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Re: McCains VP?
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 4:46 am
by Mikey
We have tended to be a fairly powerful constituency relative to our size because a high percentage of Jews actually vote. But to say that Jews always prefer candidate type 'x' over candidate type 'y' when there has been no 'y' to choose is kind of fuzzy logic.
Re: McCains VP?
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 12:21 pm
by Teaos
Thanks to a larger than average Jewish population in NY the "Jew vote" is important, since it goes against Obama it is even more important.
Re: McCains VP?
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 12:23 pm
by Aaron
You'd think that American Jews would back whoever supports Israel the most, which seems to be the GOP.
Re: McCains VP?
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 12:51 pm
by Mikey
Teaos wrote:Thanks to a larger than average Jewish population in NY the "Jew vote" is important, since it goes against Obama it is even more important.
Larger than average? The Jewish population in NY has maintained in size for the most part for some time.
Kendall - You'd think so, because some Jews are vocal Zionists; but traditionally Jewish voters have come down in favor of more liberally social policy. Came to bite us in the ass when we all supported the sheik-supported bigot Jimmy Carter, didn't it?
Re: McCains VP?
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 1:52 pm
by Aaron
Mikey wrote:
Kendall - You'd think so, because some Jews are vocal Zionists; but traditionally Jewish voters have come down in favor of more liberally social policy. Came to bite us in the ass when we all supported the sheik-supported bigot Jimmy Carter, didn't it?
Pardon? Carter was one of the most liberal Presidents of the 20th century, in fact if anyone has been supported by Arab interests it's the bush clan.
Re: McCains VP?
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 4:11 pm
by Mikey
That's what we all thought when he was president. However, the Jimmy Carter Foundation is HUGELY supported by certain sheikhs, some of which with direct ties to terrorist, anti-Semitic, and "eradication of Israel" organizations. I have to get my daughter to the doctor in 10 minutes, but I will try to find some sources for you.
Re: McCains VP?
Posted: Mon Jun 02, 2008 11:19 pm
by Tsukiyumi
Mikey wrote:That's what we all thought when he was president. However, the Jimmy Carter Foundation is HUGELY supported by certain sheikhs, some of which with direct ties to terrorist, anti-Semitic, and "eradication of Israel" organizations. I have to get my daughter to the doctor in 10 minutes, but I will try to find some sources for you.
10 minutes? Jeez, man. What the hell are you still doing on here? Get moving, mister!

Re: McCains VP?
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 4:45 pm
by Mikey
Dr. is only a two-minute drive.
Alan Dershowitz, former Carter supporter, wrote:Recent disclosures of Carter's extensive financial connections to Arab oil money, particularly from Saudi Arabia, had deeply shaken my belief in his integrity. When I was first told that he received a monetary reward in the name of Shiekh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahayan, and kept the money, even after Harvard returned money from the same source because of its anti-Semitic history, I simply did not believe it. How could a man of such apparent integrity enrich himself with dirty money from so dirty a source? And let there be no mistake about how dirty the Zayed Foundation is. I know because I was involved, in a small way, in helping to persuade Harvard University to return more than $2 million that the financially strapped Divinity School received from this source. Initially, I was reluctant to put pressure on Harvard to turn back money for the Divinity School, but then a student at the Divinity School, Rachael Lea Fish showed me the facts.
They were staggering. I was amazed that in the twenty-first century there were still foundations that espoused these views. The Zayed Centre for Coordination and Follow-up, a think-tank funded by the Shiekh and run by his son, hosted speakers who called Jews "the enemies of all nations," attributed the assassination of John Kennedy to Israel and the Mossad and the 9/11 attacks to the United States' own military, and stated that the Holocaust was a "fable." (They also hosted a speech by Jimmy Carter.) To its credit, Harvard turned the money back. To his discredit, Carter did not.
Jimmy Carter was, of course, aware of Harvard's decision, since it was highly publicized. Yet he kept the money. Indeed, this is what he said in accepting the funds: "This award has special significance for me because it is named for my personal friend, Sheik Zayed bin Sultan al-Nahyan." Carter's personal friend, it turns out, was an unredeemable anti-Semite and all-around bigot. ...
The extent of Carter's financial support from, and even dependence on, dirty money is still not fully known. What we do know is deeply troubling. Carter and his Center have accepted millions of dollars from suspect sources, beginning with the bail-out of the Carter family peanut business in the late 1970s by BCCI, a now-defunct and virulently anti-Israeli bank indirectly controlled by the Saudi Royal family, and among whose principal investors is Carter's friend, Sheikh Zayed. Agha Hasan Abedi, the founder of the bank, gave Carter "$500,000 to help the former president establish his center...[and] more than $10 million to Mr. Carter's different projects."
