No, it's been clearly demonstrated that wide-beam stun is only effective at very short range - ie a few metres, and maximum power is nowhere close to blowing up houses, regardless of what Riker may have claimed in "Frame of Mind". Shuttle firepower is enough to blow up a big truck, but that makes it about as powerful as a small bomb, not the Death Star.
Oh, come on; Federation weapons have been demonstrated to have power well above modern firearms... I just can't, um, think of any specific examples right now; I'll get back to you on this, though...
You have to admit, though, that the ship phaser stun effect from TOS is pretty darn cool; that there could put an end to any land battle as long as there's a starship in orbit. So, final verdict on Federation weapons technology? Okay, but with cool features.
No, they couldn't have wiped out the Bajoran population - they couldn't even find them most of the time thanks to funny rocks in the hills blocking their sensors.
Well, they could have just brought in a couple of ships and slagged the planet (as per Die is Cast); I think that would have put an end to the Resistance right there...
Conjecture, at best. My hgih school was a preparatory school, and could lead to entrance into West Point, Annapolis, or the Air Force Academy; yet here I am, a civilian. "Could lead" and "would lead" are two very different things. And the proof is in the pudding - if your scenario were so, why are there civilian Cardassians of service age?
I'm not saying that every single Cardassian is put into military training...just that since every single Cardassian is trained to regard service to the State, and the State basically is the Military, then I think that's going to increase your conscription rates.
I think Peabody's description of the invasion of Russia matches Napoleons attempt far closer than Hitlers. Napoleons army relied far more on living from the land than did the Germans. The Russian tactic of scorched earth was used successfully against Boney.
That's another valid example; the paralells between the two campaigns are quite striking (don't mad dictators ever learn any History?). Both invasions were defeated both by the harshness of the Russian climate, and the determination of the Russians themselves.
An aside: As an keen student of the Second World War, who spent a big chunk of my childhood building model Panzers, (German weapons, vehicles, uniforms and camouflage marking where the best looking) I think the military power of Nazi Germany is often overstated. There seems to be lot of people buying into the propaganda (of which there seems to be increasingly a lot around) of the Aryan Superman these days.
Well, of course the German army wasn't superhuman or anything; it was simply a well-trained, well-equipped military force. The reason Germany had such success in the early parts of the war was largely due to the unpreparedness of the rest of Europe, who had been too busy appeasing Hitler to notice as he gradually built up his forces. But still, any force which is able to take over most of Europe in such a short time can't be all bad...