No I think that three designes (WP, SP, 4 neccels) were builed tested and only one went into full scale production.
Kinda like the F-22 amd the F-23.
Prove the other designs were experimental or decomissioned. It makes no sense for experimental ships to be seen in the situations we saw the Neb variants in, and there was never any statements or comments to that effect.
The point is that we don't know if the SP offers any advatages. We don't even know if thats a SP. But a WP does offer advatages
An AWACS pod offers all sorts of advantages, much like modern AWACS systems would. In military terms, they can be used to expand your fleet's range and dispell the fog of war. In civilian terms, they can patrol and observe larger regions of space than other ships.
Why? Its the same as the Akira only that the Akira has a WP between the catamaran.
The Akira and Nebula are nothing alike.
Well we know that there are many Wp Nebulas. We know that there is one Sp Nebula. The fact that during the war we didn't see any Sp Nebulas means that not many have been builed. No wheres the reasno to not use your most powerfull ships in an all or nothing attack.
How the hell is an AWACS vessel "your most powerful ship"? It's not a combat ship, it's a support ship. They're completely different, and deploying a support vessel to the front lines would be the height of idiocy,
because they are not designed for such situations.
Why its still more powerfull than any Miranda? Even the Sp Nebula had no problems desroying cardasians ships.
Because the Miranda is orientated towards combat, the Neb/SP is not. The problem with the Miranda is that it is pretty much obsolete, as evidenced by them getting blown apart rather quickly in combat. That a Neb/SP may be more powerful than a Miranda does not mean they are suited for combat.
There are plenty of roles that they could be doing.
Exactly my point. The fact that we don't see them is not proof that they're not there. We never see cargo ships during the Dominion War, does that mean Starfleet didn't build any?
We know that one exists.
Correct. We also know that there were never any statements or comments by Starfleet personel that it was a unique or experimental ship. If it was, surely Geordi would be interested in checking out a brand new design. But he wasn't, and the ship was treated as though it were unremarkable. That would suggest that the ship
was unremarkable, and thus in service as a class.
That we don't see them means that there are not many. That they had a limited production run.
No, it means we didn't see many. Given the roles such a ship would have, that's hardly surprising.
Acualy two and there are probably 3 Inrepids in the Fed.
You're right, there was two, probably three.
But I think you see the point I'm making. We only know of three Intrepids existing.....does that mean that there are
only three?
What about Defiant classes? How many of them are in Starfleet? Two, three?
If you took this point of view for every class of ship in Starfleet, and claimed that if we did not see them they're not there, then Starfleet would be simply too small to function. It stands to reason that there are thousands of ships out there that we have not yet seen.
Well during the DW there were hundrets of ships in one place. The SoA fleet counted 600 ships. You would expect that if there were diffrent types of Nebula you would see them.
No, you wouldn't. Why? Because it's not the job of an AWACS vessel to be on the front lines.