark repeated, uncertain if he had heard the commander correctly.

"That's right," Farcorn affirmed with a nod. He turned his eyes to the screen on the console displaying a map of a section of the sea with a dot representing a sensor beacon. Seismic waves appeared a little over a mile to the west of the beacon. "According to our readings," the commander said, pointing out the waves, "the disturbance happened here. And, we got a burst of those Tachyon-B particles."

"That must be where Thomas and Enthrate found that Thread," Audwin commented.

"Thread?" the governor echoed, puzzled.

Mark explained their encounter with Genisa and the children on the way in and their discovery.

"They reminded me of something that falls on Pern for fifty years every two-to-four hundred years-Thread," Audwin added when the other finished. "I had Genisa call in the children."

"Very good," Takamura said with an approving nod. "I would like to set up an observation post over there, too, like we did last time. Commander, since you were involved in the last incident, I would like you to join the observation post. Please start assembling a team while I assemble the equipment that we will need."

"Yes, sir."

"Admiral, we're getting a message from the station for you," the officer sitting at the console before them announced. "They say they've begun picking up disturbance beyond the asteroid belt. Near the seventh planet."

Mark glanced at the others with eyebrows cocked in puzzlement. "Disturbance up there, too?" Addressing the officer, he said, "Very well. Tell them I'm coming up." He turned to the others. "I'll let you know what this turns out to be." With that, the admiral turned and left Command-and-Control with Takamura and Audwin following. The governor to take care of the observation post equipment, Audwin to inform Varthikes further of the situation. And, perhaps, he thought, I should also inform the honorable Sages of Bare Peak.


After making sure his dragon was taken care of, Jaxom set off to look for T'gellan. He found the Weyrleader making his rounds among the wounded, as he normally did after a Threadfall. Jaxom made his way toward him. So occupied by the puzzle he and Ruth encountered that he only mildly registered the horrific howling of the Thread-scored dragons around the courtyard of Eastern Weyr and their scored riders. Granted, Pern has encountered many strange, new things since the discovery of Aivas several Turns back. But, this could not have been connected with Aivas, could it?

"Monarth got Ruth's message," T'gellan said when they met. "Care to explain?"

Jaxom did, relating exactly what he had seen. "And, then, Ruth felt himself being pulled forward after it before he broke off," he finished. Jaxom studied the expression on the Weyrleader's face. An expression of disbelief.

"What're you two talking about?" a voice asked just as Jaxom was starting to open his mouth to say something more.

Jaxom and T'gellan turned to find that they had been joined by E'war. He held his riding helmet under his left arm, showing his brown hair slick with sweat like the rest of them.

"E'war, what have you to report?" T'gellan asked.

"A successful Fall," the other answered, maintaining his questioning expression. "Nothing got through."

"Jaxom says that he and Ruth saw Thread disappear in a flash of light," T'gellan said and shrugged uncertainly.

"We really did see it!" Jaxom said earnestly.

"Thread disappeared in a flash of light, you said?" E'war asked for clarity, brow furled in recollection.

"Above the plain between Cove Hold and Paradise River Hold," Jaxom said with a nod. He silently thanked the brown rider for not joining the Weyrleader in his unbelieving reaction, even as he was curious about the way he did react.

T'gellan also noticed it. "You saw it, too?"

"No, but Esoth has, if I remember correctly. About ten-eleven Turns ago." He met T'gellan's eyes. "You remember that time at Benden Weyr when that strange dragon visited?"

Now, Jaxom saw T'gellan take on the look of recollection, then cock his eyebrows as he remembered. "Strange dragon?" he asked when no explanation was forthcoming.

"Over ten Turns ago," E'war explained, "a strange dragon came to Benden Weyr with a strange man. The dragon was golden-tan, but not a queen, had horns on his head instead of ear knobs, and had eyes more like yours and mine. But, the strangest thing: both, dragon and rider, claimed they weren't Impressed."

E'war paused to allow Jaxom time to absorb this information. And, that he did. Upon hearing the last part of E'war's explanation, Jaxom cocked his eyebrows in surprise. A dragon not Impressed? Such was not heard of. Impossible, in fact. But, then, such had been said about Ruth.

"Where did this strange dragon and man come from?" he asked the brown rider.

"The man-I believe his name was A'win?" He paused to recheck his memory. "Anyway, he said they came from a different 'Universe' and 'thousands of Turns in the past'. Esoth and I were assigned to accompany them back to the Eastern Sea, where they said they first found themselves on Pern. You said you and Ruth saw the Thread disappear in a flash of light in the sky with us?"

Jaxom nodded.

E'war mirrored the action in acknowledgement. "The one we encountered was in the sea " He trailed off as something seemed to come across the mind. His eyes suddenly became wide with horror. "Shards!" He focused his attention on T'gellan. "We must set up a constant surveillance of this area immediately!"

"Fine. I'll go find a rider to send to the area and organize following shifts. T'lion seems to be going around there a lot lately." He looked back at Jaxom. "Between Cove Hold and Paradise River Hold, you said?" Jaxom nodded again. "What am I telling him to look for?"

"Whatever it is, he's not going to see it," Jaxom answered. "He and his dragon should feel for an invisible force pulling on them." T'gellan kept his eyes on the young Lord Holder as he tried to make sense of what the other had just told him. Then, without another word, the Weyrleader turned to leave.

"I'll be willing to bet F'lar and Lessa will want to be informed of this, too, T'gellan," E'war told the departing Weyrleader.


Audwin followed Mark back toward the landing field. As they made their way, Vruthes strode past them, bugling happily with his high-pitched voice. Drake, still on the young dragon's shoulders, added his little voice. Audwin couldn't help but to laugh at the picture. "Those boys seem to be enjoying themselves," Mark commented with a grin.

They passed by Varthikes' examination post. Johnson simply nodded an acknowledgment to Varthikes and the doctors as he continued his journey toward the shuttle. Audwin, however, paused to watch the computer terminals with them. One displayed a moving image of the inside of a dimly-lit, ridged tunnel, pail with a tinge of red. Beside the image was another window that displayed a list of information detailing, among other things, various gases present in the environment as well as the temperature.

This is so very fascinating, friend Audwin! Varthikes told him with amazement. I am seeing actually the inside of my trachea-the tube within me that leads to my lungs!

"The temperature is climbing sharply," Ilka commented.

"What is that?" Doctor Dritiskan asked, pointing to something on the screen.

"What?" Ilka concentrated on the area of the screen the Octavian was indicating.

Have you more information on the reported happening in the sea? Varthikes asked Audwin as the two doctors talked amongst themselves.

Audwin focused on his friend. "Looks like the portal to Pern has reopened, he told him. Mark and I," Audwin indicated the shuttle that was now lifting into the air, "met Genisa, Enthrate, and one of the Human children on the way to Administration. They found Thread."

Thread?! Varthikes suddenly coughed with surprise. The doctors exclaimed as they saw the image on the screen blur. The nanoprobe that had been investigating Varthikes' trachea was hurled from the tube, past the tongue and teeth to land somewhere on the ground.

Sorry, he said to the doctors meekly, then turned his full attention on Audwin. The gray stuff that falls on Pern and kills all life?!

"The same stuff. But, don't worry. They found it in the water, and, as you might recall, Thread doesn't fare well in water."

How did the children find it? Varthikes tilted his head in confusion. Was not that area put under quarantine?

"It seems the anomaly didn't appear in the same place as last time," Audwin explained. "I was about to go to Bare Peak and inform the honorable Sages of the situation. Meanwhile, you're this world's second-most expert on Pern. Would be ready to meet anyone who might come through like we did?"

I will do so, friend Audwin, Varthikes said an understanding nod.

"Audwin," Ilka mildly reprimanded her husband.

"Sorry, doctors, for having to take away your specimen. We sort of have a crisis developing."


When Mrs. Takamura, Thomas, and Enthrate were well on their way toward Hatching, Amity and Remiphing decided to return to the game. They led several Draconian younglings on a chase through the waters. Remiphing was trying to lose her fifth pursuer when a loud bugle penetrated the water, drawing the attentions of every Draconian child. Remiphing surfaced with everyone else to hear a repeat. All younglings return to shore, Amity recognized Master Resphon's thought-voice issue the command. Return to shore immediately.

One-by-one, the Draconian younglings acknowledged the call.

Did you hear? Remiphing asked Amity.

Yes, the Human answered.

I will make certain that everyone obeys. I am going to dive.

Hearing the warning, Amity took a deep breath just as Remiphing did as she said she would. When she found that everyone had done as the Master had commanded, she started for the shore. Amity started feeling something drawing her backward and noticed that Remiphing had stopped moving forward, despite the effort she was putting into her wings and legs.

It is becoming difficult to swim, the queen said in answer to Amity's unasked question. I feel myself being pulled backward.

So do I.
Amity increased her hold on the Draconian's neck. Her lungs began to sting for fresh air.

It is getting too strong! I can no longer swim against it! Even as the young queen spoke, they began to quickly lose ground. Any amount of struggling she did with her wings and legs was useless now. They tumbled back through the water. Amity lost her grip on Remiphing's neck just as a blinding white light swallowed them

More to come...

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 8:28 pm
by Varthikes

HEN REMIPHIMG'S vision cleared, it was to see green land and blue sky twirling about in a blur. Wind whooshed around her as the land raced toward her. She instantly realized she was plunging toward ground and fluttered her wings to regain control. When she had the air currents beneath her wings, she noticed that a weight was absent from her shoulders.

Amity?! she cried out with her mind, accompanying a worried bugle. She looked about below her furiously and found a small, Human form falling toward the green ground. Amity! she cried again, this time with alarm. Without further delay, she adjusted her wings to bank and, bringing her wings forward and close to her body, executed a sharp dive.

As she dove, her mind listened for a response from the young Human. But, there was nothing. Nothing but the soft glow of red that indicated the body was inactive, but still producing heat.

The distance that lay between Remiphing and Amity vanished quickly. The Human was within mere meters of hitting the ground when the Draconian reached her, scooping her up in her taloned hand. Remiphing beat her wings hard-hard enough to strain the muscles and ligaments supporting her wings-to level out her flight. She flinched at the pain that shot through her wings from the strain, but endured it as she regained altitude.

Now that she and Amity were safe, at least for the moment, Remiphing started examining their new surroundings. To her left, the land met blue ocean. To her right, ahead, and behind, the land stretched out toward the horizons, or, in the case to her right, formed an expanse of mountains. Ahead of her, she saw a cove with cave and what seemed be several Human-type structures. Beyond that was a river, across which lay a smaller chain of mountains.

How did we get here? she wanted to know. She did not have much time to wonder about that puzzle, however, before she noticed the pair of bronze-colored wings beating toward her. Who flies? an echoing thought-voice inquired just then. The voice, she sensed, came from that individual now flying toward her. Was that a Human on his shoulders?

I I am Remiphing. From Bare Peak Range, East Sun Region, she answered the inquiry hesitantly. Where am I now?

Now, it was the other's turn to hesitate uncertainly. How can you not know where you are?

As the distance between her and this Draconian decreased, Remiphing began noticing some oddities. The presence of a Human on his shoulders was not as unusual now as it would have been a few cycles ago. But, the eyes! The eyes were the first things she noticed. Blue-green with a tinge of yellow instead of the usual gold and lacking a pupil. I was swimming when we-I and this Human in my talons-were caught in a bright flash of white, Remiphing explained. Then, here we were in these skies over these unfamiliar lands.

For a moment, there was no response. Meanwhile, Remiphing and this strange Draconian continue to close, revealing further details of this strange creature. He seemed to lack scales, being covered, instead, in something that looked more similar to Human or Malcon skin. His forearms were proportionately smaller than those on a normal Draconian. His horns were pitifully tiny for an adult king. She assumed this was a king. His thought-voice sounded as much, anyway. On the thought of the thought-voice, why did it echo like that?

You must accompany us to the Weyr, the creature finally told her. Even as she wondered what he met by 'Weyr', she watched as the larger, unusual creature banked to come around and fly beside her. The Human, at least, appeared male.

By what are you two called? she asked.

She sensed surprise from the Human when he heard her. Why would he be surprised? she wondered.

I am Gaderath, the dragon answered. The man riding me is T'lion.

Like its owner, the name sounded very un-Draclike. She started wondering if she was even on Draconia anymore. But, where else could she be?

As she was instructed, Remiphing flew beside Gaderath, following him past the cove, over the river and the small chain of mountains. More Human-made structures lay beyond those mountains-structures that looked similar to those at their colony. But, this did not look like Hatching. The landscape was all wrong.

Remiphing followed Gaderath over the Human settlement. The creature turned slightly toward the northeast. Remiphing followed and noticed they were approaching another, somewhat smaller cluster of Human-built structures surrounded by forest. These structures appeared to have been constructed from stone. Was this the 'Weyr' about which Gaderath spoke?

That is Eastern Weyr, the creature told her when she asked.

As they approached, Remiphing found, with astonishment, that this Gaderath was, by no means, alone in his unusual appearance. There were others even more unusual in terms of color-green, blue, brown A challenge was issued forth from one of the creatures and Gaderath answered.

Gaderath escorted her to a specific structure with a larger bronze standing beside an even larger gold. Four Humans stood between them-two kings, two queens. Arwith and Monarth, Gaderath told her, indicating the creatures. They lead our wings. He instructed her to land before them. She did so, touching down her hindlegs and, folding her wings, lowered to her free forearm, leaving the hand with Amity extended forward palm up.

Gaderath was instructed by the Human riding him to return to where they had found her. She watched him regain altitude and fly off until he was out of view. Then, she turned to those whom she stood before. They all-Humans and whatever these creatures were-regarded her through puzzled eyes and thoughts. Though, the degree of puzzlement was considerably less in one of the Humans. Welcome to Eastern Weyr, that Human king greeted. He introduced himself and those standing with him. He was E'war and the other Humans were T'gellan, Mirrim, and Talina. The creatures standing with them were Arwith and Monarth. E'war called them dragons-just like how Amity and her kind referred to Draconians. Could these be the creatures from the Human tellings that resembled her kind? But those were fictional. These were real. You are Remiphing? E'war asked.

I am, she affirmed, dipping her head in a nod. Then, glancing down at Amity, asked, My friend requires a healer. Have you any here?

For a moment, the Humans, minus the one that had spoken, exchanged confused expressions upon hearing her-just like that one riding Gaderath had displayed. Then, the one who had spoken started conversing with them with the Human oral speech, after which the shorter of the queens, the one with dark hair departed the group. The other queen and king walked up to her and transferred Amity-one holding her friend's legs, the other holding her shoulders-from her hand to the ground. Mirrim has gone to summon our healer, explained the king who had spoken before.

Much thanks for her, Remiphing said with a gracious bow of her head. May I ask now where we find ourselves?


The turbolift doors slid apart to reveal the bridge. Kirk stepped out and came to stand behind the center chair. "We're coming up on the coordinates Admiral Stewart sent us, sir," Chief Di Falco reported from her station near Sulu.

Kirk studied the main viewer. Nothing there but an ordinary starfield. However, after sixteen years in space, he had learned that just because one can't see anything out of the ordinary, didn't mean there wasn't. "Reduce speed to one-quarter impulse, Mister Sulu," he ordered.

"Aye, sir," the helmsman answered.

He turned to the science station behind him. As he fully expected, his half-Human, half-Vulcan first officer and science officer was already well at work over his scanner. "See anything, Spock, that might account for Admiral Stewart's confusing readings?"

