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Re: Seen it! SPOILERS IN HERE!!!!
Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 7:42 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Oh, something I noticed and forgot to mention. During one of the scenes in the engineering hull, there're several large pieces of equipment with the nuclear symbol on them in the background. Anyone else catch that?
Re: Seen it! SPOILERS IN HERE!!!!
Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 8:45 pm
by Sonic Glitch
Rochey wrote:Oh, something I noticed and forgot to mention. During one of the scenes in the engineering hull, there're several large pieces of equipment with the nuclear symbol on them in the background. Anyone else catch that?
Re: Seen it! SPOILERS IN HERE!!!!
Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 9:45 pm
by SuperSaiyaMan12
Just saw it. Dear god, it was so fricking awesome!
Re: Seen it! SPOILERS IN HERE!!!!
Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 10:34 pm
by LaughingCheese
Rochey wrote:Oh, something I noticed and forgot to mention. During one of the scenes in the engineering hull, there're several large pieces of equipment with the nuclear symbol on them in the background. Anyone else catch that?
YES! I LOVED that!!!

Re: Seen it! SPOILERS IN HERE!!!!
Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 7:15 am
by Mark
Varthikes wrote:Delta Vega was the planet in TOS's "Where No Man Has Gone Before". The site of a lithium/dilithium mining station pretty much on the outer rim of the galaxy.
On seeing the destruction of Vulcan from Delta Vega, I was thinking that maybe Nero left Spock with a long-range holo-viewer. Something like that.
That's actually not a bad theory and one I thought of myself as I watched it, but remember, they dumped Kirk on that rock because it was on the way between Vulcan and the fleet.
Re: Seen it! SPOILERS IN HERE!!!!
Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 7:57 am
by Grundig
I think watching the Vulcan implosion from one of its moons would make much more sense than from a neighboring planet. (Of course, Vulcan has no moons, right?) What if Delta Vega was a moon of Vulcan? That's the only way you could see Vulcan from that close. I dunno, the movie's explanation doesn't make much sense at all, scientifically or canonically, and the idea of placing a holoemitter makes even less sense.
It makes as much sense as the whole supernova scenario. In both cases, OOU, they're plot devices that aren't scientifically realistic. They're shortcuts that allow the frenetic pace the movie to continue uninterrupted. What makes it frustrating is that other scientific bits were really well-done - for example, when Sulu, Kirk, and Redshirt are parachuting into the Vulcan atmosphere, the sound effects are totally plausible; first things are silent, then quiet whooshes of air start to come, etc. Similarly happens at the beginning with the Kelvin. Seems like old Star Trek writers wouldn't have stretched the scientific plausibility so much.
But hey, there are so many other inconsistencies elsewhere in the franchise that if this is the worst, the filmmakers deserve a freaking trophy. I mean, I guess if you have to choose between a strong story and scientific plausibility, ditch the science, because it's Sci-Fi after all. IMHO.
Re: Seen it! SPOILERS IN HERE!!!!
Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 3:35 pm
by Lazar
Grundig wrote:Similarly happens at the beginning with the Kelvin. Seems like old Star Trek writers wouldn't have stretched the scientific plausibility so much.
Oh I don't know - in STII, the film's MacGuffin was able to turn a nebula into a terrestrial planet. Or the idea of Praxis sending out a faster than light shockwave that could damage a ship as far away as the neutral zone in STVI?
Re: Seen it! SPOILERS IN HERE!!!!
Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 4:05 pm
by thelordharry
GrahamKennedy wrote:It's interesting that Kirk had at least six different hand to hand fights in the movie, and he lost every single one of them. Most of them heavily. On the drill head for instance, Sulu polished off both Romulans and saved Kirk's ass.
I wonder if this was a deliberate attempt to make Kirk more different to the Fistfighting God that was Shatner's Kirk?

