Re: Where No Jedi Has Gone Before-restart
Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2009 3:26 am
I have no idea why I'm updating this already...
Deepcrush-Yes, I did.
I figured it fitting, you know?
Vic-Yes, poor him. Punished for Wes' antics. Pagh-Wraiths, eh? Interesting idea...
Sonic Glitch-Yes, and thanks.
Shh, spoilers. [/River_song]
Bob-Ah, thanks. It has been corrected.
Here we go!
Chapter Two: Killing of the Pawns
System 22-Alpha, at the edge of Known Space
Second Lieutenant Jecku Starr let out a long sigh and rubbed his eyes, desperately trying to keep them open. He was bored, bored, bored. In his five years at the edge of New Republic territory, not once had there been a need to send out any sort of warning. The only ships to show up were supply ships.
A low beeping interrupted Jecku's musings. His eyes fluttered open as his mind struggled to place the unfamiliar sound. What was that? Suddenly, it came to him; intruder alert. Something was coming from the Unknown Regions? A scoff escaped his lips as he flipped some switches.
One of the technicians, a Twi'lek, ran into the main operations center. "Sir, something's entered orbit."
Jecku stammered for a bit while his mind shifted into overdrive. What the hell was the procedure for this? He knelt down and slid open a drawer, pulling out a computer PADD. His thumb pressed down on one of the controls, allowing him to scroll through what he was supposed to do. Finally, "have you tried hailing them?"
The Twi'lek nodded. "Yes, but they refuse to answer. Their vessel is oddly shaped. It resembles a cube, measuring 3,036 meters a side."
Jecku scoffed. "A cube? Who the hell-" He was interrupted by an odd whine filling the room. He gasped as his bloodshot eyes saw several columns of energy appear. When the greenish swirls faded, several humanoids in black suits stood about.
The technician recoiled at the mere sight of them, his lekku twitching in fright. "What-what are y-
!" One of the humanoids raised his-her-its right arm, a heavily armored prosthesis with whirling bits of metal. Thin black tubules snaked out and impaled him in the skull. Pure, white-hot agony coursed through the wounds, almost as if liquid fire was coursing through his veins. A deadening sensation soon followed
Jecku, meanwhile, drew his blaster and pointed it at one of the humanoids. "S-stay back!" he shouted, his hands quivering in fear. One of the humanoids approached his desk, and he opened fire.
Two blaster bolts shot from his pistol and hit the creature, sending out a shower of sparks and pitching it back. Another creature walked up and Jecku fired, but this one had some sort of personal shielding around it. The plasma bolts bounced off a translucent barrier.
Before the lieutenant could react, the humanoid extended his own set of tubules. They hit Jecku square in the face, pumping billions of nanoprobes directly into him.
Two minutes later, the drones formerly known as Jecku Starr and the Twi'lek technician stood up, Borg implants already sprouting from their skin. Their eyes had taken on a dead sheen and their very essence was being subsumed by the Collective. One of the Borg walked over to Jecku's former console and injected it with nanoprobes. Other drones began transporting down, as well as equipment.
The invasion had begun.
Corona-class frigate RSS Shooting Star
Captain Remmi looked over the datapad in her hand, not sure what to make of her mission. All contact with the observation post in System 22-Alpha was lost two days ago. Her ship was the closest, and therefore was dispatched with due haste. Remmi didn't like this; 22-Alpha was near the Unknown Regions, and who knew what could come out of there?
The alpha shift navigator spoke up. "Captain, we are coming out of hyperspace in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... Reverting to real space."
Remmi stood up as the Shooting Star reverted to real space, the bluish haze outside the viewport breaking apart into millions of lines, each one shortening to a pinprick.
Suddenly, alarm klaxons sounded out. "Captain, we have thirty unknown vessels in orbit. Configuration is cube-shaped."
Remmi turned to the tactical officer, a Devaronian. "Lieutenant, bring up shields and weapons batteries." She turned back to her chair and sat back down. "Contact those things. I want to know what happened to the team down there."
The com officer spoke up. "Ma'am, we have an incoming transmission." Remmi nodded. "Put it through."
An indescribably alien voice came through. It was trillions speaking as one, in the deadest monotone Remmi had ever heard. "We are the Borg. Your ship is unable to withstand us. You will surrender and be prepared to be assimilated."
The Devaronian sneered. "Cocky little Sith, aren't they?" The ship rocked and bucked beneath their feet. "They are locking multiple tractor beams onto us!"
Remmi sneered. "Open fire, all weapons!"
