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Re: Galactic News Service (STAPLIC SIM NEWS)
Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 12:19 am
by Lt. Staplic
Galactic News Network
Klingon Wars Rest
The last year saw little fighting on the part of the Klingons as most clans work on re organizing their fleets and keeping control of their own worlds. It is unknown how long this peace will last, but it is clear that the Klingons are running out of resources to keep fighting eachother, and those clans that don't have access to a shipyard or larger mines and refineries could soon be attacking neighboring powers in an attempt to steal such things from them.
Re: Galactic News Service (STAPLIC SIM NEWS)
Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 6:00 am
by Lt. Staplic
Galactic News Network
Cardassians Conquer Ferangi
In a stunning display of organization and sheer firepower the Cardassian Union invaded the Ferangi Alliance, secured the space, destroyed its navy and received a complete surrender from the Alliance government within three months. The stunning display has left many in the Federation in awe.
The Cardassians moved in with multiple fleets under cloak, three battles are believed to have taken place in mid to late January as anti-Piracy raids near either end of the Ferangi Alliance space were engaged by different Cardassian fleets. The small raiding groups were no match for the superior Cardassian Firepower. These fleets encircled the Union shortly after this preventing the transit of any civilian vessels.
The first battle of the war however occurred at system 182, which has long been a strategic point between the Cardassians and Ferangi. The Ferangi border defense fleet was engaged near this system; however they were met with overwhelming odds and were quickly destroyed.
It late February the Invasion fleet from the battle of 182 was engaged by the remnants of the Ferangi Internal Fleet, who fought valiantly and destroyed just under 60 cardassian vessels, the highest kill count for a Ferangi Fleet in several decades, and damaged some 300+ other ships. The severe losses inflicted upon the Ferangi group however took it’s toll and they were unable to continue matching firepower.
The last battle took place in early march with the token defense force of Feranginar, serving their duty to defend their homeworld against the overwhelming firepower of the Invading Cardassians. Less than fourty-eight hours later the Ferangi Alliance government surrendered to the Admiral of the invasion force.
While little is known about the arrangement, it is believed that the Cardassians will likely try and keep the Ferangi economy intact during the transition, and will likely use minimal force to simply collect their take and let the Ferangi be.
Jacorn Protests over Deal with Tholians
A deal brokered late last year between the Tholian Emperor and the President of the Jacorn Alliance has lead to wide protests by the Jacorn citizens. The strained relationship between the Jacorn and Tholians streatches back to the revelation of the Jacorn Alliance to the rest of the Alpha and Beta Quadrant, and reached new lows just a few years ago when the Jacorn fought to preserve the Yrridian State from Tholian Conquest.
The new President however agreed to allow lightly armed transports access to Jacorn space, allowing the Tholians to resume trade at the Neutral Station, for the first time since severing diplomatic relations with the Federation.
It is unknown how the President will respond to these protests, and no official statement has been made by the Executive’s Office.
Tholian Ships Go Missing
Seemingly overnight nearly half of the mothballed ships of the Tholian Navy disappeared. Many of these ships have not been in mothballs long, being shut down recently due to large scale budget cuts by the government to avert a default.
It also appears that the Tholian Government was shorted in tax income this year as many clan leaders have appearently started to hold out on the Government. This has led many analyists to conclude that many of the extreme dissenting clans may be on the way to gear up for a large scale attack on the Empire and to replace the Emperor.
Turmoil in the Klingon Wars
The Olmagh Clan was at the center of a lot of action this year. Early in the year they launched a mission into the Zn’ot Clan whose fleet was dismantled by a Federation Task Force two years ago. They engaged with a fleet of the T’Glok Clan, handing them an unexpected loss and taking over the Zn’ot Space.
At the same time however the Marun Clan made their move on Q’onoS, overwhelming the Olmaugh ships in orbit and taking the planet. This has given the Marun a major advantage and could soon see them emerge as the favorite over the T’Glok clan to conquer and reunite the clans.
Klingons Attack Romulans
A Raid by one of the lower Klingon Clans was attempted against the Romulan Empire this year. The raiding fleet was intercepted and destroyed by Romulan border defense fleets which suffered only minor losses in the engagement.
While direct access to the Romulan Government is difficult to get, the attack has angered many of the Romulan Senators and it is expected that the Praetor will be pressured into some form of response.
