I think I've made it pretty clear that I don't like Discovery, but the idea that it having non-white women is the problem is just nonsensical. Trek has ALWAYS gone out of its way to have a diverse cast, this is just more of the same.Startrekanmore wrote:Brutal honesty here: although there is slight improvement (which is actually not saying much seeing how bad season 1 was), STD is all but dead. And frankly it's bad enough to honestly say that the fan backlash is not really against the SJWs,
The fact that their main character is a black woman is irrelevant. The fact that she acts so woodenly that it feels like there's an extra chair on the set, or that her character inspires loathing, or that the writers are so damn determined to shover her down our throats as the best character ever... these are problems.
There are actually rumours floating around that none of the proposed/announced series is going to happen, and that those announcements were just intended to drum up interest in Discovery. It's only rumour, but for instance it's being claimed that the only money spent on developing the Picard series was taken from the Short Trek budgets - there is no budget for the Picard show. And if it does happen, it's now being spoken of as a "limited series", not a proper series.but against the idiotic ideas (spore drive), canon violations, and character assassination (Spock). And neither of the two other ideas (Picard and Section 31) is going to go anywhere.
The same source claims the Georgiou series is vapourware, and even the animated series may not happen.
Maybe the rumours are false, but it wouldn't surprise me to see modern "Trek" tumble like a house of cards once season 2 of Discovery is out of the way.