The Shooting Star's five forward turbolaser cannons spat bright red plasma at the Borg cube ships, scoring the surface and gouging out sections of the grid-like outer hull. Ion cannon bolts impacted, sending out waves of bluish lightning as they overloaded systems and power conduits.
In return, several more greenish tractor beams lanced out and latched onto the frigate. The shield bubble quickly turned from white to a sickly yellow before collapsing entirely.
Remmi's brow was shining from a thin coat of sweat. The tactical officer looked up and growled. "Our weapons are having less and less effect on them. Shields collapsing!" The deck plating beneath them lurched again.
Remmi got to her feet and turned to him. "Launch the recorder buoy."
A small hatch above the Star's main ion engines opened and a pod shot out. Tiny thrusters flared, sending it along before it entered hyperspace.
The Borg cubes surrounded the Shooting Star, dwarfing the comparatively tiny 275 meter long Corona-class frigate. A dozen cutting beams lanced out, slicing through the hull. The main fuel cells detonated, causing the aft engine block to explode and send out a shockwave that crumpled the forward areas like a tin can.
The Corellian System. Headquarters for the Fifth Fleet
The recorder buoy exited hyperspace near Drall and was quickly picked up by an X-wing patrol. The snub-nosed fighters escorted the onyx device to the Intrepid-class Endurance, flagship of the Defense Force's Fifth Fleet.
Within an hour, General Etahn A'baht was in the main conference room with his senior staff, viewing the last moments of the Shooting Star. A'baht's whiskers twitched. An old memory came unbidden to the surface, a briefing on ships from the Milky Way Galaxy. He turned to one of his senior officers. "Compare those ships with ones in the Starfleet database."
The officer nodded and inputted some commands. The central holoprojector glowed and projected two images. One was a shot of the Borg ship. The other was a shifting series of ship schematics. Klingon, Romulan, Cardassian and other types flashed before it settled on one image. The text beneath identified it as Borg.
A smaller window detailed Starfleet's encounters with the cybernetic species and A'baht's blood grew cold. By the Force, he thought. He turned his head to one of his aides. "Contact Starfleet Command and Admiral Ackbar. Tell them we have a situation."
The aide, a human, nodded before running off.
Captain's log, Stardate 58122.9. The Enterprise is in orbit of Coruscant. After delivering a small envoy to the capital, I have authorized shore leave for the crew. I myself have decided to visit one of the more famous structures on this city-covered world.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard walked up the hundred steps of the Jedi Temple's main entrance, his hands clasped behind him. He looked up at the five towers jutting into the sky, one of them with the top blasted off and the other four blackened and damaged, lichen and vines crawling up the edifice. He glanced down at the main entrance as the double doors swung open, the left one coming close to an odd blue-colored box.
A grizzled Jedi with a day's worth of stubble appeared in the entrance. "Captain Picard?" Kam Solusar asked, the rugged Jedi Master smiling. "Welcome to the Coruscant Temple.It's not as far along as we like it, but we do have... other priorities."
Picard nodded and extended his hand. "The needs of the living, Master Solusar. I understand perfectly. Thank you for allowing me a tour of the Temple."
Kam nodded and clasped Picard's hand, pumping it twice. He broke the grip and walked beside Picard as the two large doors opened, allowing them to enter. "Not a problem, Captain. I'm pleased you've taken an interest in the Temple."
"My former councilor was trained as a Jedi," Picard replied. "And I've always had an interest in history." He paused in the main entrance hall and looked around, his body spinning about a bit. A pair of cleaning droids hovered near the top of the arched ceiling. But otherwise, he and Kam were alone. Then why do I hear voices?
"Even those not able to use the Force can hear the echoes," Kam said, answering Picard's unspoken question. His mouth formed a grim smile. "The Purges left a psychic stain here as deep as an ocean and as livid as the Maw."
Picard shook his head. "I don't believe so, Kam. These voices are familiar to me, they're " He held up his hand and cocked his head to the side, screwing his eyes shut. "No "
"Jean-Luc Picard "
"Jean-Luc Picard you will be assimilated ."
"Resistance is futile. You will-"
"NONONONO!" Picard screamed, his face flushing red. "Why here? Why now?"
Kam grabbed Picard's shoulders, spinning him around as rage and fear wafted off Picard. "Captain, focus! What are you talking about?"
Picard's eyes focused on the grizzled Jedi Master. "The Borg," he whispered. "They are here, in your reality. I don't know how, but they are here." His eyes widened. "We must stop them, Kam!
"The Borg?" Kam repeated. "Who are the Borg?"
Picard's combadge chirped. He reached up and tapped it. "Picard."
Commander Data's voice came through. "Sir, we have a priority transmission for you from the Corellian Star System, Admiral Etahn A'baht."