Re: Galactic News Service (STAPLIC SIM NEWS)
Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 11:49 pm
by Lt. Staplic
Anticipated Jacorn Election Results are In
Jacora 2424
With Appearances by the Federation President, Riots in the Streets, and a series of campaigns and debates througout the year this marks one of the most closely watched elections in recent history for the Jacorn. With the debates serving to weaken the barely reborn Republic Party at the hands of the Liberal Front and the President's own Alliance Party, it was no surprise that the Republic Party soon disappeared with the majority of it's constituents backing the Liberal Front Candidate. Following the Federation Presidents arrival the Federalist Party re-emerged from within the Liberal Front Party, withdrawing it's support for the candidate and becoming a fairly well off political power after the elections.
The intense debates with in such parties as the Skoliro and National Parties saw the demise of them both to two new parties: National Defense Party and Local Defense Party. The Nationals support a more Liberal Front Styled approach with a strong defense and an end to friendly relations with such powers as the Tholians who, only two years ago were at war with the Jacorn. The Local Defense Party is not as caring about what it deems "passive" relations with local powers so long as the Jacorn remain primarily internally focused and isolated.
The Techno Party, which focuses on the internal infrastructure of the Jacorn State also recieved a few percentage points from the dissolving parties. Both the Conservative and Liberal Parties lost votes to the new Defense Parties, or to the two major parties themselves.
The Final Votes allowed the President's party to maintain it's plurality, but only just with a 1% difference between themselves and the Liberal Front Party.
The Final Election Results:
Alliance Party: 15%
Liberal Front Party: 14%
Confederate Party: 8%
Techno Party: 9%
National Defense Party: 12%
Local Defense Party: 11%
Federalist Party: 11%
Conservative party: 10%
Liberal Party: 10%
Re: Galactic News Service (STAPLIC SIM NEWS)
Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 2:25 pm
by Lt. Staplic
Galactic News Network
Former Nagus Arrested and Tried for Treason
Following a brief manhunt the former Grand Nagus of the Ferangi Alliance was apprehended by Cardassian authorities early this year. The Nagus is being charged with treason against the Union, and the Ferangi people.
This is traced back to the fact that the Nagus decided to cancel all prior debts and destroy all technology the Alliance had just after the Union entered Ferangi space. The Nagus was tried by the Cardassians, in a Ferangi-styled court proceeding. The Nagus was found guilty, stripped of all titles, properties, and assets. Following this the Nagus was released, his current whereabouts are unknown.
“It was truly a despicable act” One Cardassian Official released. “He didn’t hurt the Union. It wasn’t OUR money that was sent out. He hurt the Ferangi, his own kind. He taxed millions of dollars out of them, then gave it away with ridiculous terms attached to it, and then finally cancelled all debts cutting the Ferangi people off from ever seeing their hard-earned money again.”
When asked about the unusual sentence for Treason against the Union one official said, “Is death really that much worse for a Ferangi than to be stripped of his wealth and left as a beggar on the streets?”
Cardassians Blockade Neutral Trade Station
System 581
The Cardassian’s fleets arrived this year cutting off access to the NTS for the Tholian Empire, the one state it appears that refused to reinstate the debt forgiven by the former Nagus. According to the represtentatives of the two states the Cardassians attempted to quietly reinstate the debt, while the Tholians refused citing the official message forgiving the debt before the fall of the Ferangi Alliance.
Following this the Union announced the blockade would be put in place to remove from the Empire the owed 25,000,000 credits plus a 5% annual interest.
Cardassians Invade Cloran Space
Fresh off their successful invasion of the Ferangi Alliance, the Cardassians quickly moved in and neutralized the Cloran Fleet before annexing the whole of their state. There was little resistance reported among the Clorans, but it is unclear what exactly happened during the brief conflict.
The Union’s rapid expansion, invasions, and colonization has rapidly changed the face of the map, as the size of the Union is beginning to rival that of the Federation and Romulan Star Empire.
Federation citizens near the Cardassian Border have become fearful for their safety after the Cardassian attacks. Some have gone so far as to pack up and move back toward the core of the Federation or at least further inward. Others have begun to arm themselves as seen in the sharp rise in private fire-arm sales in the region over the past 18 months.
Tholian Warships decloak infront of Cardassian Blockade
System 581
Following the Cardassian Blockade the Tholian Government sent a number of its newest Xar Class Battleships to escort it’s freighters under cloak. The hulking ships are far from the traditional size of the Tholian Navy, yet its lineage is easily seen.
The single ships were no match for the Cardassian Fleet present at the blockade and were quickly overwhelmed. It does however appear that the Empire has drastically upgraded its potential with these large vessels and what appeared to be Transphasic cloaking technology.
