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Re: Dark Heresy: Illumination

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 10:03 pm
by Aaron
2122 Day Two:

"Aye. Statues that bleed, noises, ghosts, you think those unusual yes?" The feral replies while still scanning the wilderness, one hand obsessively opening and closing the pan on his musket.

"Lot of questions, you Enforcers?" He asks.

Re: Dark Heresy: Illumination

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 10:12 pm
by Mikey
2123, Day Two

Trask laughed without humor at the feral's question. "Enforcers? No, we're here to escort the enginseer to help with some of the construction engines."

Re: Dark Heresy: Illumination

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 11:35 pm
by Tyyr

Phebia scans the darkness, paying particular attention to the rock outcropping where she saw the apparition. "Yes, that would be unusual. We've just heard some disturbing things and don't want to walk into the situation blindly."

Re: Dark Heresy: Illumination

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 8:50 pm
by Mikey
2125, Day Two

Trask suddenly jumped into a fighting stance, planting his back against the hull of the half-track. "Heads up!" he shouted, then squinted in concentration. "Xenos!" he yelled. He indicated a hovering asymmetrical column of fungal looking flesh, run through with metallic veins and crystalline studs, coming around the front of the half-track. It's head is little more then waving fronds of flesh and you can see two pincer like arms and another with what appears to be studded with needles.

A glance at the trucks back end revealed another one.

Trask spat the bile that suddenly rose to his mouth, gritted his teeth, and muttered, "These are no apparitions or warp-things." He then began chanting - but instead of his usual mumbled litany, he began to recite aloud the little-known Rites of Detestation.

Re: Dark Heresy: Illumination

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 10:58 pm
by Tsukiyumi
21:25 day two

Pahr's eyes sprung open at Trask's shout; he grabbed his rifle and dove off the side of the halftrack, twisting and spinning in mid-air away from the creatures. As his feet hit the dirt on the north side of the truck, Pahr found cover at the front of the hood, and took aim at the closest abomination.

Re: Dark Heresy: Illumination

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 10:18 am
by Aaron
2125 Day 2

Octavian dismounts from the half-track, shotgun in hand only to come out right behind one of the xenos. Letting out a startled shout he discharges a single round into it's back, to no effect.

Re: Dark Heresy: Illumination

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 1:30 pm
by Tyyr
2125 Day 2

Phebia hopped up off the log and kneeled in front of it. She brought her carbine up quickly to aim at the beast at the front of the half-track and ripped the trigger back twice in quick succession. She cursed as the first shot hit the base of one of the creature's crystalline protrusions. The burst of energy causing it to glow faintly and not much else. The second shot was more telling, finding disgusting molted flesh and making it burst leaving a charred crater in the beast's gut.

Re: Dark Heresy: Illumination

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 6:32 pm
by Sionnach Glic

"What the frak?" Karibi yelled in surprise, drawing one of his revolvers and wondering where the hell the two creatures had appeared from. He quickly aimed down the revolver's sights at the creature that had already been wounded by the Sororitas' attack, and surprised himself by putting a round straight into the creature's skull. He was even more surprised when the creature toppled over backwards and lay unmoving on the ground.

Re: Dark Heresy: Illumination

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 10:22 pm
by Mikey
2125, Day Two

Momentarily stunned by the apperance of the foul xeno-things, Trask jerked his shoulder blades back up hard against the hull of the half-track. Instantly drawing his sword, he swung it backhand against the trunk of the thing on the south side of the truck, cutting deeply and drawing his blade lengthwise back. Milo said a silent prayer of thanks to the Emperor for having been inspired to upgrade his sword to a mono-weapon.

Re: Dark Heresy: Illumination

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 10:28 pm
by Uzume

A wave of relief washed over Lot as members of the team she's been watching crippled the first Xeno badly. Taking aim with her rifle She fires a silent shot into the second Xeno's horrid face.

Re: Dark Heresy: Illumination

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 11:22 pm
by Aaron
Day Two 2125

Enrick starts as the others open fire and is taken aback by the sight of the foul Xeno in front of his vehicle. Still he reacts swiftly, sending a bolt from his Long Las into the creatures chest, the bolt cooks the flesh on the chest and abdomen, leaving a smoking crater. The creature wobbles and appears to go limp.

Re: Dark Heresy: Illumination

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 3:58 pm
by Lighthawk
2125, day 2

Haxta started up in alarm as the warning was shouted, and she recoiled as if struck by the hideous sight of the xenos. Seeing several of her ally's shots do minimal harm, she leaves her lasgun hanging, fishing out a firebomb instead. The monsterous things were close to the half-track and her allies though, forcing her to aim off to the side. The bomb erupted on the ground, and a ring of fire burst forth, catching the westmost abomination on the outer edge of the fireball, scrotching and blackening it's unholy flesh with purifying flame.

Re: Dark Heresy: Illumination

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 6:36 pm
by Aaron
2125 Day Two:

The burning Xeno flails it's appendages in the air and hovers in a circle, brushing against Octavian and the half-track, setting the latter's canvas top alight before weaving toward the group of acolytes clustered near the fire pit.

Re: Dark Heresy: Illumination

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2009 10:45 pm
by Aaron
2125 Day Two:

The native hunter slides down onto one knee and quickly checks that his musket is primed before taking aim at the burning horror and squeezing the trigger. There is a mighty crack as the weapon discharges and a cloud of smoke obscures the target from his view. The round strikes the Xeno square but seems to have no effect.

Re: Dark Heresy: Illumination

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 1:08 am
by Tsukiyumi
21:25 day two

Pahr's rifle clicked twice, and the creature's lower half exploded in a shower of gore. As the beast dropped to the sand, Pahr finally noticed that the roof of the halftrack was ablaze.

That's a problem, he thought, grimacing. He hoped Enrick could get to the fire extinguisher quickly enough to stop it from spreading.