Kam stepped back and dropped his arms. "Captain-Jean-Luc-please be careful," he finally said. "I feel darkness gathering around you."
A tight smile crossed Picard's lips. "the Borg are the antithesis of everything you and I hold dear, Kam. It is their darkness you feel, not mine." He tapped his combadge. "Commander, one to beam up. Energize."
Kam shook his head as Picard was surrounded by the silvery transporter beam and dissolved, atom by atom, to be reassembled in high orbit. "Be well, Captain. And beware."
USS Enterprise, Coruscant orbit
Captain Picard rematerialized on the fleet flagship and stepped off the transporter pad, barely nodding to the transporter chief as he exited and speed-walked down the corridor, his legs eating up the distance. He boarded the nearest turbolift. "Bridge."
One minute later, the double doors opened and he stepped out onto the Enterprise's command center. "Have General A'baht's transmission sent to my ready room," he called out to his first officer.
The doors to the ready room slid open and he walked across to his desk near the corner, sitting down and inputting commands on the workstation in front of him. A few seconds later, the commander of the Fifth Fleet appeared on the small viewscreen, his round bald head glistening and his whiskers twitching.
"Captain Picard," he growled out. "We've had an incident at our outer territories. System 22-Alpha's gone dark, and the RSS Shooting Star was destroyed while investigating. They launched their log buoy and we've determined they're an old foe of yours."
Picard leaned back. "The Borg, correct?"
A'baht's mouth dropped in surprise. "I-how did you know?"
The captain grimaced. "I was assimilated by their Collective in late 2366. I have a unique insight on them."
A'baht nodded. "That's what Starfleet Command told us when we contacted them. I have the Fifth Fleet on standby in Corellia. What is your ETA?"
Picard thought for a moment. "We can be there in about seventeen hours."
The Dornean nodded. "Good, we'll be here. A'baht out," he said before the screen flickered, changing from his visage to the Starfleet arrowhead emblem.
A shaking captain rose from his chair and steadied his hands before walking out onto the Enterprise's bridge. Commander Data rose from the center seat and turned to the bald Frenchman. "Orders, Sir?"
Picard turned to helm. "Set a course for the Corellian System, maximum warp." He looked back to the tactical station. "Lieutenant, send a hail out to any Starfleet vessels. We'll be needing backup for this."
The helm officer nodded and inputted the commands, pivoting the Sovereign-class starship neatly on its axis before the two nacelles flashed, emitting a powerful subspace field that literally warped the space around the ship. Within seconds, the ship was traveling at 7,912 times the speed of light.
Picard tapped his combadge. "This is the captain. We will be holding a senior staff meeting in one hour." He turned back to Data. "You have the bridge, Number One."
The pale-skinned android nodded before sitting back down in the center seat.
The Collective stirred. New information was being assimilated from the new drones, as well as the new installation being constructed below. Numerous star systems were within reach of the current fleet in orbit.
One of these was a major system in the New Republic: Corellia. It had five class-M planets with billions of sentient beings. There was also a curious object called Centerpoint. The Collective could make good use of the facility.
Twenty cubes broke orbit from 22-Alpha and engaged warp. They would reach the system in approximately sixteen hours. After it was conquered, the Collective would decide on the next operation; the assimilation of one of those 'Jedi Knights'. Their powers would greatly enhance the perfection of the Borg Collective.
The Corellian System
General A'baht stood on the bridge of his flagship, the RSS Endurance, with hands clasped behind his back. There were intermittent sensor readings at the edge of the system, but nothing conclusive. Two Agave-class picket ships had been dispatched to investigate. He checked his chronometer and sighed. The Enterprise wasn't due for another hour, and he was hoping to have someone by his side who had actually faced off against the Borg.
At the edge of the system, the two Agave-class ships flew along. Both had a forward command area attached to a rather long, slender main fuselage. Wings jutted out amidships, with the main thrusters at the very tip. Four laser cannons were arrayed along the main hull, while two heavy turbolaser cannons jutted out beneath the bridge. All in all, they resembled overgrown starfighters. Both picked up a large object at the edge of the system and moved in to investigate.
Nineteen of the cubes hung back, just out of the Agave's sensor range. A single Borg cube moved in, scouting the area ahead. Its destruction was assured, but valuable information would be sent back. And any opposition it encountered would be weakened by the fight. So intent on its mission, the Borg didn't even announce its presence with hails.
The picket ships, meanwhile, approached the cube and immediately opened fire. Turbolasers shot multiple blood-red plasma bolts at the surface of the cube, scoring the gray hull but doing little damage against the shields. The two ships broke formation and encircled the cube, dodging tractor beams and disruptor blasts.
