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Re: Star Trek Sim discussion

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 3:08 am
by Lt. Staplic
Okay here's my plan I layed out to BIG on how to introduce the new race: Every power gets one roll, a second roll is made for every power with an regular Exploratory Program. The Power with the highest sum roll will be the ones making First Contact with the new power. This will also determine the approximate area the new power will be located. Another roll will be done to determine how FC goes: Peaceful, aimeable, neutral, rough, or hostile. The probability of a certain outcome will be influenced by the cultural history of the power making contact.

Re: Star Trek Sim discussion

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 3:26 am
by Tsukiyumi
As interesting as that idea is, the Sheliak were established to be a fairly serious threat in "The Ensigns of Command". IIRC, their colony ship was reckoned to be a match for the E-D.

I think they're the logical choice here. IMO, of course.

Re: Star Trek Sim discussion

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 3:35 am
by BigJKU316
Tsukiyumi wrote:As interesting as that idea is, the Sheliak were established to be a fairly serious threat in "The Ensigns of Command". IIRC, their colony ship was reckoned to be a match for the E-D.

I think they're the logical choice here. IMO, of course.
I actually re-watched that episode a while back and never really got the impression what kind of threat they were. I gathered they were not wanted to shoot at a colony ship, but that could be for all number of reasons. It was clear they could wipeout the colonist but I was never 100% sure just how dangerous that ship was.

Re: Star Trek Sim discussion

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 3:38 am
by BigJKU316
The Gorn-Romulan test battle is back up, with a few changes for the new rules.

Staplic/Tsuki. The rules changed a bit in response to how your battle was going. Your call on if you want to finish it out or not but it is now using outdated movement rules. In that regard it served its purpose.

Re: Star Trek Sim discussion

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 3:40 am
by Lt. Staplic
I always got the impression that the Sheliak were a rather small insignificant power.

Re: Star Trek Sim discussion

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 4:01 am
by Tsukiyumi
Lt. Staplic wrote:I always got the impression that the Sheliak were a rather small insignificant power.
Then, why go to all the trouble? Simply tell them to f*ck off until the "colonists" can be evacuated.

Also, the fact that they could beam Picard off and onto the bridge at will (through shields, IIRC) seems to speak to serious technical ability.

I'm going to re-watch it now. Be back with more details.

Re: Star Trek Sim discussion

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 8:06 am
by Mark
Big, did you ever get my spreadsheet? Me and my dumbass accidentally deleated all of my sent emails and I can't for the life of me remember.

What about a conglomaration of smaller powers for Reliant? The Orions are noticably lacking. An erupting cartel would be interesting.

Re: Star Trek Sim discussion

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 1:51 pm
by BigJKU316
Mark wrote:Big, did you ever get my spreadsheet? Me and my dumbass accidentally deleated all of my sent emails and I can't for the life of me remember.

What about a conglomaration of smaller powers for Reliant? The Orions are noticably lacking. An erupting cartel would be interesting.
I sent you back one yesterday. Let me know if you don't have it.

Re: Star Trek Sim discussion

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 3:02 pm
by Reliant121
Either a new race or a current one is fine with me. The Orions are good idea, as are the Sheliak. A break away strand from the Feds or something entirely new. If its a new one, I think its something everyone contributes to. Me and Big have already had thoughts of a territorial and xenophobic group but we can adjust it.

Re: Star Trek Sim discussion

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 9:31 pm
by BigJKU316
Here is what I have so far as an idea.

New Race

Location: Black Cluster

History: The XXXXX have long been isolated in the Black Cluster. Other races decline to travel through here due to the slow speeds imposed by the conditions (warp 2.5 max) due primarily to the inability of the sensors to scan far enough ahead of the ship and the fact that it vastly reduces the effectiveness of unmodified weapons systems.

Years of painstakingly slow expansion have left XXXX as the sole owners of the Black Cluster region. During that time they encountered no other sentient races but did develop FTL travel and are now able to traverse their own space at warp 8 without difficulty. Outside of the cluster their ships are among the fastest in the region.

Their isolation does have a cost though. They have limited weapons and military development, having had no need for such things until emerging from the cluster. Their weapons are for the most part.

They trade in super-exotic goods and their ships and building materials are primarily grown much like a crystal would be in normal cultures. As such they get a large trade bonus much like other powers as their goods are highly prized as works of art and signs of power among the elites in the region.

The race is suspicious of outsiders as these are the first people they have ever really met.

No one knows where their planets are except for the owners due to sensor interference. These are closely guarded secrets that are the key to their security.

Outlook: This race is very old, but also very green when it comes to interacting with other major powers. They have been unified and star faring for thousands of years as they spread across the cluster so experience in military affairs and international relations are hard to come by.

They don't like or dislike any of the other races so much as they don't understand what all this is really about. An adventerous streak leads them to explore outside of their little corner of things and overall they are a pretty passive and easy going race looking to ply their trade goods.

However were someone to attempt to enter their territory they would defend it very aggressively. While outside of their space they have a somewhat limited capability at this time within it they are more than capable of defending themselves.

Re: Star Trek Sim discussion

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 9:37 pm
by Reliant121
Seems pretty good to me.

Re: Star Trek Sim discussion

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 10:06 pm
by Deepcrush
Sounds neat... I'd say go for it. The FA won't be in much shape to trade out anything anyways.

Re: Star Trek Sim discussion

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 3:25 am
by Tsukiyumi
So, we're going with the Chenjesu, then? :wink:

Re: Star Trek Sim discussion

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 4:18 am
by BigJKU316

Are you accepting the new territories as a new independent and sovereign power? I just want to make very sure before we move forward. How you define their existence will shape how everyone can and will respond to this sort of thing.

Re: Star Trek Sim discussion

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 4:54 am
by Nickswitz
For the time they are being allowed to remain their own sovereign power and the planets will be allowed to rejoin if wanted at any time, however you decide that.