"I am detecting a high concentration of Tachyon Particles," Spock answered in his monotone voice. He kept his eyes on his console as he spoke. "There is also a gravitational field, but I am unable to discern its source." Spock looked up, his brown eyes with their devilish eyebrows meeting Kirk's. "I recommend we launch a probe."

Kirk turned back to the viewer and contemplated the seemingly empty field of stars that it showed. "Launch the probe," he ordered.

As Spock started working the necessary controls, an alarm sounded from his console. Kirk looked back at the science station just as Spock reported the readings. "The gravitational pull is increasing," he said urgently, but still without emotion.

"We're being pulled in, sir!" the helmsman exclaimed.

Kirk snapped his attention forward. "Full reverse," he ordered.

Sulu immediately went to work on his console to carry out the command. "It's having no effect!" the helmsman finally said.

"The pull has, in fact, increased," Spock told them.

"Sulu, starboard thrusters," Kirk ordered as he circled the command chair and sat down. "Try maneuvering us away from it." Again, the helmsman's fingers played his console. On the screen, the stars shifted as the ship turned, but they still showed them being pulled in. But, pulled into where? "Uhura, alert Starbase One of our condition."

"Aye, sir," the communications officer answered.

"Same as before, sir," Sulu said. "No effect."

"Warp engines, then. Warp us out of here." Once again, Sulu worked his controls. Before he could execute the command, however, the whole bridge was bathed in a bright, white light and the ship lurched beneath them, setting off the klaxon alarm. Kirk, one arm covering his eyes from the bright light, was nearly catapulted from his chair, but he applied a death grip on the armrest with the other arm.

The white light suddenly cleared. Kirk uncovered his eyes and blinked several times to clear the blur in his vision. He looked around the bridge and his disoriented crew. A number of subordinates who had been standing at their stations were groaning in pain as they picked themselves off the deck. Others were busily working their stations. Static filled the main screen. "Report status," he instructed after a moment.

"Trying to get a fix on our whereabouts, sir," Sulu reported. "We're no longer near the Berengaria System."

"Sensors are down," Spock said.

"I've lost contact with Starbase One, sir," Uhura told him.

"Tactical systems are operational," Lieutenant Chekov reported from the tactical station in his Russian accent. "Casualty reports coming in from all decks. Mostly minor."

"Sensors are coming back on-line," Spock announced just as the screen cleared.

"It seems we've ended up about three light-years from where we were," Sulu said.

"There is a small vessel approaching off the forward-starboard bow," Spock reported. The main viewer flickered to show the approaching ship-a cylindrical hull that narrowed to a flattened tip with what appeared to be engines projected from either side of the hull. "Unknown configuration. It appears to be somewhat primitive."

"The wessel is arming weapons," Chekov reported.

"Raise shields. Uhura, open a channel."

"They are firing!"

On the viewer, the ship launched a stream of red energy bolts, which did little more than cause the shields to shimmer as they hit the energy barrier. "They are using lasers, captain," Spock said, the tone of his voice raised in what Kirk might have suspected was surprise. The science officer, of course, would never admit it.

"Channel is open, sir," Uhura told him.

"Unidentified vessel, this is Admiral James T. Kirk commanding the starship Enterprise. We represent the United Federation of Planets, which controls the area of space we are now in. We have no intention of harming you."

The stream of red energy bolts ceased.

"They're responding, sir," Uhura announced. On the screen, a figure replaced the image of the alien ship. The first thought that went through Kirk's mind was Gorn. But, Berengaria was no where near Gorn space. And, this being, though reptilian like the Gorn, featured a noticeably different frame. The snout, for one, was more gecko-like rather than dinosaur-like.

"Thiss is territory belonging to the Norseen Confederacy, Human," the alien replied firmly. "No business have you here. Leave now or be destroyed."

Upon hearing the unfamiliar name, Kirk looked back at his first officer, who cocked an eyebrow. He looked back at the alien on the screen. "I'm sorry, I'm afraid we don't recognize the Norseen Confederacy."

The alien hissed furiously. "You will then recognize thiss, Human!" Abruptly, the link was severed and the ship began firing again, this time launching missiles along with energy bolts. The missiles hit with more violent explosions than the lasers, causing the ship to shake mildly.

"Shall I return fire, Keptan?" Chekov asked eagerly.

"I do not believe that ship would be a match for our phasers, Captain," Spock advised him.

Kirk considered the ship attacking them as the Enterprise shook under its fire. A part of him wanted to order Chekov to lash out at it with full phasers. Destroy it outright. It attacked without provocation, after all. But, recalling that the Gorn had launched an unprovoked attacked on the colony on Cestus III because they thought they were being invaded, he hesitated. Perhaps these were doing the same.

"Target their engines, Mister Chekov," he ordered. "Then, take us back to Berengaria at warp five, Mister Sulu."

More to come...

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 8:41 pm
by Varthikes
Sorry for the Chapter 3 duplicate. Chapter 4 is now up. :)

Posted: Mon Apr 07, 2008 5:23 am
by Varthikes

LL AMITY could see at first was black. Nothing but black. But, her ears picked up a steady murmur of voices. Voices from people standing around her. She couldn't quite make out what they were saying at first. But, as she concentrated, the words became sharper, allowing her to decipher what was being said. "She's waking up," said a man-louder than she thought was necessary-as a warm hand touched her shoulder. She didn't know the voice, but it came from a source right beside her.

Worry not, friend Amity, came a voice she did recognize. A croon followed with a gentle prod in the other shoulder by a Draconian nose, telling her that Remiphing was also beside her. We are both safe.

Slowly, Amity pried open her eyes. She was lying flat on a hard ground, staring up at a blue sky. The first thing she saw was the face of a man she didn't recognize. Beyond that were six more faces she didn't know-three men, three women. "Are you feeling all right, child?" one of the women asked, the shorter of the two with dark hair.

Amity continued to stare up at the faces out of confused eyes. She turned her head slightly to the left to see Remiphing peering down at her through friendly, golden eyes. Hers was the only familiar face there.

Are you feeling well? her friend repeated the question.

Amity moved her arms to lift herself up to a sitting position. "Take it easy, Amity," the man immediately above her advised. "Give yourself time to adjust."

"What happened?" she asked confusedly. She looked up her friend. "Where are we, Remiphing?"

"You came through that that What did Audwin call it?" The man with short brown hair trailed off, trying to think of the correct word.

"Audwin?" Again, Amity pushed herself up and cried out at the sudden stabbing pain that stabbed her side. She fell back to the ground with a hand on her right side. "My side hurts!" she exclaimed, tears blurring her vision. The man bent over her put a gentle hand on her side where her hand was.

I might have been the cause of that, Remiphing said apologetically. You fell off me when we came through that thing. I caught you just before you hit the ground. I saved you.

Amity looked up appreciatively at the queen. "You saved me? Ow!" She turned back to the man who had his hand on her. He had just pressed a really sensitive area.

"Feels like a rib is broken," the man commented. "T'lion's doll-fins could probably be able to tell for sure. But, I will go ahead and get some numbweed for the pain."

"What about some of that healing water?" Amity asked.

"Healing water?" echoed the woman with the brown hair cynically.

"The water that you drink and makes you feel better quickly," Amity explained as if these people should know what she was talking about.

No longer are we on Draconia, Amity, Remiphing told her. We are, according to these Humans and dragons, on some world called Pern.

"Pern?!" Amity turned to the Draconian in surprise.

You know of Pern? Remiphing asked, tilting her head in curiosity.

"Of course. My dad tells me stories about it. And, Uncle Varth is always making sand-Weyrs on the beach. It's a planet where Humans and dragons live together-just like on Draconia. But, how can we be there? Dad said the place didn't exist."

"What do you mean, Pern doesn't exist?" the brown-haired woman asked acidly. "Of course, it exists. We exist!"

"Your father is Audwin McClance?" asked the man with long, dark hair.

"How do you know my dad?"

"He came here with Varthikes eleven Turns ago," the first man answered. "I'm E'war." The man introduced those standing with him: F'lar, the man with the long, dark hair; Lessa, the shortest woman with dark hair; T'gellan; Mirrim, the brown-haired woman; Talina, the woman with the blond hair; and Persellan, the man now bent next to her. E'war continued, "You must be the child he told me about."

"Remiphing told us what happened," said Lessa. "Her account is similar to what Audwin and Varthikes told us when they came here."

Again, Amity tried to sit up. She moved slowly this time, clenching her eyes as she endured the pain in her side. When she achieved a sitting position, the world seemed to spin around her, but stabilized after a moment. Remiphing moved to place her left forearm behind Amity and support the young Human's back. She thought her gratitude to her friend. Then, her eyes moved again over the faces of those gathered around her and the four dragons who stood behind them-two bronze, two gold. The dragons who looked at her through whirling blue-green, insect-like eyes.

She looked back at Remiphing, who said, I sense no deception from them. No lies. She shrugged her wings innocently. We are certainly not on Draconia. Never have I seen on Draconia creatures like those. Remiphing pointed her snout toward the dragons standing around the throng of Humans. Amity followed. She had to agree there.

Persellan excused himself to get the numbweed stuff he mentioned. "I wonder if Aivas knows anything about this sort of thing?" Lessa said to the others while the man ran off.

"I've just come from there." The new voice came from a man behind Amity. Both, she and Remiphing turned to see a young man who looked to be in his twenties approaching them with a white dragon. "Aivas said he saw an unusual-looking dragon fly over Landing with a bronze. I'm guessing he meant " He indicated Remiphing.

"You can tell Aivas that this creature is not going down there," Lessa replied.

F'lar nodded his agreement. "It was a bad idea eleven Turns ago. It's a worse one now. The Abominators would think Aivas is having us conduct experiments on our dragons." The man turned his attention to their two otherworldly visitors. "Remiphing, I'm afraid you will have to stay within the Weyr while you're here, unless you're heading back to where you two came from. And, only then if you have one of our dragons escorting you. Your unusual appearance is likely to cause trouble among the holders."

I understand not everything you have said, honorable F'lar, Remiphing said with a respectful bow of her head. I do, however, sense that it is important that I obey. I, therefore, will do as you have said.

"What about me?" Amity asked.

"Since you look like the rest of us, you may leave the Weyr," F'lar said.

You intend to leave me alone in this strange place? Remiphing asked in a rejected-sounding tone.

"Don't worry, Remiphing," Amity said, patting her friend's arm consolingly. "I'll stay with you if you want me to."

"No matter what you do," Talina said, scorning at the bathing suit Amity had on, "you're going to get some decent clothes." And, the woman left the group.


John Crichton ran into Command with Chiana and Rygel on his heels, yellow lights continuing to blink around them. They found Aeryn operating the manual steering console while holding in a sling around her shoulders the month-old D'Argo, named for their brave and late Luxan friend. Just like her to hold their baby with one hand while protecting the ship with the other, John thought. "How're we doin'?" he asked as he stepped up beside her. The portal that occupied the whole forward wall of Command showed the Commerce Planet they were on a short time ago shrinking in a sea of stars. It also displayed the smaller Star Runner that now pursued them.

"We're trying to run from them, but they're still closing," Aeryn told him.

"Without starburst, it's only a matter of time before they catch us," Chiana said.

"They are firing!" Pilot alerted them from the clamshell projector above the situation table.

On the screen, the pursuing ship launched a red pulse from each of its three disruptor cannons. John saw the view in the portal tilt to the left as Aeryn maneuvered the Leviathan to barely avoid the three beams that flashed past them.

Then, an alarm drew his attention back to another console. John left Aeryn's side and approached the console in question. There was a rather strong gravitational pull in the area, but there wasn't anything nearby that could explain it. No wormhole. No black holes like the one he created a month ago as a demonstration for the Peacekeepers and Scarrans. The device he had used to create it having long since been dismantled.

At the moment, though, what was generating the pull didn't matter. What mattered now was that it presented them with a way to get rid of these brain-neuters. "Pilot, do you see that gravitational pull?"

"Moya has just begun to detect it, Commander," Pilot answered. "She's trying to keep us clear."

"No! Start heading toward it."

"What?!" "Are you insane?!" Chiana and Rygel exclaimed at the same time.

"We just want to get close enough so that, if the Nebari follow us, we can force them into it-whatever it is!"

"It's possible we might get stuck in 'whatever-it-is' with them," Aeryn told him.

"Instead of getting mind-frelled, we die," Rygel added. "I can't reclaim my throne if I'm dead!"

"Will you be able to reclaim your throne if you're 'mind-frelled', Napoleon?" Rygel only grunted in resignation. "Besides, there's no indication that we'll be destroyed."

"Moya and I see no alternative," Pilot admitted. "We are definitely not interested in being captured by the Nebari after our last experience. Changing course."

On the screen, the stars shifted again as the Leviathan changed course. The other ship followed, just as he hoped.

"The pressure is increasing," Pilot warned them. "Maneuver to port, Aeryn."

Aeryn silently operated the joystick and did as instructed.

"The Star Runner is firing again," Chiana reported. They all saw the truth to her words on the screen. This time, however, the bluish beams were caught in the gravitational field and curved into it.

"There we go!" John said triumphantly. "They're stuck and are being sucked down the drain."

"Great! Now would be a good time to get us out of here," Rygel advised.

"The pressure is still increasing!" Pilot reported. "Increasing substantially! It appears we are also stuck and are being pulled in with them!"

The triumph John felt for a moment evaporated instantly. "Crap! This was not part of the plan!"

"Haven't you noticed by now our plans never go according to plan?" Chiana demanded.

"Pilot, can Moya starburst yet?" Aeryn asked. In her sling, D'Argo picked up on the tension that filled the Command and began to whimper.

"Starburst is still not functioning," Pilot replied. "Moya's sensors are picking up readings similar to those that precede a wormhole."

"What? No, that can't be," John protested. "This is no wormhole. Wormholes don't act like this. Not ordinary ones, anyway."

"It is what Moya senses," Pilot maintained.

"Perhaps it's not an ordinary wormhole," Rygel suggested.

"Well, whatever it is, I bet this is really gonna hurt," John said as he tightened his grip. The others did the same as their ship followed the Nebari ship into whatever was causing the pull. The ship suddenly lurched violently while a bright white light flooded Command.

As abruptly as it came, the whiteness cleared. John found that Moya's lights were also off at the same time he heard a baby's cry. He looked around the darkened Command at the others. Aeryn and Chiana were both releasing their hold on the consoles before them, making him realize the death grip he had on his own. Rygel was still hovering on his throne sled, apparently unaffected by the jolt their Leviathan experienced.

"Pilot?" Rygel called into his com-unit as John released his console and made his way over to join Aeryn, who had immediately taken to comforting young D'Argo. It was a sight that he would not have imagined four years ago. There was no response to Rygel's entreaty, neither through the clamshell, nor through their individual com-units.

"Are you two alright?" John asked his wife and son.

"We're fine," Aeryn answered briskly.

"I'm fine, too, thanks for asking," Chiana said sarcastically.

"Pilot?" As if that had been a cue, the lights around Command came on.

"I'm here," came the response of Pilot's familiar voice, albeit sounding fatigued. The clamshell over the situation table blinked to life and revealed the shell-headed alien. "Moya is greatly disoriented. She's trying to pinpoint our current bearings."

"What about the Star Runner?" Aeryn asked.

"It is here with us," Pilot replied.

"Wherever 'here' is," John commented under his breath.

"It appears that they have already regained power," Pilot continued, "and are moving to enter our launch bay."