Their luck ran out, though, when one of the picket ships was struck by a tractor beam. The greenish energy field encircled the ship, draining away shield energy and leaving the picket defenseless. A laser cutting beam sliced into the hull, breaching several fuel pods and causing the ship to explode in a rather impressive fireball for such a small ship.
The second ship wasn't as lucky. Several tractor beams lanced out from the uneven surface of the Borg cube, ensnaring the Agave-class in an identical greenish energy field. Instead of firing off energy weapons or torpedoes, the Borg cube activated its transporters and began sending drones over
Back at the Endurance, A'baht looked over a technician's shoulder at the events transpiring onboard the picket ship. "What's going on?" he asked.
The tech looked over the data being received. "This doesn't make sense, sir. Life signs belonging to New Republic species are disappearing, but Borg life signs are increasing." She looked over her shoulder and at the general. "Sir, perhaps we should label that Agave a hostile."
A'baht nodded, then stood up straight and walked to the center of the bridge by his command chair. "All forces, target the Agave-class picket ship by the Borg cube and destroy it. All forces, move out!"
The Fifth Fleet picked up speed, their ion engines flaring and sending them to the edge of the Corellian System and the cube. Defender-class star destroyers and Warrior-class gunships moved in first, spitting turbolaser bolts and proton torpedoes at the cube. There was really only one viable tactic with an enemy this big and powerful, hit it until it breaks.
The six surfaces of the cube erupted with weapons fire, lancing out three-hundred sixty degrees around it. Green disruptor blasts, shield-draining tractor beams and cutting beams lashed out from all sides. Over a dozen ships were destroyed in the first ten minutes, the debris shooting off rather violently.
In response, the New republic ships moved in as close as they dared and launched every fighter they had. X-wings, B-wings, E-wings and K-wings shot from hangar bays like swarms of piranha beetles and darted in-between the flak bursts coming from the cube. They pinpointed weapons emplacements and fired off everything they had. Within a few seconds, explosions blossomed over the entire surface.
A'baht shouted into his comlink as he observed the damage indicators on the cube. "All ships, open fire!"
Every ship in range let loose with tremendous salvos from their weapons. Turbolaser bolts carved into the cube, penetrating the armor and digging deep into the hull itself. Internal explosions blew out large chunks of it, and after a few more minutes, the entire cube was torn apart, reduced to little more than chunks of metal floating in the void.
A'baht let out a sigh of relief and let his shoulders sag somewhat. The Endurance had taken relatively little damage during the short battle, but others were not so lucky.
A lieutenant walked up to the Dornean, datapad in hand. "Thirty two ships were destroyed, sir, along with seventy others taking moderate to extreme damage."
A'baht took the datapad and looked it over. "Get all damaged ships to the shipyards posthaste. How are we dealing with the Agave?"
The lieutenant opened her mouth. But before she could answer, a sensor tech shouted, "General, we have more Borg ships inbound!"
A'baht's blood grew cold at the word 'ships'. "How many, Ensign?"
The young woman hesitated a bit before finally speaking. "Nineteen, sir."
A'baht looked up at the main viewscreen at the front of the bridge. "Show me," he ordered. The image flickered from a shot of the fleet to nineteen metallic cubes in the void of space. "By Oblivion "
Three of the cubes broke off from the main group and approached seven Defense force ships surrounding with the assimilated picket ship. The seven Sacheen-class escorts broke formation and fled the approaching onslaught, but were promptly blown out of space by the much larger cubes. The sixteen other Borg vessels spread out in a jagged line, providing all of the cubes with open fields of fire and allowing them to also cover each other.
A com tech glanced up at the fairly harried A'baht. "Sir, we are receiving a transmission from the Borg."
A'baht's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "We are?" He turned to the main viewscreen. "Put it on."
An image of the interior of one of the cubes was on the screen, accompanied by an odd voice.
"General Etahn A'baht of the New Republic Fifth Fleet, you will surrender this system and your ships to us. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated."
The link cut off before A'baht could even open his mouth. He snarled and turned to his communications officers. "Tell the fleet to fall back and for the Five Brothers to raise prepare themselves. Corellia will not fall on my watch!"
Several bridge officers scurried about, but the Endurance violently rocked beneath their feet. Several consoles exploded in flames. "The Repulse, Defender and Indomitable have been destroyed. We've taken heavy fire and we have hull breaches on decks five through twelve."
A'baht shouted above the din. "Increase power to the shields and recall all fighters! Send out Omega Signal. All ships, fall back. I repeat, fall back!"
