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Re: Adeptus Astartes RP comments.

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 10:10 pm
by Tyyr
The implication is that even hardline codex chapters are over 1,000 marines, in all likelyhood 1,300 to 1,600.

Re: Adeptus Astartes RP comments.

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 12:13 am
by Mikey
I'd wondered about that myself. I'd guess that the hardline codex chapters do keep to the limit: codex states 10 companies of ten squads each. For auxiliaries to exist over and above that 1,000-marine mark, then every fighting squad would have to constantly have ten men. Since many squad types don't include 10 men, even counting the sergeant, then "just" the company fighting personnel can't fill up that 1,000-man complement.

Re: Adeptus Astartes RP comments.

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 12:16 pm
by Tyyr
Keeping to the hardline 1,000 marines thing would leave you with maybe 600 battle brothers once you took in auxiliaries, vehicle crews, the marines assigned to the chapter's ships, the chapter's fortress, etc. The proof in the article is rather well researched and looks to be supported by GW's own writing and images.

SG, hate to be a bastard but it's almost been 60 hours now. In a couple more I'll take your turn for you. I wanna keep this moving.

Re: Adeptus Astartes RP comments.

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 3:21 pm
by Mikey
Do you have a link? Your position makes sense to me; but if we consider a strict codex chapter, I can't figure how they get 1,000 battle brothers if they don't count the auxiliaries. Would you include each company's librarian, apothecary, chaplain, standard bearer, and captain as auxilia or as battle brothers?

Re: Adeptus Astartes RP comments.

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 4:09 pm
by Tyyr
Well there's nothing that says a strict Codex chapter is exactly 1,000 marines and no more. The 1,000 marine thing comes from ten men per squad, 10 squads per companies, and 10 companies per chapter. It's actually pretty much a fanon number.

And I cannot believe I didn't post the link. Ugh. ... rticle=291

Re: Adeptus Astartes RP comments.

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 9:14 pm
by Tyyr
Ok, SG is still AWOL after 66 hours so in the interest of keeping things going I'll run Bjor this turn.

Since I want to find out how well "Gibby" works I'm going to aimed shot the nob with the sniper rifle.

BS of 50, +10 aim bonus from set up, +10 aim this round, +10 accurate, +10 sight, -20 called shot = 70 to hit.
Roll a 17, hit.

So damage is (12x2)=24 damage with 6 pen. Nob has 4 armor and 5 toughness so the final damage is 19 to the face leaving him with one wound. Not the greatest but it salvaged a REALLY low dice roll.

Mob #1: Ork Boy
Half move towards the bridge, shoot at Mithras (full auto fire on the group makes him an obvious target)
BS of 15, +10 for hulking target, -30 for extreme range. -5 to hit. Forget it.

Mob #8: Slugga Boyz
Half move towards the bridge, shoot at Mithras (full auto fire on the group makes him an obvious target)
BS of 25, +10 for hulking target, -20 for long range. 15 to hit. Roll: 9, hit to Mithras' face. Damn.
Damage is 11 with 4 Pen against 10 armor and 10 toughness, no damage.

Mob #12: Boyz, half move towards the bridge and fire at Mithras but forget it, impossible shot.

#1: 15 Wounds
#2: 0 wounds left
#3: Dead
#4: Dead
#5: Dead
#6: 15 Wounds
#7: 1 wound left
#8: -3 wounds (armor on body destroyed)
#9: Dead
#10: Dead
#11: 15 Wounds
#12: 15 Wounds
#13: 1 Wound
#14: 15 Wounds

LH, you're up.

Re: Adeptus Astartes RP comments.

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 9:44 pm
by Lighthawk
Taking my shot at #1. But first, manifesting unnatural aim, threshold of 8 vs roll of 22. Manifests.