Original article: ... 5288DA09E4
Re: McCains VP?
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 5:56 pm
by Aaron
Oh, woopdee shit. He's not President anymore and he did far more than his share for the Middle East and Israel. If he want's to keep the money than let him, and if he uses the money to campaign against it or for his Habitat for Humanity project than that's even better.
Frankly, jewish activists have been milking the holocaust for far too long. Yes, it was a crime against humanity and should never have happened but it needs to stop being the default excuse for Israel and jewish activists for questionable actions.
Re: McCains VP?
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 6:53 pm
by Mikey
Cpl Kendall wrote:Oh, woopdee ****. He's not President anymore and he did far more than his share for the Middle East and Israel. If he want's to keep the money than let him, and if he uses the money to campaign against it or for his Habitat for Humanity project than that's even better.
Frankly, jewish activists have been milking the holocaust for far too long. Yes, it was a crime against humanity and should never have happened but it needs to stop being the default excuse for Israel and jewish activists for questionable actions.
OK, but how exactly is factually reporting things that influence the Carter Foundation's policies - like from whom it gets his money - "milking the Holocaust?"
Have I asked you to stop "milking" the conditions you received in the service?
*EDIT* - I only posted this because you asked to see it, BTW.
Re: McCains VP?
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 6:55 pm
by Aaron
Mikey wrote:
OK, but how exactly is factually reporting things that influence the Carter Foundation's policies - like from whom it gets his money - "milking the Holocaust?"
Have I asked you to stop "milking" the conditions you received in the service?
It isn't, but now that Carter is a private citizen who cares who gives him money as long as he claims it on his taxes. A point which you have chosen not to address.
There's a big difference in recieving benefits from VA and using a past atrocity to justify your present atrocity BTW.
Edit: Yeah after you brought it up.
Re: McCains VP?
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 6:57 pm
by Mikey
What atrocity, exactly, have I committed and used the Holocaust as an excuse for?
And I care where his money comnes from, because he issues policies and statements on public policy - the public SHOULD know what, if any, agenda is attached. If it was merely personal income, I'd agree with you.
Re: McCains VP?
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 7:08 pm
by Aaron
Mikey wrote:What atrocity, exactly, have I committed and used the Holocaust as an excuse for?
Are you a member of the Israeli government or a jewish activist? If not than it doesn't apply to you.
And I care where his money comnes from, because he issues policies and statements on public policy - the public SHOULD know what, if any, agenda is attached. If it was merely personal income, I'd agree with you.
Do you care if GW, GH, Ford, or Clinton do it? Because guess where they get money from. People pick on Carter because he's percieved as being weak (being relatively liberal probably isn't helping), so he's an easy target. Yet ignore that his peers are in fact far worse, this doesn't invalidate his actions but puts them into perspective. The article doesn't seem to say what he is using the money for (for all we now, he's giving it to his grandkids) besides that he got a prop up for his peanut farm. At this point I have to ask if there's anything else on this. Especially seeing as there is "Jihad Watch" on the top of the page and the article that comes up is pro-Israel.
Re: McCains VP?
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 8:02 pm
by Mikey
Cpl Kendall wrote:Are you a member of the Israeli government or a jewish activist? If not than it doesn't apply to you.
I am Jewish, and active on certain issues, but that's probably not what you mean. BTW, Please capitalize "Jewish" just as I do "Canadian."
Do you care if GW, GH, Ford, or Clinton do it? Because guess where they get money from. People pick on Carter because he's percieved as being weak (being relatively liberal probably isn't helping), so he's an easy target. Yet ignore that his peers are in fact far worse, this doesn't invalidate his actions but puts them into perspective. The article doesn't seem to say what he is using the money for (for all we now, he's giving it to his grandkids) besides that he got a prop up for his peanut farm. At this point I have to ask if there's anything else on this. Especially seeing as there is "Jihad Watch" on the top of the page and the article that comes up is pro-Israel.
I think you're under the impression that we're discussing Jimmy Carter's income - in fact, we're talking about moneys inbound to the Jimmy Carter Foundation. When policy involving the Middle East is being discussed by an organization AND that organization is being funded by parties partisan to that issue.
Re: McCains VP?
Posted: Wed Jun 04, 2008 9:09 pm
by Aaron
Mikey wrote:
I am Jewish, and active on certain issues, but that's probably not what you mean. BTW, Please capitalize "Jewish" just as I do "Canadian."
I'll get right on that.
I think you're under the impression that we're discussing Jimmy Carter's income - in fact, we're talking about moneys inbound to the Jimmy Carter Foundation. When policy involving the Middle East is being discussed by an organization AND that organization is being funded by parties partisan to that issue.
And what does it matter where the donations come from rather than what the foundation does with them? What is the foundations stance on the ME?