Re: Stats/Information on the new Enterprise
Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 10:38 pm
So, yeah, it's what I thought. Him deciding to ignore canon on the basis of him not liking it. How very objective of him.
Daystrom Institute Technical Library
You can have your own personal views on what is and isn't Trek, lots of folks do (I do) but if you want to debate then you pretty much have to use the canon material.Tyyr wrote:Nothing says he has to like it, and he can even say so. But is it up to him to "de-canonize" something?
I think he does, he's just choosing to ignore that in favour of beating the dead horse that is "Abrams is raping my childhood!"Tyyr wrote:I've been rereading his analysis and something I picked up on is that I don't think Bernd completely gets that this new timeline has zero impact on the classic one and is a totally different continuity.
That just makes no sense. He's saying that because the ship is basicaly the same exterior design, it must be the same size.The proportions of the saucer, neck, engineering hull and nacelles are similar enough to the TOS/TMP Enterprise that it must be about the same size
Correct me if I'm wrong, but back in WW2, didn't the size of guns and propellers on ships increase as the ship increased in size?Phasers, thrusters, etc are scaled up in proportion with the ship. You wouldn't expect that of a larger ship.
So the GCS doesn't have any windows, then?Two window rows in the saucer rim. A big ship requires in-between decks with no windows
So? The nBSG has a grand total of one window. Does that mean it can't be 1.4KM long?Not many windows overall
I'm not too sure what he's saying here, it's all a bit muddled.The radically different looking engine room should not be taken as a sign that, if the technology inside the ship is different, the same should apply to its size. Sure, the "brewery" would realistically be too big for the ship. But aside from the size of the set it is circular reasoning that it is an alternate timeline, and if the technology inside is different, then the ship could just as well be 16 times as large.
he completely admits that the engineering set would be too big for the ship to be just 300m long. Yet he ignores it completely.Sure, the "brewery" would realistically be too big for the ship
To an extent, depending on the role of the ship. As destroyers increased in size they tended to mount a larger amount of guns of similar calibre to pre-war designs. Simply because those weapons where already mature and the lines available to produce them. Propellers, well yeah but by the same token the larger the ship the more they had. None of this is a hard and fast rule mind you.Rochey wrote:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but back in WW2, didn't the size of guns and propellers on ships increase as the ship increased in size?
He's basicaly saying that the ship can't be that size, because the impulse engines, phasers, etc would all have to be increased in size. I really don't see a problem with doing that. The GCS's impulse drives are much larger than the oConnie's, so why can't the nConnies be larger as well?