Jacorn Mass Riots over Tholian Actions
The Jacorn people have begun mass demonstrations all across their space in protest of the Tholian actions. The riots began when the President declared a Jacorn trade vessel would accompany all Tholian trade vessels. Many found the sudden change in the Presidents policy in favor of the Tholians distasteful and disturbing. Most trade ship captains resented the overreaching policy of the President and it’s attempts to control their use of their ships. None of the interviewed captains stayed with the Tholian ships.
The Main part of the riots began when it became clear that the Tholians sent their escort ships: Battleships, under cloak through Jacorn Space. Many view this as an act of war against the Jacorn Alliance, those who don’t still find it another disdainful example of the low quality of treatment the Tholians have shown the Jacorn since First Contact.
“The Tholians have repeatedly opposed the wishes of our people, they have claimed our sovereign worlds, they have fought against us, destroyed our ships, killed our brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, sons, and daughters to satisfy their territorial aggression, they send warships through ourspace without warning, or notification. The President has done everything possible including alienating himself before his people to try and amend relations between our two states, and THIS is how the Tholians respond.” Dr. Ilvup Dralin of the University of Jacora.
Romulans Attack Kannik Clan Space
Unsurprisingly the Romulans responded to last years raid with an attack of their own. The Invasion took less than a month before Romulans had control of all four systems. The distance from Federaiton borders made surveillance difficult, but rumors from the area circulate that new powerful Romulan ships lead the assault spearheaded by the new Romulan Battleship design, which experts believe to be the class demonstrated in front of the Federation and Klingons several years ago, now built in high numbers.
Re: Galactic News Service (STAPLIC SIM NEWS)
Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 7:41 am
by Lt. Staplic
Galactic News Network
Jacorn President Refuses to Leave Office
Following the complete withdraw of support from virtually every major party, the current president has declared Martial Law to keep order. Without any support, many dissenters, including the majority of the Senate have been arrested and are being detained in high security prisons.
Re: Galactic News Service (STAPLIC SIM NEWS)
Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 4:42 pm
by Lt. Staplic
Federation President Q&A
Opening Statement: Let me open by saying I was as shocked as you all when I heard the news of the end of democratic rule in the Jacorn Alliance. The Federation cannot more strongly condem the actions of the present regime. We must consider this an assault on democratic government, not from without but from within. We are currently working with those members of the Jacorn military that were able to flee. We understand that many members of the military were gunned down in a well planned coup and lament that loss of life.
Question: Mr. President, what response will the Federation have to this situation?
President: At this point the Federation has strongly protested the action of the Jacorn president and demanded that he step down. Anything beyond that is premature at this moment. We are presently attempting to come to grips with the Jacorn ships that have sought refuge within our space and will consider further actions from there.
Question: Mr. President, pardon me, but what if he refuses to step down?
President: We feel speculation on the future at this point is premature and we are hopeful that the Jacorn president will see sense...
Question: There are rumors the Federation might consider military action if he does not, can you comment on those?
President: We have no comment on that at this time.
Question: So military action is not off the table?
President: At this point we can't rule anything out.
Question: If military action occurs do you think the Tholian's will become involved?
President: On that matter specifically we have no comment. In general we would assume that if the usurper of authority within the Jacorn Alliance is relying upon the word of the Tholian Empire they are more mad than they currently appear. The Tholian leadership have neither the military capacity to resist nor the moral fiber to back their words with action.
Question: What of the actions of the Cardassians and Romulans is the Federation overstreched?
President: Our ability to defend ourselves has not and will not be in doubt. But we cannot deny that the present situation limits our options in dealing with other powers at the present. Until at least one area is stabilized things will remain difficult.
Question: What of the rumors of a diplomatic breech with the Cardassians over their latest conquest?
President: We have expressed our displeasure both publicly and privately with the Union. Our lines of communication remain open for the time being as we hope engagement with them can prove productive. If you will excuse me, there is much work to do.
Re: Galactic News Service (STAPLIC SIM NEWS)
Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:40 pm
by Lt. Staplic
Galactic News Network
Federation Forces Cross Into Jacorn Space
It has been officially disclosed from the office of the President that there is a small contingent of starfleet, as well as some 300 Jacorn vessels who defected earlier in the year, has crossed the border into Jacorn Space to remove the current regime and reinstate the democratic process.
"In cooperation with Free Jacorn forces the Federation has begun the liberation of the free Jacorn people from the illegitimate rule of the usurping regime. We urge all true Jacorn citizens to lay down their arms and restore governing authority to the people. Any Jacorn ship that powers down its weapons and decloaks will be granted full amnesty. The same applies to all civilian and other military forces."