The disorganized Fifth Fleet turned and headed back for Corellia and Drall. The Borg cubes, mostly undamaged, followed. Several stayed behind among the crippled hulks of Majestic-class cruisers and Warrior-class gunships. Transporters were activated and drones were beamed over
Please read and review.

Deepcrush-Yes, I did.

Vic-Yes, poor him. Punished for Wes' antics. Pagh-Wraiths, eh? Interesting idea...

Sonic Glitch-Yes, and thanks.

Bob-Ah, thanks. It has been corrected.
Here we go!
Chapter Two: Killing of the Pawns
System 22-Alpha, at the edge of Known Space
Second Lieutenant Jecku Starr let out a long sigh and rubbed his eyes, desperately trying to keep them open. He was bored, bored, bored. In his five years at the edge of New Republic territory, not once had there been a need to send out any sort of warning. The only ships to show up were supply ships.
A low beeping interrupted Jecku's musings. His eyes fluttered open as his mind struggled to place the unfamiliar sound. What was that? Suddenly, it came to him; intruder alert. Something was coming from the Unknown Regions? A scoff escaped his lips as he flipped some switches.
One of the technicians, a Twi'lek, ran into the main operations center. "Sir, something's entered orbit."
Jecku stammered for a bit while his mind shifted into overdrive. What the hell was the procedure for this? He knelt down and slid open a drawer, pulling out a computer PADD. His thumb pressed down on one of the controls, allowing him to scroll through what he was supposed to do. Finally, "have you tried hailing them?"
The Twi'lek nodded. "Yes, but they refuse to answer. Their vessel is oddly shaped. It resembles a cube, measuring 3,036 meters a side."
Jecku scoffed. "A cube? Who the hell-" He was interrupted by an odd whine filling the room. He gasped as his bloodshot eyes saw several columns of energy appear. When the greenish swirls faded, several humanoids in black suits stood about.
The technician recoiled at the mere sight of them, his lekku twitching in fright. "What-what are y-

Jecku, meanwhile, drew his blaster and pointed it at one of the humanoids. "S-stay back!" he shouted, his hands quivering in fear. One of the humanoids approached his desk, and he opened fire.
Two blaster bolts shot from his pistol and hit the creature, sending out a shower of sparks and pitching it back. Another creature walked up and Jecku fired, but this one had some sort of personal shielding around it. The plasma bolts bounced off a translucent barrier.
Before the lieutenant could react, the humanoid extended his own set of tubules. They hit Jecku square in the face, pumping billions of nanoprobes directly into him.
Two minutes later, the drones formerly known as Jecku Starr and the Twi'lek technician stood up, Borg implants already sprouting from their skin. Their eyes had taken on a dead sheen and their very essence was being subsumed by the Collective. One of the Borg walked over to Jecku's former console and injected it with nanoprobes. Other drones began transporting down, as well as equipment.
The invasion had begun.
Corona-class frigate RSS Shooting Star
Captain Remmi looked over the datapad in her hand, not sure what to make of her mission. All contact with the observation post in System 22-Alpha was lost two days ago. Her ship was the closest, and therefore was dispatched with due haste. Remmi didn't like this; 22-Alpha was near the Unknown Regions, and who knew what could come out of there?
The alpha shift navigator spoke up. "Captain, we are coming out of hyperspace in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... Reverting to real space."
Remmi stood up as the Shooting Star reverted to real space, the bluish haze outside the viewport breaking apart into millions of lines, each one shortening to a pinprick.
Suddenly, alarm klaxons sounded out. "Captain, we have thirty unknown vessels in orbit. Configuration is cube-shaped."
Remmi turned to the tactical officer, a Devaronian. "Lieutenant, bring up shields and weapons batteries." She turned back to her chair and sat back down. "Contact those things. I want to know what happened to the team down there."
The com officer spoke up. "Ma'am, we have an incoming transmission." Remmi nodded. "Put it through."
An indescribably alien voice came through. It was trillions speaking as one, in the deadest monotone Remmi had ever heard. "We are the Borg. Your ship is unable to withstand us. You will surrender and be prepared to be assimilated."
The Devaronian sneered. "Cocky little Sith, aren't they?" The ship rocked and bucked beneath their feet. "They are locking multiple tractor beams onto us!"
Remmi sneered. "Open fire, all weapons!"
The Shooting Star's five forward turbolaser cannons spat bright red plasma at the Borg cube ships, scoring the surface and gouging out sections of the grid-like outer hull. Ion cannon bolts impacted, sending out waves of bluish lightning as they overloaded systems and power conduits.
In return, several more greenish tractor beams lanced out and latched onto the frigate. The shield bubble quickly turned from white to a sickly yellow before collapsing entirely.
