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Re: USS Daystrom Beta Prep

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 1:38 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Nope. I'm currently reading over the stuff I missed.

Re: USS Daystrom Beta Prep

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 1:39 pm
by Teaos
Not suprisingly it seems as if everyone was waiting for the battle to start. We got maybe 3 posts in about 2 weeks then about 8 in 2 days once it started.

Re: USS Daystrom Beta Prep

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 1:53 pm
by Mikey
We are definitely creatures of inertia. Once you give us that first kick downhill, we'll keep rolling.

Re: USS Daystrom Beta Prep

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 2:34 pm
by Tsukiyumi
Mikey wrote:We are definitely creatures of inertia. Once you give us that first kick downhill, we'll keep rolling.
Sounds like a car I used to have. :wink:

Re: USS Daystrom Beta Prep

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 2:37 pm
by Teaos
Ok I wanted to turn the tide in their favour a bit... for awhile at least. It also seemed like a good time to put the idea of destroying our horribally placed birdge and relocate into the ship. I knocked out my by and Fletcher so Mikey an have full command for the battle.

An updated list that Monroe made.

Strike group one, Breaking the enemy line and landing our land army.
1 - Galaxy class - USS Dakota - Flagship - Crew: Rochey, Monroe
1 - Akira class - USS Impervious - Air support (Destroyed over landing area, splattered onto surface, all hands lost)
2 - Saber - USS Holland (Destroyed by subspace bomb, all hands lost), USS Ravencrest (Damaged)
1 - Defiant - USS Alie (damaged)
27- Falcon Class fighter

Second strike group: Engaging the enemy fleet.

2 - Akira Class - USS Daystrom - Crew: Mikey, Teaos, Thorin, M'real (On fighter), Reliant. USS O'Ryan (Damaged)
1 - Nebula - USS Roberts (Heavily damaged)
2 - Defiant - USS Horse shoe, USS Southern Cross
2 - Steamrunner class - USS Maginot, USS Numerical (Damaged)
1 - Intrepid - USS Kursk
54 - Falcon class fighters

Third strike group: Destroy unmanned defences.

1 - Lakota class refit Excelsior - USS Shoshone - Crew: Tsu (About to plow into a turrent? Either way going to go boom soon) (Damaged)
1 - Nebula Class - USS Adams
2 - Saber Class - USS Katana - Crew: M,M&I, USS Oak
1 - Intrepid: Freeman USS Abbot
4- New Orleans Class USS Brawly, USS Sherry (Destroyed by a cool death crashing into the turrent, all hands lost), USS Adieu, USS Dirge.

Re: USS Daystrom Beta Prep

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 7:18 pm
by Monroe
Roberts sounds more destroyed than heavily damaged:P

Re: USS Daystrom Beta Prep

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 7:26 pm
by Tsukiyumi
Monroe wrote:Roberts sounds more destroyed than heavily damaged :P

I thought the flak torpedo did it's thing, and the Roberts was only grazed?

Unless I missed something...

Re: USS Daystrom Beta Prep

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 7:40 pm
by Monroe
I thought that subspace weapon blew it up? /shrug

Strike group one, Breaking the enemy line and landing our land army.
1 - Galaxy class - USS Dakota - Flagship - Crew: Rochey, Monroe
1 - Akira class - USS Impervious - Air support (Destroyed over landing area, splattered onto surface, all hands lost)
2 - Saber - USS Holland (Destroyed by subspace bomb, all hands lost), USS Ravencrest (Damaged)
1 - Defiant - USS Alie (destroyed in dogfight)
27- Falcon Class fighter

Second strike group: Engaging the enemy fleet.

2 - Akira Class - USS Daystrom - Crew: Mikey, Teaos, Thorin, M'real (On fighter), Reliant. USS O'Ryan (Damaged)
1 - Nebula - USS Roberts (Heavily damaged?)
2 - Defiant - USS Horse shoe, USS Southern Cross
2 - Steamrunner class - USS Maginot, USS Numerical (Damaged)
1 - Intrepid - USS Kursk
54 - Falcon class fighters

Third strike group: Destroy unmanned defences.

