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Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 5:07 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Tsu wrote:I thought we weren't supposed to have "my sci-fi universe can beat up your sci-fi universe" threads. Graham is going to paddle the lot of you.
Oh, this isn't "my sci-fi universe can beat up yours", this is "my god is cooler than yours". :wink:
Blackstar wrote:You see that's Saturn's advantage. She doesn't have to have other people's support. She can do it all on her own.
Ah, but exactly what does she have to contend with?
Does she have to hold back the full fury of the Warp?
Does she have to hold back the powers of the four Dark Gods?
Does she have to guide millions, if not billions, of ships through space daily?
The God Emperor has millions of tasks he must divide his attention to, and despite this, he still finds time to look after his faithful servants throughout the galaxy by sending angles to guide them, destroy their enemies, protect them, or even simply talk to them to tell them what he requires of them.
And if this Emperor guy is some sort of Demi-god, should't he have unlimited attention or at least enough to support his powers?
Unlimited attention =/= being able to divide your powers between fifty bazillion tasks.
Don't say that to her, she'll blow your planet up.
Pfft. Weakling.
Lord Vandire learned the hard way that you do not betray His Divine Majesty's trust, and live to tell the tale. The Emperor punished his misguided followers, by tearing apart the very fabric of time and space for hundreds of light years around his warfleet, sending the foul traitors screaming into the Emperyan. With but a simply thought he can rend apart reality, destroying whole systems in the blink of an eye.
In fact, why would he need a fleet?
Becasue His loyal servants wish to fight in His name. Throughout the galaxy, mighty Imperial warfleets clash against insidious alien fleets numbering in the billions of ships. What better fate can there be but to die serving the Emperor?
Plus, it keeps the population working and happy. It employs trillions of people, and there are entire systems devoted to making tanks and guns for this army. Also, it keeps the populace busy. As we all know, heresy stems from idleness.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 6:26 pm
by Deepcrush
You see that's Saturn's advantage. She doesn't have to have other people's support. She can do it all on her own.

And if this Emperor guy is some sort of Demi-god, should't he have unlimited attention or at least enough to support his powers?
He gave up his God form to save mankind. Upon his semi-death he was placed in the thorne to allow his mortal body to continue to protect us. His soul has returned to the Warp where he guilds us along his golden path. (Do you see where this has come from?)
I thought we weren't supposed to have "my sci-fi universe can beat up your sci-fi universe" threads. Graham is going to paddle the lot of you.
We're just comparing a God to a schoolgirl turn table, that's all. No harm, no foul.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 7:01 pm
by Blackstar the Chakat
Deepcrush wrote:
You see that's Saturn's advantage. She doesn't have to have other people's support. She can do it all on her own.

And if this Emperor guy is some sort of Demi-god, should't he have unlimited attention or at least enough to support his powers?
He gave up his God form to save mankind. Upon his semi-death he was placed in the thorne to allow his mortal body to continue to protect us. His soul has returned to the Warp where he guilds us along his golden path. (Do you see where this has come from?)
This has parallels to the Cyber-controller from Doctor Who. But seriously, this guy looks like something out of World of Warcraft or Dungeons and Dragons. Basically something for geeks from the 80's.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 7:06 pm
by Captain Seafort
ChakatBlackstar wrote:This has parallels to the Cyber-controller from Doctor Who. But seriously, this guy looks like something out of World of Warcraft or Dungeons and Dragons. Basically something for geeks from the 80's.
How does it compare to the Cyber-Controller? The later is fully mobile and aware, rather than being effectively entombed in the throne, and is the direct commander of the Cybermen, rather than being a limited indirect presence.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 7:09 pm
by Blackstar the Chakat
Captain Seafort wrote:
ChakatBlackstar wrote:This has parallels to the Cyber-controller from Doctor Who. But seriously, this guy looks like something out of World of Warcraft or Dungeons and Dragons. Basically something for geeks from the 80's.
How does it compare to the Cyber-Controller? The later is fully mobile and aware, rather than being effectively entombed in the throne, and is the direct commander of the Cybermen, rather than being a limited indirect presence.
Upon his semi-death he was placed in the thorne to allow his mortal body to continue to protect us.
The Cyber-controller created the cybermen because he was dying. And he did have his own sort of throne

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 7:11 pm
by Tsukiyumi
ChakatBlackstar wrote:...Basically something for geeks from the 80's.
Hey, hey. You were born in the eighties, right? No need for name-calling. :D

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 7:12 pm
by Blackstar the Chakat
1989. So I wasn't even a full year old at the turn of the decade. Doesn't count then.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 7:14 pm
by Tsukiyumi
:D I suppose not...

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 7:21 pm
by Sionnach Glic
This has parallels to the Cyber-controller from Doctor Who.
Uh, only in the very vaguest sense. The only real similarity is that they both have a throne.
Basically something for geeks from the 80's.

I don't think either of us can toss the 'geek' label around.
The Cyber-controller created the cybermen because he was dying.
So? What does this have to do with the Emperor? He created the Astartes when he was fully alive and kicking.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 7:23 pm
by Captain Seafort
ChakatBlackstar wrote:The Cyber-controller created the cybermen because he was dying. And he did have his own sort of throne
The Cyber Controller didn't create the Cybermen, he merely controlled them. He was also fully mobile, without any throne.

Observe his appearance.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 7:32 pm
by Deepcrush

World of Warcraft bought rights from Games Workshop for the rights to character build that was part of Warhammer.

The Golden Path comes from Fank Herbert's Dune Universe, as does most of the rest of Warhammer 40k. The Space Marines themselves come from the Sardukar Legions, only now with power armor.

The Astartes were born form the geneseed of the Primarchs. The Primarchs were the sons of the God-Emperor.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 7:42 pm
by Tsukiyumi
Now I really want to play. Is there a single-player campaign, or is it only online?

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 7:44 pm
by Deepcrush
Both, online and single player. Plus skirmish battles.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 7:50 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Let's not forget the "Take over the planet" campaign from Dark Crusade.
Great if only they'd put the freakin' Tyranids in! :x
Screw the Sisters of Battle, I want my ten foot tall man-eating monsters!

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 7:54 pm
by Deepcrush
Agreed, SoB suck monkey balls! Dark Eldar aren't much better!