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Re: Mass Effect 3

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 11:43 pm
by Atekimogus
Tyyr wrote: Rather than just keep using what others had created they wanted to "Create something new," or "Put their mark on it," and the end result is that they tossed away everything that made it Mass Effect.
Funny you should say that, since that is exactly how I feel about it. Very well put.
Tyyr wrote: I think it could. As much as I loathe ME3 right now and Bioware itself deep down I want to love it. I want to go back to that grinning idioctic love I had for the games and the setting and the company. I want that back. So if the company stopped and posted on BSN, "We fucked up. We are sincerely sorry. The ending was not good but we're going to make it up to you. Here is a real ending for ME3 and it's free," then put out something like that I think it could do it. I don't think you're going to get people back to loving them overnight but a sincere appology and a real gesture of reconciliation could make their hardcore fans happy again. The biggest problem that most fans had I think is not so much that the ending was bad, it's that Bioware told us it was our fault. Their ending was perfect, we were just too unsophisticated to get it. We were just too dense to appreciate their art so it's out problem for not liking their ending. They attacked their fans and that's how they alienated them.
I don't know.....I don't think it's the hardcore fans you need to be worried about, they rage and threaten and start "take back ME" movements but as soon as ME4 comes out they will buy it. Now I can be pretty understanding (like I totally get the huge pressure they had from EA and how this can affect their work, and how they needed to cut corners etc.) but even if they do everything you say, and even if they give as a free and fixed ending..........I would be highly critical about anything that comes from Bioware in the future.

To be honest, if it weren't for my love of ME1 and ME2, I would never have bought this in the first place, simply because the whole DLC, DRM, Origin Bullshit and having my register for hundred sites and services and whatnot. I did it for ME3 as an exception (hey...if they treat me as a pirating criminal when I already bought the game, screw them...they don't get my money) but since it pretty much bombed...... .

My point is that ever since ME2 and Dragon Age:Origin Bioware is on a downward spiral and even if they fix their ending I will be more than suspicious and careful before I touch anything from them again.
Tyyr wrote: I like that. You reuse the sucide mission formula but you amp it up now with entire squads and not just single squadmates. I'd have to make it a bit deeper by you having to pick and chose the right groups with the right skills to do certain jobs.
One of the many things that bothered me. You see the Krogans with Wrex giving a speech and the turians etc. etc. but as soon as hammer starts.........were are they? What are they doing? Are they even on earth still?
Tyyr wrote: You have to be able to get it wrong. If you can't lose then you didn't actually win. It doesn't have to be easy to lose, but it does have to be a possibility.
That being said I never liked it that because of arbitrary decisions (dying because not "loyal" enough...what?) some characters bite the dust, so for the last mission on the citadel, how would you like that everything is as I described, with you splitting up teams and then get to play them in turn. Depending on how many surviving teammembers you have you go with three, or only two or alone or have to prioritze missions.

Now here is the thing, contrary to missions so far, even on normal the missions are very challenging AND you need to keep a tight control on your squad since NOW if someone dies this means death of the character. No magical ressurection as soon as you are clear and you better start using medigel BEFORE they bite the dust. And if you die yourself with the character you are currently controlling you automatically switch to the remaining squadmate. If you loose a squadmember you get a short sequence informing the rest of the strike-teams of the loss at the end of the respective turn, if noone dies you radio in that you reached your waypoint, everybody is ok and then switch to the next team.

If you make it to the very end, with everyone you brought with, alive is ONLY dependent now on your player skill and NOT on the script. Would add even more tension and excitment since OMFG, never mind quicksave, but characters now can die IN BATTLE and not because of death by script! As someone who never really bothered in battle with his squadmates, since Shepard alone is more than sufficient to roflstomp everything (I admit, I do not play on insanity) this would be a nice way to force me to actually play better and make use of my squadmates.
Tyyr wrote: Well, like I said the Crucible as a trap thing was an early attempt to fix the ending. Since then I've moved on as I realized I couldn't write ME3 fic without throwing the whole plot out and starting over so I may as well change the ending entirely.
Imho, every ending that works HAS to get rid of the starchild. Not of the cataclyst maybe, if it is only a battery, or a targeting computer against reapers or something, but having it the controlling intelligence of the reapers destroys the whole lore. How anyone can defend the ending we got (and there are plenty who do, probably wearing scarfs in summer and hornglasses) with such a plothole in it is frankly beyond me.