Remmi's brow was shining from a thin coat of sweat. The tactical officer looked up and growled. "Our weapons are having less and less effect on them. Shields collapsing!" The deck plating beneath them lurched again.
Remmi got to her feet and turned to him. "Launch the recorder buoy."
A small hatch above the Star's main ion engines opened and a pod shot out. Tiny thrusters flared, sending it along before it entered hyperspace.
The Borg cubes surrounded the Shooting Star, dwarfing the comparatively tiny 275 meter long Corona-class frigate. A dozen cutting beams lanced out, slicing through the hull. The main fuel cells detonated, causing the aft engine block to explode and send out a shockwave that crumpled the forward areas like a tin can.
The Corellian System. Headquarters for the Fifth Fleet
The recorder buoy exited hyperspace near Drall and was quickly picked up by an X-wing patrol. The snub-nosed fighters escorted the onyx device to the Intrepid-class Endurance, flagship of the Defense Force's Fifth Fleet.
Within an hour, General Etahn A'baht was in the main conference room with his senior staff, viewing the last moments of the Shooting Star. A'baht's whiskers twitched. An old memory came unbidden to the surface, a briefing on ships from the Milky Way Galaxy. He turned to one of his senior officers. "Compare those ships with ones in the Starfleet database."
The officer nodded and inputted some commands. The central holoprojector glowed and projected two images. One was a shot of the Borg ship. The other was a shifting series of ship schematics. Klingon, Romulan, Cardassian and other types flashed before it settled on one image. The text beneath identified it as Borg.
A smaller window detailed Starfleet's encounters with the cybernetic species and A'baht's blood grew cold. By the Force, he thought. He turned his head to one of his aides. "Contact Starfleet Command and Admiral Ackbar. Tell them we have a situation."
The aide, a human, nodded before running off.
Captain's log, Stardate 58122.9. The Enterprise is in orbit of Coruscant. After delivering a small envoy to the capital, I have authorized shore leave for the crew. I myself have decided to visit one of the more famous structures on this city-covered world.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard walked up the hundred steps of the Jedi Temple's main entrance, his hands clasped behind him. He looked up at the five towers jutting into the sky, one of them with the top blasted off and the other four blackened and damaged, lichen and vines crawling up the edifice. He glanced down at the main entrance as the double doors swung open, the left one coming close to an odd blue-colored box.
A grizzled Jedi with a day's worth of stubble appeared in the entrance. "Captain Picard?" Kam Solusar asked, the rugged Jedi Master smiling. "Welcome to the Coruscant Temple.It's not as far along as we like it, but we do have... other priorities."
Picard nodded and extended his hand. "The needs of the living, Master Solusar. I understand perfectly. Thank you for allowing me a tour of the Temple."
Kam nodded and clasped Picard's hand, pumping it twice. He broke the grip and walked beside Picard as the two large doors opened, allowing them to enter. "Not a problem, Captain. I'm pleased you've taken an interest in the Temple."
"My former councilor was trained as a Jedi," Picard replied. "And I've always had an interest in history." He paused in the main entrance hall and looked around, his body spinning about a bit. A pair of cleaning droids hovered near the top of the arched ceiling. But otherwise, he and Kam were alone. Then why do I hear voices?
"Even those not able to use the Force can hear the echoes," Kam said, answering Picard's unspoken question. His mouth formed a grim smile. "The Purges left a psychic stain here as deep as an ocean and as livid as the Maw."
Picard shook his head. "I don't believe so, Kam. These voices are familiar to me, they're " He held up his hand and cocked his head to the side, screwing his eyes shut. "No "
"Jean-Luc Picard "
"Jean-Luc Picard you will be assimilated ."
"Resistance is futile. You will-"
"NONONONO!" Picard screamed, his face flushing red. "Why here? Why now?"
Kam grabbed Picard's shoulders, spinning him around as rage and fear wafted off Picard. "Captain, focus! What are you talking about?"
Picard's eyes focused on the grizzled Jedi Master. "The Borg," he whispered. "They are here, in your reality. I don't know how, but they are here." His eyes widened. "We must stop them, Kam!
"The Borg?" Kam repeated. "Who are the Borg?"
Picard's combadge chirped. He reached up and tapped it. "Picard."
Commander Data's voice came through. "Sir, we have a priority transmission for you from the Corellian Star System, Admiral Etahn A'baht."
Kam stepped back and dropped his arms. "Captain-Jean-Luc-please be careful," he finally said. "I feel darkness gathering around you."
