Crossover: The Reality Bomb

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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Rhinox patted Fel's side. "When you wake up, you'll be as good as new." He held up the data slate Phebes gave him, scanning through the information and downloading it directly to his memory banks. Difficult, but with the technology this ship has, doable. he looked up and spied the nearest crewmember on the James Kirk. "You," he bellowed, ioncreasing his vocalizer's volume. "I need a full inventory of what this ship has in store for raw materials and portable energy sources."

The crewmember tossed a quick salute before running off. Rhinox knelt down and peered inside the service panel. A small panel opened up on his palm and a multi-tool extended. "Let's get to work. Phebes, where shall we start?"
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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by Mikey »

Phebes stole a glance at the curious hood that Ashok wore in place of a helmet while the librarian told him, "The one called Xan is built like an enginseer, or even a servitor, but I doubt he'd be much help." Then, at a glance from Ashok, the other Imperial servants left the Angel Sanguine alone with the Dreadnought. As Ashok gently pushed his thoughts into the nearly-comatose brother's mind, he began sending images of the Emperor's mortal wounds at the hands of Horus and His subsequent interrment in the Golden Throne and ten thousand years of living death. Xan, thinking that a challenge was about to ensue, came over to watch - Ashok spared him a glance and said, "This is not your concern. Leave us." He finished communicating with the dreadnought to find Xan still observing him. "I have so far afforded you the respect of a fellow warrior, more than your xeno breed deserves," Ashok said quietly. "My patience grows short, however." The librarian's eyes glowed red in the shadow of his hood and Xan stumbled back a step under a feeling he was completely unfamiliar with - irrational fear, egendered by that smoldering gaze.
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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by Aaron »

Phebes retrieved the STC that Huron-Fel had provided them and plugged it into his slate, "the priests of Mars would give much for this" he commented while plugging a small cable from the slate into a small socket in the ancient Dreadnoughts service panel. Reading the scrolling data that shortly came up, he turned slightly to address Rhinox, "it appears that the power core has been completely removed and the internal connections fused in the process, I am an Apothecary, not a Tech-Marine but it seems that we can simply remove the reactor housing and replace it in a single unit. We will need to manufacture new connectors and power feeds however and whether we can find or construct a new core is beyond my training."

"I will have to leave that matter in your hands, Rhinox. Though I will be able to assist you in installing the new one and I can of course revive him." Knowing there was time to deal with the matter the Librarian had left unsaid, Phebes turned and addressed the Imperial Commissar. "Cain! You could make yourself useful, take your aide and find us something decent to eat. I grow tired of suit sustenance."

Phebes turned back to Rhinox and in what appeared to be an after-thought, gestured to the female Marine to join them. "If your going to be of assistance to us then you should start to learn how to tend to us, we are made differently to you. Would her assistance trouble you Rhinox?"
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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Rhinox bowed his head to Phebes. "It'd be quite nice." He looked to his right as the crewmember he talked to ran up with a detapad. He look it and scrolled down. "Hmm, yeah. I can machine up everything I need for Huron here, right in the shuttle bay." He flexed his fingers, the hydraulic fluid in the joint popping, before he readied himself to remove panels.

Optimus Primal stood apart from the rest, looking at a screen. His optic scanners shot a bright green beam forth as he mass-downloaded files from the ship's computers. The crew seems competent enough... but this Janeway... slag, she makes Terrosaur look capable.
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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by Monroe »

Janeway walked over to the new comer, "Hello I'm sure this must be all very scary for you as it has been for everyone else. You've been brought here by a powerful being called Q. Your bio said you'd be more likely to accept this truth that many of the others. Still though he's setup a small slide show if you'd like."

Janeway motioned to the film screen which began to play anew for Iceman.

Xan continued to watch the others work on the fallen Dreadnought. To keep himself entertained targeting brackets fell on the heads of everyone around the large metallic creature before he dismissed them and let them fall once more. The technology on this ship was impressive. And while their armor was pathetic their ability to adapt was uncanny. Here was a cyborg from thousands of years into the future of a different universe and they were fixing it. Perhaps they could fix me too Xan thought before his programing wiped out the thought and he returned to watching the others for potential targets. No change in his emotions or reactions detectable.

