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Re: Dark Heresy: The Syndicate
Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 11:40 pm
by Mikey
1643, Day One
"I'm forced to agree with Sister Phebia," Milo added. "Our options are: one - to proceed with this plan, which might raise the stock of the infiltration team in the eyes of the... persons of interest; or, two - do nothing to raise our credibility, and hope we get somewhere anyway. I would say to the Sister, though," he said, crossing to the food slot and indulging himself in small glass of amasec, "that perhaps one of the guardsmen should accompany her - for both her safety and for believability. The sight of von Hydden would tend to make most people run at first sight... perhaps Naja?"
Milo turned toward Karibi and thanked the Throne for his recent study of High Gothic. "We aren't looking to become partners in whatever illegitimate business we find, Mr. Karibi. You are correct in thinking that these people are naturally over-cautious... but by the same token, they only earn their ill-gotten gains by offering their services."
Re: Dark Heresy: The Syndicate
Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 6:56 am
by Sionnach Glic
"A fair point." Karibi replied. "If we're indeed to go through with this - and at this point I agree it's our best available method - then we'll need a cover story." He paused, thinking for a moment.
"We could probably pose rather easily as some sort of criminal group, looking for someone willing to smuggle high-risk contraband. Trask, you could act as leader of the group. You have the right air for that. I could be your majordomo. And Enrick, Pahr, Lot and Arl here could all pass nicely as hired muscle."
Re: Dark Heresy: The Syndicate
Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 2:29 pm
by Lighthawk
1644 day 1
"And what part would you have me play in this ruse?" Haxta inquired.
Re: Dark Heresy: The Syndicate
Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 2:40 pm
by Mikey
1644, Day One
"We could probably pose rather easily as some sort of criminal group, looking for someone willing to smuggle high-risk contraband. Trask, you could act as leader of the group. You have the right air for that. I could be your majordomo. And Enrick, Pahr, Lot and Arl here could all pass nicely as hired muscle," Karibi concluded.
"Sounds eminently reasonable," Trask acceded. "I think that would work well."
Haxtaa spoke up. "And what part would you have me play in this ruse?"
Trask answered, "If you find the idea of impersonating a heretek distasteful, then perhaps you'd just pose as an explorator. Certainly Mechanicus explorators seem to find the end more important than the means, and would take advantage of any opportunity - even falling in with unsavory characters - to further their quest."
Re: Dark Heresy: The Syndicate
Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 2:44 pm
by Lighthawk
1644, Day One
Haxta considered for a moment before replying. "I believe I could make due with either role. Whichever you think would be the best for the group's credibility."
Re: Dark Heresy: The Syndicate
Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 2:53 pm
by Mikey
1644, Day One
"A heretek attempting to recover or move some banned technology would probably lend more credence to the act."
Re: Dark Heresy: The Syndicate
Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 7:07 pm
by Tyyr
"It would, and Naja's help would be beneficial. Sisters are formidable but rarely travel alone."
Re: Dark Heresy: The Syndicate
Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 7:12 pm
by Sionnach Glic
"Excellent. With that last issue sorted, we can move on to creating a cover story. We need a reason to be looking for these people."
Re: Dark Heresy: The Syndicate
Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 7:13 pm
by Tyyr
"Perhaps your previous employer stood you up and you are now looking for a new one?"
Re: Dark Heresy: The Syndicate
Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 7:22 pm
by Mikey
1645, Day One
Trask considered for a moment, then added, "Perhaps we are a group looking to employ the services of an illicit transport."
Re: Dark Heresy: The Syndicate
Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 7:25 pm
by Tyyr
Phebia considered it. "Yes, that would likely make you far more attractive to them. Eliminate the possibility of you being seen as competition."
Re: Dark Heresy: The Syndicate
Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 9:49 pm
by Aaron
1645 Day One:
Arl, silent for several minutes while the party hashed out it's plan took the brief pause to address Phebia.
+++You intend to land separately and ahead of the rest of us then? If so I shall procure a transport for you that better fits your cover then an ignoble shuttle.+++
Re: Dark Heresy: The Syndicate
Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 9:52 pm
by Tyyr
Phebia nodded. "Yes, I will land first along with Naja. The Totodai will arrive some time afterwards."
Re: Dark Heresy: The Syndicate
Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 12:17 am
by Aaron
1700-1900 Day One:
The briefing breaks up shortly after Phebias statement, the party members head off to their quarters to retrieve their kit, send last minute letters home or grab a quick drink with friends on the station.
The party meets Arl in the hanger and boards a standard Aquila for the trip to the Totodai, which after a few minutes flight can be seen through the shuttles observation dome. As Arl had said, it is a plain and unassuming craft, perfect cover for any number of missions. The trip is brief and the group soon finds itself disembarking into a landing bay nicely concealed at the base of the command spire. A grey dagger shaped craft rests in the corner, stubby autocannons protruding from the forward swept wings.
Arl turns to Phebia, addressing her while nodding in the crafts direction. +++Your craft for the trip from the Totodai to the surface of Spectoris.+++
Re: Dark Heresy: The Syndicate
Posted: Thu Oct 29, 2009 1:50 am
by Tyyr
Phebia grins fiendishly at the sight of the small aggressive looking craft. "Yes, that will do quite nicely."