But they had "Super Janeway"...Mikey wrote:without so much as reading an owner's manual.

But they had "Super Janeway"...Mikey wrote:without so much as reading an owner's manual.
You can do all of that with a carjack and about two hours.Not exactly.
What we're describing is like replacing the brakes for a new type of brakes.
You need to replace the housing, all the brake parts, and you can't do that in the middle of nowhere without the appropriate parts and tools, and a shop, or spacedock...
I do agree that with the proper installations, the job might take a few weeks, if you put a lot of people on it, but I also agree with the others saying that the ship needs be in dock for these upgrades.
In the case of Voyager, it mostly consisted of replacing existing damaged parts with new working ones.
No redesign, or anything else, except for the modifications in "Endgame", which were brought from a future Janeway...
This just about covers it. They were able to complete the workout support of any kind using tech that was nothing like theirs.Mikey wrote:In VOY, they routinely incorporated completely alien technology into the ship, without so much as reading an owner's manual.
Unknown. However, what's irrefutable is that more powerful weapons would have greater recoil than the ones they were replacing.Deepcrush wrote:How much recoil is there?
Depends on how big the pipes are and how long they are. The stuff closest to the weapons might not be so bad, but the big ones closer to the core would be - they're about two feet across, with unknown sectional length, winding hundreds of metres, if not kilometres, through the ship.How much work is needed to replace "pipes"?
To withstand the recoil of heavier weapons, as I've already stated. Being fine for the job they've got to do doesn't mean they'll still be fine while doing a more strenuous job.Why do you need a stronger frame when there's nothing wrong with the current frame?
What internal space? Remember the size of the cabins and corridors on the E-D? They're huge as living quarters, but for installing a completely new phaser array they're far too small.Wrapping around an area that's open and with plenty of internal space to work is a good thing.
Much longer, and the moving light effect seen most of the time a phaser fires implies that the TM description of a ramp up is at least somewhat accurate. This is slightly iffy however, given the inclusion of the TM theory.As to being the most powerful weapons on the ship? Isn't every phaser on the ship a type X? The saucer phasers have the best arc.
Unknown - it certainly completed repairs that should have been impossible, but there's the distinct possibility that they put into a friendly station for the duration of the repairs. There's also the point that, while repairs (especially after Deadlock) appeared substantial, I can't recall any example of them completely removing and replacing a major integrated system.Voy - under took massive repair work without a support base.
With full starbase support.Defiant - increased its phaser power and added armor.
The aft end of the nacelle appears somewhat empty, going by "Eye of the Beholder". There's also the point that this is another example of the sort of refit you're suggesting - the sort that would need a shipyard to do it.GCS - added extra phasers over the WNs without any known trouble and its not like they can just run a pipe through another large pipe.
When? I recall the Borg modifications, that big gun the arms dealer tried to sell them, and the stuff from Endgame. Of these the Endgame modifications seemed the most extensive, and they seemed to be self-contained units. Nothing resembling ripping out and replacing major parts of the ship's structure.Mikey wrote:In VOY, they routinely incorporated completely alien technology into the ship, without so much as reading an owner's manual.
Sorry, I didn't think you were being serious.Mikey wrote:In VOY, they routinely incorporated completely alien technology into the ship, without so much as reading an owner's manual.
Really?Deepcrush wrote:You can do all of that with a carjack and about two hours.
Also, all done with incorporating completely alien, unfamiliar technology, and without a starbase or even Starfleet-friendly drydock.Praeothmin wrote:In all the upgrades I saw in Voyager, they had help from the natives, and the upgrades were not done while Voyager was travelling.
Also, how long did the upgrades take?
I doubt they were instantaneous...
And what other ship could do that without laying up in drydock?Praeothmin wrote:Just look at when they wanted to do some servicing on their Warp Coils (don't know the name of the episode).
They needed to land on a planet just to get them out of their nacelles, and the whole crew had to participate.
And this is just to clean, service and possibly do some minor repairs on parts that are just taken out and put right back in at the same place, with no need for anything to be redesigned or adapted.
Perhaps, but did they have the Aliens' version of a Drydock available?Mikey wrote:Also, all done with incorporating completely alien, unfamiliar technology, and without a starbase or even Starfleet-friendly drydock.
I guess another ship that can land...And what other ship could do that without laying up in drydock?