Re: Mass Effect 3

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 1:17 pm
by Tyyr
I don't know.....I don't think it's the hardcore fans you need to be worried about, they rage and threaten and start "take back ME" movements but as soon as ME4 comes out they will buy it.
Maybe, I know I'm going to buy ME4 but I'm not buying it release day. I'm also not buying it new. I'll buy a used copy for $30 on down the road, and for certain a used copy, to ensure that Bioware and EA don't get paid for it. If they don't want to let me on MP or get DLC because of it, alright. But I'm not buying a fresh copy. If it returns to what ME1 and 2 did right I'll buy the pass to get MP and DLC but otherwise, they don't get my money.

And that's as good as not making a sale at all for EA and Bioware.

Now I can be pretty understanding (like I totally get the huge pressure they had from EA and how this can affect their work, and how they needed to cut corners etc.) but even if they do everything you say, and even if they give as a free and fixed ending..........I would be highly critical about anything that comes from Bioware in the future.
Bioware fucked up, badly. They had a loyal, borderline rabid fanbase that they've now turned on and kicked in the nuts for their own amusement. They're not getting that fanbase back where it was even if they gave everyone the exact ending they wanted. They can however move people from the buy a used copy maybe back to the buy a new copy camp and start to rebuild some of that image. They're going to have to deal with the fallout of ME3 for a long, long time.
That being said I never liked it that because of arbitrary decisions (dying because not "loyal" enough...what?)
Yeah... I've got no good explanation for that. I don't know how loyalty makes Miranda's spandex suddenly bulletproof or lets Grunt shrug off a wound that would have otherwise killed him.
some characters bite the dust, so for the last mission on the citadel, how would you like that everything is as I described, with you splitting up teams and then get to play them in turn. Depending on how many surviving teammembers you have you go with three, or only two or alone or have to prioritze missions.

Now here is the thing, contrary to missions so far, even on normal the missions are very challenging AND you need to keep a tight control on your squad since NOW if someone dies this means death of the character.
I think you've gotta be careful about that because up to this point in the trilogy that's not how things work. What I'd do is maybe introduce the multiplayer style medigel mechanic where you have to get to them within a set time and revive them manually. If you don't, they die. If everyone goes down, you're all dead. Make the missions hard enough for that to be a real possibility and now you've got some tension. Hell, imaging you're playing a team and you've got two of your favorite characters on it and only three medi-gel. Who do you revive and who dies? Do you save medi-gel to try and make sure one of them makes it or what?

You just have to let the players know for certain what the new rules of the game are and don't change them too much. Going to the MP mechanic should be familiar to a lot of people.
If you make it to the very end, with everyone you brought with, alive is ONLY dependent now on your player skill and NOT on the script. Would add even more tension and excitment since OMFG, never mind quicksave, but characters now can die IN BATTLE and not because of death by script!
I like it, and I know people would like it, and I expect you'd see a LOT of save scumming.
As someone who never really bothered in battle with his squadmates, since Shepard alone is more than sufficient to roflstomp everything (I admit, I do not play on insanity) this would be a nice way to force me to actually play better and make use of my squadmates.
As someone who played a lot of multi-player even insanity isn't hard. If you can solo a silver match you can run insanity and ignore your squadmates. Soldier is ridiculously broken still, biotics with their explosions are just silly, and you can hit people so many ways with engineers it's not hard to stay alive. Heck, they let infiltrators use the Valiant which is just nuts.

It's not as ridiculously easy as it was in ME2, Soldier+Adrenaline Rush+Mattock+Widow = LOL "Insanity", but only because they detuned the Mattock not because they fixed how stupidly overpowered AR is.
Imho, every ending that works HAS to get rid of the starchild. Not of the cataclyst maybe, if it is only a battery, or a targeting computer against reapers or something, but having it the controlling intelligence of the reapers destroys the whole lore. How anyone can defend the ending we got (and there are plenty who do, probably wearing scarfs in summer and hornglasses) with such a plothole in it is frankly beyond me.
Some people are just contrary and I'll always point back to the BSN poll that came out right after the game did that had 91% of people disliked the ending and I think 5% were just "meh" to it. Only 4% of people actually liked it. This is the internet, finding anything but cats and ponies that you can get more than 60% of people to agree on is a miracle. When 19 out of 20 people are either indifferent to or actively hate your ending the problem is not the people, it's you.