"Can Moya move yet?" John asked.

"No," Pilot answered flatly. "There are three more vessels closing in on our position."

"Host vessels," Chiana guessed grimly.

"We are receiving a transmission from one of them."

A moment later, the face of a Human-looking man appeared on the forward portal. But, it couldn't possibly be Human. John knew he was the only full-blooded Human in this corner of the Universe. So, it was probably Aeryn's folk, the Sebaceans, who looked a lot like Humans.

"Unidentified vessels. This is Captain Leonard Farson, commanding the United Earth Ship Intrepid," the man said.

When he started hearing the being speak English, John just assumed it was the translator microbes at the base of his brain simply doing their job. Then, he heard the guy identify himself and his ship. The others all exchanged surprised looks with him.

"He's speaking English, John," Aeryn confirmed, the only other person among them who clearly understood the language. His mind rushed. If this guy spoke English, that meant they were near Earth. But, the last time he saw Earth was a mere three months ago. Humans were still all living there then. That meant they had just been transported through time and space. But, only a wormhole was capable of that And, what they had just gone through looked nothing like a wormhole.

The man continued, "The space you are in is under the jurisdiction of the Draconian Assembly. Please state your purpose."

Well, whoever they were, they were their only hope against the Nebari ship about to board Moya. "Pilot, are we connected?"

"Yes, Commander."

John focused his attention on the forward portal and the Human displayed there. "Captain Farson, John Crichton here," he said. "We're under attack by the smaller ship you see with us. We have no weapons. Can you help us?"

"The Nebari ship is gonna blast its way into our launch bay," Chiana reported. At the same time, John heard someone out of view on the other ship echo the report.

"We read you, Mr. Crichton," the captain said. "Attacking ship, this is neutral space. Any hostilities will be dealt with accordingly. We detect your weapons powering up. I advise that you to stand down."

"The Nebari ship is still primed to fire," Pilot told them just as another person on the other ship reported no response to Farson's warning.

"Tell the Ghriesh to move in and disable her," the captain ordered his officers.

"One of the two smaller unidentified vessels is moving toward the Nebari ship in an attack vector," Pilot told them. "It is firing. The Nebari ship is disabled."

"Thanks," Crichton said to the captain displayed on the portal. "Now, do you know anything about what it was that brought us here?"

"Not really," Farson answered with resignation. "We were sent to investigate a disturbance detected in this sector." The captain glanced over to one of his officers off screen. "A disturbance which seems to have subsided for the moment."

"You mean it's gone?" Rygel demanded.

The captain's features furled into an expression of someone not understanding what was just said. "I'm sorry?"

"Are you deaf? I asked if whatever brought us here was gone."

Farson maintained his confused look and turned to one of his officers somewhere behind him. "Is the translation program working?"

"By the yotz," Rygel said under his breath. "What's the matter with these people's translator microbes?"

"He wants to know if we're permanently stuck here," John translated for the Hynarian. "Actually, we would all like to know that, too."

"I'm not sure. If you can stand by, I will contact our admiral for instructions regarding you." The image of the Human captain blinked from the forward portal to be replaced by the three strange ships. One of them, John thought idly, looked kind of like something out of Star Trek. Now that would be a helluva turn of events


Computer readout around the bridge flickered back to life, followed by the lights overhead. Captain Susan Ivanova looked around the command deck as her crew gathered themselves. "Status?" she asked anyone with the answer.

"Power is coming back," an ensign answered. Ivanova identified him as Ensign William Nils.

"I can see that. Where are we?"

"Trying to get a fix," Lieutenant Garwin answered from the navigation control.

"There's an awful a lot Tachyon particles in the area," Nils reported.

"Tachyon particles?" Ivanova echoed. The last and only time she heard of those was in connection with Babylon 4 in Sector 14 of Grid Epsilon. And, they were no where near there.

"Getting a signal from a nearby starbase," Lieutenant Commander Huckerson reported from her com-station.

"Patch it through."

The officer played her console. A moment later, a Human male appeared on the monitor before Ivanova. The uniform she was able to see the man wearing didn't appear to be EarthForce. "Commander Antonio Hernandez to unidentified vessel. This is restricted space. What are your intentions?"

"This is Captain Susan Ivanova of the EAS Titans. We have just been the victim of an unexplained phenomenon. Would you be so kind as to tell us where we are?"

The commander on the other end seemed to hesitate. Then, he spoke in an uncertain tone. "I'm sorry. Did you just say 'EAS'?"

Now, it was Ivanova's turn to hesitate uncertainly. "Yes. As in 'Earth Alliance Ship'?"

"Should be Earth Allies Ship," Hernandez said, more to himself.

"I'm sorry?" uncertain if she had heard correctly.

The man hesitated again before answering, "Your ship design is unfamiliar. What year is it for you?"

With each passing minute, this was looking more and more like a repeat of Babylon 4's experience-the Babylon station that had disappeared twenty-four hours after going operational eight years ago. Only, it was discovered two years ago that the station had been taken through time, first forward four years, then back a thousand years to be used in the Great Shadow War. I was among those who stole it, she thought to herself in an aside. But, now her ship was the victim. Was this how Major Krantz felt when his station jumped through time?

"2262," she answered the commander's question. "When are we?"

"Stand by while I report this to Earth Union Headquarters."

"Wait-" The monitor blinked back to an image of the starfield ahead. "Damn it!"

"Captain, I've got a fix on our position," Garwin reported. "Looks like we're about a jump from Sol System."

Finally, one thing she wanted to hear. "Are jump engines on-line?"

"Engineering reports positive."

If that guy won't answer her questions, then she'll take her problem directly to Earth. Hopefully, Earth here is at least close enough to the Earth she knows. She ordered the navigation officer to set course and take them into hyperspace, ignoring protests from the station.


Vanthres soared above the rolling green grasslands, beating his wings to maintain his altitude and speed. Audwin watched the Draconian's progress from where he sat on the king's shoulders. To their left, Sage Rothel flew beside them. Rothel had been an acolyte to Sages Vethes and Lephazing at the time of the last incident. He only knew of the last incident from what had been reported to the Sages, both of whom were now regretfully dead. But, he knew enough to know to be concerned.

Is there yet anyone missing? Rothel had asked when Audwin completed his report.

"Not as far as I know. At least, not when I left when I ordered everyone out of the water." Rothel had commended that precaution.

They were beginning to fly over the sea now. In the distance, in an area that they were fast approaching, Audwin saw the throng of various kinds of bipedal individuals and Draconians, mostly younglings, gathered around the Command Post, which was once again set up beneath a gazebo. The single Draconian adult present stood on the ridge above the post, looking out toward the sea. Varthikes, his senses told him. After twelve years of constant contact with the Draconians, he and many of the other original settlers have become somewhat sensitive to the mental scent that the Draconians used to identify one another. But, something puzzled him. If that one adult was Varthikes, and the Draconian younglings were still present, where was Master Resphon?

Audwin glanced out at the sea. Just as he was looking over the scene, a Draconian head broke the surface, followed by a back featuring the less prominent vertebral spines of a queen. There she is, he answered his previous question.

Varthikes saw their approach. He turned about and rose up on his hindlegs, spreading his wings in welcome, stretching his nose skyward. The moment he achieved the position, he let out a greeting bugle. Respectful greetings, honorable Sage Rothel, Varthikes said. The others on the shore below him turned their attention toward them.

Sage Rothel returned the bugle, followed by Vanthres. The guardian and Sage spiraled to a landing. Vanthres joined Varthikes on the ridge while Rothel joined Governor Takamura, Commander Farcorn and other Human and Malcon officers at the observation post. As soon as Vanthres was firmly on the ground, the guardian helped Audwin from his shoulders. "No visitors yet, Varth?" he asked.

No visitors yet from Pern, Varthikes answered uneasily. Sensing Audwin's puzzlement regarding his tone, he explained, Amity and Remiphing, however, are missing. With a start, Audwin turned his eyes to the sea. Master Resphon had gone out in an attempt to find them. The queen, Audwin saw, had just reached the shore and was striding up the bank-alone-to join Genisa with the children.

"Does Ilka know yet?"

She has yet to be informed in the hope that Amity and Remiphing might be found. Varthikes turned his attention to the master. Master Resphon, is there no sign of Remiphing and Amity?

There is none, was the regretful answer, the queen's head hung low. Resphon turned her drooping golden eyes on Audwin. My apologies, Ambassador McClance. Willing am I to inform Ilka of the news, unless you wish to do so.

"Thank you, Master Resphon," Audwin replied with a grateful nod. "I'll do it."

No, the master said after a moment's consideration. Remiphing's safety, as well as that of Amity, was my responsibility. I will, therefore, inform Ilka. Before Audwin could argue further, the master launched herself skyward after putting some distance between herself and the bipeds.

It is possible that, if they had been pulled into the anomaly like we were, Varthikes said in an attempt to console Audwin, they are simply on Pern now. Pern is not that bad of a place, is it?

Audwin considered that question. He had to agree that it wasn't. Varthikes continued, Willing am I to go into the anomaly after them.

Audwin shook his head. "No, you would stand out too much. There's no telling how the common Pernese would react to seeing you, remember? You don't want to cause any problems between Hold and Weyr."

Someone should go, Varthikes reasoned. You cannot, at least not on your own. Too far was the anomaly from the shore for you to swim on your own. And, since the anomaly has moved here, it could very well have moved on Pern as well. He paused to allow Audwin to digest his points. After a moment, he continued, I will go straight to Benden Weyr, just I did last time.

The dragon had a point, Audwin thought. The Human nodded resignedly. "Alright. You go to Pern."

More to come...

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 12:13 am
by Varthikes

UNAR BASE Armstrong stood in the Sea of Tranquility, not far from where the old American flag still stood since Humans first set foot on the moon two hundred sixteen years ago. In the tactical center of the base, Admiral Moya Bellerose stood before a screen displaying the tactical grid of the Earth Union territory. Earlier that morning, they received a report of disturbance from the White Space Portal discovered eleven years ago in the Beta Quadrant. Since then, they had lost contact with nearly a dozen starships in seemingly random sectors.

Then, a few minutes ago, they received a message from the outpost in the Bermuda Sector that an Earth ship of an unknown configuration appeared. Commander Hernandez reported brief contact before the ship engaged what appeared to be a hyper-jump vortex. The captain of the ship claimed to be from the Earth year 2262. Of course, given the rather unstable nature of the Bermuda Sector, this development may have nothing to do with disappearances.

The intercom sounded, interrupting her train of thought. Bellerose stepped over to the nearest intercom speaker. She switched on the speaker. "Bellerose."

"Admiral," came the voice of the base's chief of operations, Commander Dawson, "we've got activity in Sector 25. Looks like a hyper-jump vortex forming."

"On my way." The admiral switched off the intercom and left the tactical center for the bridge.

By the time she arrived, the vortex was gone. But, on the viewer, she saw what it had brought forth. Looked like a warship, the admiral thought. A huge warship, possibly a dreadnought. Was that the ship Commander Hernandez reported?

"Open communications," she ordered.

"Looks like they're hailing us," the communications officer responded as he worked his station. On the viewer, replacing the unfamiliar ship was another woman with dark hair tied behind her and wearing a naval blue uniform. The woman looked confused, though determined to get some answers.

"This is Admiral Moya Bellerose commanding Earth Union Base Armstrong. Please identify yourself."

"Captain Susan Ivanova of the Earth Alliance Ship Titans. I would very much like to know what's going on around here."

The admiral nodded her understanding. "I am assuming you're the ship Commander Hernandez informed us about?"

Captain Ivanova confirmed the assumption with a nod. "And, he cut me off rather rudely when I asked him. So, I've come here. Will you please explain?"

"I'll do what I can," the admiral answered. "But, I think it would be best if we met."

The captain appeared to consider the invitation for a moment. Then, she nodded and said, "Very well. My first officer and I will come over immediately."

Instantly, the screen reverted back to the view of the strange ship. Bellerose stared at it for a moment longer before turning to Commander Dawson. "When they come aboard, have Lieutenant Commander DiKello meet them and escort them to my office. Tell him to take them by the infirmary for a checkup. I want Doctor Bolden to confirm whether or not they are actually Human."

An hour later, Security Chief DiKello escorted two people into the admiral's office-both dressed in naval blue, including the captain. "Welcome to Lunar Base Armstrong," she greeted them courteously. She glanced a questioning look at DiKello, who, knowing that the admiral was inquiring about the results of the medical examination, nodded his answer. The admiral excused him and offered the guests a seat before her desk. "I apologize for having to put you through that examination. I'm sure you can understand our suspicion."

"Then, I suppose it's not a problem for you that I have a few suspicions of my own," Ivanova replied pointedly. She introduced the man with her as they approached the desk-her executive officer, Commander Lewis Clayton.

"Can I get you anything?"

"Just an explanation," Ivanova answered frankly.

"As you wish." The admiral looked down at her desk to organize her thoughts. After a moment, Bellerose started. "You were discovered in the Bermuda Sector." She looked up to meet the captain's eyes to see her reaction, which turned out to be a blank stare. Both, from the captain as well as her executive officer.

"Is that supposed to be significant?" Ivanova asked.

"It should be," Bellerose answered confusedly. "Even if you are from a time eighty years in our future."

"Eighty years?!" Clayton asked incredulously, speaking for the first time. "What year is it?"

"2185. March 17."

The two guests exchanged shocked looks. Ivanova recomposed herself and looked back at the admiral. "So, why should this 'Bermuda Sector' be important?"

"Our first starship disappeared in that region eighty years ago. As well as a number of Octavian ships over the twenty-first century. Twenty-two years ago, another ship disappeared for several days. When it returned, the captain, Jonathan March, reported that they were transported through time. In response, the sector was put under quarantine and a starbase was set up to monitor the sector. A few years later, it was discovered that our first starship was also transported through time. It would appear that you were just victims of the same phenomenon." As she told them all this, Ivanova's and Clayton's foreheads furled in confusion ever more. "Questions?"

The two officers from the future exchanged looks. Then, Ivanova turned back to the admiral. "First of all, who are these 'Octavians'?"

"You don't know who the Octavians are?" Bellerose suddenly found herself with an urge to reach over shake up these two. "How can you not know about Humanity's first alien contact?"

"Humanity's first alien contact was with the Centauri," Clayton explained. "If the date is March 2185, like you say it is, you would have just met the Centauri twenty-five years ago."

Centauri? Before the admiral could inquire about it, the captain continued for her executive, "Which leads to the second point. By 'starship', I assume you mean a ship that "

" that travels beyond our solar system by use of an FTL drive," Bellerose finished with a nod.

"Then-" The intercom signaled, interrupting whatever Ivanova was about to say. The admiral pressed the nearby switch for the com-speaker.

"Admiral," came Dawson's voice, "Pluto Outpost has just reported the appearance of another ship, just beyond the orbit of Cheron."

"Has the ship identified itself?"

"Negative. In fact, the ship seemed disoriented for a moment before powering up its engines and engaging some sort of FTL drive." The admiral watched the other two as Dawson gave his report. "We've got activity. A second ship is arriving. I'm guessing it's the one Pluto reported."

"Put it on the screen here, Commander," the admiral instructed as she turned to the screen on the wall behind her. It flickered to show the newly arriving ship, a purple cloud dissipating behind it. It came to stop alongside Captain Ivanova's ship. While Ivanova's ship somewhat resembled a submarine, this new ship was noticeably smaller and appeared to have a head shaped like that of a hammerhead shark. The head was attached to a broad neck that stretched back to the rear hull that formed a bow, the ends curving forward on port and starboard sides. Attached to that rear hull was a pair of vertical columns. A beep sounded from the captain just then.

