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Posted: Thu May 15, 2008 7:44 pm
by sunnyside
Jabber Swarky wrote:
Hmm? Hehe, awr, thanks, Sunny ^^ Though, he doesnt have a ship of his own, so he'll have to borrow one of someone.. unless anyone who DOES have a ship would prefer to ride shotgun and man the maps/scanners/weapons... which i guess is kinda unlikley ;^^
I think you're forgetting this bit from the Alpha thread a while back. I'll cut out some of the relevant snippits.
sunnyside wrote:
After looking around and sucking down a nicostick Cech walked over to the Caitain. One "Jabbers"
"Uh hey there. You mentioned you're a pilot while we were walking earlier. I'm not so much. Would you be up for familarizing yourself with my ships controls in case it ever comes up? "
Jabber Swarky wrote: "Hmm?" He asked as Cech came back, trying to hide the fact that he'd wrinkled his nose from the smell of the nicostick. "Why yes I am, sir. No good being able to fix a tub but being unable to use it, hmm?" He grinned, before holding his paws up. "Not that this fine bird is anything tublike, skipper. Hehe, I like it... welcome break after that station." He grinned widely. "It would be my pleasure, sah. "
sunnyside wrote:
They climbed up the ramp into the cockpit module, steped around the transporter walked through the storage room where the transporter was stored on later tactically enchanced danubes and into the science section. The center of the room was dominated by a circular science module. The the left was a small room with a door.
"Step inside this is the ships holosimulator. Before you ask you can't use it like a regular holosuite, it just isn't big enough, and if you throw out your arms or try moving too fast you'll smack into the wall. But it's got enough room for simming a flight console.
The caitain paraded inside with a "I'll do my best sah!" and Cech settled in to the console running the holosim. After a few puffs he dialed up the flight console of the danube. And started programming in some sims of different things going wrong.
Jabber didn't even stop talking during those. "I'll get the ship out of this! Just watch. HAH. that asteroid will have to be quicker to get me!"
The kid wasn't bad at all. Missed a couple spatial anomolies he should have watched out for but good reaction time and he knew when to remodulate for changing conditions. After being at it a while Cech powered the system down.
"Nice work. Here lets have some food in the back. I'd still got some Turkey I think. "
So if Cech found out about this and wanted to go he'd go to Jabbers first as a pilot for the Danube. (edit, wait did you think I was talking about the Pride there? That was all about the Danube)
Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 8:56 pm
by sunnyside
Teaos wrote:Everyone in Daystrom knows. It was born there but moved here

But do they know it could actually be happening in the near future.
I think at this point we're agree on course and format yes? Or at least enough so to get going.
Since this should take place in one thread, and ideally shouldn't shut down either RPG for the non racers, I propose we start a new thread, possibly nowish, where we start dealing with race related RP stuff. Just people getting in on it and such. Then actually kick things off sometime Monday.
Oh wait we should probably consider what the Prize(s) should be.
Cash is the simplest of course. And I suppose a name would be good.
Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 9:55 pm
by Monroe
Great race track Rockey.
Posted: Fri May 16, 2008 10:05 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Not bad work for ten minutes screwing around in MS Paint.
Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 10:55 pm
by Jabber Swarky
sunnyside wrote:
A lot
So if Cech found out about this and wanted to go he'd go to Jabbers first as a pilot for the Danube. (edit, wait did you think I was talking about the Pride there? That was all about the Danube)
Ohh, right. Heh, sorry, forgot about that.. been kinda stressed and fuzzy headed recently ^^ Yeah, im sure he'd be up for that, especially if theres a cash incentive if they do well.
Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 2:30 am
by sunnyside
Alright this is sort of dying again.
I'll attempt to revive it by asking what the prize should be.
The obvious prize would be cash in decreasing amounts for the first X racers to finish. Probably in the form of Latinum.
We could decide on amounts or simply leave that detail out.
But it could be something else.
Also should there be an entrance fee?
Anyway memory alpha has a list of all cases of references to expenditures of latinum. I'd be inclined to say that a slip of latinum is on the order of half a US dollar. This makes a bar of latinum equal to 1,000USD (636 Euro).
Often races like this pay a purse purely from the entrance fee, sometimes straight up and sometimes only a cut goes back to the racers. I think the Baja 1000 charges everybody a grand and pays out half of this as prize money. Which over 300 participants still comes to $150,000. Though that doesn't all go to first place. I recal reading in 2006 that $66,000 was the largest single award to be gotten in some type of off road race.
So off the top of my head I'd propose 1 bar to get in. Then prizes of 60 30, 15, 10,5 for the first 5. After that you get your bar back if you're in the top 20 and you get 2 strips if you at least manage to finish.
Posted: Fri May 23, 2008 3:07 am
by Mikey
I'd imagine that this would be run more like a pari-mutuel wagering race - a stakes race rather than a claims, because I don't think anyone here wants to face the chance of someone claiming their ship if they win. It would answer the underworld aspect as well, because it would be a gambling event. I wonder what the trifecta would pay?

Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 11:31 am
by Jabber Swarky
Yeah, that sounds good ^^ And, assuming that this is a bunch of mercs and underground heavies racing, here, maybe a nice bit of hardware as a first prize.. Like, i dunno, a Zorg ZF-1 or something. I dont know too much about Treck goodies xD
Oh, also.. if its betting, isnt that a little.. um.. odd? How are we gonna have the bookies work out the odds to do it? And if someone turns up in a REALLY nice ship or is a famous racer, then they'll get odds of something like 1.5:1 and so its not really worth betting on themselves.. in fact, they'd be better off betting on someone else!
...or something. Im not too good at betting odds...
But, anyway, my point is, if the racers bet on themselves/each other then theres masses of room for them to throw the race to make maximum money. I mean, theres nothing to say you CANT bet as well, but youd need some other form of prize as incentive.
...Unless i misinterpreted what you said. Sorry ;^^ And, um, sorry to keep trying to force stuff on you guys.
Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 12:46 pm
by Sionnach Glic
I say a cash prize for the winners. People not participating would naturaly be betting on who would win.
Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 3:18 pm
by Mikey
Pari-mutuel betting, like most US horsetracks, takes into account the current betting - in other words: if a horse starts with a morning line of 3:1, and then EVERYONE plays that horse, the odds will go to 2:1, the 3:2, etc. Conversely, if NOBODY bets that horse, the odds will increase, all the way up until post time.