Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 5:07 pm
Oh, this isn't "my sci-fi universe can beat up yours", this is "my god is cooler than yours".Tsu wrote:I thought we weren't supposed to have "my sci-fi universe can beat up your sci-fi universe" threads. Graham is going to paddle the lot of you.

Ah, but exactly what does she have to contend with?Blackstar wrote:You see that's Saturn's advantage. She doesn't have to have other people's support. She can do it all on her own.
Does she have to hold back the full fury of the Warp?
Does she have to hold back the powers of the four Dark Gods?
Does she have to guide millions, if not billions, of ships through space daily?
The God Emperor has millions of tasks he must divide his attention to, and despite this, he still finds time to look after his faithful servants throughout the galaxy by sending angles to guide them, destroy their enemies, protect them, or even simply talk to them to tell them what he requires of them.
Unlimited attention =/= being able to divide your powers between fifty bazillion tasks.And if this Emperor guy is some sort of Demi-god, should't he have unlimited attention or at least enough to support his powers?
Pfft. Weakling.Don't say that to her, she'll blow your planet up.
Lord Vandire learned the hard way that you do not betray His Divine Majesty's trust, and live to tell the tale. The Emperor punished his misguided followers, by tearing apart the very fabric of time and space for hundreds of light years around his warfleet, sending the foul traitors screaming into the Emperyan. With but a simply thought he can rend apart reality, destroying whole systems in the blink of an eye.
Becasue His loyal servants wish to fight in His name. Throughout the galaxy, mighty Imperial warfleets clash against insidious alien fleets numbering in the billions of ships. What better fate can there be but to die serving the Emperor?In fact, why would he need a fleet?
Plus, it keeps the population working and happy. It employs trillions of people, and there are entire systems devoted to making tanks and guns for this army. Also, it keeps the populace busy. As we all know, heresy stems from idleness.