BS of 54 + 10 for last rounds aiming + 10 targeting auspex + 30 Unnatural Aim = 104
Roll: 74, hit to the body
Damage roll 5d10+10 = 35
Pen 16 wipes out his armor, toughness 4 drops the damage to 31, so he's at -16
Multi-melta has blast 1, so anyone within a meter also takes the damage, though I don't think anyone is.
Critical table results: He catches on fire and melts. Also there is a 50% chance of his ammo exploding, forcing all creatures within 1d5 meters to make dodge tests or take 1d10+5 X and if he is carrying any grenades or missiles they will detonate in one round.

Tyyr, do you want to roll for the ammo going off or shall I?

Re: Adeptus Astartes RP comments.

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 10:06 pm
by Tyyr
I'll get it. We're assuming 2 meters of separation between all orks.

Distance: roll 4 so everyone within 2 meters takes... 7 damage. So 2, 6, and 7 get hit.

#2: Dodge test of 97, fail. takes 7 wounds to the face, ouch. Blows his head apart, messily... and his shit blows up too, wow. Deal with that in a minute.
#6: Dodge test of 25, fail since he doesn't have the skill. Takes 7 wounds to the right arm. He's at 8 wounds now.
#7: Dodge test of 100, I think I'll have fun writing up his death. Takes 7 wounds to the body. He's at -6 wounds. Stunned for a round, has 7 levels of fatigue so he's unconscious to boot and is now bleeding profusely.

#2's exploding ammo goes for gold with a distance roll of 10, so everyone within 5 meters takes... damn, 13 energy damage. Effects 6, 7, 8, and 13.

#6: Dodge test of 72, fail. Hits him in the face. -5 wounds so his head is fried, he's blind for 9 rounds, and takes 3 levels of fatigue.
#7: Dodge test of 93, this guy is a champion, fails. Takes 13 damage to the chest. And all his shit explodes too. Come on. Take care of it later.
#8: Dodge test of 21, fail. Hits him in the right arm. He's dead and thank the emperor he has the grace to just fall over and die instead of blowing the fuck up.
#13: Dodge test of 28, fail. Hits him in the chest. Puts him to... oh come on. Dead and he explodes too. In a minute.

Ok, #7's going Claymore... distance of 2 meters. Effects 2, 6, 8, and 13. Of which only 2 is still alive. Does 8 Damage.
#2: Dodge test of 11, fail. Takes 8 to the face. Runs headlessly on fire to the north east where no one is for 9 meters.

Ok, 13 exploding. Distance of 1 meter. Effects no one else. Finally it ends.

#1: Dead
#2: Dead
#3: Dead
#4: Dead
#5: Dead
#6: -5 Wounds, blind for 9 more rounds.
#7: Dead
#8: Dead
#9: Dead
#10: Dead
#11: 15 Wounds
#12: 15 Wounds
#13: Dead.
#14: 15 Wounds

Ok, it's 14's turn. He takes a half move towards the bridge and fires ineffectually at Deep. Kendall's keeper is up. Cinematic write up of this is going to have to wait until tonight.

Re: Adeptus Astartes RP comments.

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 10:08 pm
by Tyyr
Ya know what, LH you caused this cluster fuck. You write it.

Re: Adeptus Astartes RP comments.

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 10:14 pm
by Lighthawk
Tyyr wrote:Ya know what, LH you caused this cluster f**k. You write it.

Oh man, that was awesome. Domino explosions for the win!

I'll get right to it.

Re: Adeptus Astartes RP comments.

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 12:00 pm
by Tyyr
Mikey or LH, time to drive our medic through the heat of battle, it's Kendall's turn.

Re: Adeptus Astartes RP comments.

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 10:49 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Sorry guys, my internet decided to die on me a couple of days ago, and I've been able to get on for only a few minutes at most. Eircom claims they've fixed it. :roll:

Tyyr, you took my guy's turn, right?

Re: Adeptus Astartes RP comments.

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:58 am
by Tyyr

Re: Adeptus Astartes RP comments.

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 12:19 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Alright, cool.

Re: Adeptus Astartes RP comments.

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 1:01 pm
by Tyyr
Didn't want to but I felt we needed to keep things moving.