warning: unabashed self-indulgence to follow. Before you say it, I
know there are people much worse off than I, and I know I have a great deal for which to be thankful. But this is the ranting thread, after all...
Having type-I diabetes sucks. While I've never really had a hang-up about injections, giving yourself four shots in the gut every day sucks a lot more than not. Also, my fingertips are covered in so many pinholes and calluses that I can't even see my fingerprints anymore. I hate having to worry about doing everyday chores, like mowing the lawn; and I hate unconsciously considering it a victory if I am able to do so without going paws-up. I hate being forced to be a dick to people - for example, "Thanks for inviting me to your barbecue - now I need you to tell me
exactly when and what we're going to eat." I hate people feeling like they need to make special accomodations for my diet. I hate having to tell my little girl things like, "I can't take you in the ocean right now, Daddy's got to check his blood sugar first," possibly followed by, "Sorry, honey - Daddy's sugar is low, I can't take you;" or things like, "I can't read you that story right now, Daddy's due for a shot and then he has to eat." While I appreciate the sentiment, I can't help but eventually get annoyed by people who offer me all their sage advice and judgement about how I manage my diabetes. I hate owrrying about how my wife may have to drive more than her fair sure because my blood sugar levels are off. And I
really hate my temper blowing up out of all proportion to minor things because a symptom of a high blood glucose level is ill temper, completely independent of any conscious control or external factors.
There, I'm done. Please feel free to reply or PM with any variations on the theme of, "Yeah, yeah, things are tough all over, asshole."