The Commander of the Free Jacorn added a single quote from their own history:
"Onward we march for Liberty, for ourselves, for our brothers, and for our kin."
Re: Galactic News Service (STAPLIC SIM NEWS)
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 6:18 pm
by Lt. Staplic
Galactic News Network
2425: Jan - March
Tholian Rebellion
Several dissenting clans made a move this year in a coup against the current Emperor of the Tholian Empire. The conflict is developing slowly as the rebels appearently expected more resistance in the first months. They have held position in northern Tholian space while the Emperor has begun assembling his forces for a coordinated counter strike.
Jacorn Coup D’état
Following the exodus of legislative support from the President after the elections, which held only a tiny victory for the President’s party, the former President scrapped all mothballed ships, and ordered all Jacorn Military to impose martial law. Senetors were arrested and imprisoned. Planetary heads that refused to submit were replaced with regional governors loyal to the President. And all resistance was suppressed leading to the deaths of a few thousand Jacorn when protests on the homeworld turned violent.
Following the move refugees nearest the Federation moved across the border to escape the tyrant rule. Only those closest that could make it through before the new patrols reached the area were able to cross however. Additionally it is believed a sizable portion of the Jacorn Navy defected to the Federation rather than take part in the coup.
Cardassians Invade Breen
The Cardassian Union, fresh off successful conquests of the Ferangi and Clorans have turned their attention to their long-time nemesis: the Breen. Fighting started in January and lasted through much of early February before it slowed down. It is believed that the Breen fleet was crippled in late January and that they are stalling in challenging the Cardassians. In the mean time rumors circulate that the Breen Government has tried repeatedly to offer reasonable terms of peace to the Cardassians who have turned them down at every turn. Indeed it is believed the Cardassians have begun wide-spread bombardment of Breen worlds killing millions of civilians on the far side of Breen space.
A big shock for much of the quadrant was the revelation of a very large Breen Fleet hidden with the use of cloaking technology. The fleet appeared when the Cardassian invasion reached Breen to hand the Cardassians their first military defeat in several years.
Federation Invades Jacorn
Following the Coup D’Etat the President ordered forces be sent in to remove the President and restore the Jacorn Democracy. The campaign lasted approximately one month from February to March. Upon reaching Jacora and the destruction of their fleet there the President appears to have shot himself before the Federation took down the planets shield.
Romulans Invade Pleufait
The Romulan invasion of the Kannik last year was seen by many as questionable, but justifiable after the Kannik Clan had launched a series of raids on the Empire. This year’s conquest is not viewed in even that positive light as the Romulan Navy moved into the Pleufait Clan Space. There was not believed to be much fighting in the conflict as the Pleufait garnished a smallish fleet and were not the most proficient warriors in the Empire.
Time Line of Events:
Jan 1: Cardassian Fleet’s cross into Breen space. Jacorn President’s Coup declared a success. Federation begins preparations for strike on the Jacorn.
Jan 2: First Battles of Breen-Cardassian War at 79,80,90. Cardassian victory at all 3. Tholian Rebels move in.
Jan 8: A Large Breen Fleet is revealed in defense of Breen. Breen victory.
Jan 10: Cardassian Orders destroy several Breen Starbases. Starfleet ships begin to assemble under cloak at the assigned coordinates.
Jan 19: Second Battle of Breen with overwhelming Cardassian Forces. Crush Breen forces; although it is believed around 100 ships escaped the battle.
Jan 23: Breen Fleet begins Obstruction of Cardassian supply lines. Tholian Rebels secure most of Northern Tholian Space, await counter attack.
Feb 1: Romulans invade Pleufait Clan Space
Feb. 5: main supply lines reopen; supply lines for 2nd and 5th Fleet remain blocked.
Feb 10: All Federation Forces have assembled and they depart for system J1. As they move Communication to systems 350,351,J1, 343, and J3 go down.
Feb 16: Cardassian Fleet redeployed to protect supply lines. Two Breen ship’s are destroyed attempting to stop 6th Supply lines.
Feb 18: Romulan Invasion believed to have ended with Romulan success.
6 March: Federation ships move on system 343 just after a Jacorn fleet in the area pulled back from the system. They arrive and test the planets defensive systems loosing a ship in the process.
9 March: Battle of Jacora. Large portion of Jacorn Fleet turns on the spot giving Federation the victory.
10 March: Jacorn President commits suicide. Planetary shield drops and planetary defenses step down. Conflict Ends.