Once the slide show had ended, Janeway gathered everyone near her, "Men, women, cyborgs, we have the list of artifacts needed to shut down the Reality Bomb." She said holding up the datapad Q had given her. "I hold here the answers to our universes' problem." She looked through some of it, "Yes, its all here."

"Will you cease wasting our time and say what is needed?"

Janeway blinked, "Ah yes, well the first thing is that Q has provided us with a device allowing us to go through the multiverse just like he can. We're installing it now. Our first stop is to what's known as a 'Naqahdah mine. Apparently this Naqahdah can be harnessed into Naquadria, which is extremely powerful and explosive. The entire base is operated by what's known as a ZPM powers the entire base. We need both a massive amount of Naqahdah to turn into Naquadria and the ZPM. Supposedly the culture according to the datapad harness human slaves as hosts for Goa'uld." She scans over the page a little bit, "Something about a slave body guard race... so I think our best course of action is to make peaceful contact with this Anubis and offer a peaceful exchange in technology and trade for the ZPM and large amounts of Naqahdah." Janeway smiles as she looks for the reactions of everyone else.
How many Minbari does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by Aaron »

Phebes looked up at Janeway long enough to make sure his booming laughter wouldn't be mistaken to be directed at anyone but Janeway.

"You propose that we trade our resources for what this Xenos despot has? I suggest we simply assault the mine and take what we need, we have a capable enough force here and if we can construct a drop pod or modify one of your things here to carry Huron-Fel, we should fare well enough."

At this Phebes turned back to the Dreadnoughts chassis and resumed tutoring Dietrich on his functioning and the Astartes in general.
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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Primal stalked over, deliberately slamming his feet into the deck plating. He marched right up to Janeway, double-barreled blaster cannon sliding out of his left arm.

"Let me get this straight. You propose trade with someone who breeds humans as slaves for little more than hosts for some parasite??? How many crashes has your hard drive had, you glitching empty?"

He loomed over the admiral, snarling. "I for one will not 'negotiate' with any slag like that, Admiral." he turned back to the assembled group. "I don't know about you, but I'm thinking busting in and blowing the Pit outta this Anubis' operation and maybe sending him to Unicron in the process!"
Sionnach Glic
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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by Sionnach Glic »

"May I suggest we at least find out what we're up against?" Commented Cain, striding up to them, Jurgen at his heels. He turned to Janeway. "Do you have any specific information? What, exactly, are we up against? Types of weapons? Quality of troops? Numbers, defences, complex layout, etc?"
"You've all been selected for this mission because you each have a special skill. Professor Hawking, John Leslie, Phil Neville, the Wu-Tang Clan, Usher, the Sugar Puffs Monster and Daniel Day-Lewis! Welcome to Operation MindFuck!"
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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by Aaron »

Phebes ghosted up beside Cain, Dietrich close behind him. Evidently she felt that her best course of action was simply to tag along with the huge medic. "Commissar Cain is correct, as one would expect from a Hero of the Imperium", at this he nodded respectfully to the man "we need more information, what can we expect from these Xenos and if we are to make an assault, do we have anything better then these to ride in on?" At the least he gestured derisively at the Federation shuttlecraft scattered around the bay, none looking large enough to hold himself, let alone any of the others gathered here.

"Though I would prefer we simply assault the site, perhaps we could consider a less up front approach", glancing around Phebes gaze fell upon Baur and the man with two pistols. "These two seem well suited for sneaking about."
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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by Monroe »

Janeway nods, "Yes, here it is." She says tapping a few buttons on the notepad. After a good ten seconds of pushing what seems random buttons, "There seems to be a few thousand Jaffa guarding the Naqahdah mine and defense fortress. Well this is interesting, its a pyramid used as a landing bay for alien vessels..."

"Get on with the threat assessment." Xan interrupted annoyed.

"Oh, well sometimes my robotic friend you have to sit and relax. I have one cyborg returning to humanity under my belt. If you ever need a fr-"

Xan interrupted again, "Shut up."