1 - Lakota class refit Excelsior - USS Shoshone - Crew: Tsu (About to plow into a turrent? Either way going to go boom soon) (Damaged)
1 - Nebula Class - USS Adams
2 - Saber Class - USS Katana - Crew: M,M&I, USS Oak
1 - Intrepid: Freeman USS Abbot
4- New Orleans Class USS Brawly, USS Sherry (Destroyed by a cool death crashing into the turrent, all hands lost), USS Adieu, USS Dirge.

Re: USS Daystrom Beta Prep

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 2:33 am
by Teaos
Yeah the Flak stopped the subspace weapon but its getting its arse handed to it by the suprise attack. Its the Roberts and the Daystrom that were the two targets for the ambush.

Re: USS Daystrom Beta Prep

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 2:38 am
by Teaos
Whoa cool ground battle. Although I wonder over the fact that you dont seem to be using shield generators much. Would cut down on a lot of the shrapnel injuries.

Re: USS Daystrom Beta Prep

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 3:15 am
by Monroe
Teaos wrote:Whoa cool ground battle. Although I wonder over the fact that you dont seem to be using shield generators much. Would cut down on a lot of the shrapnel injuries.
Oh yeah I forgot about those. Maybe Commadore Ford is saving that stuff :P

Re: USS Daystrom Beta Prep

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 9:15 pm
by Sonic Glitch
Third strike group: Destroy unmanned defences.

1 - Lakota class refit Excelsior - USS Shoshone - Crew: Tsu (About to plow into a turrent? Either way going to go boom soon) (Damaged)
1 - Nebula Class - USS Adams
2 - Saber Class - USS Katana - Crew: M,M&I,(damaged, dead in the water) USS Oak
1 - Intrepid: Freeman USS Abbot
4- New Orleans Class USS Brawly, USS Sherry (Destroyed by a cool death crashing into the turrent, all hands lost), USS Adieu, USS Dirge.

Re: USS Daystrom Beta Prep

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 6:40 pm
by Sonic Glitch
Cookie if anyone can get the Ligget and Ralston references.

Re: USS Daystrom Beta Prep

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 9:57 pm
by Monroe
Strike group one, Breaking the enemy line and landing our land army.
1 - Galaxy class - USS Dakota - Flagship - Crew: Rochey, Monroe
1 - Akira class - USS Impervious - Air support (Destroyed over landing area, splattered onto surface, all hands lost)
2 - Saber - USS Holland (Destroyed by subspace bomb, all hands lost), USS Ravencrest (Damaged)
1 - Defiant - USS Alie (destroyed in dogfight)
27- Falcon Class fighter

Second strike group: Engaging the enemy fleet.

2 - Akira Class - USS Daystrom - Crew: Mikey, Teaos, Thorin, M'real (On fighter), Reliant. USS O'Ryan (Damaged)
1 - Nebula - USS Roberts (Heavily damaged?)
2 - Defiant - USS Horse shoe, USS Southern Cross
2 - Steamrunner class - USS Maginot, USS Numerical (Damaged)
1 - Intrepid - USS Kursk
54 - Falcon class fighters

Third strike group: Destroy unmanned defences.

1 - Lakota class refit Excelsior - USS Shoshone - Crew: Tsu (About to plow into a turrent? Either way going to go boom soon) (Damaged)
1 - Nebula Class - USS Adams
2 - Saber Class - USS Katana (Crippled) - Crew: M,M&I, USS Oak (Destroyed- Unknown)
1 - Intrepid: Freeman USS Abbot
4- New Orleans Class USS Brawly, USS Sherry (Destroyed by a cool death crashing into the turrent, all hands lost), USS Adieu, USS Dirge (Destroyed- Warp Core breach)

K, think I got them all.

Re: USS Daystrom Beta Prep

Posted: Tue Jul 01, 2008 10:13 pm
by Blackstar the Chakat
There, killed a Dolphin