Re: Mass Effect 3

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 2:31 pm
by Atekimogus
Tyyr wrote: Bioware fucked up, badly. They had a loyal, borderline rabid fanbase that they've now turned on and kicked in the nuts for their own amusement. They're not getting that fanbase back where it was even if they gave everyone the exact ending they wanted. They can however move people from the buy a used copy maybe back to the buy a new copy camp and start to rebuild some of that image. They're going to have to deal with the fallout of ME3 for a long, long time.
Well of course they CAN build a goodwill towards them again........question is will EA let them? I am sceptical, no matter how often they preach how changed they are and that the relationship with their smaller studios is such a respectful one etc. etc. . corporate bullshit imho. EA are larger controllfreaks than TIM (hey, maybe that's where they had their inspiration from?) and imho all they will let Bioware do in the future is milk their franchises to the last penny, until the last creative soul has moved on to greener pastures.

Tyyr wrote: I think you've gotta be careful about that because up to this point in the trilogy that's not how things work. What I'd do is maybe introduce the multiplayer style medigel mechanic where you have to get to them within a set time and revive them manually. If you don't, they die. If everyone goes down, you're all dead. Make the missions hard enough for that to be a real possibility and now you've got some tension. Hell, imaging you're playing a team and you've got two of your favorite characters on it and only three medi-gel. Who do you revive and who dies? Do you save medi-gel to try and make sure one of them makes it or what?

You just have to let the players know for certain what the new rules of the game are and don't change them too much. Going to the MP mechanic should be familiar to a lot of people.
Yes I know, you basically have to hit them over the head repeadely to get it through that now death means death.

I really like your multiplayer idea therefore. Brilliant and simple, death is death but with a few seconds revival timer. Cuts back on frustration (because most of the time the AI fucks up sending your squadmate out of cover), quickloads and should be easy enough to get players to understand.

I like it a lot.

Tyyr wrote:Some people are just contrary and I'll always point back to the BSN poll that came out right after the game did that had 91% of people disliked the ending and I think 5% were just "meh" to it. Only 4% of people actually liked it. This is the internet, finding anything but cats and ponies that you can get more than 60% of people to agree on is a miracle. When 19 out of 20 people are either indifferent to or actively hate your ending the problem is not the people, it's you.
I agree. Heck I came so very late to the discussion but still, one year after release, with three single-dlcs out, almost every thread on their forum is about the ending and how it fucked the lore all up. Well it takes a special kind of talent to introduce so many and glaring plotwholes in the space of the last two minutes.

I can see why some think this was done on purpose - not trying to be artistic - but giving people plain the middle-finger.

Re: Mass Effect 3

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 3:10 pm
by Tyyr
Well of course they CAN build a goodwill towards them again........question is will EA let them? I am sceptical, no matter how often they preach how changed they are and that the relationship with their smaller studios is such a respectful one etc. etc. . corporate bullshit imho. EA are larger controllfreaks than TIM (hey, maybe that's where they had their inspiration from?) and imho all they will let Bioware do in the future is milk their franchises to the last penny, until the last creative soul has moved on to greener pastures.
Anyone who actually thinks that EA bankrolls these studios and doesn't keep a tight reign on what they do is kidding themselves. You don't hand people blank checks and hope for the best when you're a company like EA. Hell, want to talk about EA not meddling? They made them add in MP to it! Ok, I liked the MP part of the game but still, EA said do it and Bioware jumped. That's the relationship.