Janeway frowned, "Alright, well here we go, several Jaffa which act as incubators for young Goa'uld. They are armed with staff weapons that fire energy beam weapons. They're slow firing and used more to terrorize the humans who believe the Goa'uld are gods." Many of the people from the Imperaium shifted at the sound of that. Not only were these humans bred to be hosts for xeno masters but they were led to believe in a false god.

"Apprently the Kull warriors are super soldiers which protect the landing pyramid and a series of massive warships in space." Janeway continued to read, "The super soldiers are immune to energy weapons and most small arms." Her eyes flickered to the transformer's cannon still out on display, "Not that that should be a problem... There are three Ha'tak class motherships in orbit. The Kirk should be able to handle them according to these specs ((In the evening of technology Ha'tak ships are still below that of most Stargate ships so with technology being even Ha'tak ships would be below a Galaxy class starship)) but we they could prove dangerous which is why I still think our best action is diplomatic."

"Damnit, If what you say is true then we should try to rescue these humans they keep as slaves." Jack said after being quiet for a long time.

Janeway shrugged, "That's a political decision best not up to the digression of a starfleet Admiral. Oh, one more thing. It says here at the bottom that we should enter and leave quickly or Replicators... whatever that is, might detect the disturbance and send a ship. Apparently they like to eat metal or some such."

Zanitav growled softly, "I wonder if this Terran has ever even seen combat. Maybe someone else should command the ship."

"Oh and to answer your question, we have a device called a transporter which can beam you from one location to another."

Xan pulled out his translocator and shot the small disk towards the catwalk. He rematerialized on top, "I have my own."
How many Minbari does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by Tsukiyumi »

Roland decided it was time to participate in this discussion; he understood now why he'd been brought to this strange place.

He used an old trick of acoustics to make his voice considerably louder than humanly possible as he spoke, " Hear me, strangers, for time is brief! I am Roland of Gilead, and I have known of this problem for some while. Time flows differently in my world, a result of damage to the Dark Tower, which is the hub of all realities. The damage has been increasing for many years, and I now believe it to be caused by this 'reality bomb' you discussed. I have sworn my life to finding the Tower, and fixing this damage; now, fate has brought me here, where I can make a difference. If this 'An-you-bis' has made slaves of humans, we will free them, and we shall take what we need from his mines." Roland paused, while the others continued to watch him. He sat, cross-legged, and pulled a small bundle of tobacco from a pouch in his satchel, then began quickly, but expertly rolling a cigarette.

" We are all ka-tet: bound by destiny. We must take whatever steps are necessary to complete this task, or our worlds will burn, and we will perish. That is incentive enough, I believe." He turned to the large beast-machine Rhinox and the one called Phebes, and bowed slightly.

The machine returned the gesture, and Phebes stared at him coldly. Roland continued, " Can you fix the Guardian?" he gestured at the slumbering form of Huron-Fel. The two nodded briefly, and Roland continued, "Surely with it's might alone, we could win the day."

Phebes stepped forward, eying Roland and the man Jack Bauer, "I was just discussing this with the others: a direct approach might be fine, but we think the two of you," he paused, gesturing to Bauer, " could sneak in, and gauge the enemy's strength first hand before we commit."

Roland pondered this for a moment before he responded, " This is a good plan. I have seen many battles, and none were won without accurate knowledge of the enemy. I accept."

Jack shook his head again, " Sure, why not? None of this can be real anyways. I need something to do while I wait out this hallucination, I guess."

Roland nodded at Jack, his voice returning to normal, " You must think this a dream. I would have, long ago. We are settled, then. We will scout ahead, and return with garrison numbers, and capability assessments. Before we travel, though, I would like to see this place. Do you have a saloon?"

Janeway opened her mouth for a moment, then closed it again before she spoke, " We could, if we wished. Food and drink will be provided... for all of you who need it." she added, glancing around the room nervously.

Roland bowed, tapping his throat three times with his index and middle finger, " Thankee, sai. I have been traveling for many years, and could use a respite. Also, I am low on ammunition. Do you have an armory? I can pick out what I can use."

