Hmm. Not a design I'd have chosen. Still, for that sort of mission it's probably the best bet - plenty of volume for carrying stuff around, assuming no-one looks askance at the warp core.Starbase89 wrote:Galaxy class
Welcome to DITL.
Hmm. Not a design I'd have chosen. Still, for that sort of mission it's probably the best bet - plenty of volume for carrying stuff around, assuming no-one looks askance at the warp core.Starbase89 wrote:Galaxy class
I feel similar - I started watching TNG when I was about 3, just as it was in its last couple of seasons, and I've always found the GCS impressive and fascinating (even if people say that it's a bulky, poorly proportioned flying hotel). Of course, I would have loved to see more shots of it in separated mode, with the badass cobra-headed stardrive section engaging the enemy.Schrodinger's Hat wrote:Me, I'm a fan of the Galaxy-class. Next Gen's where I came into the series, and I'll always have a special place in my heart for her...
With a handful of flower stickers pasted on, and a "VW" emblem, no doubt?Tsukiyumi wrote:I've always liked sci-fi, but I didn't start watching 'Trek until after TNG was over. The first series I actively followed was DS9.
And, to reiterate, I'd choose a Danube-class runabout, with my mission to simply road-trip around the galaxy with my best friends.
I said road-trip, not hippie love-fest.Mikey wrote:With a handful of flower stickers pasted on, and a "VW" emblem, no doubt?Tsukiyumi wrote:I've always liked sci-fi, but I didn't start watching 'Trek until after TNG was over. The first series I actively followed was DS9.
And, to reiterate, I'd choose a Danube-class runabout, with my mission to simply road-trip around the galaxy with my best friends.