A tight smile crossed Picard's lips. "the Borg are the antithesis of everything you and I hold dear, Kam. It is their darkness you feel, not mine." He tapped his combadge. "Commander, one to beam up. Energize."
Kam shook his head as Picard was surrounded by the silvery transporter beam and dissolved, atom by atom, to be reassembled in high orbit. "Be well, Captain. And beware."
USS Enterprise, Coruscant orbit
Captain Picard rematerialized on the fleet flagship and stepped off the transporter pad, barely nodding to the transporter chief as he exited and speed-walked down the corridor, his legs eating up the distance. He boarded the nearest turbolift. "Bridge."
One minute later, the double doors opened and he stepped out onto the Enterprise's command center. "Have General A'baht's transmission sent to my ready room," he called out to his first officer.
The doors to the ready room slid open and he walked across to his desk near the corner, sitting down and inputting commands on the workstation in front of him. A few seconds later, the commander of the Fifth Fleet appeared on the small viewscreen, his round bald head glistening and his whiskers twitching.
"Captain Picard," he growled out. "We've had an incident at our outer territories. System 22-Alpha's gone dark, and the RSS Shooting Star was destroyed while investigating. They launched their log buoy and we've determined they're an old foe of yours."
Picard leaned back. "The Borg, correct?"
A'baht's mouth dropped in surprise. "I-how did you know?"
The captain grimaced. "I was assimilated by their Collective in late 2366. I have a unique insight on them."
A'baht nodded. "That's what Starfleet Command told us when we contacted them. I have the Fifth Fleet on standby in Corellia. What is your ETA?"
Picard thought for a moment. "We can be there in about seventeen hours."
The Dornean nodded. "Good, we'll be here. A'baht out," he said before the screen flickered, changing from his visage to the Starfleet arrowhead emblem.
A shaking captain rose from his chair and steadied his hands before walking out onto the Enterprise's bridge. Commander Data rose from the center seat and turned to the bald Frenchman. "Orders, Sir?"
Picard turned to helm. "Set a course for the Corellian System, maximum warp." He looked back to the tactical station. "Lieutenant, send a hail out to any Starfleet vessels. We'll be needing backup for this."
The helm officer nodded and inputted the commands, pivoting the Sovereign-class starship neatly on its axis before the two nacelles flashed, emitting a powerful subspace field that literally warped the space around the ship. Within seconds, the ship was traveling at 7,912 times the speed of light.
Picard tapped his combadge. "This is the captain. We will be holding a senior staff meeting in one hour." He turned back to Data. "You have the bridge, Number One."
The pale-skinned android nodded before sitting back down in the center seat.
The Collective stirred. New information was being assimilated from the new drones, as well as the new installation being constructed below. Numerous star systems were within reach of the current fleet in orbit.
One of these was a major system in the New Republic: Corellia. It had five class-M planets with billions of sentient beings. There was also a curious object called Centerpoint. The Collective could make good use of the facility.
Twenty cubes broke orbit from 22-Alpha and engaged warp. They would reach the system in approximately sixteen hours. After it was conquered, the Collective would decide on the next operation; the assimilation of one of those 'Jedi Knights'. Their powers would greatly enhance the perfection of the Borg Collective.
The Corellian System
General A'baht stood on the bridge of his flagship, the RSS Endurance, with hands clasped behind his back. There were intermittent sensor readings at the edge of the system, but nothing conclusive. Two Agave-class picket ships had been dispatched to investigate. He checked his chronometer and sighed. The Enterprise wasn't due for another hour, and he was hoping to have someone by his side who had actually faced off against the Borg.
At the edge of the system, the two Agave-class ships flew along. Both had a forward command area attached to a rather long, slender main fuselage. Wings jutted out amidships, with the main thrusters at the very tip. Four laser cannons were arrayed along the main hull, while two heavy turbolaser cannons jutted out beneath the bridge. All in all, they resembled overgrown starfighters. Both picked up a large object at the edge of the system and moved in to investigate.
Nineteen of the cubes hung back, just out of the Agave's sensor range. A single Borg cube moved in, scouting the area ahead. Its destruction was assured, but valuable information would be sent back. And any opposition it encountered would be weakened by the fight. So intent on its mission, the Borg didn't even announce its presence with hails.
The picket ships, meanwhile, approached the cube and immediately opened fire. Turbolasers shot multiple blood-red plasma bolts at the surface of the cube, scoring the gray hull but doing little damage against the shields. The two ships broke formation and encircled the cube, dodging tractor beams and disruptor blasts.
Their luck ran out, though, when one of the picket ships was struck by a tractor beam. The greenish energy field encircled the ship, draining away shield energy and leaving the picket defenseless. A laser cutting beam sliced into the hull, breaching several fuel pods and causing the ship to explode in a rather impressive fireball for such a small ship.