Janeway turned to another of the oddly-dressed men near her and whispered. What Roland could hear, he didn't understand. She turned back to him, " In good time, sir gunslinger."
There is only one way of avoiding the war – that is the overthrow of this society. However, as we are too weak for this task, the war is inevitable. -L. Trotsky, 1939
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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Primal nodded. "Good idea. Sometimes I get a bit... carried away." he looked to his old friend. "Rhinox, will Huron be ready when we need him?"

Rhinox nodded as several carts of equipment were wheeled up. "Thanks," he said to the crewmembers. He knelt down and hefted a bulbous power core. With servos barely straining, he lifted it off the anti-grav cart and set it on the deck plating. He rubbed his chin as his processors worked. "Yeah, yeah. This'll be perfect. I should be able to adapt this perfectly to Huron, here." He looked to Primal and flashed him a thumbs-up.

Primal smiled. "Good." he looked back to Janeway. "This isn't the Caretaker, Janeway. We'll use all our resources here." (Primal downloaded info in an earlier post)
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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by Sionnach Glic »

"Right." Cain said aloud, pondering over the numbers. He wasn't particularly thrilled with the idea of assaulting an enemy compound guarded by a regiment-strength defensive force. "While I'm in full agreement that the humans on that planet should be liberated, are we really sure we're capable of taking on a regiment-strength force, with orbital support? Going in and getting ourselves killed will acomplish nothing. I suggest a more subtle approach."

"What do you suggest, Commissar?" Phebes asked. Cain turned to Janeway.

"You said you had a teleporter array, right?"

"Transporters. Yes." She replied.

"Good. Then perhaps a multi-pronged offensive would be the best option." He looked around, taking in his companions, trying to judge who would be best suited for what. "I suggest we divide into three units. One, on this ship, will arrive in orbit and attempt to negotiate with this heretic leader. If he gives us what we need, then we can go about our next task with no further problems. We can deal with this false god at a later date."

"And if not?" One of the humans -Baur, if he remembered right - asked. Cain nodded.

"A fair question. That's where the other two units come in. The second unit will be deployed during the neogitiations via the teleporters. It should consist of our less....subtle personel. Our representatives from the Astartes being a good example." He said, gesturing at the Dreadnought. "They'll attack the perimiter of the camp, drawing the defensive forces in and acting as a distraction. While the attack is going on, the third unit will be teleported into the compound itself, infiltrating stealthily into the enemy base to retrieve the objective. Once they're reached it, units two and three will be beamed back up."

He looked around. "Any objections?"
"You've all been selected for this mission because you each have a special skill. Professor Hawking, John Leslie, Phil Neville, the Wu-Tang Clan, Usher, the Sugar Puffs Monster and Daniel Day-Lewis! Welcome to Operation MindFuck!"
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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by Mikey »

"I am surprised at you, commissar," Ashok's voice rolled from the doorway of the bay. Several sets of eyes turned toward him; most didn't even realize the librarian had gone. "You would allow this despot to continue using humans or his foul xeno ends and to persist feeding them heresy?"
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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

Primal turned back to Janeway. "Admiral, my... apologies for blowing a gasket earlier. It's been a stressful cycle. Any chance we could get some time alone to plan?"

Janeway nodded. "Of course," she said, leaving.

Primal smiled and waved, waiting until she was gone. He then wheeled around, digging a small divot in the deck plating. "Listen up!" he shouted. "The crew this ship has seems competent enough, but we've got some slaggin' big problems with the higher-up here!" he waited for Ashok and the rest to come closer. "Janeway... she's an idiot! Her first mission, her ship the Voyager gets stranded in a remote part of the galaxy. The only way home, she blows up to keep out of the hands of some backwater power called the Kazon... and never thought to use a slaggin' timing device on the thing!"

he waited a half-second for the words to sink in. "She stranded her crew seventy years from home by not thinking of something you'd find on almost any piece of equipment on her ship! The return trip was fraught with inconsistency, and she turned down several methods that would get her crew home faster. Then there was Tuvix..."
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