George Takei finally getting (indirect) revenge after all these years...
Re: Seen it! SPOILERS IN HERE!!!!
Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 4:40 pm
by Angharrad
Grundig wrote: Seems like old Star Trek writers wouldn't have stretched the scientific plausibility so much.
But hey, there are so many other inconsistencies elsewhere in the franchise that if this is the worst, the filmmakers deserve a freaking trophy. I mean, I guess if you have to choose between a strong story and scientific plausibility, ditch the science, because it's Sci-Fi after all. IMHO.
OK, like taking apart a human's molecules and reassembling them is scientifically plausible?
Re: Seen it! SPOILERS IN HERE!!!!
Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 4:48 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Similarly happens at the beginning with the Kelvin. Seems like old Star Trek writers wouldn't have stretched the scientific plausibility so much.
Yeah, because Trek's never mutilated science before now, right? It did that on every second episode. The new film's no more ridiculous in the science department than old Trek was.
Re: Seen it! SPOILERS IN HERE!!!!
Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 5:50 pm
by colmquinn
Well to be honest i'd only give the movie 3/5, it was a decent trek movie but by no means a great movie. the flaws you guys have pointed out already were my gripes though I reckon that it'll be a good set up to get all the introductions over for the next movie.
Re: Seen it! SPOILERS IN HERE!!!!
Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 6:05 pm
by Graham Kennedy
What annoys me isn't so much that there is bad science, but that the bad science could so easily be fixed.
For instance one of the most glaring scientific errors in the film could be corrected by changing the line "threatened the entire galaxy" to "threatened the entire Romulan system". That's it, that's all you would have to do.
To fix another, I would have the intention being that the red matter would FIX the star, but then instead it did something nobody expected in creating the black hole, and the black hole destroyed Romulus.
That would take modifying another four or five lines of dialogue and showing Romulus being destroyed differently. And it's not only more scientifically plausible, but it gives Nero a far better reason to hate Spock and the Federation - they didn't just try and fail, they actively CAUSED the destruction of his homeworld. He might even think it was on purpose. So it actually serves your characters and plot to be more realistic there.
And so on.
Re: Seen it! SPOILERS IN HERE!!!!
Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 6:27 pm
by Lt. Staplic
sorry if this has already been mentioned but since we're on the topic of YATI....did anyone notice what Uhura ordered from the bar at the beginning....a Cardassian Sunrise....I remembered the from TNG. So does this mean that in this new universe the Federation has made contact witht he Cardassians already?
Re: Seen it! SPOILERS IN HERE!!!!
Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 7:37 pm
by Kevsha
Wow! saw it twice over the weekend, and twice i sat in sold out theaters. once in a plain theater and another in IMAX. never before have i been to a sold out movie and never h ave i been to a movie with such a thunderous applause at the end.
I loved everything about this movie, there may be little inconsistancies but i could care less... the ships looked amaizing, definatly took the TOS look and feel to a whole new level. the enterprise also definatly looked more advanced than all the others ( the other ships had darker more "used" look to them and what looked like an older nacelle design) i also liked the going to warp effect, nothing fancy, just bang and gone.
Kirk did get his ass beat, but everytime he got into a fight he always was at a disadvantage. he took on 4 cadets (and held them off pretty good at first) 2 romulans who were both physicaly stronger than him and had weapons. spock who we have seen in TOS can kick kirks ass and again, 2 more romulans.
The green chick (who i would assume was meant to be an orion girl) made me melt. i LOVE redheads and the contrast of the green skin and the deep red hair and her ample.... nacelles had me wishing girls like that actually existed. its just a shame that she is now probably dead because i don't think she ended up getting assigned to the Enterprise

the super nova that was meant to "threaten the entire galaxy" i don't know if it was meant to be literal, or if that it may cause an event that would de-stabilize the galaxy (such as the destruction of romulus) rather than physically destroying the galaxy
the travel time to vulcan.... well we don't know how long kirk was out, they comment on the E just reaching maximum warp but it may not have been on a shakedown cruise yet, it could be they were running slower to "break in" the engines or due to something being out of alignment/adjustment they were not able to reach maximum warp right away.
i think all the actors did a bang up job on playing thier rolls. no complaints, nothing but praise. i like the uhura spock relationship.
as for the ship battles, acouple complaints that they were too short... it makes sense as the red ships were heavily outgunned, it took but one solid hit to the E to bring her shields down to 30% it really wasn't possible to have a prolonged battle, the fed ships just simply would not survive. i do like how the enterprise was a bit of a slow lumbering ship. the ships in this movie give you more of a naval feel. like in TWoK i like the weapon and effects, i especially like them shooting down the missles, it always bugged me that they could never to that before.
also seeing alittle product placement is fun, like the budwiser classics and nokia phone in the car (its nice to be able to connect current day with the future)
i really can't think of a bad thing about it save for the delta vega part, though him seeing vulcan be destroyed may be more symbolism than anything. probably going to go see it for a third time tonight
Re: Seen it! SPOILERS IN HERE!!!!
Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 7:39 pm
by LaughingCheese
GrahamKennedy wrote:What annoys me isn't so much that there is bad science, but that the bad science could so easily be fixed.
For instance one of the most glaring scientific errors in the film could be corrected by changing the line "threatened the entire galaxy" to "threatened the entire Romulan system". That's it, that's all you would have to do.
To fix another, I would have the intention being that the red matter would FIX the star, but then instead it did something nobody expected in creating the black hole, and the black hole destroyed Romulus.
That would take modifying another four or five lines of dialogue and showing Romulus being destroyed differently. And it's not only more scientifically plausible, but it gives Nero a far better reason to hate Spock and the Federation - they didn't just try and fail, they actively CAUSED the destruction of his homeworld. He might even think it was on purpose. So it actually serves your characters and plot to be more realistic there.
And so on.
Yeah, I've been mulling over these issues these last few days since the movie.
Ok, granted, transporters, and even FTL travel (although the jurries still kind of out on that one right?) are riduculous, but just not in the same manner that these errors are (supernova threatening the entire galaxy?!?!?!? Seeing Vulcan from a planet on the other side of the galax?????? Or between Vulcan, but that's still not in visual range).
I'm not sure whether to love the movie or hate it now.
I keep telling everyone "Yeah, I thought it was awesome overall, but.....I just have these *little* nitpicks."
EDIT: Ok maybe I shouldn't let that ruin it completely for me, maybe its worth 3.5/5, MAYBE 4/5.