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Re: What's the latest in people's lives?

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 10:18 am
by Reliant121
Congratulations Mikey :)

Re: What's the latest in people's lives?

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 2:29 pm
by Captain Picard's Hair
Congrats, my friend! :)

Re: What's the latest in people's lives?

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 3:02 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Congratulations, Mikey!

Re: What's the latest in people's lives?

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 3:25 pm
by Mikey
Lazar wrote:Congratulations on the new hominid! :D
I didn't want to say anything until we were sure, but yes - definitely a bipedal higher simian. :lol: Zachary was born at 9:50 last night at 7 lbs 2.5 oz and Mom and baby are both doing well. His cord was wrapped around his neck and he was a little pale and breathing rapidly, but a quick shot of O2 and he's just fine. Thanks for everyone's thoughts.

Re: What's the latest in people's lives?

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 3:49 pm
by Teaos
Does your wife realise you named him after the new Spock?


Re: What's the latest in people's lives?

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 6:01 pm
by Grundig
Congratulations for sure!

It's funny, I was just listening to Make It So, and they were teasing we Americans for having names like Zach. "We don't start our names with Zed, but that's just us...."

Re: What's the latest in people's lives?

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 6:39 pm
by Lt. Staplic
Congradulations Mikey, glad to hear everyone is safe and healthy.

Re: What's the latest in people's lives?

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 6:52 pm
by Capt. Jethro
Got struck by lightning the the other day heading out on a trip. The weird thing is that there was a tendril of energy right at the end of the radome for a few seconds then BAM everything went white till our vision returned. No damage though, but it was the weirdest strike I've ever encountered.

Re: What's the latest in people's lives?

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 6:58 pm
by Lt. Staplic
you personally?

Re: What's the latest in people's lives?

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 6:58 pm
by colmquinn
Congrats Mikey

And I suppose congrats to Capt Jethro too

Re: What's the latest in people's lives?

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 7:19 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Wow, congrats for surviving, I guess. :|

Re: What's the latest in people's lives?

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 7:30 pm
by Capt. Jethro
The aircraft structure is bonded so the lightning usually just passes through the wing tips or tail. Some times an instrument will fail, but so far it's never been a big deal.

I've seen videos of pilots flying aircraft near or in thunderstorms to get hit intentionally. Nucking Futz if you ask me.

Re: What's the latest in people's lives?

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 7:37 pm
by Captain Seafort
Congratulations Mikey. Good to hear that Mum and Baby are doing well. :D

Re: What's the latest in people's lives?

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 7:43 pm
by Capt. Jethro
Mikey wrote:my son will be born by the end of this evening.

Re: What's the latest in people's lives?

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 12:40 am
by Bryan Moore
Whooo! Not that New Jersey needs more people in it, but congrats!