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Re: Worst Fanfic You've Ever Encountered?
Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 2:24 pm
by Tsukiyumi
Tyyr wrote:Well at least you know what you're getting into up front.
Well, that's nice, at least.
Re: Worst Fanfic You've Ever Encountered?
Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 8:26 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Yeah, always nice to have some advance warning.
Re: Worst Fanfic You've Ever Encountered?
Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 8:37 pm
by Mark
What was your take on it, Rochey? Fan-tastic? 8)
Re: Worst Fanfic You've Ever Encountered?
Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 10:37 pm
by RK_Striker_JK_5
Okay... this is bad. The guy's a classic Gary Stu. He just exists. There's no emotion behind him, no passion. And Laura? Laura? That's not a Betazoid name, even taking into account her mixed heritage. Oh, and she just goes for him. Ugh...
Please tell me my writing's not this bad. Please...
Re: Worst Fanfic You've Ever Encountered?
Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 10:52 pm
by Mark
You talking about the link I posted?
No my friend. Not even close.
Re: Worst Fanfic You've Ever Encountered?
Posted: Wed May 12, 2010 11:30 pm
by RK_Striker_JK_5
Yeah, Mark. The special ops one with the Freeman guy. And thanks.

Re: Worst Fanfic You've Ever Encountered?
Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 3:41 pm
by Reliant121
Mark wrote:You talking about the link I posted?
No my friend. Not even close.
Ayah, that is horrid. I got as far as "my dads the Excalibur no1." and then closed it.
Re: Worst Fanfic You've Ever Encountered?
Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 10:01 pm
by RK_Striker_JK_5
I got about halfway through the first chapter and then gave up. Piece. of. Shit.
Re: Worst Fanfic You've Ever Encountered?
Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 4:10 am
by Mark
Yeah, I never did see much to his stories except how everyone including Picard should kiss his main characters ass.
Re: Worst Fanfic You've Ever Encountered?
Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 6:03 pm
by Deepcrush
Read for about a minute and found the story totally bland.
Re: Worst Fanfic You've Ever Encountered?
Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 10:27 pm
by RK_Striker_JK_5
Deepcrush wrote:Read for about a minute and found the story totally bland.
Good point, too. When he just
lists stuff it has no passion. It's just Freeman reading off a piece of paper.
Re: Worst Fanfic You've Ever Encountered?
Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 10:33 pm
by Deepcrush
Pretty much. "Freedman, you're the perfect person... here's why!"
Item one, item two, item three, item four... etc...
At some point its more like this kid was just making some hero to jerk off to.