*Ferengi Ambassador laughs*Nickswitz wrote:This weapon is not a weapon as such, it was much as the Genesis device of the federation, we are attepting to stabilize the results, on small scale tests we had positive results on two forms of the device, and wished to test them full-scale, these tests failed, however, due to data collected we believe we may be coming close to a solution to the long term instability of the device. This is a device of peace, and we wish for it to only be used as such, and as the offer was extended to the Turei and the Romulans any whom wish to help will be accepted in, however we will not allow the device we have that is being tested and worked on, to be removed from Sheliak space, as the more who have their hands on this technology the more danger all are placed in.
We are not using the same proto-matter of the genesis device, but a far more stable substance, that is currently named after the scientist who developed it. This substance has lead to the device maintaining a safe habitat among small moons that have become thriving Eco-systems surrounding some of our uninhabited planets. However any attempt to reproduce this affect on a larger scale has resulted in the same effect as these planets.
We will inform all of our progress if we will be allowed to continue attempting to enhance this technology to make for easier and safer colonization.
You must think us incredible fools!
Just recently all powers were granted access to a device that performs the same function over a period of several years. What possible purpose could there be to attempt to speed up the transformation process? What good would it serve the region as a whole to introduce such a device that could be so dangerous.
Your half-truths may placate the unwashed masses and the mush headed diplomats but it does not fool a true Ferengi. Such a device will either fetch you a pretty price on the open market or allow you to threaten and blackmail other powers. If this is the path this region wishes to go down then so be it. We ourselves believe the 48th and 62nd rules of acquisition are highly applicable here.
The bigger the smile, the sharper the knife & The riskier the road, the greater the profit.
Even a Ferengi would know that down this road lies not profit, but only mass death.