"Ivanova." The admiral turned to see her talking into a device on the back of her hand.

"Captain, a ship just dropped out of hyperspace right alongside us," reported a voice from the other end.

"Yes, I see it."


"Are their weapon systems active?"

A moment of silence, then, "Not that I can tell."

"Then, don't do anything. But, keep an eye on it. Just in case."

"Yes, ma'am." Ivanova deactivated her com-link and lowered her arm. Bellerose turned back to the new ship on the screen.

"Admiral," Dawson said through the station's intercom, "we're receiving a hail from the new ship."

"Put it through here."

In place of the two strange ships appeared an alien face that looked as if it came out of a mid-twentieth century science fiction production. A large, inverted pear-shaped head with a small mouth at the chin and large, dark, ovular eyes. "I am Thor, Supreme Commander of the Asgard Fleet," the alien said, its voice calm and deliberate. "What intentions do you have regarding this planet?"

"This planet?" Ivanova echoed. Bellerose, who had been about to utter the same response, exchanged bewildering expressions with the captain. They turned back to the alien on the monitor.

"Greetings, Supreme Commander Thor. I am Admiral Moya Bellerose of the Earth Union Base Armstrong. This is planet is our homeworld."

"That is not possible. The people of Earth currently do not possess technology to allow them a space fleet such as the one now in orbit."

"How would you know that?" Bellerose asked.

"I have last contacted Earth's Stargate Command six of your months ago," the alien explained.

Stargate? Again, Bellerose exchanged baffled looks with her Human guests. "I'm sorry, Supreme Commander Thor," the admiral said, looking back at the alien. "We do not know of a 'Stargate Command' on Earth. Or anywhere else, of that matter."

Thor's eyes narrowed in what looked to be an annoyed expression. Although, with that face, Bellerose couldn't exactly be sure. Without another word, Thor severed his (it had a masculine-sounding voice, anyway) communications link.

"I take it you know as much as we do about this 'Stargate Command'?" the admiral asked her guests.

"If what you know is nothing..." Ivanova confirmed, crossing her arms.

Bellerose acknowledged with a nod. Her mind worked, trying to sort out all that's happening. Starships all over the quadrant going missing. This Ivanova showing up in the Bermuda Sector from the future, but with no knowledge of that sector or the disappearance of Earth's first starship, and claiming that Earth's first alien contact was with, not the Octavians a hundred years ago, but the Centauri, whoever they were, a mere twenty-five years ago. Then, these Asgards claiming to have last made contact with Earth six months ago with a 'Stargate Command'. All of this after the report of increased activity from that White Space Portal in the Beta Quadrant. Either this was all by a spectacular coincidence, or there's a connection.

She pressed the intercom switch on her desk for the bridge. Dawson answered. "Commander, have Pluto Outpost send us their sensor readings on the sector where that ship appeared. And, have Bermuda Station send their sensor readings on the specific area where the Titans appeared. Then, compare them to the latest readings from the White Space Outpost."


Bellerose switched off the intercom. She opened her mouth to explain the recent happenings to the two officers. Before a word came out, however, a bright flash of light drew their attentions to another part of the room. The light coalesced into the alien they had seen on the monitor a moment ago. The alien stood about four feet tall, but the most unexpected feature or, would it be de-feature? was its nudity, which exhibited the absence of certain other features.

So stunned was the admiral by the appearance that, for a minute, she forgot herself. Then, she snapped out of her surprise and hit the intercom switch. "Security to my office. Intruder alert."

"I assure you, Admiral Bellerose, that is not necessary," the alien said.

"It usually is around here when a stranger teleports uninvited aboard another's base or ship," she replied acidly. "Now, will you explain?"

"I have come to discuss the matter in person." The admiral held her eyes on the other's large black ones for a while longer before she spoke into the intercom again to order security to stand-by.

"What's this 'Stargate Command' you mentioned?" Ivanova asked first. "What's a stargate?"

"You truly have no knowledge?" All three Humans in the room shook their heads in negativity. Even as she was executing the gesture, Bellerose wondered if the Asgard would know what it meant. Though, its reaction would suggest that it did. "It is a device which allows for near instantaneous travel between planets by means of a wormhole."

"There is certainly no such device on Earth at this moment," Bellerose said, shaking her head in surety.

"Just out of curiosity," Ivanova started, "do you know what year it was on Earth when you made contact six months ago?"
Thor turned his black eyes on the captain. "It was the year 1999."

The Humans all exchanged looks of incredulity. Ivanova looked back at the alien. "Then, if it's true what the admiral told us before you showed up," she said, glancing for a moment at Bellerose, "it would seem you've come a hundred-eighty-six years in the future, just as we were thrown eighty years in the past."

Two ships from two different time periods, Bellerose thought. At least one of them, this Captain Ivanova, seemed to be from a different Universe altogether. As for these Asgard She certainly did not recall learning of any kind of device called a 'stargate' or a 'Stargate Command'. While Thor related how his ship, the Beliskner, was caught in a strong gravitational pull, the admiral turned her attention to the computer terminal on her desk. She programmed a search in the historical archives for anything relating to 'stargate' around the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries.

"That sounds rather similar to our experience," Ivanova's first officer said when Thor had finished relating his account.

At that point, the intercom signaled and the admiral acknowledged. "Admiral, there's a transmission coming in from the Asgard ship," Dawson reported.

Bellerose turned to Thor, who already had his dark, mysterious eyes on her. "Put it through down here, Commander," she said, keeping her eyes on the alien.

All eyes turned to the monitor on the wall behind the admiral, which flickered to replace the two strange ships with a second Asgard face, which looked every bit as identical to the one standing in the room with them. "Supreme Commander Thor," the second Asgard said in a rather frank-sounding voice.

"I am here, Kvasir," Thor replied. "What do you have to report?"

"I have completed the scan," Kvasir answered. "Similar anomalies to the one that brought us here are appearing throughout the galaxy."

While the two Asgard conversed, Dawson reported on their findings after comparing the sensor readings, as the admiral had ordered. "The readings are identical," he said. "We've also just received reports of anomalies in the Drac System."

"The nearest concentration of the anomalies appear to be in a system fifteen light-years from here," Kvasir was reporting to Thor at the same time. The Drac System was fifteen light-years from the Sol System, the admiral knew.

"Thank you, Commander." She switched off the intercom and turned her full attention to the Asgards and her two Human guests.

"Thank you, Kvasir," Thor said with a bow of his head. "We will investigate that nearest concentration. I shall transport back shortly." Once again, the two strange ships appeared on the screen in place of the Asgard. Thor turned away from the screen to the Humans. "Our study of these anomalies may reveal the way for us to return to where we respectively belong."

"Agreed," Ivanova said. "We'll accompany you to that system."

"That is the Drac System," Bellerose told them.

"Hostile?" the captain asked.

"No, but the third planet of the system is inhabited by a dragon-like race, which is not capable of space flight. The system is protected on their behalf by the Earth Union and her two major allies in this quadrant."

"Dragons?" Ivanova cocked her eyebrows and exchanged looks of disbelief with her executive.

"We will take that under advisement," Thor said. He turned to Ivanova and said, "We will wait until your ship is ready before we depart for that star system."

Ivanova acknowledged him with a nod. Then, a bright light engulfed the Asgard, and the alien was gone. "Don't tell me that's normal around here," Ivanova said upon seeing the admiral's lack of reaction to the alien's method of departure.

"Actually, the Earth Union has had teleportation technology for about thirty years now," Bellerose answered. "You do not?"

Ivanova shook her head. "We just have shuttles. And, if you ask me, a shuttle seems a lot more pleasant."

As as the door slid shut behind Ivanova, the monitor on Bellerose's desk beeped, calling her attention. She looked down to find that her search for 'stargate' or 'Stargate Command' had turned up no results in the historical archives.


Mark stood at the situation table that occupied the center of the Orbital Guardian's command deck. He watched the tactical grid on the table as it displayed all the ships and defense platforms in the area. He noted, in particular, two of his ships escorted a third, unidentified vessel. The Malcon scout ship, he saw, was also towing a second unidentified ship. The first ship was impressive in size-twice the size of a Malcon cruiser-and looked a lot like a whale. The second, however, was a tad bit smaller than the scout ship that towed her.

"We are receiving a signal from the Intrepid, Admiral," Tsiecough reported from his communications station.

"Put it through," Mark ordered as he looked up. Above the situation table, a holographic projection appeared, showing the familiar face of one of his former executives. "Leonard, I assume those ships are our guests?"

"That's right. Though, it seems the smaller ship is hostile. We found it attacking the larger ship, which claimed to be defenseless. When the crew didn't respond to our demands to stand down, we disabled it and took the crew into custody. As for the larger ship, they claim to not know what it was that brought them here. Two of her crew I saw on the vid-feed appeared Human. The other two, however, were of no species I've ever seen before." The captain paused to allow the admiral to digest the information. Then, he added, "And, the disturbance we detected seems to have abated."

"We detected that, too," Mark acknowledged with a nod. "I take it the Kleir is investigating the warp signature on the system's rim."

"That's right."

"Good. Thank you, Leonard. Please tell those on the larger ship they may send over a few representatives to meet with me as soon as it's convenient for them." The captain nodded and his image dissolved just as the communications officer reported another signal coming in, this time from the Kleir.

"They say that they have encountered an Earth ship of a design they have never before seen," the communications officer said. "And, the commander seemed rather lost "

Mark cocked his eyebrow in puzzlement. "What does that mean?"

Tsiecough continued to study the readout before him before answering. "According to Komien G'Turi, the commander seemed to think this was the 'Berengaria System'." He looked up and met Mark's eyes and shrugged uncertainly.

"Alright. Tell Komien G'Turi to escort the ship here. We'll meet with them at the same time we meet with those people." Mark threw his head at the whale-shaped ship.

"Yes, Admiral." The officer went to work in relaying Mark's message.


Upon hearing the admiral's invitation through Captain Farson, John exchanged cautious looks with the others. "Could we have a moment to talk about this?" John asked the captain.

"Of course," the other replied with a courteous nod. "Contact us once you've reached a decision. Farson out." The forward portal rippled and the image of the captain was replaced by that of an Earth-like world-it wasn't Earth; the continents were too different-around which a space station orbited with a number of other starships, including the two that escorted them, and a number of defense platforms.

"I thought you said your people all lived on Earth," Rygel said pointedly.

"Maybe these people were taken from Earth a long time ago?" Chiana suggested. "Like... Like the Eidelons did to the Sebaceans?"

"Regardless of who they may be and how they got here, we should still be cautious," Aeryn said, her strong eyes looking over all of them to settle finally on her husband.

"But, they did save us from the Nebari mind-cleansers," John reminded them.

"For all we know, they could be worse than the Nebari," Rygel put in.

"They don't exactly strike me as the kind of people to have some kind of evil agenda."

"Fine. Risk your own mivonks if you want. But, I'm staying here."

"These people apparently don't have translator microbes. So, they wouldn't be able to understand you anyway, Rygel. Aeryn is the only one here besides me who understands English." John turned to her.

"Very well," Aeryn finally said after a moment's consideration. "We'll accept their invitation. At the very least, we'll find out where we are and what's going on."

Chiana let out a frustrated sigh just then. "Does this mean I'm stuck with the baby again?"

"Pilot, re-establish contact with that ship," John called over his com.


Fifteen minutes after Mark extended the invitation, a shuttle from the ship identified as Moya docked in the landing bay. Mark sat in his office preparing to meet with his guests, who should be on their way now. At the same time, his executive officer reported the arrival of the Kleir with the unfamiliar Earth ship identified as the USS Enterprise. Mark saw the image of the ship on his computer terminal and had to agree to its unfamiliarity. He told his executive to extend to them the same invitation that he offered the first ship.

"We also just received a message from Admiral Bellerose," Commander Myers reported. "She informs us they have just encountered two ships that seem to be each from an alternate Universe. They're en route to Draconia now."

"'Alternate Universe' she said?" Mark echoed, cocking his eyebrows. At that moment, the door chimed. He pressed a button on his desk to open the door and admit the two Human guests-a man and a woman-being escorted by an Octavian security guard.

"That's correct, sir," Myers confirmed. "But, that's not all. She also says they have lost contact with a dozen starships all over the quadrant during the past twelve hours-since increased activity was reported from the base monitoring the White Space Portal."

White Space? The memories of that incident eleven years ago suddenly trampled through his mind. "Understood," he finally said. "Thank you, Trista. Keep me posted." Mark switched off the intercom and turned his attention to his guests.

The man had short brownish hair and wore a leather overcoat. He glanced around the room with eyes that looked as if the office had an air of missed familiarity to it. The woman was also dressed in leather and had long, flowing black hair. The woman carried with her an air of a battle-seasoned soldier and paid more attention to the room's occupants than to the room itself.

"Welcome to Draconia," the admiral said courteously to the guests.

"They had with them weapons, Admiral Johnson," the guard told him. "We are now holding them."

"We want them back," the woman said flatly.

"They'll be returned to you when you leave," Johnson said diplomatically. "I assure you, you won't be harmed here." He gestured for them to sit in the couch positioned against the wall beside his desk. They hesitated for a moment and exchanged uncertain looks before slowly making their way to the couch. As they settled down, Johnson excused the guard, then turned back to his guests. "I'm Admiral Mark Johnson."

"John Crichton," the man said. He gestured to the woman beside him. "This is Aeryn."

"Would you mind explaining where we are now?" Aeryn asked in a tone that advised no fooling around.

"Your captain said something about this space belonging to something called the 'Draconian Assembly'," Crichton recalled, his tone sounding uncertain. "What's that?"

"This is the Drac System," Mark started to explain. "The planet we're orbiting is called Draconia. Earth and her allies have an agreement with the planet's sentients to protect them from those who would exploit them and their world. We and the ships assigned to this system answer to the authority of the Draconian governing body."

"You said 'Earth,'" Crichton noted. He began rubbing his chin with thumb and index finger as his mind worked. "And, you speak English. So, you're really Human. How far are we from Earth?"

Before Johnson could answer the question, the door chime sounded again. On his order, the door opened and issued two more Human guests. One was Human. The second, Mark found as he got a better look at the individual, boasted some very non-Human-like features including pointed ears and slanted eyebrows. A Human security guard this time escorted them into the room. Both wore solid teal uniform, each with an insignia of an arrowhead atop a circle in the upper left quadrant of the shirt.

"These two came from the other ship, Admiral," the guard reported. "From the Enterprise."

A sudden burst of laughter briefly drew Mark's eyes to Crichton, who looked to be doing his best to repress the laugh. The woman with him also turned a perplexed expression on him. He turned back to the new arrivals, who regarding the laughing Crichton with different expressions. The Human with an annoyed glare. The alien with a single eyebrow cocked in curiosity. Mark thanked the guard and excused him. As the guard turned to leave, he said to the two guests, "Welcome to Draconia. I'm Admiral Mark Johnson, commander of this station."

"Admiral James T. Kirk. This is my first officer, Commander Spock."

"This is freakin' weird," Crichton was heard mumbling, punctuated by several more chuckles. "It's an episode of Star Trek."

Either Kirk didn't hear the comment or he simply ignored it. "We would very much like to know what's going on here," he said. "What's this 'Draconia'? What happened to our starbase?"

