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Re: A DITL'er by any other name..
Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 4:56 am
by Mark
Never fear.....some girls (and guys) are attracted to shy people. Its like naturally playing hard to get!
Re: A DITL'er by any other name..
Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 6:05 am
by Foxfyre
Yeah I'm usually shy, until the clothes come off.....then I'm a little less shy.
Re: A DITL'er by any other name..
Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 6:23 am
by Mark
You guys will NEVER believe this. I used to be HORRIBLY shy. Girls used to TERRIFY me! But, thanks to the loving and tender care of a few ladies that stalked me patiently like the prey that I seemed to be, what you see is now what you get.
Re: A DITL'er by any other name..
Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 9:12 am
by Reliant121
Mark wrote:What is a "civil partnership"?????? Are people STILL fighting about same sex marriages? Good God, people are out there plotting mass murder, rape, torture, and the next Dane Cook movie!!! We've got bigger things to worry about than whether or not to let two people who love each other get married just because they happen to have the same plumbing
Can anyone else tell, it's WAAAYYYYYYY past my bed time?
Unfortunately, Since the laws of this land are intwined with the religion of this land, I am somewhat at a disadvantage. After all, a marriage by the conventions of the bible (I think, never read it. I found the translated Qur'an more interesting) is between a man and a woman, and our own monarch is head of our church. I agree that all this fussing over marrage/civil partnership is pathetic. Unfortunately, conservative/religious bigotry still runs riot.
And on the subject of shy, I am not shy as such. Wary more like it. having had many occasions of being threatening situations, caution is my watchword. Its at the point where I have to slow and listen as hard as possible going into
the alley behind my house because of the chavs on mopeds that often cruise down there. I am quite shy with people I like, unless in a relationship. When it becomes intimate, I am sorta shy, but then I loose that within a few minutes.
Re: A DITL'er by any other name..
Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 9:28 am
by Monroe
I probably would have gone with Koren. It was my SWG name.
Re: A DITL'er by any other name..
Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 9:42 am
by Mark
You know, I live in one of the most desirable parts of the island now, but if I go out at night, I need to dust off all of my street smarts you learn living in a city (or in my case, on the other side of mirror for you guys who know what I mean). Gets quite......entertaining sometimes. At least from my window looking down.
Re: A DITL'er by any other name..
Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 3:58 pm
by stitch626
Mark wrote:Never fear.....some girls (and guys) are attracted to shy people. Its like naturally playing hard to get!
Oh great. Just what I wanted to hear...
I just don't want a relationship... at all.
Re: A DITL'er by any other name..
Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 11:39 pm
by Lt. Staplic
why not?
Re: A DITL'er by any other name..
Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 3:21 am
by Foxfyre
They can be a lot of fun, especially when the girl is verrrrryyyy open minded.
Re: A DITL'er by any other name..
Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 7:09 am
by Mark
stitch626 wrote:Mark wrote:Never fear.....some girls (and guys) are attracted to shy people. Its like naturally playing hard to get!
Oh great. Just what I wanted to hear...
I just don't want a relationship... at all.
It's not as scary as it sounds..............usually.
Re: A DITL'er by any other name..
Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 12:22 pm
by thelordharry
Mark, I don't quite know what it is but your avatar kind of scares me a little.
Re: A DITL'er by any other name..
Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 1:47 pm
by Nickswitz
I think that's what it was meant to do, so we see his true Admiral-ship.
Re: A DITL'er by any other name..
Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 1:51 pm
by Tsukiyumi
Nickswitz wrote:I think that's what it was meant to do, so we see his true Admiral-ship.
If you see that, report it immediately. This is supposed to be a PG-13 forum.
Re: A DITL'er by any other name..
Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 1:53 pm
by Nickswitz
Well, we don't see it, so it can't be bad...

Re: A DITL'er by any other name..
Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 1:55 pm
by Tsukiyumi
Whatever floats your boat, man.