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Re: Chem Dogs Sign In/Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:01 pm
by Aaron
I'm thinking it might just be more effective to get back in the bike and run the fragheads down, rather then fart around with this laspistol.

Re: Chem Dogs Sign In/Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:24 pm
by Tyyr
A single 1d10+2 shot with zero pen? Probably.

Re: Chem Dogs Sign In/Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:48 pm
by Mikey
Cpl Kendall wrote:I'm thinking it might just be more effective to get back in the bike and run the fragheads down, rather then fart around with this laspistol.
What happened to your shotguns?

Re: Chem Dogs Sign In/Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:56 pm
by Aaron
We're a little far to get the best effect I think. I'll probably just take a half action each to aim.

Re: Chem Dogs Sign In/Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 1:19 pm
by Tyyr
Well based off the map and where I figure you are I'd say you're about 50 meters from them.

Re: Chem Dogs Sign In/Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 1:21 pm
by Aaron
Right, run them down it is. How many turns you figure that'll take?

Re: Chem Dogs Sign In/Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 1:25 pm
by Tyyr
Depends on where your bike is. Figure combat movement to get back to it then you can haul ass. If you just ride it and don't take other actions it looks like you can charge with it and move as much as 150m in a turn. I'd probably throw a -20 modifier at your passenger's aim though given the speed and all.

Re: Chem Dogs Sign In/Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 1:28 pm
by Aaron
Oh, I want to actually run right over whoever I can in the mob.

Re: Chem Dogs Sign In/Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 4:01 pm
by Tyyr
yeah but that'd be part of the driving and steering as opposed to a completely independent action of the driving. If you want to be sure to hit a particular person and not just run through the crowd in general I'd probably knock that down to 75m in a turn since you'll have to slow down to be able to aim and hit them.

Of course you're driving a motorcycle into someone so I'm still having to ponder how you'd do damage and what kind of potential damage you could get in return.

Re: Chem Dogs Sign In/Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 6:52 pm
by Aaron
All right, I'll take a half action to get back onto the bike and the rest to try and run over #9 in Mob B, who I believe I was shooting at before. I imagine that would be a Drive Test.

Zen has Drive +20 so I need to beat 61.

Oohh....rolled a 29.

Re: Chem Dogs Sign In/Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 7:06 pm
by Tyyr
Well I was assuming you'd take a turn getting back to the bike and getting going and another full action running someone down. If you want to do this all this action then you're just going to have to haul ass into the group.

Ok, how we'll do this.

First, modified driving test, -10 for no real aim, in order to aim properly for your target. Degrees of failure will determine just how off you are.
Second, we'll draw a line through the group. Anyone you come near will have to make a perception test to see you coming. Pass that and they get an agility test to avoid you. Fail either and they're at your mercy.
Damage will be 1D10+2I (primitive) for every 20m or part there of you traveled. Everyone who's hit is knocked down. Pass a toughness test or be stunned for 1d5 turns. Take 1d5 levels of fatigue regardless.
On your end, for everyone you roll over both you and your sidecar passenger must make an agility roll. Fail and take 1d5+3I (primitive) damage.
Finally, if you screw up your driving roll in the first place enough to have you aimed for the building group B is near a regular driving test to avoid it. I hope you do, I really don't want to come up with rules for running a bike into a building at a high rate of speed.

Re: Chem Dogs Sign In/Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 7:21 pm
by Aaron
Fair enough.

Zen needs to beat 51 then; rolled a 80.

Re: Chem Dogs Sign In/Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 7:32 pm
by Tyyr
Alright, two degrees of failure means you'll miss by 4 meters to the... (1-5 right, 6-0 left, roll a 5) right. You're now a mortal danger to mobs 8, 1, and 3.

Mob 8 rolls 18 for perception. He sees you and... roll of 03 means he dodges. Roll again, 84 so he's flat on his stomach though.
Mob 1 rolls 07 for perception so he sees you and... 78, he's not as light on his feet as the other guy and you hit him.
Mob 3 rolls 66 for perception so he's hit as well.

Damage is yours to roll. 3d10+3 I for each mob. Roll for location and consider it 3 semi-auto hits ie, roll for the first hit then use the table for the next two. Remember it's primitive damage so armor counts double.

Then roll for agility for each girl twice and let me know if you're hit or not.

You're not close enough to be in danger of hitting the building, but not by much.

Ack, and given that you're running things over with a motorcycle Zen needs to make two unmodified driving rolls to stay upright and undamaged.

Re: Chem Dogs Sign In/Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 8:01 pm
by Deepcrush
Tyyr wrote:It happens. Don't worry about it.

The issue is that your guys have low BS and extra hits on semi auto take two degrees of success. Put those together and its hard to rack up the extra hits. Now when you get to point blank and you're getting +30 for the range you'll get lots of hit and scatter bonuses. But you might just wanna hit them at that point.
So how do you factor the scatter effect for all three rounds?

Every two degrees is both a scatter hit and another round hitting right?

Re: Chem Dogs Sign In/Discussion Thread

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 8:02 pm
by Tyyr
Yup, that's the way we were doing it in the Survival deal. Each 2 degrees of success is another semi-auto hit and another scatter hit.