Well the question was CAN they build goodwill? Yeah, they could but at this point it's going to take a real appology not a, "We're sorry that YOU don't get it," type deal they've been pulling all along. Which they won't do. And a real ending, which EA won't let them do. So... yeah, it's not gonna happen and I'm gonna buy ME4 used.
I really like your multiplayer idea therefore. Brilliant and simple, death is death but with a few seconds revival timer. Cuts back on frustration (because most of the time the AI fucks up sending your squadmate out of cover), quickloads and should be easy enough to get players to understand.
The key is you transition people to a mechanic they should be used to by now instead of a whole new one and especially for insanity players keeping your squadmates alive is almost impossible. An insanity play through would almost certainly guarantee that most of your squad dies without massive save scumming and lone wolfing.
I agree. Heck I came so very late to the discussion but still, one year after release, with three single-dlcs out, almost every thread on their forum is about the ending and how it fucked the lore all up. Well it takes a special kind of talent to introduce so many and glaring plotwholes in the space of the last two minutes.
That's ME3's legacy, a year later people are still pissed and frankly it's just fucking torpedoed the franchise. If I was making ME4 the first thing I'd do is say, "Yeah, that was all wierd and didn't really happen. Crucible meets Catalyst, Shep pulls the trigger, reapers die. So lets just all move on and put that behind us." Retcon the shit.
I can see why some think this was done on purpose - not trying to be artistic - but giving people plain the middle-finger.
The Refusal ending is Bioware giving us the finger. First they took people's favored response to the Starbrat's options, shooting him in the face, and made that the trigger so that people who didn't like him are sure to get it. Then they instantly game over you. No cutscene, no slides, no clue, just you die, everyone dies, we're all dead. Then you get to listen to Liara tell the next cycle not to repeat our mistakes because we fucked up. We of course being the player. Finally, they left this out but still put it out on Twitter, what was our mistake? Not using the Crucible. What did the next cycle do? Build the Cruicible and pick a color. So fuck you.

Refusal is just Bioware telling everyone who didn't like their endings to get fucked.

Re: Mass Effect 3

Posted: Fri Feb 08, 2013 6:41 pm
by Atekimogus
Tyyr wrote: Well the question was CAN they build goodwill? Yeah, they could but at this point it's going to take a real appology not a, "We're sorry that YOU don't get it," type deal they've been pulling all along. Which they won't do. And a real ending, which EA won't let them do. So... yeah, it's not gonna happen and I'm gonna buy ME4 used.
You are then more forgiving then I am. For example, I liked Dragon Age Origion. Not my favourite game maybe, but solid RPG entertainment. Then I played the demo for Dragon Age II. It was more action oriented....that didn't bother me especially. But it had nothing to do with the previous game, no characters I knew, story from the previous one might or might not have happened but seems to have been largely just ignored just to not fuck to much with different endings etc. Point is, the universe alone just wasn't interesting enough for me to come back.

The same with ME4. Now we might have maybe one or two minor cameos but I imagine they stay as far away as possible from anything that happened in the triology.......and I am just not that interested anymore. Honestly, altough I liked ME2 very much and it is probably viewed as the best of the series, I don't like the trend that started there, namely that it get's more and more fantastic and unrealistic. For example, in ME1 your characters wear space suits which double a bit as armor. But they look very much like space suits. Now you are wearing more and more the standard cookie cutter power armor. In ME1 - altough there is the option to remove helmet - if you are in space or hostile enviroment, though luck helmet stays on. In Me1 all characters look pretty, but have at least normal proportions and especially the females look as if they could at least theoretically hold a rifle. In ME2 we have super models I have to wonder how they even lift a pistol (biotics?) going into battle in heels. (The no armor part didn't bother me, does Miranda look like she could move in a 30kg kevlar west? That's probably more than half her bodyweight:)). In ME3 females become completely ridicolous sex dolls.

