Why did Tucker have a southern accent?

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Re: Why did Tucker have a southern accent?

Post by steamrunner »

Cooter...Bo, Luke and Boss Hogg can't be too far behind... :wink:
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Re: Why did Tucker have a southern accent?

Post by Nickswitz »

Reliant121 wrote:Yep. I'll use my old postal code for security reasons (lol, i feel like starfleet security).

PO13 9RR

PO is for the city or local borough. the number is which subdivision of that city or local borough. The next 3 are a way of pinpointing exactly which set of houses within that subdivision it is.
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Re: Why did Tucker have a southern accent?

Post by Aaron »

Tucker was from Florida but where were his folks from?
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Re: Why did Tucker have a southern accent?

Post by Mikey »

Cpl Kendall wrote:Tucker was from Florida but where were his folks from?
Near as I can tell from the way he was presented, the show called for them to be from "Generic South, USA." :roll:
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Re: Why did Tucker have a southern accent?

Post by Mark »

Is that accent the actors, or did he affect that for the character?
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Re: Why did Tucker have a southern accent?

Post by Tyyr »

I think it's his, or close to it. He talks like that where ever I see him.
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Re: Why did Tucker have a southern accent?

Post by Mark »

So then OOU they cast a guy with a southern accent, and just screwed up and decided he was from Florida.

I can live with the "they moved to Florida when he was a kid" theory the easiest I think.

I haven't lived in Chicago since I was 10, but I still carry a bit of an accent with me, especially when I'm under duress.
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Re: Why did Tucker have a southern accent?

Post by Mikey »

You're also not a professional (and supposedly trained) actor.
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Re: Why did Tucker have a southern accent?

Post by Mark »

They say that in the Army,
the women are mighty fine.
They look like Phyllis Diller,
and walk like Frankenstein.
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Re: Why did Tucker have a southern accent?

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

It's the 22nd century. I don't have much/any problem with accents moving around a bit or his family moving to Florida. Probably a bit easier in that year to move than now.
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Re: Why did Tucker have a southern accent?

Post by Monroe »

Tyyr wrote:They gave Tucker a "southern" accent, and I agree with Tsu that its more KY or TN, because he was supposed to be a Cooter/Scotty hybrid. The guy with the funny accent who gets things done. The only problem is that they made him dumber than a box of rocks.
He was reasonably bright. Good character. Just in the last few episodes they screwed him over.
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Re: Why did Tucker have a southern accent?

Post by thelordharry »

Mark wrote:Is that accent the actors, or did he affect that for the character?
From his own website 'www.connortrinneer.com':

Connor is from:
Walla Walla, Washington

Southern!?!? :)
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Re: Why did Tucker have a southern accent?

Post by Tyyr »

Monroe wrote:He was reasonably bright. Good character. Just in the last few episodes they screwed him over.
No he wasn't. He's a fucking idiot. Remember the pilot? The point where they're talking about flying the Suliban ship over to get Klang and Mayweather I think it was said they have almost no idea how it works or how to control it? Then he says, and I'm trying to quote but I'm doing this from memory, "Forward, reverse, left, right, what more do you need to know?" then the dumbass hick looks around, not for a laugh, but for the rest of them to agree with him?

Let me reiterate. The chief engineer of humanity's most advanced starship, the only one in existence, a man who should probably be in the top hundredth of a percentile of intelligence, a man who should be well used to the issues with piloting space vessels, including incredibly complex ones like the one he's fucking on, thinks that having control over the ships acceleration and ability to turn in two dimensions not just three was sufficient to go on a highly dangerous rescue mission. This same dumbass grease monkey decided to tell the ship's helmsman, the most qualified pilot on the ship, they knew enough to fly the thing. This wanna be Cooter actually thought two dimensional control of this ship was sufficient. A ship far more advanced than Enterprise that was smaller than a shuttle pod yet capable of keeping pace with E, causing significant damage, and oh by the way, CLOAKING, and he thought two out of three dimensions was enough to run off on some rescue mission.

I'm sorry, Trip was a dumbass from day one. They could have saved the character. All they would have to do was play that scene as him lightening the mood with a joke then have him look around the table grinning to make it obvious that's what he was doing then throw in a few chuckles followed by can-do speech from Archer. They didn't. They played it serious. Trip really was that stupid and the rest of the characters knew it because you follow up his comment with just a stunned silence as everyone contemplates the horror that the anti-matter reactor is being tended to by this retard.
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Re: Why did Tucker have a southern accent?

Post by Sionnach Glic »

Don't forget the bit where he rams a shuttle into the Enterprise in the pilot as well.
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Re: Why did Tucker have a southern accent?

Post by Sonic Glitch »

Rochey wrote:Don't forget the bit where he rams a shuttle into the Enterprise in the pilot as well.
Tyyr wrote:
Monroe wrote:He was reasonably bright. Good character. Just in the last few episodes they screwed him over.
No he wasn't. He's a f***ing idiot. Remember the pilot? The point where they're talking about flying the Suliban ship over to get Klang and Mayweather I think it was said they have almost no idea how it works or how to control it? Then he says, and I'm trying to quote but I'm doing this from memory, "Forward, reverse, left, right, what more do you need to know?" then the dumbass hick looks around, not for a laugh, but for the rest of them to agree with him?

Let me reiterate. The chief engineer of humanity's most advanced starship, the only one in existence, a man who should probably be in the top hundredth of a percentile of intelligence, a man who should be well used to the issues with piloting space vessels, including incredibly complex ones like the one he's f***ing on, thinks that having control over the ships acceleration and ability to turn in two dimensions not just three was sufficient to go on a highly dangerous rescue mission. This same dumbass grease monkey decided to tell the ship's helmsman, the most qualified pilot on the ship, they knew enough to fly the thing. This wanna be Cooter actually thought two dimensional control of this ship was sufficient. A ship far more advanced than Enterprise that was smaller than a shuttle pod yet capable of keeping pace with E, causing significant damage, and oh by the way, CLOAKING, and he thought two out of three dimensions was enough to run off on some rescue mission.

I'm sorry, Trip was a dumbass from day one. They could have saved the character. All they would have to do was play that scene as him lightening the mood with a joke then have him look around the table grinning to make it obvious that's what he was doing then throw in a few chuckles followed by can-do speech from Archer. They didn't. They played it serious. Trip really was that stupid and the rest of the characters knew it because you follow up his comment with just a stunned silence as everyone contemplates the horror that the anti-matter reactor is being tended to by this retard.
To be fair, that was a symptom of the whole show. B&B were trying so hard to let the audience know that space travel was new and exciting and dangerous that Everyone, with the possible exception of Phlox (yes Phlox) and T'Pol looked like complete and utter morons at one point or another.
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