Mark gestured them to have a seat in another couch that was at a right angle to the one Crichton and Aeryn occupied. When they were settled, he addressed all four of them. "Perhaps you can tell me what happened to each of your ships that led to this confusion."

More to come...

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 5:48 am
by Varthikes

HE COMMANDER witnessed the battle through the link with the vessel's exterior optics. Saw the beams of the Liberals' vessels puncture and rip apart his. Their vessels, however, fared only a little better. With each hit to either side, grayish fluid oozed into the white sky from the injured vessel's fresh wound. When a vessel blew apart, the surrounding area would momentarily darken until the vessel's circuit fluid dispersed into the whiteness.

Unfortunately, more of the Commander's vessels than the Liberals' vessels had suffered that fate during this battle. His task force was down to two vessels while the enemy had only lost that many. A beam from the Liberals struck his vessel just then, too close to the command center. The violent shutter that resulted rippled out from the point on contact. Several control stations on the port side of the command center ruptured the gray circuit fluid. Whoever came into contact with burning fluid shrieked in pain until they either died from the pain, or until someone sprayed another fluid to neutralize the burning sensation.

"Withdraw," the Commander ordered the helm officer.

The officer clicked an acknowledgment and set to work. The two remaining vessels turned about.

The Commander turned to the communications officer. "Inform Command of our need for more vessels."


Captain Bassi studied the white anomaly that occupied the main viewer. For twelve hours now, the thing had been pulsing and radiating a whitish gas into the starry-black sky. Visible signs of its increased activity. Continued scans showed nothing coming through, however.

Then, just as suddenly as it started, the anomaly stopped pulsating. "What's happening?" he asked the entire bridge.

"Activity has stopped," an officer answered. "The readings are reverting back to how they read yesterday."


Enthrate swam ahead of Varthikes, taking him to where he and Thomas had found the worms. As he swept his wings back against the water, the youngling's golden eyes scanned the seafloor for the other worms that they had found with the ones they brought back to the adults. There, he told Varthikes as soon as he spotted the dead silvery worms littered around that small area of the floor. Enthrate swept his wings up and kicked all four feet back to dive deeper, bringing himself to examine the worms more closely. Here the worms Thomas and I found. He looked back up at Varthikes, who was diving after him.

The anomaly must then be in this area, the older Draconian said as he looked about the area. The anomaly wouldn't be visible, of course, if he remembered the last time right. The only sign of its presence was the pull one experienced when one got too close. Much thanks, young Enthrate. You may now return to the shore.

Enthrate did so while Varthikes proceeded swim about the area above the dead Thread. He kicked the water in short bursts, propelling him slowly through the water, his senses alert to the tell-tale pull of the anomaly. He circled the area above the Thread, rising to a shallower depth with each orbit, each time feeling no pull from the anomaly. Perhaps the Thread drifted on a current, just as he and Audwin had drifted on a current after coming through the anomaly the first time to Pern

His lungs began to sting for fresh air, so he resurfaced. On his way up, he found the shadow of a boat arriving above his position. Perhaps the bipeds' aqua-probe could find the anomaly.

He broke the surface off the boat's starboard side. As he refreshed the air in his lungs, he noticed a Malcon looking over the side at him. Greetings, Doctor Mirlleeta, he said courteously to the colony's chief scientist.

The Malcon returned the greeting. Then asked, "Were you able to find the anomaly, Varthikes?"

I have not, the Draconian answered regretfully. It is possible that the Thread drifted to the seafloor below us by a current. Perhaps one of your aqua-probes would be able to locate the anomaly.

"We are preparing one now," Mirlleeta replied. The Malcon turned away at the call of her name. Varthikes sensed the discouragement developing in her mind. She looked back down at him. "There may no longer be a point in deploying an aqua-probe, however," she said grimly. "Governor Takamura reports that the beacon is no longer sending readings that relate to the anomaly."

Varthikes focused both alarmed eyes on the Malcon scientist. There was no deception from her, not that he was expecting it. But, if the passageway to Pern was sealed once again with Amity and Remiphing trapped on the other side... He turned toward the shore where the observation post had been erected. With a kick of his feet and a back-sweep of his wings, Varthikes started for the beach.


Leaving Amity in the care of the Healer Persellan, Remiphing left the Weyr with a brown dragon named Esoth and his rider E'war as escort. Esoth and E'war accompanied her back to the sky where she had first found herself and Amity in this strange world. As they flew, she watched the ground carefully for the distinctive features that were on the ground below that sky.

The sun had already begun its descent toward the western horizon when they arrived. She and the dragon flew around the area, their senses alert for the tell-tale pull that the anomaly produced. They still had not found any indication of the anomaly by the time the sun had fallen halfway toward the horizon. Are you sure this is the correct coordinates? Esoth asked.

I recognize the ground, she answered, growling in her frustration.

I do not feel any pull, the other told her. E'war says that we should return to the Weyr now. We can return to check again tomorrow.

Remiphing looked about the area and reluctantly conceded to the dragon and his Human's suggestion. She wheeled about on her wingtip and settled into flight beside the larger Esoth.

Upon arriving at the Weyr, they found Amity with two other Humans and a dragon gathered in the water around a nearby strand. She identified the Humans: Healer Persellan and T'lion. And, the dragon was Gaderath. In the water they were gathered around, Remiphing saw a half-dozen other creatures. They looked somewhat like miniature versions of the leviathans that lived in the oceans of Draconians. But, these did not have scales. With permission from Esoth and E'war, Remiphing spiraled to join her friend. Her escort descended with her.

Amity, standing waist-deep in the water, looked up at her descent and waved. "Hi, Remiphing!" she exclaimed joyously. "Come, see the dolphins!"

Dolphins? Remiphing repeated interestedly. She momentarily forgot her failure in locating the anomaly that brought them to this world. Like the sea creatures on Earth you told me about?

"Yeah! Only, these ones can talk!" The tone of her voice mirrored the astonishment Remiphing felt from her at the discovery. She found herself picked up in the younger Human's joy. Amity turned back to the dolphins around her. "That's Remiphing."

"G'day, Wemphing," the creatures said in their high-pitched voices, turning their dark eyes on the Draconian. Remiphing was on all fours at that point and wading into the water to join them. Standing beside them, they seemed only slightly smaller than her. Heart-lifting joy deluged from their minds, lifting her further from disappointment over her recent failing.

Joyful greetings, Remiphing said, bowing her head respectfully.

"Dragon talk! Dragon talk!" the dolphins suddenly said excitedly.

"They heard...?" T'lion asked with surprise, exchanging looks first with Gaderath, then Persellan.

"Don't look at me," the healer said, shaking his head. "You're the expert here, remember?"

"Apparently," E'war put in from where he and Esoth stood behind them, "Remiphing's kind can speak telepathically with other creatures."

Is Amity well? Remiphing asked the dolphins when she learned that they were checking Amity's ribs.

"Amy is well. No broken bone," one of them answered.

I am indeed pleased to hear that, the Draconian said gratefully. The dolphins sensed the gratitude Remiphing sent washing over their minds and squealed happily.


Mark listened as Crichton and Kirk both told their respective tales in turn about how they came to be here. Each began completely unrelated. Crichton explained that their ship, Moya, was being chased by the Nebari-the hostile ship that was found with them. Kirk's Enterprise had been investigating some anomalous activity near Berengaria System-which, apparently, was the mirror of Draconia in their Universe. Then, the three ships-Moya, the Nebari ship, and the Enterprise-were all pulled into a strong gravitational pull. Moya and the Nebari ship emerged among the outer planets of the Drac System while the Enterprise emerged three light-years from here to encounter a Norseen ship.

Mark's eyebrows rose at the mention of the reptilians. "Who are these Norseen?" Kirk asked.

"They're a menace," Mark answered grimly. "There's been two wars between them and the Earth Union. And, just five years ago, they tried to disrupt the peace between us and the dragons on the planet below us."

Now, it was Crichton who cocked his eyebrows in an are-you-kidding-me expression. "Did you just say 'dragons'?" Kirk and Spock, however, didn't react at all to the mention of the dragons, as if they were quite familiar with the fact that the creatures really existed. Aeryn, however, turned a confused look on her companion.

"What is a 'dragon'?" she asked.

"It's...uh..." Crichton chuckled again as he organized the explanation in his mind. "It's a creature-usually a giant lizard with wings that breathes fire. Like a Sheyang. They supposedly only exist in fairy tales on Earth." Then, with a sideways glance at Kirk and Spock, he added under his breath, "But then, just yesterday, I thought Star Trek was only a TV show."

"The dragons are the Draconians that I mentioned earlier," Mark told Crichton and Aeryn. Bringing the discussion back to the situation at hand, he continued, "Your accounts are similar to an incident which happened on the planet eleven years ago, an incident which recent sensor readings have indicated may be happening again. Eleven years ago, two individuals were pulled into an anomaly. They found themselves on a planet light-years away, thousands of years in the future, in an alternate Universe." He decided not to mention the fact that the planet was one right out of a fictional book series.

"You're saying this is an alternate Universe?" Kirk asked.

"It's possible," Mark affirmed. He saw Crichton throw a sideways glance once again at Kirk and Spock before looking back and nod in agreement. The admiral wondered what it was about those two that was making him constantly glance at them. But, he decided it wasn't important. "Before you all arrived, I received word that two more ships with similar experiences appeared near Sol System. They're en route now."

The intercom sounded just then. Mark activated the speaker and Commander Myers reported that two more unidentified ships had just arrived. Perhaps the two that Admiral Bellerose had alerted them about. "Thank you, Trista. Send them the coordinates of Hatching, and tell them we'll meet on the planet. And, alert CNC of our arrival."

"Yes, sir."

"And, tell Komien Relkeeta to meet us at Hatching with the commander of the hostile ship. Johnson out." He switched off the intercom and turned to his guests. "Why don't we go down to the planet?" he suggested to them. "They've been monitoring the anomaly down there. They might have a better idea of what's going on than we do up here."

"You shouldn't bother with the Nebari," Crichton suggested.

"You should just kill them," Aeryn added.

"I'm sorry," Mark replied. "Whatever it is between you and them, we're not involved. We're required to help all those we can."

"The Nebari will repay your generosity by brainwashing your people," Crichton cautioned. He came to his feet and paced around to the front of the admiral's desk. "They'll turn anyone they can into their drugged-up puppets. You don't have to be between us and them to be involved. To them, you're fair game."

Mark came to his own feet to bring his eyes level with the other man's. "I hear your warning, Mr. Crichton. And, I appreciate it. I assure you, we'll take the necessary precautions." With a mischievous grin, he added, "We've got telepathic dragons down there, after all."

Crichton sort of glared at him for a moment before turning an exacerbated look at Aeryn.

"What about our weapons?" Aeryn demanded to know as she came to her feet, followed by Kirk and Spock.

Crichton turned back to the admiral. "Yeah, if we're gonna go down to a planet with dragons, I'd like to be properly prepared."

"You won't need your weapons," Mark replied at his most sincere. "I promise you that these dragons are only dangerous if you provoke them."

More to come...

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2008 7:27 am
by Varthikes

HE DOORS to the detention chamber slid open. Niemien Ivortar drew his phaser pistol as he crossed the threshold, followed by his security detail of four. In the first cell was the crew of the smaller vessel that had appeared among the outer planets of the system, which they had found attacking the larger one. There were five of the gray-skinned aliens-two with black hair who appeared to be male, three with white hair who appeared female. They were conferring among themselves in what was probably their language. Previous attempts at questioning had indicated that they understood what he said, but the translating computer still could not translate what they were saying.

With fluid-like movement, they each turned their attentions on Ivortar and his party as they approached the force-field that contained them. "Hwui git ni!" one the males demanded. He moved to meet Ivortar at the threshold of the field while the others remained standing at the back of the cell. "Ti midia twih viu hwui git ni. Gui liew'ini jiilb kwarv!"

"You are all to come with us," Ivortar replied, unwavering, even as he met the dangerous glare of the other. "Any show of force from you will be instantly neutralized." He looked back at the officer manning the security console in the chamber and nodded his readiness. He turned back to the prisoners in time to see the force-field shimmer in its deactivation.

Instantly, Ivortar found himself facing his team with the alien's arms around him, his weapon wrestled out of his hand. It was now in his captor's, who didn't waste another moment in taking out his security detail. The one at the desk fell first before the others recovered their composure. Then, he caught a beam and saw the ship around him dissolve in an envelope of blackness as he fell under the stunning effect.


Varthikes waded his way out of the water. He strode up the beach toward the observation post where the Humans, Malcons, and honorable Sage Rothel were gathered. Vanthres stood on the cliff above them. Most of the younglings of the instruction flights, Human and Draconian alike, were gone, save for Enthrate and his clutchmates. Masters Resphon and Takamura had apparently taken their respective groups home.

The ones gathered at the post all turned their eyes on his approach. Audwin stepped forward to meet him, Governor Takamura, Ilka with Drake in her arms, and the Sage followed. Vruthes walked beside Ilka. He sensed the anxiety from Audwin and Ilka, worry for their daughter. Drake and Vruthes both picked up the worry that thickened the atmosphere around them, but were confused concerning its meaning. They looked between him and the Humans. My apologies, friends Audwin and Ilka, he said, lowering his head and drooped his eyelids mournfully. I was unable to locate the anomaly.

Indications are that the anomaly has closed again, Takamura said, in a subdued tone. If you had gone through, you would probably be stuck there yourself. The governor's attention was then called back to the post. The Sage followed the governor. Varthikes followed them with one eye while, with the other, he focused on his two closest Human friends. Audwin held his mate close to him in an attempt to comfort her, saying that Amity was safe on Pern with Remiphing. Even though Varthikes sensed that he, too, was concerned. Then, Audwin was called back to the post while Vruthes approached his vir.

The youngling met the adult's eyes, his mind full of confusion. Amity and Remiphing are missing, Vruthes, Varthikes told him, solemnly answering the question that his stripling was trying to ask. We know not where they are.

Vruthes slowly lowered his eyes, his confusion turning to worry, showing that he understood. He raised his eyes again and turned them seaward, as if his looking would make the two young queens re-emerge from the water.

Out the corner of his eye, Varthikes saw Audwin approach him again and refocused his attention on him. "Mark is on his way down from Orbital Guardian," his friend told him, "along with representatives from several unfamiliar ships."

Mark is bringing with him others whom we not know? Varthikes asked, surprised that the admiral would risk such indiscretion.

Audwin shrugged uncertainty. "I'm sure he knows what he's doing. We should probably fly to meet them." Varthikes agreed. As he helped Audwin onto his shoulder, he told Vruthes to stay with Ilka. The youngling acknowledged with a chirp and came to stand beside the Human queen. He rubbed his head against Ilka's leg and received a comforting pat.

Once Audwin was in position, Varthikes and Sage Rothel turned away from the post. They put adequate distance between the bipeds and themselves before launching into the air, stirring up the sand with their strong, springing hind feet and the initial downstrokes of their wings. They spiraled to an appropriate altitude over the observation post before leveling out in a leisure flight toward the colony.

They landed in the field with Riphking. There they wait for the shuttle with eyes on the sapphire sky-at least, Audwin assumed Mark was coming down in a shuttle. It was very possible that they could be teleporting down. But then, if that was the case, the admiral and his guests would likely have been here already. Who could these guests be?

Are you well, Audwin? Varthikes' thought-voice asked with concern.