Point is, they took a fantastical universe set in the future and went through great lengths to make it appear as real as possible in ME1 which helped greatly the suspension of disbelieve. This realism started to quickly erode in ME2 and ME3 and I fear there won't be much left the time ME4 arrives and the universe will be a pretty generic star-warsy universe. (I bet they make a lightsaber app for omni-tools in the next installment, because we produce for the masses and swords are cool).
Tyyr wrote: The key is you transition people to a mechanic they should be used to by now instead of a whole new one and especially for insanity players keeping your squadmates alive is almost impossible. An insanity play through would almost certainly guarantee that most of your squad dies without massive save scumming and lone wolfing.
Be that as it may, it doesn't change my initial idea that much while greatly enhancing gameplay...again, just an overall good idea I like. Getting them to understand this new mechanic, with a big timer and squadmates yelling at you to patch someone up before he/she expires shouldn't be too hard.
Tyyr wrote: That's ME3's legacy, a year later people are still pissed and frankly it's just fucking torpedoed the franchise. If I was making ME4 the first thing I'd do is say, "Yeah, that was all wierd and didn't really happen. Crucible meets Catalyst, Shep pulls the trigger, reapers die. So lets just all move on and put that behind us." Retcon the shit.
Well from what I heard there are already rumours that the new ME - which shall not be named ME4 - plays basically in an alternative ME universe. Now rumours are just that, but considering the ending clusterfuck and that nobody probably wants to play a prequel for the same reasons nobody is interested in ME3 war assets dlcs the notion has the unfortunate ring of truth to it imho.
Tyyr wrote: The Refusal ending is Bioware giving us the finger. First they took people's favored response to the Starbrat's options, shooting him in the face, and made that the trigger so that people who didn't like him are sure to get it. Then they instantly game over you. No cutscene, no slides, no clue, just you die, everyone dies, we're all dead. Then you get to listen to Liara tell the next cycle not to repeat our mistakes because we fucked up. We of course being the player. Finally, they left this out but still put it out on Twitter, what was our mistake? Not using the Crucible. What did the next cycle do? Build the Cruicible and pick a color. So fuck you.

Refusal is just Bioware telling everyone who didn't like their endings to get fucked.
Funny thing. Before playing I managed to avoid all spoilers. But I did hear that they fucked up the ending to I mentally prepared myself and tried to come up with endings which would piss me off. What I came up with was:

1. Everybody dies...the end. (We actually have that in the game)
2. It was all a dream, nothing really happened. (There are many points where you could insert this. Maybe we are still on Eden Prime and all since then is just our brain making sense of the Prothean vision. Maybe we are still lying on a lazarus table and all since then is just a simulation TIM runs with us to see what we would do and can be trusted. To think I would have been pissed at those hindsight I could actually life with "It was all a dream, the real reaper invasion is still about to happen!")
and 3. Nothing we do has any meaning and we watch the whole thing from the perspective of the next cycle who stumbled upon our adventures somehow. Especially when the time-capsule scene played with Liara (though I really like that scene) I was convinced that this is the default ending. (And lo and is also ingame)

Now I completely failed to anticipate space-jesus and having the choice between mass genocide, slavery or forced synthesis.........but then the only drug I use is coffee and a beer now and then, so.....two out of three isn't to bad imho:)

