Re: Mass Effect 3
Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2013 11:43 pm
Funny you should say that, since that is exactly how I feel about it. Very well put.Tyyr wrote: Rather than just keep using what others had created they wanted to "Create something new," or "Put their mark on it," and the end result is that they tossed away everything that made it Mass Effect.
I don't know.....I don't think it's the hardcore fans you need to be worried about, they rage and threaten and start "take back ME" movements but as soon as ME4 comes out they will buy it. Now I can be pretty understanding (like I totally get the huge pressure they had from EA and how this can affect their work, and how they needed to cut corners etc.) but even if they do everything you say, and even if they give as a free and fixed ending..........I would be highly critical about anything that comes from Bioware in the future.Tyyr wrote: I think it could. As much as I loathe ME3 right now and Bioware itself deep down I want to love it. I want to go back to that grinning idioctic love I had for the games and the setting and the company. I want that back. So if the company stopped and posted on BSN, "We fucked up. We are sincerely sorry. The ending was not good but we're going to make it up to you. Here is a real ending for ME3 and it's free," then put out something like that I think it could do it. I don't think you're going to get people back to loving them overnight but a sincere appology and a real gesture of reconciliation could make their hardcore fans happy again. The biggest problem that most fans had I think is not so much that the ending was bad, it's that Bioware told us it was our fault. Their ending was perfect, we were just too unsophisticated to get it. We were just too dense to appreciate their art so it's out problem for not liking their ending. They attacked their fans and that's how they alienated them.
To be honest, if it weren't for my love of ME1 and ME2, I would never have bought this in the first place, simply because the whole DLC, DRM, Origin Bullshit and having my register for hundred sites and services and whatnot. I did it for ME3 as an exception (hey...if they treat me as a pirating criminal when I already bought the game, screw them...they don't get my money) but since it pretty much bombed...... .
My point is that ever since ME2 and Dragon Age:Origin Bioware is on a downward spiral and even if they fix their ending I will be more than suspicious and careful before I touch anything from them again.
One of the many things that bothered me. You see the Krogans with Wrex giving a speech and the turians etc. etc. but as soon as hammer starts.........were are they? What are they doing? Are they even on earth still?Tyyr wrote: I like that. You reuse the sucide mission formula but you amp it up now with entire squads and not just single squadmates. I'd have to make it a bit deeper by you having to pick and chose the right groups with the right skills to do certain jobs.
That being said I never liked it that because of arbitrary decisions (dying because not "loyal" enough...what?) some characters bite the dust, so for the last mission on the citadel, how would you like that everything is as I described, with you splitting up teams and then get to play them in turn. Depending on how many surviving teammembers you have you go with three, or only two or alone or have to prioritze missions.Tyyr wrote: You have to be able to get it wrong. If you can't lose then you didn't actually win. It doesn't have to be easy to lose, but it does have to be a possibility.
Now here is the thing, contrary to missions so far, even on normal the missions are very challenging AND you need to keep a tight control on your squad since NOW if someone dies this means death of the character. No magical ressurection as soon as you are clear and you better start using medigel BEFORE they bite the dust. And if you die yourself with the character you are currently controlling you automatically switch to the remaining squadmate. If you loose a squadmember you get a short sequence informing the rest of the strike-teams of the loss at the end of the respective turn, if noone dies you radio in that you reached your waypoint, everybody is ok and then switch to the next team.
If you make it to the very end, with everyone you brought with, alive is ONLY dependent now on your player skill and NOT on the script. Would add even more tension and excitment since OMFG, never mind quicksave, but characters now can die IN BATTLE and not because of death by script! As someone who never really bothered in battle with his squadmates, since Shepard alone is more than sufficient to roflstomp everything (I admit, I do not play on insanity) this would be a nice way to force me to actually play better and make use of my squadmates.
Imho, every ending that works HAS to get rid of the starchild. Not of the cataclyst maybe, if it is only a battery, or a targeting computer against reapers or something, but having it the controlling intelligence of the reapers destroys the whole lore. How anyone can defend the ending we got (and there are plenty who do, probably wearing scarfs in summer and hornglasses) with such a plothole in it is frankly beyond me.Tyyr wrote: Well, like I said the Crucible as a trap thing was an early attempt to fix the ending. Since then I've moved on as I realized I couldn't write ME3 fic without throwing the whole plot out and starting over so I may as well change the ending entirely.