Audwin quickly turned to his right to meet the golden eye and its vertically-slit pupil. "Can't you just sense how I'm feeling?" he snapped at him. Then, realizing the harsh tone he used, Audwin looked away and took a deep breath to calm himself. He turned back to his friend, who now had both eyes on him, his head drawn back in surprise at Audwin's stinging reply. He thought he could see the hurt in the dragon's eyes. "I'm sorry, Varth. I'm just worried about Amity..."

I understand, friend Audwin. Varthikes lowered his head to Audwin's level and turned his forequarters toward him. He gave a gentle, reassuring croon. Amity is, at least, safe with Remiphing on Pern.

"We can't be sure of that, Varthikes," Audwin said grimly, putting an affectionate hand on the other's snout. "They could have been transported to any point of time on Pern. Humans weren't always on Pern. If they were transported to a time before Humans colonized Pern, and the anomaly doesn't re-open..." He shook his head in horror at the thought of the two girls stranded on a planet all by themselves. And, what if they had appeared in the middle of Threadfall?

Varthikes glanced away for a moment as if to consider the possibilities. Then, looking back at this friend, he said, attempting a jovial tone to ease the tension, They would, at least, have fire-lizards as company. Audwin couldn't help but to chuckle at the dragon's remark. Then, in a more serious tone, Varthikes said, We must believe that they are safe.

The steady hum of the engines from multiple ships filled the air at that point, forestalling any further conversation. Audwin and Varthikes turned their eyes skyward. For a while they heard the humming but saw nothing in the sapphire ceiling above them, save for the flock of two dozen birds that darted across their field of vision just then, propelled by their two sets of wings beating alternately.

Then, three ships came into view. Audwin recognized one of them as an Earth Union shuttle from Orbital Guardian. The other two, however... One looked a third larger than the shuttle with a rounded nose, a pair of cylindrical projections attached to the rear, one each side-probably the engines-and was copper in color. The third ship was smaller, more like a fighter. A cylindrical nose projected forth from a central pod, and four wings in an 'X' configuration each attached an engine pod.

Audwin and the three Draconians present watched as all three set down in the field. Audwin put an arm over his eyes to protect them from the dust blown up by the ships' retro-thrusters. He lowered his arm again when he heard the engines powering down. He and the Draconians approached the ships as the boarding hatches on the shuttles and the cockpit canopy on the fighter opened, allowing their crew and passengers to disembarked.

"Welcome back, Mark," Audwin said pointedly, eying the strangers warily. Most looked Human. The last person to disembark the shuttle with the admiral, however, displayed pointed ears and devilish eyebrows and was somewhat greenish in the skin. And, was that really a uniform he wore? He and the strange man who stepped off the shuttle with Mark? They looked like they forgot to change out of their night clothes when they woke up that morning.

The Humans from the other two ships froze for a moment upon seeing the three dragons. While Riphking stayed with Audwin and Mark, Varthikes and Sage Rothel each moved toward one of the two ships to assure the Humans there that they were safe on Draconia.

"Yes, Audwin, I'll explain it as soon as I've made sure we're all here." The admiral looked around at those who were gathered in the field. The Humans from the fighter and the shuttle joined the group, accompanied by Sage Rothel and Varthikes, respectively.

"You're Admiral Johnson?" asked the woman from the fighter in a deep, feminine voice. She addressed Mark, apparently noticing his naval blue uniform.

"I am," the admiral said with a nod. "You must be the Captain Ivanova."

The woman from the fighter nodded her confirmation and gestured to the man with her. "And, my executive officer, Commander Clayton."

There was an exchange of nods between the admiral and the commander before Mark asked, "Now, where's this Thor?"

As if on cue, a bright light suddenly appeared between Audwin and the Sage. Just as abruptly, the light faded to reveal a four-foot alien figure with a slim body, arms and legs, and a large, inverted pear-shaped head with a small mouth at the chin and large, black eyes in the middle. And, the alien was naked. But then, so were the Draconians, though, unlike the dragons, this one was more Humanoid. At least, in general shape.

"I take it you're Thor?" Mark asked.

"I am," the four-foot alien answered in a calm, somewhat masculine-sounding voice and with a slight bow of his head. He turned his shiny dark eyes to the Draconians standing around them. Sage Rothel nodded his great head in greeting to the alien. "Greetings, Sage Rothel," Thor replied to the Draconian's telepathic contact. Sometimes, Audwin envied his daughter for her ability to pick up the dragons' telepathic voice without having to be in their focus. She just needed to concentrate on them.

Mark then introduced the other strangers. Admiral James Kirk and Commander Spock, who had come on the Earth Union shuttle with him-the ones dressed in the pajama uniforms. The two from the larger shuttle were John Crichton and Aeryn Sun-Crichton.

"Welcome to Draconia," Audwin said to them with a courteous bow. Then, proceeded to introduce himself and the Draconians.

"And, you speak for the dragons on this world?" Kirk asked.

"I represent them, sir, in otherworldly matters that involve their own," Audwin clarified.

"Fascinating," Spock commented in a voice that seemed to lack emotion.

Audwin caught the smirk on Crichton's face before he turned to the ambassador. "Your admiral said you guys down here would have a better idea of what's happened to us," Crichton said.

"We would?" Audwin eyed Mark with a single eyebrow cocked in an 'are-you-serious' expression.

"Their stories on how they got here are remarkably similar to what you and Varthikes experienced regarding Pern," Mark explained. "They all describe coming through an anomaly similar to the experience you and Varthikes had eleven years ago."

Audwin turned to exchange looks with his friend, who was following the conversation as best he could with his limited understanding of the Human oral language. These people are not from Pern, are they? the Draconian asked doubtfully.

They certainly don't look like it, Audwin admitted.

"Pern?" Crichton asked, tilting his head in puzzlement. "As in...Dragonriders of Pern? Mc...Carthy?"

Audwin managed to repress his urge to clench his teeth at the guy's mis-naming his favorite author. "McCaffrey," he corrected him, both eyebrows cocked in a mildly exasperated look.

"Are you still getting the same readings as this morning?" Mark asked, secretly hoping to forestall having to reveal to the strangers that they were possibly from a place that didn't really exist except in the imagination of someone long dead.

Audwin turned his attention back to the admiral and shook his head in negativity. "The readings stopped sometime before you told us you were coming down," he said, trying to keep the worry for his daughter repressed as best he could. "But, we could take you all to see what readings we were able to collect. From this morning as well as eleven years ago."

Mark looked as if he was about to say something, but was interrupted by his com-link signaling. Raising his wrist-mounted link to his mouth, he activated it and identified himself.

"Admiral, the Ghriesh reports the prisoners are loose," came the voice of Mark's second-in-command on the station.

Audwin saw Crichton rolling his eyes to the woman with him. "Why don't they ever listen to us?" he mumbled to her.

"They've got weapons fire aboard the Ghreish. We- We've just lost contact with Relkeeta."

Mark looked up at Crichton and Aeryn. "Hey, don't look at us," Crichton said, raising his hands innocently.

"You should have killed them," Aeryn reminded him with the fiercest glare Audwin had ever seen from a non-Draconian.

"Killed who?" a confused Ivanova asked. "Who are these prisoners?"

"Nebari. They're from our...Universe," Crichton threw the word at Mark. "They were chasing us when we encountered whatever-that-was that sucked us up and spat us out here. They're idea of galactic peace is for everyone to submit to their mental-cleansing, remove all negative thoughts."

"That doesn't sound good," Ivanova commented under her breath.

"Trista," Johnson said, speaking into his com-link, "do what you can to disable the ship, but do not destroy it. Have a squad of stormtroopers teleport over and use whatever means they can to neutralize the prisoners."

More to come...

Re: "WhiteSpace" - sequel to "Misplaced Dragon&qu

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2008 7:10 am
by Varthikes

HEN HER tactical officer reported weapons fire in the detention chamber, Relkeeta had ordered additional security teams to the chamber. One team reported in, with phaser fire in the background, saying that the prisoners were loose. Then, the intercom went silent. Now, she stood ready with a phaser pistol holstered at her waist. Each of her officers also had a pistol within reach. All who could spare it had their attentions on the door, which suddenly slid apart to issue five bluish-gray aliens. Relkeeta barely had time to draw her pistol before receiving a blast to her chest.

When she regained consciousness, it was to find herself with her officers in a detention cell. Distant explosions, followed by the ship lurching beneath her, told her that Admiral Johnson had already ordered the other ships to disable theirs.


As soon as the last of the aliens were down, Hirlis and his crew spread out around the unfamiliar bridge. "Put them all in the holding cells," he instructed three of his crew in a cool voice. "Tarila," he addressed the fourth, "look for the consoles that control the weapons and the engines."

While the others hauled the first three aliens off the command deck, Hirlis and Tarila examined the consoles. The translator microbes colonized at the base of their brains helped them to interpret the Malcon symbols.

"This looks like the helm station," Hirlis said after not too long searching. He stood at a console behind the chair that occupied the center of the deck.

"And, this one looks like it controls the weapons," Tarila announced as she studied a console against the command deck's port bulkhead.

Hirlis spent a moment studying the strange console in front of him and the navigation screen that occupied part of the console. In the center of the screen was the ship that they were on, with their Star Runner in tow. Scattered all over the chart were about a dozen ships of unfamiliar configurations. The only other familiar ship besides their Star Runner was the Leviathan behind them.

Two of his people had returned to take the remaining two unconscious aliens to the holding cells before he found the controls that operated the sublight engines. Looking up at the planet that occupied the main viewer, Hirlis fired them. As a result, the planet slowly started getting bigger. "Can you release the Star Runner?" he asked, studying the navigation screen. A moment later, the beam between their current and previous ships vanished. "Good. I will bring us around toward the Leviathan."

An alarm sounded just then from the weapons console. "It appears that several ships are converging on us," Tarila reported.
He looked back at the navigation screen. There, he saw all but three of the strange ships closing on them.

The deck beneath them lurched, sending Hirlis and Tarila to grab hold of the consoles before them. "This is Ketian G'Khrin of the Malcon Cruiser Dulkrit to commandeered vessel. That was a warning shot. Surrender now."

Hirlis saw a bubble enclosing their current ship on the navigation screen.

"Did you do that?" Hirlis asked Tarila.

"I've activated the defense screen," she answered.

"Very good," was Hirlis' response. He worked the helm controls and turned their ship toward the larger of the ships that were closing on them. A pair of energy beams lashed out at them from the cruiser, narrowly missing them. Tarila returned fire with similar beams that struck the cruiser's own defense screens, which absorbed most of the beams' destructive power.
Then, their ship shook violently. "Our engines have been hit by a missile from the cruiser behind us!" Tarila reported.

On the forward viewer, the cruiser before them launched a glowing-red projectile. At once, Hirlis fired dorsal thrusters to take them out of the path of the projectile. He heard the door behind him slide open, and the next thing he knew was an intense burning sensation in his back. The command deck around was engulfed in a black shroud as he fell to the deck.


Mark, Audwin, Varthikes, and Sage Rothel had just arrived at the Command Post with the visitors when the admiral's com-link sounded. He indicated for Audwin to show the visitors their observations of the anomaly while he, excusing himself, turned away and answered the signal. "Johnson here."

"Admiral, Komien Relkeeta reports they've regained control of the Ghreish," Myers reported. "And, they've recaptured the prisoners."

"I'm pleased to hear that," Mark replied as he began working through his mind what to do with the aliens-the Nebari, as Crichton called them. Both, he and Aeryn had told him that they should just kill them, and he heard and appreciated what Crichton had said about them. Of course, he only had their word on the matter. But, the Nebari were just as much victims of whatever accident it was that brought all these strangers here across time, space, and universal boundaries.

"Sir?" came the voice of his executive officer through the com-link. He realized that he had dazed off while Myers had been asking him something.

"I'm sorry, Trista," he said. "My mind got lost in thought for a moment. What were you saying?"

"Relkeeta is wanting to know what to do with the prisoners?"

"Have her send them down to us with a full security escort."

"Yes, sir."

Mark deactivated his com-link and rejoined the others.

"These are the readings we've collected of the anomaly-both, eleven years ago and earlier today," Farcorn was telling the visitors, pointing to one of the computer terminals before them.

The one with the pointed ears stepped closer to the monitor, intently studying the readout. "Spock?" Kirk prompted him.

"Fascinating. These readings are identical to those which we received near Berengaria."

"I recognize them as well," Thor agreed, looking up at the pointed-eared man. "These are the readings which we received just prior to coming through to this Universe."

"Indeed," Spock commented, cocking an eyebrow in a quizzical fashion.

"Wouldn't that be logical?" Crichton asked with a slight smirk. "We were all sucked into this Universe by the same anomaly. At least, our experiences were identical from the point we became trapped in that mysterious gravitational pull." He indicated himself and Aeryn, Kirk and Spock.

"That's what happened to us," Ivanova said, indicating herself and Thor. "But, we couldn't detect the source of gravity."

"Neither could we," Crichton agreed.

"That's what happened to Varthikes and myself eleven years ago," Audwin said. "So, there's no doubt a connection between these anomalies we've all experienced. The question is: what's causing them?"

They all studied the readings while they searched their minds for that answer to that question. After a moment of silence-a silence punctuated by the roar of ocean waves-Mark looked up at the governor. "Kiyoshi, Komien Relkeeta is bringing down a few more guests. Would you mind meeting them?"

"More?" the governor echoed, uncertain he heard correctly.

"Oh, you are not bringing the Nebari down here!" Crichton exclaimed exasperatedly.

"Yes, I am having them brought down here," Mark answered. "Because they are victims of these anomalies just like the rest of you. Don't worry, I've ordered a full security detail for them. And, since you two are familiar with them, I'd appreciate if one of you could meet them with the detail."

"Yes, of course you would," Crichton mumbled to himself. "I'll go."

"No, I'll go," Aeryn said. "You're the scientist. You're more suited for this problem." She indicated the computers and their anomalous readings with a wave of her arm.

"Audwin, as Draconian Ambassador, would you and Varthikes go, too?" Mark asked.

Audwin exchanged looks with Varthikes. When he looked back at the admiral, he said, "I'll go."

Here I will stay in case the anomaly opens again so that I may retrieve Amity and Remiphing, Varthikes added.

"Very well." Mark nodded his approval. Audwin moved to join Governor Takamura and Aeryn.

Mark watched the three of them go to a nearby skiff before turning back to the others, then the monitors. As he studied the readings on the monitors once again, he addressed Farcorn, "Richard, have Command-and-Control assemble a full security detail at the landing field."

"Yes, sir," the officer acknowledged.

"Then, tell them to tell Commander Myers to search the Earth Union archives for information concerning White Space. Tell her to compare it with the information we've received here."

Commander Farcorn, who was already on the link with his chief of communications, nodded in acknowledgment.

"White Space?" a puzzled Ivanova asked. The others shared her expression. That is, except Spock and Thor. Spock merely cocked an eyebrow again. And, Thor merely regarded him expectantly with his large, dark eyes.

"Eleven years ago, I was commanding the UES Frontier. We encountered a portal that led to a sort-of...extra-dimensional space. Essentially, it was a white hole in space-hence, its name. The space was found to be toxic to us. Close proximity caused madness among my crew. The readings from the probes sent into the portal came back gibberish.

"We intercepted a ship coming out of the portal and found her crew dead. Apparently, our space is just as toxic to those who inhabit the White Space. But, we've set up an outpost to monitor the portal. Over the past decade, the beings inhabiting that space have made several attempts at gaining a beachhead into our space. Sending in unmanned drones against us, and somehow trying to turn our space into theirs.