Re: Mass Effect 3

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:07 pm
by Tyyr
You are then more forgiving then I am.
Eh, I'm still not going to pay them for ME4. That's worth emphasisizng. BioWare games are some of the few games I'd happily pay full retail at launch for. Now I'm going to buy it used to ensure they don't get any money at all for it. That's a pretty big dip in customer loyalty.
Honestly, altough I liked ME2 very much and it is probably viewed as the best of the series, I don't like the trend that started there, namely that it get's more and more fantastic and unrealistic.
I can see your point but what happened in ME2 didn't bother me. Yeah, Miranda's heels were stupid. In combat she should have had boots but the skin tight outfit wasn't that much worse than light armor in ME1. I don't mind attractive women in games but I do agree that in ME3 they went too far trying to sex it up. Ashley's boob job and hair, etc. It's not a good trend.
Point is, they took a fantastical universe set in the future and went through great lengths to make it appear as real as possible in ME1 which helped greatly the suspension of disbelieve. This realism started to quickly erode in ME2 and ME3 and I fear there won't be much left the time ME4 arrives and the universe will be a pretty generic star-warsy universe. (I bet they make a lightsaber app for omni-tools in the next installment, because we produce for the masses and swords are cool).
I don't think ME2 went too fantastical. Certainly not to the kind of thing we got in ME3 where you've got space magic. If anything ME2 was ME Holly-wooded up which... I can tolerate for sales. My hope is that ME3 so undershoots expectations on sales and DLC that they get the message that they fucked up and get back to their roots with ME4.
Well from what I heard there are already rumours that the new ME - which shall not be named ME4 - plays basically in an alternative ME universe. Now rumours are just that, but considering the ending clusterfuck and that nobody probably wants to play a prequel for the same reasons nobody is interested in ME3 war assets dlcs the notion has the unfortunate ring of truth to it imho.
Eh, rumors. Until the dev team states something or some of the more reliable "leak" sources post something up I'm not going to believe anything. If anything the "alternate universe," idea reeks of idiotic fan buying into the "they can't canonize an ending!" stupidity. They can, they will, get over it. I have also heard that they'd make a game where you play another part in the reaper war. ME3 from a different point of view in other words. Imagine, getting to play second fiddle in the game universe! Seriously, you'd be second fiddle and never able to do the big important jobs because Shepard is already doing them.
Now I completely failed to anticipate space-jesus and having the choice between mass genocide, slavery or forced synthesis.........but then the only drug I use is coffee and a beer now and then, so.....two out of three isn't to bad imho:)
No one saw what we got coming, no one. People had braced themselves to deal with #1. Hell, I wanted #1 to be a possibility, fuck things up and get a bad everyone dies end. I never expected to directly cause it (re: Original Ending exploding mass relays) or get it by rejecting the idiotic options of a genocidal AI (re: Refusal in the EC). #2 would have sucked so hard and yet you've got a very large number of people who would have prefered the entire thing to be not real and just a dream rather than accept what actually happened. People joke about pulling a Dallas ending or Saint Elsewhere all the time and now you've got an ending so awful that lots of people wish it was one of those. That's a special kind of awful.

Me, I just refuse it. I refuse to accept that that stupid shit is how my favorite trilogy ending, I refuse to accept that as the fate of my favorite video game character. Fuck it, it didn't happen. Well it did, but through the wonderful power of the mind I'm just tossing it aside.

Re: Mass Effect 3

Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:51 pm
by Atekimogus
Tyyr wrote: Me, I just refuse it. I refuse to accept that that stupid shit is how my favorite trilogy ending, I refuse to accept that as the fate of my favorite video game character. Fuck it, it didn't happen. Well it did, but through the wonderful power of the mind I'm just tossing it aside.
You and me both, brother. You and me both.....

Re: Mass Effect 3

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 6:56 pm
by Atekimogus
So I guess it's official. The last Single Player DLC was announced yesterday and altough they seem to have gone out of their way to make it a great one - hiring a whole bunch of voice actors, 4GB content etc. - in the end it is still another useless and meaningless addition to the series, just prolonging your walk of shame towards the starbrat for a few hours and ignoring the main problems altogether.

And despite wild speculations it was already confirmed that the DLC takes place inbetween the cerberus coup and priority earth and will feature NO changes to the ending whatsoever. Now I cannot say I am much surprised by that, nevertheless I couldn't help but hope that they still had enough creative muscle to salvage the franchise, alas they don't.

(On that note I find it hilarous how their community managers downright lie to people. The contents of the DLC (named Citadel, new conspiracy on the citadel, casino etc. etc.) pretty much leaked a few days prior to annoucnement and instead of just keeping your mouth shut and not commenting on it, they downright said it's fake. That is imho just disrespectful, I guess they just troll their fans now and see how long they can get away with it......but see for yourself. ... x/15961094

Re: Mass Effect 3

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2013 7:34 pm
by Tyyr
I saw it and... so what. At this point I find it hard to give a fuck. In my opinion this represents something that should have been in the damn game at release. If not release then the very first fucking DLC. Instead it's pretty much what I'd expect, trying to give us everything we asked for from ME3 a year late. Character interactions, interaction with the LI's, old characters, etc. It's one last hurrah to try and tempt back a lot of the fans who have not bought their DLC. I don't know the purchase rate but I'd like to think it's way down compared to ME2. So in order to get people back into ME they'll dangle this carrot trying to entice people back. "See, see, you can interact with your LI! The characters we fucked you over on and didn't let you play with they're back! Oh, you wanted a weapon testing range? Here it is! " All of it a fucking year late when it should have been in the original game.