The second ship wasn't as lucky. Several tractor beams lanced out from the uneven surface of the Borg cube, ensnaring the Agave-class in an identical greenish energy field. Instead of firing off energy weapons or torpedoes, the Borg cube activated its transporters and began sending drones over
Back at the Endurance, A'baht looked over a technician's shoulder at the events transpiring onboard the picket ship. "What's going on?" he asked.
The tech looked over the data being received. "This doesn't make sense, sir. Life signs belonging to New Republic species are disappearing, but Borg life signs are increasing." She looked over her shoulder and at the general. "Sir, perhaps we should label that Agave a hostile."
A'baht nodded, then stood up straight and walked to the center of the bridge by his command chair. "All forces, target the Agave-class picket ship by the Borg cube and destroy it. All forces, move out!"
The Fifth Fleet picked up speed, their ion engines flaring and sending them to the edge of the Corellian System and the cube. Defender-class star destroyers and Warrior-class gunships moved in first, spitting turbolaser bolts and proton torpedoes at the cube. There was really only one viable tactic with an enemy this big and powerful, hit it until it breaks.
The six surfaces of the cube erupted with weapons fire, lancing out three-hundred sixty degrees around it. Green disruptor blasts, shield-draining tractor beams and cutting beams lashed out from all sides. Over a dozen ships were destroyed in the first ten minutes, the debris shooting off rather violently.
In response, the New republic ships moved in as close as they dared and launched every fighter they had. X-wings, B-wings, E-wings and K-wings shot from hangar bays like swarms of piranha beetles and darted in-between the flak bursts coming from the cube. They pinpointed weapons emplacements and fired off everything they had. Within a few seconds, explosions blossomed over the entire surface.
A'baht shouted into his comlink as he observed the damage indicators on the cube. "All ships, open fire!"
Every ship in range let loose with tremendous salvos from their weapons. Turbolaser bolts carved into the cube, penetrating the armor and digging deep into the hull itself. Internal explosions blew out large chunks of it, and after a few more minutes, the entire cube was torn apart, reduced to little more than chunks of metal floating in the void.
A'baht let out a sigh of relief and let his shoulders sag somewhat. The Endurance had taken relatively little damage during the short battle, but others were not so lucky.
A lieutenant walked up to the Dornean, datapad in hand. "Thirty two ships were destroyed, sir, along with seventy others taking moderate to extreme damage."
A'baht took the datapad and looked it over. "Get all damaged ships to the shipyards posthaste. How are we dealing with the Agave?"
The lieutenant opened her mouth. But before she could answer, a sensor tech shouted, "General, we have more Borg ships inbound!"
A'baht's blood grew cold at the word 'ships'. "How many, Ensign?"
The young woman hesitated a bit before finally speaking. "Nineteen, sir."
A'baht looked up at the main viewscreen at the front of the bridge. "Show me," he ordered. The image flickered from a shot of the fleet to nineteen metallic cubes in the void of space. "By Oblivion "
Three of the cubes broke off from the main group and approached seven Defense force ships surrounding with the assimilated picket ship. The seven Sacheen-class escorts broke formation and fled the approaching onslaught, but were promptly blown out of space by the much larger cubes. The sixteen other Borg vessels spread out in a jagged line, providing all of the cubes with open fields of fire and allowing them to also cover each other.
A com tech glanced up at the fairly harried A'baht. "Sir, we are receiving a transmission from the Borg."
A'baht's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "We are?" He turned to the main viewscreen. "Put it on."
An image of the interior of one of the cubes was on the screen, accompanied by an odd voice.
"General Etahn A'baht of the New Republic Fifth Fleet, you will surrender this system and your ships to us. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated."
The link cut off before A'baht could even open his mouth. He snarled and turned to his communications officers. "Tell the fleet to fall back and for the Five Brothers to raise prepare themselves. Corellia will not fall on my watch!"
Several bridge officers scurried about, but the Endurance violently rocked beneath their feet. Several consoles exploded in flames. "The Repulse, Defender and Indomitable have been destroyed. We've taken heavy fire and we have hull breaches on decks five through twelve."
A'baht shouted above the din. "Increase power to the shields and recall all fighters! Send out Omega Signal. All ships, fall back. I repeat, fall back!"
The disorganized Fifth Fleet turned and headed back for Corellia and Drall. The Borg cubes, mostly undamaged, followed. Several stayed behind among the crippled hulks of Majestic-class cruisers and Warrior-class gunships. Transporters were activated and drones were beamed over
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