"We found evidence on a nearby planet, which apparently was once within the White Space, that the beings who dominate that space seem to live on conquest."

"So, what does that have to do with our current situation?" Crichton asked.

"The outpost monitored an increase in activity earlier this morning. Since then, dozens of starships around the quadrant have gone missing after reporting the presence of the same anomalies. Anomalies similar to what we've all been experiencing."

"It is likely, then, that the answer lies at this White Space Portal," Thor surmised.

"My thought exactly." At that moment, the Post's com-link beeped, drawing their attention. Farcorn activated the com-unit.

"Admiral Johnson," spoke the voice of the chief of communications, "Commander Myers is replying."

came Myers' voice. "The readings are very similar. There is a slight-but-negligible difference. The concentration of Tachyon-B particles is way higher at the Portal than at the anomalies."

"Which could be why the Portal goes to the extra-dimensional space instead to other Universes like the anomalies," Mark thought aloud.


"Never mind. Thanks, Commander." He turned to the four-foot alien. "Well, I guess that adds to the likeliness that the answer lies with the White Space Portal."

"Indeed." Thor dipped his head in agreement. "I will take the Beliskner to investigate this Portal."

"We'll come with you," Ivanova said.

"As you wish. We will wait until you are ready before we leave orbit." In the next moment, a column of white light enveloped the alien. When the light faded, the alien, too, had vanished.

"Abrupt arrival. Abrupt departure," Mark mumbled. He turned to Ivanova, who was turning to leave with her executive officer. "Captain Ivanova, if you don't mind, I think I should come along. Being familiar with that area of space."

The captain nodded curtly in agreement. "Very well. But, you'll have to provide your own transportation to my ship. The Thunderbolt only seats two."

"Not a problem."

"And, don't transport yourself like that." Ivanova indicated the spot where Thor had stood a minute before.

"I understand. Commander Farcorn, you're in charge until Governor Takamura returns."


By the time Kiyoshi, Audwin, and Aeryn had arrived at the landing field, Chief Hamlin had already gathered a contingent there with the two guardians. Hamlin greeted the governor and the ambassador with a courteous bow of her head. The guardians did likewise, accompanying their telepathic greeting.

"I'll need a weapon," Aeryn told the governor.

"The prisoners will be bound," Takamura told her. "And, flanked by additional Malcon troops."

"Then, how come they're armed?" she asked, turning to Hamlin and her party with drawn laser pistols.

"Merely as a precaution."

"Do these Nebari possess the ability to block their thoughts?" Audwin asked.

"None that I'm aware of," Aeryn answered flatly.

"Then, we shouldn't be in any danger. The Draconians will sense any hostility from the Nebari before it happens."

Hamlin's com-link signaled, and they all turned to her as she answered it. "Hamlin here."

"Chief," spoke the voice of the colony's communications officer, "Orbital Guardian has signaled. They are ready to teleport the prisoners."

Hamlin glanced up at the governor. Understanding the unasked question, Takamura nodded his approval. "Tell them to proceed," she said into her com-link. "We're ready to receive them."

Six columns of light appeared on the field before them. The light faded to reveal three Malcon soldiers in black armor and three gray-skinned humanoids, which Audwin guessed were the Nebari. Two of the Malcons flanked them. As soon as the light released them, the Nebari immediately looked down at themselves, feeling their bodies as if to make sure everything was present. "Frell," one was heard mumbling.

Then, they took in their new surroundings. If they were alarmed by the Draconians' presence, they did a remarkable job of hiding it. The guardians themselves had their full attention on the Nebari. The leading Malcon soldier stepped up to governor, followed by the others. Then, five more columns of light delivered five more humanoids. The two Nebari in this group echoed the reactions of those in the first group.

"Governor Takamura, I am Komien Niegrough," the leading soldier said. "I present to you the aliens that had commandeered our scout ship."

"Thank you, komien," the governor replied gratefully. "Have they said anything?"

"Plenty," the commander acknowledged wryly. "However, we are unable to understand any of what they say. Even the translation computers have difficulty locking on."

"I see," Takamura said, his mind mulling over the communication difficulty. A glance to the Draconian guardians gave him an idea. The Draconians touched the mind directly. They didn't need to worry about oral communication. "Perhaps the Draconians can reach them."

"Shia reh'ta viu," one of the aliens with black hair said.

Takamura turned his eyes on the one who spoke. At the same time, Aeryn spoke up from behind him. "They understand you," she said.

Takamura looked back at her. "They do? How do you know?"

Aeryn regarded him with serious eyes. "Translator microbes," she said as if he should have known.

"What microbes?" Audwin asked, unsure if he had heard properly.

"Translator microbes," Aeryn said again. "They colonize at the base of the brain and allows them to understand you."

While Audwin asked Aeryn further about the microbes, Takamura looked up at the guardians. Is she right? he thought to them. Are they understanding us?

We sense that they do,
Vanthres affirmed.

Takamura looked back at Audwin. "They confirm it," he said, indicating the guardians.

Audwin nodded his understanding. "Well, we don't have time for me to go up to your ship for these translator microbes. So, would you mind being my ears for the moment?"

"Very well," she said with a curt nod.

Audwin stepped up to the gray-skinned visitors, Aeryn following him.

"Haw'd viu nawt de'it git?" the alien demanded.

"They want to know what you want with them," Aeryn translated.

"Welcome to Draconia," Audwin said kindly. "I'm Ambassador Audwin McClance."

"Hirlis," the other replied.

Audwin turned questioningly to Aeryn. "That's a name, right?"

The woman gave another curt nod. Audwin turned back to the alien. "A pleasure to meet you, Hirlis," he said with a respectful bow of his head. "We invited you down here because you're in the same situation as Aeryn here," Audwin indicated the woman, "and others. Because we believe that you, like them, have a right to know what's going on."

The alien spoke. Instead of translating what sounded like a question, Aeryn went ahead and answered. "When our ships were caught in the gravity field, we were both pulled into an alternate Universe."

The Nebari replied with something abrupt and negative. Audwin got the feeling that he didn't believe Aeryn. She confirmed it. "I didn't need your translator microbes to get that," he said. Turning to the Nebari commander, "I understand this must be hard to believe. I'm sure I would find it difficult to believe had I not experienced it myself. But, certainly you would agree that you're in unfamiliar territory."

Hirlis looked at his crew, then back at Audwin. "Yey kegahree," he said with a slight nod.

"He agrees," Aeryn translated.

"Good." Audwin nodded his approval to the Nebari. "There are others like you who are eager to return to where they belong. Aeryn and Crichton told us that you believe in peace. Let us try solving this problem together peacefully. We currently have a Command Post set up to monitor an anomaly similar to the one you experienced. It turns out that these phenomena are occurring all over the quadrant. If you'll follow us, we'll take you to our Command Post."

With the Malcon troops flanking them, the Nebari followed Audwin, Takamura, and Aeryn back to the Command Post. On the way, they passed Mark, Ivanova, and Ivanova's executive. Mark told them about the possible connection the anomalies have with the White Space Portal. "Thor and Captain Ivanova are taking their ships to investigate," the admiral said in conclusion. "I'm going with them, since I've got experience with that area of space."

"Understood, Admiral," Takamura said. "We'll manage here."

"We'll keep in touch." Then, they all continued in their respective directions.


After a short flight from Eastern Weyr, E'war arrived over Landing upon Esoth. The setting sun threw its golden light and long shadows over the land. Greetings were exchanged between Esoth and the other dragons stationed on the nearby ridge. E'war spotted the largest of the bronze dragons-Mnementh. What did the Benden Weyrleader want to meet with him for, he wondered once again. All Esoth had said was that Mnementh had told him that F'lar wanted to meet with him in Aivas' room. That was all that Mnementh had told me, Esoth told him once again in his most sincere tone as he spiraled to a landing.

I suppose we'll find out what F'lar wants soon enough, E'war replied.

Esoth threw his wings forward to brake his descent, bringing his hindlegs down in a gentle landing, followed by his forelegs. The brown leaned to his right to allow his rider to dismount. Esoth waited until his rider had entered the building before launching himself toward the ridge.

E'war found D'ram sitting at the front desk. The retired Weyrleader stood at the other's entrance and extended a courteous hand. "E'war, good to see you."

"You as well, D'ram," E'war replied, taking the offered hand and giving it a firm shake.

"F'lar is waiting for you in Aivas' room." D'ram gestured down the hall to the appropriate room, the one with the closed door. "With Master Robinton...and a most unusual contraption. You can go right in."

"A most unusual contraption, huh? Haven't we been seeing a lot of those lately?" E'war asked with an exasperated chuckle.
D'ram laughed as he nodded in agreement. "I suppose you're right. But, this one looks even stranger yet."

E'war acknowledged the senior bronze rider with a smile, then started down the hall. On the way, he passed additional rooms that had been added onto the building in recent Turns. In the rooms, apprentices and journeymen of various crafts worked on various projects all aimed to ridding Thread forever from Pern's skies.

He reached the door at the end of the hall and knocked before opening it. Just as D'ram had said, F'lar and Robinton were there waiting for him. They had their eyes turned toward the door on his entrance. "E'war, come on in," F'lar said at once, waving him in. He did so, closing the door behind him.

"Good, you're here," Robinton said. "Now, F'lar, would you mind enlightening Aivas and myself?"

It was then that E'war noticed the table between them and Aivas' main terminal on the wall opposite of the door. On the table was the contraption D'ram mentioned. It was vaguely familiar with its black surface, rectangle in shape with blunted edges and rounded ends. One end featured some kind of motor while the other, a more pointed end, contained something that looked similar to Aivas' sensors. "That looks familiar," he commented, joining the others at the table.

"You know what this contraption is?" Robinton asked. "Even Aivas doesn't know."

"I do contain a superior amount of data," the baritone voice of the machine admitted. "However, there are limits even to my knowledge. This device does not correspond to any devices which the original colonists of Pern had brought with them. Nor does it match anything ever encountered from times prior to the settlers' arrival on Pern."

"I recognize it," E'war said, looking first to Robinton, then to Aivas. "I haven't seen it in years."

"Please explain the significance of this device," Aivas insisted.

"Eleven Turns ago," F'lar began, "Benden Weyr had two unusual visitors. A Human and a dragon unlike any dragon on Pern. They claimed to have come to Pern from another world..."

"And time," E'war added. "Several thousand Turns in the past, if I remember correctly."

"This account is in the records that you have provide me," Aivas said. "Audwin and Varthikes are the unusual visitors you mention?"

F'lar answered positively.

"You mean to say this is from that world?" Robinton asked.

"That's right," E'war acknowledged. "Esoth and I were assigned to escort Audwin and Varthikes. We found one of these on the beach where they had first found themselves on Pern. Audwin called it some kind of...probe. They took that one back, but when we went to check for any more visitors the next day, we found a second. But, Esoth could no longer locate the...door that led to their world."

"We've been storing it secretly at Benden Weyr since then," F'lar finished, "in case this door ever opened again."

"I'm guessing it has if you have chosen this time to reveal this device," Robinton discerned.

"That's right. But, apparently not in the same place. Eleven Turns ago, it opened off the eastern shore of the Northern Continent. This time, it has opened in the skies between Paradise River and Cove Holds. However, just as before, it has brought forth two otherworldly visitors. From the same world as Audwin and Varthikes." F'lar turned his eyes to Aivas. "One of them was that strange dragon Jaxom said you saw earlier today."

"And, who are currently stuck here," E'war put in. He had been examining the probe and now looked up to meet F'lar's eyes. He told him about their mission that afternoon to help Remiphing relocate the anomaly and subsequent failure. "Remiphing was sure we were searching the right area."

"Remiphing?" Robinton asked, confused.

E'war explained, identifying the Human's name as well.

"The name is certainly strange for a dragon," was the harper's response.

"I remember Audwin and Varthikes saying they couldn't see what brought them to our world," F'lar recalled. "They could only feel the pull from the...the anomaly."

"Anomaly! That's what Audwin called it." E'war smiled at that minor success. Then, in reply to F'lar's last bit of information, "I remember that, too." E'war lowered his eyes to the probe once more. "He also said the people in his world were using these to monitor the anomaly's activities. If we could figure out how to operate this device..."

"Perhaps Amity could help us. Would you mind fetching her?"

"Not at all. I'll be right back." E'war turned and left the room.

More to come...

Re: "WhiteSpace" - sequel to "Misplaced Dragon&qu

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 10:35 am
by Varthikes

HROUGH HIS neural interface with the vessel's exterior optics, the Supreme Commander stared down at the Liberals' fleet. His vessel was still recovering from the previous battle, just as would be the vessels belonging to the Liberals. However, unlike them, he was able to acquire reinforcements. Now, he approached them with four times the number of vessels than before. "Establish communication," he ordered his communications officer.

"Communication established," was the reply a moment later.

"Attention, Liberals. We have now a greater force. Remove now from our path or surely be destroyed."

"If this operation takes place, we will face destruction regardless," came the response. "Better to fight and die than to withdraw to die from negligent action."

Communication was severed at that point. "Ready to commence attack," the Commander instructed his crew.


When Admiral Johnson had vanished into the distance with Captain Ivanova and Commander Clayton, Varthikes turned his attention to the bipeds manning the Command Post. There remains no new activity from the anomaly? he asked Commander Farcorn.

"None," the Human answered, turning his attention to him. "Doctor Mirlleeta went ahead and deployed an aqua-probe. We thought that perhaps with a probe closer to the area, we might be able to read something the beacon can't due to the distance. But, we've yet to see anything we haven't before."

Accepting Farcorn's report, Varthikes looked worriedly back at the sea. What if the anomaly didn't open again for another eleven cycles? He turned an eye to Ilka. Between them, Vruthes and Drake slept against each other. Ilka sat on the sand, her eyes to the sea. He sensed the same question from her mind. He turned to the visitors from the other Universes. Would they be stuck here, too?

These visitors were rather interesting, he reflected. The ones named Kirk and Spock especially. And, the different one that had just departed-Thor. They didn't react to him and his kind like the others had. As if they were familiar with the existence of creatures like him beyond the fictional tellings. He turned and started to step toward them, who were gathered with the one named Crichton. All three looked up at his approach.

I approach as friend, he told them, dipping his head in a respectful bow.

"Which one are you?" Crichton asked.

I am Varthikes. You are Crichton, Kirk, and Spock?

"That's right," Kirk answered.

Do you fear not being able to return to your respective Universes? the Draconian asked as he lowered himself to his belly.

"It is a matter of concern," Spock answered. That one seemed to keep his emotions concealed. Although, with concentration, Varthikes could sense the worry from him as well.

"Can't you just sense what we feel?" a slightly confused Crichton asked.

I could indeed, Varthikes acknowledged with a nod. However, I enjoy conversing with other intelligent creatures-particularly those who come from beyond my world. Or, in your case, from beyond my Universe. He added the last part with a deep-throated chuckle.

"It's kinda strange hearing a like that."

Varthikes tilted his head in puzzlement. Like what?

"'Intelligent creatures', 'beyond my world', 'beyond my Universe'?"

Varthikes looked away from the visitors for a moment to consider the phrases. He had to admit that he has been using a lot of new phrases within the past ten cycles. He turned his golden eyes back at the visitors. You are probably correct, he said with another brief chuckle. I have, however, spent the last twelve cycles around Humans and other beings from Beyond. I have learned much in that time. He turned his focus to Kirk and Spock, his head tilting in puzzlement. One thing in particular which I have noticed in that time... Most visitors when arriving on Draconia are surprised by our appearance. You two-Admiral Kirk, Commander Spock-and Thor, however, were not.