They want to go out on a high note so they're more or less taking the character interaction we wanted during the original game and packaging it as DLC. It's just... ugly. They know their customers were attached to the characters and they know that the game denied you so much with all of them, especially the ME2 LIs, so they'll offer this carrot at the end.

Maybe it's better to NOT get this during the main campaign. From what's described I can't help but feel it's going to feel like farting around while the apocalypse rolls in. Better off to play it afterwards and disconnected from the story.

No, strike that. This should have been how the original game ended. Victory and now you get to pal around on the Citadel with your crew, finish up what you had going with your LI or even start something. A last bit of smiling and raising a drink with them all, then fade to black. Bioware still doesn't fucking get it.

Re: Mass Effect 3

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 12:15 pm
by Atekimogus
Well, one can only hope that they don't do well in sales, however judging from some "fan" reactions......I don't know. I cannot really blame Bioware for trolling their own fans since obviously, they spoonfeed them crap and most swallow it gladly and are even gratefull for it.

Never understood this kind of devotion to be honest. I really loved some franchises but never to the point where I am able to ignore crap. I love star trek......but I am the first to admit that they produced some of the best AND worst of television in history. I love star wars, but I could never bring myself to say anything else about the prequels other than that they were complete and utter crap. I love Mass Effect, but when viewing the whole package I cannot say anything else than they better should remake the whole damn thing, since trying to salvage it would probably screw things up even more.

Re: Mass Effect 3

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 1:12 pm
by Tyyr
It's not Bioware devotion, it's Mass Effect devotion. People really fucking love this game series. I REALLY fucking love this game series. The reason I bitch about it like I do is because I love it as much as I do and won't accept it just being fucked over. I've written a couple hundred thousand words of ME fanfic. I've written about 50,000 words in an ME3 review. I've written a few million just discussing the game. I fucking love it.

The thing is that some people, well they're desperate. ME3 sucked. Even if people tell themselves, "It was a great game!" the reality is how many people are replaying it? Playing it over and over again? I don't know of any. Certainly not the number of people who incessantly replayed ME2. Then you get Leviathan which... well it was a couple single player versions of MP maps with a few interesting bits added in but overall it was meh. Omega actually is a decent bit of DLC that is on par with Overlord. No one has been blown away like in ME2 though, and people want that. So now, Bioware is dangling EXACTLY what the fans want over them. It's not surprising that people are salivating over it, desperate for it. Hell, when I saw what was going to be in it I actually paused for a minute and seriously considered it. In the end though I came to the above conclusion, this should have been in the game at release (though not in a concentrated form but in real serious character interaction throughout) and releasing this now is pure damage control. There's going to be another ME game and they need the fandom to end on a high note so either out of maybe finally realizing what colossal shitheads they've been and trying to apologize or just their EA overlords telling them to give us the good stuff this is what we're getting.

Re: Mass Effect 3

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 2:00 pm
by Tyyr
After watching some let's plays of the Citadel DLC My feelings on it can be summed up in one sentence. Ahem...


Re: Mass Effect 3

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 10:14 pm
by Atekimogus
Yeah...pretty much that. Makes me sad honestly, the great reunion, all hands on deck for this one etc. etc. that should all have been in the game in the first place. So not only did they wreck the series with this god-aweful ending, they wrecked the whole game with their petty greed.

Honeslty, I tried to watch a Citadel playthrough but a few minutes in all I am is sad, angry and disappointed. Again, I would gladly pay double price if all this shit is in the game on release.....

Well one can only hope they crash and burn, from what I heard Leviathan DLC was barely in the top 1000 DLCs for Xbox360, so all in all........Bioware just should go the way all studios go who even look in the general EA direction before they violate the universe even more with another ME game.

My consequence from all this is.....never again an EA game. It was only my love for the ME universe in the first place, which made me put up with Origin and the whole jumping through hoops online shit to play a singleplayer offline game........never again.

And even if ME4 is the most brilliant game ever....I don't care, come ME5 and 6 they'll be back again milking the franchise and ruining the whole experience with their greed.....nah, fool me's not 1990 anymore, there are so many alternatives I can well live without the more popular mainstream games. (Like Diablo III for example, would like to try it....but not so desperate that I jump through their online shit)