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Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 2:20 am
by Teaos
No it isnt. It is a totaly different situation. Thats like saying fireworks and the space shuttle launcher are the same thing.

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 3:47 am
by RK_Striker_JK_5
I don't think it is. No, not really. Baby steps have to be taken. The Gorn was a baby step. It was a necessary step. Same with most inventions throughout history. Baby steps.

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 5:27 am
by Teaos
But the Gorn didnt push any limits. It didnt try anything new. it used existing technology and skills and threw them together in a very crap way.

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 12:12 pm
by Mikey
I see SFX flaws every time I watch the Star Wars OT... especially when I compare them to the FX in the PT. By your reasoning, then, I guess Lucas should never have made the OT. You know, those films are worthless because the FX aren't perfect, right?

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 12:21 pm
by Jim
Teaos wrote:
Jaws is just a giant rubber shark, and looks incredibly cheesy. Does that mean the film should never have been made?
Jaws was done tastefully. And it looked a lot better than the Gorn even when we did see it.
Neither do I. And to add something else I thought of, with the attitude of 'I can't do it perfectly, so I shouldn't do it' would mean most innovations/inventsions/discoveries wouldn't occur.
Oh please thats totally different. Not making a crappy tv show because you dont have the budget/time/skill to do it right is a totally different thing to invention.
I am sure that in 50 years people will be saying how cheap and sad the effects in Lord of the Rings was...

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 2:10 pm
by Teaos
Doubtful. While special effects will get a bit better over time we are close to the stage where CG images look almost real. Cant get much better than that.

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 2:12 pm
by Granitehewer
they said that decades ago in 'When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth' despite the fact, that they glued paper fans onto geckos and used stop-motion wire armatures

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 2:13 pm
by Jim
Teaos wrote:Doubtful. While special effects will get a bit better over time we are close to the stage where CG images look almost real. Cant get much better than that.
Things will probably be 3D or some other tech we have not even thought about yet. At that point Golum will be on par with what we thnk of the rubber suit Gorn now...

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 2:32 pm
by Mikey
Here's another example. You have as your avatar a picture of Marvin the Martian. Well, since we have much more advanced CGI and animation techniques now, by your reasoning those Looney Tunes cartoons are worthless, right?

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 2:34 pm
by Granitehewer

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 2:36 pm
by Mikey
I'm not - I'm using an obviously erroneous statement to make a point. If we focus on the merely technical aspects of production, then we miss the forest for the trees. If we go by that sort of criterion, than EVERY film or TV show more than about 18 months old is valueless.

Again, I don't agree with that statement - that's merely the line of reasoning of Teaos' with which I disagree.

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 2:38 pm
by Teaos
Things will probably be 3D or some other tech we have not even thought about yet. At that point Golum will be on par with what we thnk of the rubber suit Gorn now...
Things look almost real now. You could easily believe a lot of the things we saw were real. You cant get much better than that.
Here's another example. You have as your avatar a picture of Marvin the Martian. Well, since we have much more advanced CGI and animation techniques now, by your reasoning those Looney Tunes cartoons are worthless, right?
Apples and oranges. Animation is a totally different field and the same rules dont apply.

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 2:38 pm
by Granitehewer
i know :P

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 2:42 pm
by Tsukiyumi
Rules? I've had enough of your stinking rules!

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 2:43 pm
by RK_Striker_JK_5
Teaos wrote:
Things will probably be 3D or some other tech we have not even thought about yet. At that point Golum will be on par with what we thnk of the rubber suit Gorn now...
Things look almost real now. You could easily believe a lot of the things we saw were real. You cant get much better than that.
Here's another example. You have as your avatar a picture of Marvin the Martian. Well, since we have much more advanced CGI and animation techniques now, by your reasoning those Looney Tunes cartoons are worthless, right?
Apples and oranges. Animation is a totally different field and the same rules dont apply.
Oh, yes they do. Those Looney Tunes cartoons are old, not too spiffy looking. Let's just junk them.