"Well, we can't speak for Thor," Kirk began to explain. "But, in our Universe, the star system that occupies this area of space... The seventh planet of that system is home to a species of dragons somewhat like yourself. The planet is the location of one of the Federation's most successful colonies."

Most interesting, Varthikes replied, his emphatic tone demonstrating his sincerity. You, then, live with these dragons in peace.

"It is, rather, mutual respect," Spock said. "They do not mind us as long as we do not trespass onto them."

I understand. Varthikes dipped his head in a nod, as he often seen Humans do to acknowledge one another. Much the same was it here during the first cycles of Hatching. Through the efforts of Audwin, myself, and others have we progressed to this point-Draconia belonging to itself with the Earth Union, Malcon Empire, and Octavian Republic providing protection. He was about to say something more when his attention was drawn back to the computer terminals by a sudden surge of commotion. The visitors also turned their attentions in that direction. From behind him, Varthikes saw with his right eye Ilka and Sage Rothel come to their feet and approach the Command Post.

What is happening? he asked at once.

"The readings are returning," Farcorn answered.

"The anomalies?" Crichton asked. Varthikes sensed that he already knew the answer. Farcorn confirmed it. The visiting man moved to touch a copper-colored object on his shoulder. It looked, to Varthikes, similar to the com-link devices that the Humans of his Universe use. "Pilot, is Moya sensing anything unusual nearby? Anything like that which sucked us into this alternate Universe?"

Varthikes heard a series of unfamiliar sounds from a slightly higher-pitched voice answer from the device. While Crichton continued the exchange with whoever it was on the other side of that communication device, Varthikes turned his thoughts toward Amity and Remiphing. Are the readings stable? he asked Farcorn.

"The pull the anomaly is exerting is steadily increasing," the commander answered, his eyes on the terminal screen. "It seems to be leveling out now."

Varthikes turned to Rothel and Ilka. He focused both golden eyes squarely on Ilka's delicate blue. I promise, friend Ilka, to return with Amity. Without another word, Varthikes took off toward the ocean.


It was a warm night. Which was why much of the Weyr had gathered in the main courtyard. Lights had been strategically placed around the area, with a concentration on the stage that had been set up in the yard's center. On the stage, two harpers performed for the gathered audience-the man played what looked like a guitar while the woman sang. Amity sat at the back of the audience and was listening when heavy footsteps approached from behind. They approached slowly.

Is that music? Remiphing's enthralled thought-voice asked.

Without turning around to meet the other's eyes, Amity answered affirmatively. And, even though Remiphing was capable of picking up the answer from the Human's mind on her own, it was Amity who actually made contact-one of the advantages she had over the others at Hatching with her blooming telepathic abilities. She felt much closer to the Draconians as a result.

Remiphing walked up beside her. I much enjoy listening to your kind's music. Your voices make wonderful singing. I may not understand fully what you are saying, but it sounds...beautiful. And, it conveys many strong emotions.

She's singing about a red star passing,
Amity explained casually.

There is a sense of horror. Of rising to action. Remiphing suddenly turned her head, her nose coming around toward Amity. Attracted by the movement, Amity turned toward her. The Draconian had her head completely turned, her glowing golden eyes focused on something else. It was then that she heard the footsteps-ones that belonged to a Human, this time. Amity followed the others eyes to see a man quickly approaching her. It was E'war, she recognized.

"Good evening, Remiphing," he said in a subdued voice, bowing his head politely to the Draconian, who replied likewise.

"To you, too, Amity. How's the side?"

Amity looked down at where she had been injured. She had nearly forgotten about that. She said as much to the dragonrider. "Mirrim just put some more of that numbweed-stuff on it a few minutes ago."

"Good. Do you feel like coming with Esoth and me to Landing? F'lar and I need your help for something. Sorry, Remiphing, you'll have to stay here."

I mind not at this moment, she replied. Tilting her head toward the harpers, she continued, I am happy to stay and listen to the music.

"Lucky you," E'war said with a grin. Remiphing turned her attention back to the harpers as Amity, exchanging mental words of departure with her friend, followed the rider to the waiting brown, whose whirling pupil-less eyes glowed blue-green instead of gold in the night. "This is Esoth."

"Joyful greetings, Esoth," Amity said, bowing her head courteously, a kind smile on her face. "I'm Amity."

It's good to meet you, Amity, answered an echoing voice that sounded like a deeper version of E'war's.

"He's pleased to meet you," E'war said, not realizing Amity had heard. When she told him, his eyebrows shot up. Amity blinked and wavered at the wave of surprise she felt from him. "You can hear our dragons?" he asked.

"I inherited Uncle Varth's telepathic ability," she explained. Then, she thought to him, See? She couldn't help the chuckle that came over her as she saw the man's eyebrows shoot up once again. This time, it looked like they went up a little further than before.

"How... How did that happen?"

"My mom said he talked to me while I was in her belly."

"I see. Interesting." E'war continued to mull over Amity's explanation for a moment. Then, deciding that they should get going, E'war turned his attention to his dragon. The dragon set a forearm to help E'war to his shoulders. Then, Amity, grabbing E'war's outstretched hand, hauled herself aboard.

"Because of your wound, Esoth will fly directly," E'war told her once she was settled in front of him. "It's not too long of a flight."

"What other way is there?"

"Oh, right. The dragons where you're from don't between. Right. Hang on, then. Esoth, if you would?"

As she always did whenever she rode Varthikes, Amity braced herself for the powerful spring that was necessary to launch the massive dragons into the air.

Just as E'war had said, it was not long before Esoth arrived at their destination. As the dragon flew in, Amity saw several pairs of beads glowing blue into the night lining a nearby ridge. As the dragon began his spiral descent, she looked down, fully trusting the dragon's flying. Behind them, a full moon and a rising half-moon shed light upon their landing site. In the eerie light, she saw the outline of the buildings below.

"Seems like you're well used to dragonriding," E'war noted once Esoth had set down.

"I've ridden Uncle Varth sense I was four," she explained proudly. She was helped to the ground. As she waited for E'war to make it down Esoth's forearm, she looked up at Esoth's multi-faceted eye. "Thank you, Esoth. You fly as well as Varth."

E'war was soon on the ground and, after expressing his gratitude to his dragon, led Amity into the building. Amity followed him down a hall to a closed door, which the man opened. In the room were two men. One of them older with silvery hair, the other with black hair she recognized from earlier. "Amity, you remember F'lar," E'war gestured to the man with the black hair.

"Good to see you again, Amity," F'lar said.

"You, too, sir," she said with a courteous bow.

E'war introduced the older man as Master Robinton. Amity noticed a bronze body perched on the man's shoulder. She had seen a number of the creatures around the Weyr. Fire-lizards, they were called. The man extended a hand, which Amity took. Despite the man's age, he still had a strong, but gentle, shake.

"So, you're our visitor from this other world?" the Master asked after greetings were exchanged.

"I guess so."

"Welcome, Amity," spoke up another voice.

Amity looked around for the source. The voice had sounded as though it had come from the wall farthest from the door. Looking that way, she noticed the computer monitor and other related equipment-equipment that stood out on a world like Pern. E'war pointed it out, "And, that's Aivas."

"The computer's the one that talked?" Amity asked.

"I am an Artificial Intelligence Voice Address System," the voice spoke again.

Then, Amity noticed the table and the object sitting on it. She stepped up to it. "An aqua-probe? It looks like one of ours." She ran her hands over its smooth, rubbery surface.

"It is one of yours," F'lar said, a bit of humor detectable in his voice, as he and the others joined her. "Your father left it here when he and Varthikes were here last."

"This is what we nee-needed..." E'war broke off. Amity felt a hand coming down on her right shoulder. She turned to look up at him. He had his head bent and his other hand on his forehead. He swayed on his feet, struggling to keep his balance.

"F'lar? E'war?" she heard Robinton's voice. Amity turned to see the other dragonrider was doing the same thing. Robinton had an arm around him to help keep him steady. "What's the matter?"

Amity, remembering Varth's instruction, concentrated on F'lar's head. Her eyes focused, peering right through to his mind. In his mind, she found the part that connected with his dragon. A constant pain began to ring through her head. She couldn't tell if the pain was from her concentration, or if it came from his mind. "It's their dragons," Amity said, flinching against the pain. "They don't sense...Gaderath, anymore."

E'war and F'lar both began to straighten up. "Gaderath is gone," F'lar finally said after assuring Robinton that he was alright now. "The dragons don't sense him anymore. Whose Gaderath's rider?"

"T'lion," E'war answered grimly. "They're gone."

"No, not gone." F'lar shook his head. "They didn't perish between. They're just...not there anymore. What were they doing?"

"They were assigned the first night shift watching the anomaly."


The first thing T'lion did when the white explosion faded was to breathe in-and take in a mouthful of saltwater. He immediately aborted the inhale even though his lungs were crying for air. He opened his eyes to a watery world.

Gaderath! his mind exclaimed, realizing he was still on his dragon. At once, the bronze worked his fore- and hindlegs to propel them to the surface. They broke into afternoon sunlight. What in the name of Faranth was that?! T'lion demanded to know as he tried coughing up the water that had made it down his windpipe.

I did not go between, Gaderath told him. The dragon craned his head around, showing T'lion an eye whirling yellow. T'lion, look!

Still coughing up traces of water, T'lion turned in the direction which his dragon was looking. There on the water with them was a boat, which looked like it was made from the same material as the Ancients' buildings at Landing. But, that wasn't the most extraordinary thing. What really caught his attention was the face that was looking down at them from the boat's deck. The gray face with ridges going from its nose around its crown to its ears. For a moment, T'lion thought it was the light. Yes, that's it. Having gone from a night sky, swallowed by a bright white light, to the eerie blue-green of sea depths, and finally to an afternoon sun, his vision would undoubtedly be messed up. Plus, he had water in his eyes. He raised an arm to rub his eyes with the sleeve of his wherhide jacket, which was now soaked like the rest of him.

"Please identify yourselves," the person spoke in a feminine voice.

"Shards," T'lion whispered, seeing that the gray, ridged face remained unchanged. Gaddie, what do you make of the face looking down at us? he decided to ask his dragon.

It's different from yours, came the puzzled answer. And, from the faces of the others. Very different.

"Please identify yourselves," the person repeated.

"I'm T'lion," he answered. "Rider of Gaderath. Who... What are you? Where are we?"

"I am Mirlleeta," the other said. "You are on Draconia. And, that does not look like a Draconian."

About the only thing T'lion understood from that...creature was her name. The rest caused him to furl his eyebrows in bafflement. "What?"

The person turned her attention away from him for a moment. When she turned back, she said, "Perhaps you better go to shore. They'll be able to help you better at our Command Post."

T'lion and his dragon turned as one in the opposite direction. With a thought to Gaderath, the dragon started swimming toward the shore.


Audwin and Takamura were just arriving at the Command Post with Aeryn and the Nebari when the ground began to shake. Audwin struggled to maintain his balance as he rushed toward it. The waves were swelling, threatening to overtake the Post. His fellow bipeds were rushing to shut down their equipment. The Draconians gathered there, he saw, all had their wings partly spread for balance as they helped transfer the equipment and non-essential personnel-the younglings that had remained to see the final fate of their missing friends-to the cliff-top behind them. They carried their loads in their up-facing palms.

"What's happening?!" he cried to them.

"Your anomaly's back with a vengeance!" Crichton answered. He, Kirk, and Spock also helped in the moving of equipment.

"We've got to move the Command Post before we're swamped!" Farcorn explained. As soon as he said that, the shaking ceased, and the waves began to rescind. Everyone-biped and Draconian alike-paused in their work to look around in surprise. "Well, isn't that typical?" Farcorn was heard mumbling.

"Does that mean the anomaly is gone again?" a frustrated Crichton asked as Audwin took the last several steps toward the Post. He looked about at the Draconians present, but could not sense Varthikes among them.

"Not necessarily," Farcorn answered Crichton's question. "It might just mean the anomaly no longer has a vengeance. We'll know once we have the equipment set up again."

"We should continue to relocate the Command Post to that cliff-top," Takamura suggested. "In case the anomaly should be that violent again."

Audwin located Ilka, but could not find Drake or Vruthes. They're probably with the other children, he thought. "John, Aeryn," he turned his attention briefly to the two he was addressing, "would you please bring your friends here," he gestured to the Nebari, who were studying the scene with alertness, "up-to-date with the situation?"

Not waiting for a response, Audwin started toward Ilka. "Drake is with Vruthes up there," she told him automatically, as if she had been reading his thoughts. "They're safe."

"Where's Varthikes?"

"As-as soon as the anomaly reopened, he went..." She turned toward the sea. "To rescue Amity and Remiphing."

"He went to Pern," he concluded grimly. "I sure hope he doesn't succeed in just getting stuck there with the girls."

Takamura called to him at that point. Audwin turned to see him approaching. "Mirlleeta just reported the appearance of a Human male with a creature similar to a Draconian."

Audwin let out a weary sigh and raised a hand to his forehead, rubbing his eyes with his thumb and middle finger. "As if this couldn't get any more complicated... Did they give their names?"

"T'lion, rider of Gaderath."

Audwin stopped rubbing and looked up at the governor. "T'lion and Gaderath?" he repeated, searching the names in his memory.

"You know them?"

Audwin nodded. "They certainly sound familiar." Yes, he remembered, they were a young pair. At least, they were during the time frame in which he had read about them. They were involved in reestablishing contact with the dolphins on Pern.

"They are coming our way now."


Gaderath swam until he felt ground beneath his feet. Then, he waded up the bank. On his shoulders, T'lion fixed his eyes on the encampment. It looked like the people there were working to relocate their camp to the cliff-top. They were still too far away to make out the equipment they were moving, but the dragons that were helping them...

I don't think we're on Pern anymore, Gaddie, he told his dragon.

I don't think so, either, Gaderath agreed. I think this is the place that strange dragon came from. Those dragons look like Remiphing's kind.

They do, don't they?

As they drew closer, T'lion noticed two more people with a face like the woman on the boat. There were five others toward the back of the encampment who looked normal enough, except their skins were pale! Almost like Lord Jaxom's Ruth! T'lion forced himself to look away from those abnormalities and turn his attention to the two that seem to be waiting for them. One was a man, and beside him was one of the weird dragons.

Gaderath was soon clear of the water. T'lion undid his riding straps and proceeded to climb down the bronze's foreleg.
The man and strange dragon approached. "Welcome to Draconia," the man said with a welcoming smile. "I'm Audwin. This," he gestured to the dragon, "is honorable Sage Rothel."

The golden-tan dragon bowed his head. Welcome, said a baritone voice. Did he just hear the thought of a dragon other than his own?

More to come...

Re: "WhiteSpace" - sequel to "Misplaced Dragon&qu

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2008 2:19 am
by Varthikes
Since the story is getting rather long, I thought it would be best if I split it into two parts.

So, Chapter 11 is moved to Part II

Re: "WhiteSpace" - sequel to "Misplaced Dragon&qu

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 2:41 am
by Varthikes
Sorry, everyone for the delay. I've been concentrating on my second full-blown novel, which has been in production longer. Now that that's nearly done, I'm turning my attention back to this story. Right now, I'm editing the first eleven chapters.