Teaos wrote:
Yeah your right the brief does say 7 mill (you'd think I would remember the stats of the ship I helped design...
), well we do have that extra space to play around with but as I said increasing the power increases the size of the fusion reactor. I pretty oped to making them more powerful as I always wanted this thing to be able to take a beating. BUt for the sake of the write up can we keep it at a nice round number like 9 or 10 million since that related to the fusion reactor size.
Well 10 million sounds good then, if you compare that to my other stats (particularly the Sovereign) it keeps in line with a ship designed to be the best and latest, compared to one refitted to attempt to be there.
I agree that the torpedoes would be quite a lot stronger after 20 years. I have no problem with that, I mearly stating I dont think there would be a next generation of burst fire tubes since rapid fire and pulse seem to have taken over. But I still think 13k is still pushing the upper limit of power increase. 10-11k seems more realistic with out the tube upgrade.
Rapid fire seems to have, yes, but not pulse fire - pulse fire actually is slightly behind the times, it seems to be in use on the Defiant just, presumably, because of its size. The pulse fire are far slower than the burst fire, and have greater reload times - all of this must be because of size constraints. 13k is pretty reasonable, IMO, when you compare it to the Sovereign and Akira. While the Akira is a torpedo boat, it still has far, far sub-standard launchers. How about, then, type 4s, then. It's a tested design, and while *ideally* I'd still have the overall ship more powerful (if its meant to be a battleship, you'd really expect rapid fires to be always there), I think type 4s are reasonable.
Okay, how about the new stats - better hull, worse torpedos, marginally different shields, less manoeuvrable.
Paladin Class
Type XIV phaser arrays, phaser lance, pulse phasers; total output 200,000 TeraWatts
2 x Rapid fire quantum torpedo tube
4 x Type 4 burst fire quantum torpedo tubes
1200 quantum rounds
Automodulated regenerative shield system, total capacity 10,000,000 TeraJoules
Heavy Reinforced Duranium/Tritanium Double hull plus 60 cm ablative armour
High Level Structural Integrity Field
Normal Cruise : 8.5
Maximum Cruise 9.93
Maximum Rated: 9.99 for 24 hours
Beam Firepower : 4,000
Torpedo Firepower : 11,900
Weapon Range and Accuracy : 4,200
Shield Strength : 3,704
Hull Armour : 10,150
Speed : 4,125
Combat Manoeuvrability : 1,400
Over all: 6,517
If you compare that to my previous Sovereign, Galaxy, and Daystrom, I think that's pretty much dead on. While I'd
still ideally go for greater phaser and torpedo firepower (to bring it more in line with the Scimitar), I think the above is good enough for a final version.