Reboot B5?
Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 11:36 pm
There has always been some small talk about B5 in some for or another. Fans talking about what ifs about replacing existing TV show CGI with the latest CGI.
But what if they just reboot the series and start from scratch.
Would you use The Expanse type of CGI? Or Trek? I mean aesthetic. Trek being more flashy and The Expanse being a more like an updated version of nuBSG?
I'd imagine any rebooted B5 would use most of the ship designs but updated. Make them look as big as they are supposed to be. B5 would probably stay the same too.
Storywise, you just can't say the same story but with different actors playing the same characters. So how would that work? Tweak it here and there to change a few things? Make the Minbari more religiously militeristic? Narn more animalistic? Centauri more French? Humans more xenophobic? Shadows and Vorlons more less the same? Maybe introduce a third First One race? Maybe even older than the Vorlons and the Shadows? Like true First Ones?
Personally, I do wonder how such a series would be played out. You can't just rehash the basics from the original and that would be expected. Maybe you can do certain elements but then flip them for the shock value or something.
But what if they just reboot the series and start from scratch.
Would you use The Expanse type of CGI? Or Trek? I mean aesthetic. Trek being more flashy and The Expanse being a more like an updated version of nuBSG?
I'd imagine any rebooted B5 would use most of the ship designs but updated. Make them look as big as they are supposed to be. B5 would probably stay the same too.
Storywise, you just can't say the same story but with different actors playing the same characters. So how would that work? Tweak it here and there to change a few things? Make the Minbari more religiously militeristic? Narn more animalistic? Centauri more French? Humans more xenophobic? Shadows and Vorlons more less the same? Maybe introduce a third First One race? Maybe even older than the Vorlons and the Shadows? Like true First Ones?
Personally, I do wonder how such a series would be played out. You can't just rehash the basics from the original and that would be expected. Maybe you can do certain elements but then flip them for the shock value or something.