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Re: The Ranting Thread
Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 11:24 pm
by Mikey
kostmayer wrote:especially if you are in a BMW.
There we go. Personally, I'd stop on the spot and just wait in order to block him. Of course, that's just 'cause I'm a prick.
Re: The Ranting Thread
Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 11:28 pm
by kostmayer
I did. Guy had to reverse further back then he started.
I shouldn't let it wind me up, it just bothers me that drivers going the same way as other drivers think they have an inate right to get there minute quicker, even at the risk of other people.
Re: The Ranting Thread
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 1:26 am
by Mikey
It's not that they consider themselves to have more right to anything than other people - it's that they don't consider other people at all. It's their road, after all, and they're the only person on it.
Re: The Ranting Thread
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 6:26 am
by Reliant121
Dad tends to play little games of overtake with them, really annoy them.
Re: The Ranting Thread
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 9:43 am
by thelordharry
People who don't turn keypad tones off. As well as haptic feedback, there should be voltage feedback as well
Re: The Ranting Thread
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 2:08 pm
by Mikey
My rant for today - NFL administration, WHAT THE HELL?! After a few dangerous hits this past Sunday, the league announced that it's going to start suspending players for helmet-to-helmet hits and "devastating" hits. Legislating helmet-to-helmet I can understand; spearing's been illegal for the history of ever, and there's no call for it. However, the league has not and will not define "devastating" hits. A perfectly clean, legal tackle can therefore be defined as a devastating hit and a player could end up being suspended just for playing. Nobody wants to see someone sustain a serious injury; but as one assistant coach in the league said, "Nobody gets sentenced to play in the NFL." You can't punish a player for playing cleanly, even if the unfortunate result is an injury. I still remember watching LT end Joe Theissman's career - even on lo-def TV, the tip the of broken end of Theissman's tibia was clearly visible sticking out of the side of his leg, and it was an awful and career-ending injury. But, it was a legal, clean hit that just had an unfortunate effect.
Pretty soon, it's going to become the NFFL - the National Flag Football League.
Re: The Ranting Thread
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 4:57 pm
by IanKennedy
Mikey wrote:What's "Idiocracy?" Besides the current state of the U.S., I mean.
It's another word for democracy taken to extremes
Re: The Ranting Thread
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 5:39 pm
by Tyyr
Mikey wrote:My rant for today - NFL administration, WHAT THE HELL?!
Pretty soon, it's going to become the NFFL - the National Flag Football League.
What are guys supposed to do? Start pulling up short? If he's got a clean shot at someone should he reign it in so it's not a "devastating" hit? If it's a legal hit its a legal hit. When you have to 300 lb walls of muscle slamming in to one another bad shit can happen, it's part of the game.
Re: The Ranting Thread
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 6:41 pm
by Mikey
Exactly. Like I said, I have no problem disciplining a guy who intentionally goes helmet-to-helmet. But to take a guy to task for legal hit, just because he did it well, is ludicrous.
Re: The Ranting Thread
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 6:42 pm
by Mark
They are just trying to protect those delicate little flowers.
Re: The Ranting Thread
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 6:47 pm
by Mikey
What happened to the Jack Youngbloods and Concrete Charlie Bednariks of the world?
For those who don't know, Jack Youngblood played most of a playoff game for the Rams on a broken leg. Chuck Bednarik was one of the last of the two-way players. In addition to being the guy who hit Frank Gifford hard enough to put him out for a season and change positions, Concrete Charlie also once tore the tendon that connects the biceps to the bone at the elbow, causing the muscle to roll up inside his arm like a window shade. Bednarik pushed it down through the skin, taped his arm above the elbow, and finished the game.
Re: The Ranting Thread
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 9:56 pm
by thelordharry
An German ex-prisoner of war once played in an FA Cup FInal with a broken neck!
Re: The Ranting Thread
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 10:07 pm
by Mikey
thelordharry wrote:An German ex-prisoner of war once played in an FA Cup FInal with a broken neck!
What was a German soldier doing playing in a FA Cup final?
Re: The Ranting Thread
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 10:23 pm
by Captain Seafort
Mikey wrote:What was a German soldier doing playing in a FA Cup final?
It was the '56 Cup Final.
Re: The Ranting Thread
Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 10:35 pm
by thelordharry ... re=related
This was of course in the days when everybody in Britain used to actually attend the final.