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Re: What's the latest in people's lives?

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 8:26 pm
by Tyyr
Hey, if it works why fight it?

Re: What's the latest in people's lives?

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 8:34 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Really? Why is it such a sticky subject? I'd think you'd study that in more dietail since WWII is basicly the continuation of WWI...
We study the Versailles Treaty, but not the war itself.

The reason that it's so controversial over here is the simple fact that we were in it. Thing is, we were in it as part of the British Empire.

When it started in 1914, Ireland was just one more loyal province of the Empire, with little real interests in rocking the boat. Things were going fairly well for us. We had home rule, which was all we really wanted back then, and reaped all the benefits of being part of the most powerful empire on the planet.

Roll on to 1916, and the Easter Rising. Rebel forces in Dublin seize several buildings around the city, declare Ireland to be an independant republic, and tell the British to go fuck themselves. They hold out for about a week before the British forces force them to surrender. Now, this wasn't too major a problem. The rebels were hated by the majority of the populace for causing parts of the city to become ruined in the fighting, and were considered to have stabbed our British allies in the back.

Then the British did the most utterly stupid thing they could have done. They began rounding up anyone who may have had a hand in the Rising, and imprisoned them. They sentanced to death all of those involved in the Rising in military trials, which were closed and hidden from the public. No one knew what was happening in the trials. They didn't know who was going to be shot, or whether the British were also going to shoot those rounded up after the Rising itself. The public turned against the British government with surprising speed.

After being pressured, the British government eventualy put a halt to the executions and released the prisoners. Thing is, said prisoners had been held in what could only be described as rebel indoctrination camps, and many came out fully supporting the rebels and the idea of Irish independance from Britain.

Anti-British resentment built up over the next couple of years, culminating in Sinn Féin taking the 1918 elections in Ireland by storm. This clearly showed that the vast majority of people supported independance, but the British weren't exactly just going to let us go like that. So began the War of Independance.

And that's where the main problem is. When our troops went off to fight in the war in 1914, they were hailed as heroes; standing up for the freedom of European countries, and supporting our great British allies.
When they came home in 1918, they were hated and despised as British collaborators and traitors to Ireland. They were shunned by former friends and family members, and quite a few ended up committing suicide.

Needless to say, it's a touchy subject over here. Many people simply aren't sure whether they should be treated as heroes, or traitors. Because of that whole issue, we just avoid the subject altogether.

Re: What's the latest in people's lives?

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 8:58 pm
by Tsukiyumi
Wow. Sounds a lot like Vietnam and Iraq vets over here. People are fickle, at best, with their support for troops in foreign wars.

Re: What's the latest in people's lives?

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 9:01 pm
by Lt. Staplic
ah...I see....

anyone else watching Chealsea beating Bacelona right now?

1-0 in the 58th minute

Re: What's the latest in people's lives?

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 9:01 pm
by Mikey
Tsu - I beg to differ. With the current situation, the populace at large seems to be far more able to separate the war from the warriors. Based on what I've seen, there is far less anti-war sentiment directed personally at the returning vets (which is the way it should be.) With the vets returning from Viet Nam, it was the norm to dump anti-war sentiment right on the returning vets - many of whom ironically had come to believe the same way as the protesters.

Re: What's the latest in people's lives?

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 9:02 pm
by Lt. Staplic
Tsukiyumi wrote:Wow. Sounds a lot like Vietnam and Iraq vets over here. People are fickle, at best, with their support for troops in foreign wars.
sounds more like Vietnam than Iraq....most people seem to have learned from Vietnam the soldiers aren't the ones necessairily responsible...everything I've seen around here is pro troops, and the War is Bush's fault!

Re: What's the latest in people's lives?

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 11:33 pm
by Tsukiyumi
Mikey wrote:Tsu - I beg to differ. With the current situation, the populace at large seems to be far more able to separate the war from the warriors. Based on what I've seen, there is far less anti-war sentiment directed personally at the returning vets (which is the way it should be.) With the vets returning from Viet Nam, it was the norm to dump anti-war sentiment right on the returning vets - many of whom ironically had come to believe the same way as the protesters.
When my friend in the Corps got home a few years ago, the anti-war sentiment was pretty strong; he not only caught flak from random people, but some of his own family as well. Mostly for his opinions on it, but still... A guy who got a purple heart shouldn't have to listen to political ramblings and limited perspectives from people who lack experience on the subject within a day of coming back.

Re: What's the latest in people's lives?

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 11:54 pm
by MetalHead
OMG i just got oin now and i have had way to much to drnk LOL the pub was ace but it aws putll of push peope so we kapet acting all common and it was reall funy LOL had a good night thanks for the bday wishes all!!

Re: What's the latest in people's lives?

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 11:59 pm
by Tsukiyumi
MetalHead wrote:OMG i just got oin now and i have had way to much to drnk LOL the pub was ace but it aws putll of push peope so we kapet acting all common and it was reall funy LOL had a good night thanks for the bday wishes all!!
Damn straight. :)

Re: What's the latest in people's lives?

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 12:18 am
by Mikey
Well, at least he spelled "pub" right - though I think we probably could have guessed...

Re: What's the latest in people's lives?

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 4:48 am
by Mark
Granitehewer wrote:happy birthday,remember the legislation about shooting a welshman with a longbow after midnight, still hasn't been repealed, so be a man and off you go :-)

Yeah, that one went completely over my head.

Re: What's the latest in people's lives?

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 8:51 am
by Sionnach Glic
I thought it was a Scotsman that you could still legaly shoot with a longbow?
Yeah, that one went completely over my head.
There's an old English law that allows people to legaly shoot Scottish/Welsh people with longbows. It's never been removed, so it's still technicaly legal.

Re: What's the latest in people's lives?

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 8:52 am
by MetalHead
I'm extreemely hungover.

Re: What's the latest in people's lives?

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 9:01 am
by Sionnach Glic
Never woulda guessed. :lol:

Re: What's the latest in people's lives?

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 2:34 pm
by Mikey
MetalHead wrote:I'm extreemely hungover.
Can't imagine how that happened. :P